Avatar of sukikyoufu


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Just to inform all my partners I will be taking a short break whilst I move home. Responses and replies will return once I am settled.
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5 yrs ago
How do you write like you're running out of time? Write day and night like you're running out of time? (This darn song is stuck in my head T.T)
5 yrs ago
Welp, now to wait for the next patch of FFXIV ;A;
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6 yrs ago
Expect delays with replies as FFXIV Shadowbringers has come out <3


April 22nd
England/GMT time

If you have an questions or ideas please feel free to get in touch! I also work full time so sometimes my responses can be sporadic.

If I'm not on here writing I will most certainly be playing video games or sucked into a new world reading.

Most Recent Posts

Yaaaay, good idea! I've moved it to the morning for us :3

What's bluegrass? I don't think I've heard of that style before!

I hope you are having a wonderful time in California!
Iris couldn’t pinpoint the moment that she had ended back up in the bed with Cas, but by the time morning had come around she found her body felt heavy thoroughly exhausted from all the activities the night had thrown upon them. Well and truly her energy was spent so it was no surprise at how soundly she slept in the bed for once, a soft smile upon her face as the sunlight started to seep into the room. It had been the first night in a long time she had rested so peacefully, no hint of a nightmare plaguing her sleep and she didn’t fear falling asleep in front of Cas. That and for once she just couldn’t keep up, the good food, the night of pleasure and good company was enough to help anyone lull into a peaceful night’s sleep.

The warmth of the sunlight touched her face and the warmth of a body she was curled against was enough to keep her warm as she could vaguely feel he cool air against her bare shoulders. The tangled sheets wrapped haphazardly around her naked form as her grip tightened around the body she was holding, arm draped comfortably around his chest. This had been something she had needed for a long while, a good night’s rest as the lack of sleep had been catching up on her even if she had ignored it. Naturally she was one to not focus on her own wellbeing because she was too concerned for others and she honestly felt like she could deal with it all herself, even if that was not the care anymore.

As the morning light seeped through Iris felt herself stir only to mumble something noncoherently as she buried her head into Caspians chest in hopes she could stay asleep enjoying the comfort and warmth of where she was. “Five more minutes….” Mumbling to no one in particular as she was still in a half-asleep state, she kept her eyes firmly shut lacking in energy and motivation to even get out of bed.

It was short lived though because her mind had become more awake it only prompted her to actually wake up unable to just fall back into the wonderful sleep she was enjoying. Pouting to herself she rubbed her eyes unable to stop the yawn as she slowly pushed herself up in the bed, still feeling tired even though she had rest. The cover slipped from her skin as she looked down at Cas unable to stop the smile on her face accompanied with pink tinged cheeks as the memories of last night burned the back of her mind. “Good morning.” Whispering softly as she reached out caressing his cheek gently completely infatuated by him and still reeling from the events of last night.

“Did you sleep well?” It seemed like a silly question but she wanted to make sure he had gotten plenty of rest too, who knew what would be thrown at them today especially as by now they would have realised the Prince was missing once more. It was also rather nice to sleep in a bed for once, she was growing tired of the sofa back at the Kinders place, but again she never would have voiced something like that as she was lucky to even have a place to stay at the time.

Bump! Super craving to do something from Bleach :3
No rush! I can take the time to full on go ham with my video games :3

I say that, but I'll probs do some other things haha.

I love a good variety tbh! One of my playlist I called everything as it has pop punk, indie, pop, rock and musicals. Honestly it's such a weird mash xD
Hey no worries! Thanks for letting me know :3

I hope it goes well!

Ohhhh sounds great! I may have to go check them out tbh, I was looking for some new stuff to listen too!
Bump! I have an opening up for this one again and I super craving this idea as always :3
Oh yeah I bet! Though hopefully things are on the turn again! Hopefully for the better as things are slowly opening up more :3

I'm glad your shoulder is loads better! Ohhhh what kind of songs? I love it when new music comes out :3
Trying not to giggle as she watched him roll his eyes over her pretending to have more interest in the film than him. To her it was the best payback for the chocolate cake, not that she minded they ate the delicious treat as it was by far the best thing she had tasted. Still to her it was funny that she felt like she had all this power over him as she denied him all for the movie that she really wasn’t paying attention to anymore. Though she couldn’t let him know that when it was clearly having an affect on him, one that she was finding all so amusing with a hint of excitement.

