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4 yrs ago
Current Just to inform all my partners I will be taking a short break whilst I move home. Responses and replies will return once I am settled.
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5 yrs ago
How do you write like you're running out of time? Write day and night like you're running out of time? (This darn song is stuck in my head T.T)
5 yrs ago
Welp, now to wait for the next patch of FFXIV ;A;
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6 yrs ago
Expect delays with replies as FFXIV Shadowbringers has come out <3


April 22nd
England/GMT time

If you have an questions or ideas please feel free to get in touch! I also work full time so sometimes my responses can be sporadic.

If I'm not on here writing I will most certainly be playing video games or sucked into a new world reading.

Most Recent Posts

Watching as the scenery vastly changed, she knew they were going further from Aspiria and its luxurious homes and wealthy borders. A pang of guilt hit her because this was what she had been fighting for, this was what her father had been fighting for before his ideals became more twisted. These run-down homes that housed poor families, children that knew nothing of what could be but still dreamed of better. It was hard to see again especially when she had been away from it for so long, but that was the beauty of the Capital it hid the truth just past the borders.

Knowing that Cas would be okay was some sort of relief, but it didn’t escape the truth of these districts. Nodding to herself as he answered her question, she wondered how long it would take for Cas to get over his feelings for her. Had she now ruined any future relationships of his? He was a King after all, he needed to marry because he would need an heir for the Kingdom. The marriage would have to be beneficial for the Country right? It was all common sense, and she knew that.

“I guess so.” Iris commented on the fact she was doing the right thing, looking back out of the window knowing where she was because it wasn’t too far from her home. It surprised her that he had taken her this far as she never expected it, in fact she had been thinking just how to get back all the way here quickly without the need of assistance. “This is… further than I thought you’d take me. I know where I am. Thank you.” Shuffling about in the seat as she undid the seatbelt and turned to leave the car but stopped her exit when she heard him once more.

Glancing back to see the outstretched hand she smiled slightly giving it a firm shake, “I severely hope not Jacob. If our paths cross again then something has gone wrong and neither of us want that for him.” Pulling her hand back before she clambered out of the car her heart already racing, “Thank you again Jacob.” Giving a subtle nod as she shut the car door and waisted no time slipping away into the darkness to make her way back to her broken home. This was where Ethan was there already, or it would be eerily quiet, and she would have to face the demons of that house.

Not glancing back at the car or the life she left behind Iris moved in the direction of her home, the pit in her stomach rising because she wasn’t sure if she was ready to face any of this. Now she was truly alone, there would be no Cas to talk to at the end of the day and she would have to deal with Ethan. Rubbing her arm as she walked each step filled with dread as it brought her closer to home, a place she didn’t really think of as a home anymore.
Iris didn’t feel the need to talk much, not when Jacob was handling it and knowing her, she’d say something stupid or do something worse for that matter which she was hoping to avoid. As the car began to slow, she could feel herself tensing up, an underlying feeling of worry bubbling away because what if this was about to go wrong. Or what if this had been Jacob’s plan all along? Get her to leave the hotel with the lie that he was going to take her to the districts, but then they’d get caught by security and she’d go to prison. He would be able to brush it off like he thought he could get them through when in reality it had been his plan all along to get her back to prison and Cas would be none the wiser.

Keeping her eyes on the road she didn’t dare turn to look at the security guard that had stopped them, without realising she began to hold her breath as she heard him talk with the guard. Apparently, they knew one another, and she tried not to pay any sort of attention or draw attention to herself in any sort of way.

Please, don’t be a lie. I can’t… I don’t want to go back to prison. It was too much.

Hearing him speak she couldn’t help but fidget in the car uncomfortable with it all, she wanted nothing more than to finally have this nightmare end and either be away from the Capital and the threat against Caspian all because she was there. Iris had to be away from it, Ethan could not harm him this way if she kept to her word.

Shifting about Iris tried to keep calm but internally she was freaking out waiting for the moment they’d both turn around and say she was going to prison and that she was under arrest. Of course, that moment never came and when Jacob promised to inform this friend of when he had time off, she let go of the fabric she had frayed between her fingers. Only when the car started moving did she exhale the breath she had been holding because finally they had past the gate and there was nothing else to really stop them. Iris was going to be free, well as free as she could having to now heed to Ethans call to keep the peace. It would be worth it though; Cas would be safe and well.

The silence by now had become too much and she couldn’t help but ask him a few things that had been on her mind, for reassurance if anything. “Cas… will be okay, won’t he?” Iris just wanted to know that he would be fine, that Jacob would take care of him and keep an eye out for the young King. There would be no way for her to know truly how he would be feeling, she could see the news reports of course to see what was happening but there’d be no way to truly know.
That’s good to hear it’s been a busy social calendar! It’s nice with things reopening and slowly returning to normal!

