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4 yrs ago
Current Just to inform all my partners I will be taking a short break whilst I move home. Responses and replies will return once I am settled.
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5 yrs ago
How do you write like you're running out of time? Write day and night like you're running out of time? (This darn song is stuck in my head T.T)
5 yrs ago
Welp, now to wait for the next patch of FFXIV ;A;
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6 yrs ago
Expect delays with replies as FFXIV Shadowbringers has come out <3


April 22nd
England/GMT time

If you have an questions or ideas please feel free to get in touch! I also work full time so sometimes my responses can be sporadic.

If I'm not on here writing I will most certainly be playing video games or sucked into a new world reading.

Most Recent Posts

Iris did not have a good night herself, after saying her goodbyes to Cas the food had not long arrived after and even though she had promised she would eat it and look after herself she found it hard to stomach the food because the worry and guilt. The feeling of them both was starting to eat her alive, the promises she was making to him but couldn’t keep and then the fact their call hadn’t gone how she expected it too. Iris knew she was a bad liar when it came to herself especially now as he was catching onto her tells, but she would have more than enough time to eat something and say she had, she couldn’t contact Cas until after ten in the evening the next day anyway.

The night had felt long, even though she knew she was safe here it didn’t make sleeping any easier. It didn’t ease the loneliness that she felt as she rested beneath the silk sheets, it didn’t stop her mind from racing and thinking various different scenarios and what ifs when it came to hers and Cas’ future. It was depressing as she was just coming to the conclusion that Cas was just going to be so much better off without her, that the only solution she was seeing was her disappearing back into the districts which meant more than likely running into Ethan. Someone that she had betrayed, and she was certain he would waste no time in hurting her and repaying her for every bit of damage that she caused.

As she fell into an uneasy sleep by morning, she had no energy so didn’t even leave the bed, instead she let herself fall in and out of a slumber as her thoughts continued to whirl around in her head of what to do, but every fibre in her being was telling her to just run away and hide back in the districts where she would cause no more harm.


With news travelling fast about the demise of The King, Ethan had spent most of the night working towards a new plan, one that now focused on killing Caspian now. Previous plans to kill an ailing monarch was now thrown out the window, useless because they wouldn’t work on the new King. Caspian was in good health, he had to be after everything he had done to him as he was back behind the walls of the Capital. Protected. It would have been a surprise if they couldn’t fix the broken Prince with all the medical advancements and medicines, they had at there disposal. Heaving a sigh, he could feel the exhaustion catching up with him, but it meant nothing. Determination would see him through as he fixated on his plans.

“Ethan, you should eat something.” Thomas spoke softly as he entered the room holding a plate with a few slices of toast on it. He had managed to pull some more strings in getting a few bits of food for them all so they could at least eat something.

“This is personal Tom.”

“Look I know it’s personal, I know you need to see this through, but your father wouldn’t want you wasting away like this.” Thomas countered as he placed the few slices of toast onto the table covered with a thin piece of fabric.

“Don’t you dare speak of him.” Ethan spat as he snapped the pencil that he held between his fingers, eye darkened as all he wanted to forget was the fact the Capital had been the cause of his father’s death. That Prince Caspian was responsible for this and his harlot that had betrayed the rebellion.

“I’ve managed to get some more painkillers. For your eye.” Thomas moved inside the room as he sat down on one of the chairs watching Ethan carefully. No matter how much Ethan pushed him away or snapped at him he would stand by his childhood friend, keep him as sane as he could as even, he could see the cracks that were starting to form in Ethan.