Holding back the gasp as she felt the weight of him push her down to the sofa she looked up at him trying not to smirk as he smothered her with attention, a kiss to her forehead, nose and then jawline and as always it was enjoyable feeling his lips against her skin. Biting her lip as she felt the sensual touch to her side her body squirmed beneath him still sensitive to his touch as she felt herself shudder to his words. “Is that an order?” Barely able to let out a feeble whisper as she began to crumble wanting nothing more than to enjoy him once more, the desire pushing aside the teasing as she tried to keep her cool.

Drawn to him like a bee to honey she couldn’t help but respond to the kiss, relishing in the attention as she couldn’t help but deepen the kiss completely smitten by him. Iris was so focused on him and what they were doing that she barely noticed the rising of her dress, the fabric brushing against her skin until he broke the kiss to remove it. A low whine escaped her lips at the loss of contact from the kiss and she pressed her hands against his chest fingers tracing circles against his warm skin as she felt her heartbeat quicken wanting nothing more than to just disappear to the bedroom with him once more and experience the high feeling he gave her.

Right now, nothing else mattered to her, not the film, not all the drama from his father or her own turmoil that she was trying to deal with. All she wanted was to enjoy herself, to ignore it all for that moment of bliss with Caspian. Looking up at him she could feel her chest rising and falling quickly, caught in the heated moment with him as she snaked one of her hands to his back as the other slowly dragged up his side pouting as he brought up the movie. “I am really enjoying this movie.” An utter lie because she hadn’t paid any sort of attention to it for a while as he had stolen all of her attention in a good way of course.

Leaning up she pressed her body against his as she captured his lips in a deep kiss, both hands moving to his back as she scratched against his skin in a teasing fashion hoping to make him crumble just as much as he had made her weak. “I bet you can’t either.” Breaking away to whisper in his ear before she used that time wisely to place hot kisses down his jawline all the way to his shoulder, “Let’s see that adventurous side of yours.” Unable to stop the purr that left her lips as she tried to tease him, tried to regain some sort of power back.
Ohhh that's quite nice then! Nature for all the beautiful sites and then the city side for shopping and such :3

How's the shoulder doing today?
“I still can’t believe you’d choose chocolate cake over me.” Iris chuckled as she tried to sound hurt over it, but she found it too funny to take even remotely seriously. “I think I might just like the movie more than you at this rate.” Unable to stop her giggles as she started to watch the movie thinking of ways, she could tease him more, enjoying the pleasant evening with him without any sort of drama getting involved. Though it was bound to happen at some point she was just glad right now they could focus on them and not anything else.

“It seems so, who doesn’t love chocolate? Though you can’t let me go overboard. I would honestly stuff my face with all those goodies and that can’t be healthy at all.” Patting her stomach insinuating that she would gain weight if all she ate was sweet treats and nothing else. Not that she had much weight on her from not a very nutritious diet in the districts, but she didn’t want to overindulge as that was just as bad.

Turning her attention back to the movie she found herself laughing alongside some of their jokes, the humour being bad in places, but it was the kind of bad that made you laugh so it was at least enjoyable. It wasn’t a terrible choice in movie to watch either as she was content, but then she knew it was partly due to the company. Sighing happily to herself she leaned into his side as she felt his arm move around her shoulders, both plates now empty on the coffee table from the chocolate cake and she settled in to watch the movie with Cas.

It hadn’t lasted too long, their attention drawn from the movie and she felt the kiss against her neck already setting her skin on fire as she tried not to react. Iris could still feel the remnants of his touches from their last encounter in the sheets and it was safe to say that he excited her to no end, the idea of rekindling what they had done earlier in the sheets. It was hard to not just melt into him, to respond with hot kisses and gentle touches across his skin, but a part of her did want to tease him. A mischievous smile spreading across her face as she kept her eyes on the TV acting as if the movie was more important than him, payback for the chocolate cake remarks.

“Hmmm, I’m enjoying this movie.” Turning to face him briefly as she whispered in his ear, leaning her body into him as she placed her hand on his chest. The smirk not leaving her face as she dragged her fingers down his muscles lingering at the hem of his pants before she let her hand drop and she turned her full attention to the movie playing on the TV, trying to hold in her giggles as she teased him to no end feeling slightly victorious even if she knew she was about to crumble.
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