Haha yeah I can bet, I always find it difficult to go back into writing if I’ve taken a long break. Motivation just isn’t the same when it’s been a while you know? I’m glad to hear you are good though!
Hey no worries! As you know I'm pretty patient and content with waiting haha.

How have you been?
It was strange to know she was finally going home and with an easy way out too, even as she sat in the car her heart was racing because she was about to face the music with Ethan. Stopping him from any future plots of harming the King was what she needed to do, it was her duty after creating this whole mess and Cas would be able to continue on with his life. Even if there was heartbreak Cas would soon get over it, she was sure his friends would help and support him but more importantly he had a whole country in front of him to focus on. Jacob wouldn’t let the King fail; he would be there to support, and she was certain of that fact.

The silence in the car was horrible, there was no music to distract her, and he wasn’t a guard that liked to talk, and she wasn’t about to make conversation just to fill the silence. Fidgeting Iris felt uncomfortable and couldn’t settle, not with the pain in her chest and unsettled sickly feeling in the pit of her stomach. Without realising her hands had begun to fidget with the ends of her sleeves, fingers pulling at the frayed fabric because this wasn’t the first time this nervous habit had come out and when she felt the car slow its speed, she knew it meant they had to be getting near the border.

Snapping out of her trance she glanced at the guard who didn’t move his head or even look at her when he spoke about the checkpoint. Just nodding in response to letting him do all the talking she didn’t think she could even bring herself to speak knowing she would fumble or say something stupid. Jacob could do it all, it was his idea to sneak her past the border after all so she would just let him continue on with it and not interrupt. Who knew what kind of questions would be asked at the checkpoint? It’s not something she had ever gone or tried to go past.

Looking out of the window Iris tried to focus on the scenery around her, she didn’t want to think on the what ifs anymore because it would just make her feel worse than she already did. Who knew maybe Ethan would be okay? Perhaps all of this was going to be over, and he would be true to his word, she had to believe that otherwise this was all for nothing. At least Maisie would be there, her best friend would continue to be a pillar of support and pull her through this slump she knew she would.

Instead, Iris began to think on how she would get back to her home, if it was still standing. Having nothing on her but the clothes she had borrowed from Miles’s home she knew the trek back would be long. It would be easier without an injured person alongside, but it was still going to be tiring and she wondered if she should have just tried to eat a little more whilst in the Capital.
“A city planner? That sounds pretty interesting.” Arya smiled as he began to open up more about himself and what he was currently studying. “Oh, that’s great, means if I have forgotten something I’ll just grab it, that’s a relief at least.” Finding herself chuckle a little nervously because she knew she was rambling so much, but she was trying to at least make one friend in this new campus or someone that she could have a chat with every now and then.

“Well, that’s promising, I’ve heard horror stories of bad food served at Universities.” It was comforting to know the food seemed alright, especially as she knew how ¬¬¬¬¬fussy she was when it came to eating. “I was worried I’d have to live off of sandwiches for the rest of my life here.” Chuckling to herself as she glanced around the campus remembering where they had walked so it was easier for her in future and so she wouldn’t get lost. Even though she was trying to remember the route she knew it would take some getting used too as it was entirely new surroundings.

“Yeah, it’s nice. I guess I’d be one of those who would be in my own world. I tend to just keep to myself really.” Smiling as he held the door open for her as she walked inside noting the number of tables and empty hall, which was probably due to the time of day, most people were probably still settling in. “Thank you.” Saying her thanks for the gesture of opening the door Arya found herself distracted by the different various foods on display seeing if there was anything she’d like.

“Sorry! I got distracted!” Snapping out of it as she realised Joe had been talking to her, “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Joe. I’m, Arya.” Finally introducing herself as she wandered towards the different selection of food on offer, debating on what to eat. It was quite exciting to see they catered various styles and it wasn’t all basic and it smelled great. “Well, this certainly looks exciting, I can’t imagine disliking the food here. You were right.” Grinning up at Joe as she gestured towards the food. “So, what will you be eating this evening? I’m liking the look of that mac n cheese, I guess it may be a little basic, but you can’t beat it that’s for sure.”
Iris nodded knowing that time probably was of the essence, who knew how Cas’ meeting was going with the warden as they spoke. For all she knew he could very well have gotten rid of her warrant already and lingering only meant the risk he would take her back to the palace. It was only by some miracle that Jacob was willing to take her back to the border, it would mean she had to somehow make her own way back through the districts and back to that rundown home that had sat empty for so long.

