When she heard his backfire of two whole weeks Iris found herself frowning, she hadn’t really thought it was that long, but the concept of time had been lost on her when she had just been left with her thoughts and the TV each day. She could have counted the stacked plates, but they weren’t all there and some things she had tried to eat but mostly she didn’t find the motivation with it. “Honestly Cas, I didn’t realise it had been two weeks.” Shaking her head, she was finding it hard to be honest with him on how she felt, to her it felt like she was letting him down and had let him down for not even keeping those promises to him.
“I didn’t want to tell you the truth.” Sighing softly Iris knew she hadn’t wanted to tell him and a part of her wished he hadn’t found out, “You’re going through so much how could I be selfish just because I was not okay? Cas, you’re a King now. You have a whole country relying on you that I just… I didn’t want to add to your problems because I’m not okay.” Hearing her own voice waiver when she admitted the truth out loud that she was not okay, she could feel her hands tremble because she was trying to keep composure but that was another battle she was losing.
Taking a small sharp intake of breath to stop herself from crying, “A-Anything is better than being here… alone.” Her voice cracked as a sob left her lips that she had been trying so hard to hold back. Perhaps it was time to be a little honest with him and how she had been feeling, but she knew it wouldn’t just hurt her but him too to know the truth. With her voice sounding dejected she placed her head in her hands working up the courage to give him a little truth, “I’m exhausted… I barely sleep, barely eat and my motivation each day is getting worse.”
It took all of her effort to meet his gaze again, it was hard to look him in the eyes when she was speaking honestly like this. “The calls… they were okay at first and gave me hope that we could be normal, but then… I don’t know what happened to them. I just felt like what was the point anymore, you didn’t seem to enjoy them, and we’d barely talk by the end of it that I just gave up on myself. I know it’s no excuse when I promised you…” If she was to go back with him to the palace it wouldn’t be a bad thing, she’d get to spend more time with him, and she knew she would feel less isolated but with Ethans call yesterday she couldn’t put him in danger like that.
There was still time, she may be on a deadline to return to the sadistic ex-boyfriend of hers to save his life, but Cas still had to remove her warrant first which gave her an opportunity to fix the situation she was threatened with.