“They will both pay. I know the easiest way to get to that Prince will be to get to that whore of his. The easiest way to get to her would be her best friend Maisie.” Ethan smiled to himself ignoring about the need for painkillers for his dead left eye that had been injured during the Prison fight. Gesturing over to Thomas so his friend could come look at the plans he had drawn up, vicious scribbles adorned the paper on his table and it was clear it was a jumble to look at without guidance.
Elise fell quiet again as she listened intently to what Laldy Cheldarine was telling her. This Zawylwe sounded like quite a dangerous person as she let her speak eager to learn about this country and its people even if they were out to harm her. “Sounds more like a beast than a man.” Unable to stop the words that left her mouth, eyes widened as she placed her hand over them embarrassed that she had allowed herself to speak before she had even thought it through. “Sorry… I really must learn to think before I speak. Not my strong point.”

Looking over to the door as she watched the other glance to it, she frowned knowing time must be running short, but she still had so many questions to ask and who knew when she would get a chance to speak with Lady Cheldarine in private again. The words left an uncomfortable silence as it was revealed just how much danger she would be in if this failed, her hand went to her throat touching the skin there as she could not help the dark thoughts cross it as she thought gravely on what they might do to someone like her.

It sent a shiver down her spine and she could say she was honestly fearful for what could happen to her here. It had been a surprise at first knowing this had not been a trap, after all most had assured her, she was being sent to her own death, but now the threat felt more real. “R-Right… no, of course. Just hypothetical.” Forcing a smile as she tried to pull herself away from the dark thoughts that had entered her mind. Nodding as the woman said it wouldn’t come to that, perhaps it wouldn’t and Ozragad would keep her safe especially if he was bound by the marriage treaty. It did guarantee her safety if she went through with it, if ill will happened on her death the war would continue, and nothing would change just a broken treaty to add to the reasons of their war.


Elise couldn’t stop the shock on her features, she never knew about the first wife and that alone sprung so many more questions. “Brother-in-law...” Hesitating as she looked at the door herself before snapping her head back to Lady Cheldarine, “What happened to her?” She had to know, not just because of her burning curiosity but for the fact it would probably help in her own survival here. If Lady Cheldarine wouldn’t tell her would she even dare to ask King Ozragad? After a few of there interactions she knew how easily she could put her foot in it and asking about a first wife who she could assume was dead as she hadn’t seen or heard of the woman before would certainly earn her more discomfort here.
Hey no worries!

Ohhhh I'm already so excited about it though! Can't wait to learn about Ozragads first wife.
Merry Christmas!

No worries! Hope you have a wonderful holiday period especially with the current year haha :3

Elise kept herself seated as she began to listen to Lady Cheldarine tell her tale, that this Warlord King Ozragad was not as strong as he seemed. Somehow, she didn’t believe that for a second, but then maybe there was more to it than meets the eye. Frowning as she could see the hurt expression on the other womans face as she expressed views on the war. There was no denying this war had destroyed everything for both Kingdoms, Eorzia had seemingly faired better due to its larger land and riches they were able to keep people on the fields and reap the rewards of fresh crops. With their lands being much greener it meant that it didn’t need much tending too so when people did drop due to the war it didn’t leave too much of a lasting effect.

“I’m sorry.” It was an automatic response because she sympathised with the loss of the other womans husband. Though she could do nothing to make it right or any better she did like this woman as she had showed nothing but kindness towards her and it didn’t feel in any way forced. Thinking back on the journey here there hadn’t been much to look at and it was far different from what she expected, barely any sort of greenery and somewhat dark and dreary to most foreigners. Elise was beginning to understand why that was.

“It makes sense why he was more interested in gaining land more than the dowry that comes alongside marriage. I did not realise it was quite so bleak here. You’d never be able to tell, he doesn’t openly state this. It matters not, as much as I said I wouldn’t marry it’s not my choice. It is down to my father; my say means nothing back home.” Tradition back in Eorzia meant that she would be forced to marry whomever her father deemed fit. “It was simply an empty threat because I can’t control my own temper.”

Shaking her head, she rubbed her arms feeling an odd sense of guilt at her outburst earlier. Now learning much more in the short space of talking with Lady Cheldarine than she had in her whole time here. “I…” Hesitating slightly as she sighed, “I will try to make it work.” Admitting more to herself that she would end up marrying this Warlord whether she liked it or not, making it work would be the easier route.