Taking the sunglasses silently she put them on thinking about how similar Jacob and Cas where when it came to things like this. Remembering how Cas had given her sunglasses as a disguise on the way in and now she was wearing the same things leaving. Keeping her head down she began to follow the guard out of the hotel room as a huge wave of anxiety hit her full force at leaving. This had been the first time she’d have left anywhere for so long; it had been weeks not being able to go out into the fresh air and now all of a sudden, she felt anxious to leave and it wasn’t because she was a criminal or anything.

Hesitating in the hall for a moment she found it hard, each time she had left a place had been fuelled with adrenaline but now this was different. This was just a casual walk to his car and drive to the border. They weren’t running from anything, and it took her just a few moments to gather herself before she started to move again thankful no one had come out and seen them look a bit odd. “Sorry.” Whispering an apology to Jacob, she didn’t bother explaining what had just happened because she doubted, he cared or even understood. Instead, she just walked on trying not to think about it.

Focusing on putting one foot in front of the other she tried not to think on it at all, right now she was making the best decision because Cas would be free of her and all the dramas she had come with. Their future could never work, not when she had caused all of this in the first place by allowing the rebellion to kidnap him. That was all her and no one would or should forgive her for that even if Cas had.

Taking her first steps out into the open didn’t feel as big of a deal as she originally thought it would have, but seeing his car made her stomach drop. It was finally about to happen; she had an easy pass back home without any sort of effort required. Wordlessly she got inside the car, there was no need to make small talk especially with a guard who probably hated her. In fact, he was probably over the moon she would finally be out the picture, perhaps this was even a trap. Luring her to his car to say he’d take her back to the districts and then just kill her and no one would know. No one would miss her except probably Maisie because Cas would certainly get over her.
Iris felt herself just stare at the words on the letter a little while longer before she finally looked back at Jacob who had seemingly made up his mind on what to do. “W-What?” Frowning slightly as she wasn’t entirely sure on how to process the offer, it was out of character, and she had expected him to just haul her back off to prison. Not that she was complaining because this was the best possible outcome, he could easily sneak her back in and she wouldn’t need to worry about that. “You would do that?” It was clear to see how stunned she was over the small gesture from the guard.

“You’re not just saying this for me to go quietly and then trick me and throw me in prison? This… this is a genuine offer to take me back home?” It was hard not to question it; Iris knew this guard was a man of his word as he was the reason, she had probably survived the first round in prison. Then there was the fact he had covered for the King at the time when it came to her escape from the hospital and now there was an easy way out of all of this.

Glancing back at the letter in her hands she placed it on the table before rising to her feet, she could feel her stomach churning at the idea of actually leaving Cas. Returning to the destroyed districts and Ethan who would hopefully stop threatening the monarchy and drop all the rebellion like agreed when he threatened her on the phone. “Cas… he can’t know though. That you did this.” Rubbing her arm, she doubted he would tell him, but at the same time she had to be sure as she needed to be the bad guy so he could move on.

“I have to be the bad guy in this story, else I fear he would do something as stupid as follow me into those districts to bring me back.” Sighing Iris knew it was for the best though, “At least if he doesn’t know he will think it was all me, that I just left and didn’t even consider trying to work it out with him. This way I get to be the bad guy and he gets to move on without any further issues.” She was certain that after a bit of time he would easily move on with life and do what was best for him.

This was it; she had her way out and she could get home without any issues. Iris knew she could stop Ethan now and Maisie would help her with it all, Jacob didn’t need to know anything about that side of it. This was her problem to deal with and this would be her sacrifice to make. Being the bad guy wouldn’t be so bad, she could handle knowing that Cas would hate her if it kept him safe from all the trouble in the districts.
“Oh wow! Fourth year? You must be a pro at all this then.” Arya smiled gesturing to the campus before them before looking back to Joe. “What are you studying? If you don’t mind me asking of course.” It was nice to have the opportunity to talk to someone that had been through what she was going through now with being all new to the campus. “Yeah… it’s been a little crazy, I’m only just settling in, but I think I have everything unpacked. No doubt I’ll have forgotten something, it’s always the way.” Chuckling to herself at the thought because she knew that it was more than likely.

“So, you’ve been here four years and you haven’t joined any club?” Arya found herself asking just casually, it seemed a little odd that you wouldn’t. Especially with extra circular being able to help towards final year grading, it was how she was planning to help keep her scholarship up. It helped towards her scholarship and showed participation which was always great when trying to impress the board.

“Oh sure, I’d love too. No need to treat me, but it would be handy to be shown around the food areas and what to choose.” Nodding to herself as she followed his direction to head towards the dining hall. “I’m sure there are food options I should try to avoid right? I doubt all food is amazing.” Grinning to herself as she began to walk in the direction, he had gestured towards for the food area. “Thanks, it’s nice to talk to another person here. Everyone seems so caught up in themselves you know. I think you’re the first person I’ve actually spoken too whilst here.”
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