“What do you mean once followed him?”

Furrowing her brow at the mention of Zakylwe, a name she didn’t know but she assumed it was someone who had been important in this Kingdom. “Is it because of the peace? Surely, they can see what this war has done? That it’s the best option whether short term or long term.” A part of her didn’t really expect their marriage to last, deep down she did fear he would have her killed off and pass it off as natural causes. It was probably her overreacting of course as she liked to think of worst case scenarios, leaning towards the negative rather than the positive.
Hahaha it's always the way!
Elise felt herself hesitate as Lady Cheldarine caught on, she never expected the woman to take note and realise that her cousin had been a little rough handed with her. Not that it should matter, but Elise didn’t what to voice the fact he had been rough with her as she didn’t want to appear like some weak little girl. “Wooing me? Please I doubt he would even know how to woo someone nowadays.” Sighing softly to herself as she could never imagine this King even start to woo a lady and court them, not that she even wanted it to happen herself.

It was strange hosting this woman, she showed no outward signs of wanting to cause her harm which was refreshing but she still found it hard to trust even though Lady Cheldarine was quite easy to talk too. Elise knew she was merely overthinking everything, but it was hard when even her family didn’t seem to care too much about her as their letters spoke of the promise to her brother and this wedding. Not one hint of if she was okay.

Watching as the other woman reached the window, she found herself furrowing her brow as the question was posed to her, something that had crossed her mind her mind briefly, but it passed by without a second thought. “Well… I had considered it, but I guess I just assumed he was pressured for it by the council.”

“I’ll be brutally honest, my own family and myself included expected this to be a trap and well too good to be true. My father originally threw the offer out to appease the court back home, not for it to be accepted.” Leaning forward on her seat as she watched Lady Cheldarine curious to why Ozragad had pursued peace, “Tell me then, why is he pursuing the option of peace? As you say peace doesn’t really suit him, not when stories of this fearsome warlord proceeds him.”
Folding her arms as she settled herself amidst the cushioned divans, she watched the auburn-haired woman follow suit and she found herself frowning slightly as she knew she had caused herself quite some trouble over her actions. Raising her eyebrows at the idea of telling Lady Cheldarine what had happened to help ease the rift that had been created was not something she had expected. If she was honest, she had thought that maybe she had arrived here to tell her the wedding was off and she was now to be a prisoner, but it was quite the opposite. “There isn’t really much to tell…”

Elise trailed off as she looked towards her servant nodding to approve the request, after all some tea would be good as she knew the drink would warm her up finding herself rather cold as of late. “What are you doing?” Tilting her head as she watched the other stand moving to the door to listen for something, it was quite strange but when she returned to her seat and explained she felt rather silly not assuming that. “Oh right, of course. Though I doubt they’d bother eavesdropping when all my ladies are loyal to your King. I'm sure they have great pleasure relaying to him of my sleepless nights and irritable mood.”

Sighing as she shook her head it seemed that she was not about to stop at finding out what had happened, she doubted she would leave without knowing that information. “I…” Hesitating as she cringed a little before continuing, May have had a few choice words to him when he stumbled across me in one of the libraries.”

Self consciously her hand went to her throat touching the skin there as she remembered what had happened, “He said something that got under my skin and I retaliated spitefully saying who could love him all whilst ending it with a bold claim of how I would never marry him.” Not really going into too much detail but enough to get an understanding on what had happened between them.

“So, until I reconsider my choices I am to be locked away in my rooms.”

Shifting in her seat as she glanced towards the door, she pulled the shawl closer around her shoulders seeking the warmth the material provided. “I don’t think you can fix this, for this to be fixed I would need to apologise and revoke my words that I said to him.” Elise knew that she probably wouldn’t sound sincere enough to consider it an apology, not when she when she was still angry with him.
I think shorter posts will be good for the flow of conversation!

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