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4 yrs ago
Current Just to inform all my partners I will be taking a short break whilst I move home. Responses and replies will return once I am settled.
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5 yrs ago
How do you write like you're running out of time? Write day and night like you're running out of time? (This darn song is stuck in my head T.T)
5 yrs ago
Welp, now to wait for the next patch of FFXIV ;A;
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6 yrs ago
Expect delays with replies as FFXIV Shadowbringers has come out <3


April 22nd
England/GMT time

If you have an questions or ideas please feel free to get in touch! I also work full time so sometimes my responses can be sporadic.

If I'm not on here writing I will most certainly be playing video games or sucked into a new world reading.

Most Recent Posts

It was such an awkward situation to be in, even with Caspian at her side she still felt incredibly awkward in this small room with him. Even with his compliment saying how glad he was that she was here in this room with him, it didn’t change how she currently felt. Not to mention there was also a princess here, one that he had an intention of courting, and she couldn’t help but feel insecure about it all. Even in a room with such a small amount of people she dreaded the gossip that would spread, she knew how much in the limelight he was as a King, especially after a rebel attack on his home and now he was sat with a girl that had been a part of the scourge. People would know she was the daughter of one of its so-called leaders.

Wanting nothing more than to just hide away she found herself sat there awkwardly with Caspian as he made his point against Jacob. Still feeling guilty that she had gotten him into trouble with Cas, she felt like she had ruined whatever trust the King had with him and she didn’t regret asking Cas not to fire him. Knowing how impulsive he could be, it had definitely been the right decision to make. In her eyes it wasn’t Jacob's fault, she was the one who had chosen to abandon him as she had felt it was the right thing to do.

Iris was certain he hadn’t really taken her words in from earlier, even as she had apologised for her decisions in this, she knew he had just blamed Jacob for it all. Chewing the inside of her cheek as she could feel a headache forming, her mind reeling from it all as she knew it was like a time bomb ticking between them. Destined to explode, because she was certain he was just more focused on the fact she was alive and not about the fact she had also been the one to lie to him too.

“Cas...” Iris sighed as he spoke about taking it easy, not worrying about the problems but he had a lot of things that he would now need to tie up and she felt it would only get worse if he didn’t talk with Raine and at least try to explain before she started to form her own opinion of the situation.

“I think, I think you should talk to her. Else I worry it will just make things worse.” It was hard to hide the worry in her eyes, the look of how unsettled she was in this situation because she still felt uncomfortable being here in this bunker with him. It wasn’t his fault at all, if it was just them like it had been in the hotel room it was fine as no one would be watching them. There would be no prying eyes making assumptions or judging them.

Right here and now in this small safe house, where she had been brought in after being accused of stealing. Well, it certainly didn’t paint a good picture at all. “I don’t want there to be bad blood or make things difficult.”
Everything felt excruciatingly slow, just sat alone on the sofa her hands fiddling with themselves out of something to do to try and distract herself. Her mind was racing, so many thoughts running through it that she could feel a headache forming. Stressing herself out for no reason and as she sat on the sofa, she couldn’t help but wish for it to swallow her hole. Finding herself shrinking a little lower in the sofa Iris could feel the eyes on her even as she forced herself to stare at the television. Not that it helped as she was very much aware of her surroundings.

Even as she focused on the television, she wasn’t taking in what was playing, her mind was elsewhere, and she hadn’t even noticed Cas had finally approached. It wasn’t until she felt him sit down next to her that she snapped out of the daze she had been, trying not to look too startled as he took her hand. Feeling the warmth of him lean into her she couldn’t help but look at their hands, a sense of unease creeping in. Was it really okay for them to be so open about this?

Moments ago, he had been courting another princess, and now she was here he was openly holding her hand. Leaning into her side? Proving to Jacob he had made his choice even if it may have been the bad one, because she understood why she couldn’t be in his life anymore. Yet somehow, they had been drawn back together.

“No need to apologise, really. It is partly my fault too. I’m sorry for that, for uprooting everything. Again.” Whispering under her breath in return, not wanting to be too loud as they already had such a wide audience. Though having Cas next to her did ease her worries, even if just a little bit. At least she didn’t feel totally alone in this small safe house.

Feeling his grip on her hand tighten she couldn’t help but grip it back, it felt surreal being here with him. It was wrong, she should have stayed away and had she not been caught being reckless in that shop, it would have been different. It was clear Jacob hadn’t realised she had left his condo, she wondered if she hadn’t been caught how long it would have taken him to realise, she was no longer there?

Trying to push out all the thoughts she knew there was no use in thinking on the what ifs, or what could have been. It would only cause her to spiral and right now she had to count her blessings, she had been taken to Cas and it was clear he still cared for her like she had him. She had to trust she would be safe with him, that he would protect her.

“I’m sorry, for making this such a messy situation for you.” A gentle apology left her lips again, because truly she had not wanted to cause such havoc by reappearing. That had not been her intention.
Iris wasn’t surprised by the way Raine held herself, the reminder that she was a Princess and she just a commoner. Of course, to assert some kind of power she would make her address her as such, but it was just another gentle reminder that Iris was not of the same stature. Publicly or not, she would still have to address her as Princess, and she knew it was the right thing to do of course, but she couldn’t help but feel a little out of place. Especially as all eyes seemed to be on her, whether it was this Princess, or the security detail based in this bunker. Everyone no doubt having the same question. Who was she?

They had brought her here as a thief, as someone the King would pass judgement on, and no doubt send back to the prisons. Yet here she still stood, now a guest of the Kings. “Of course, I will address you as such.” Offering a polite smile, but Iris knew it didn’t reach her eyes as she was unsettled by this whole situation, and she couldn’t exactly just slip away.

The Princess however, deemed it necessary to create space and Iris was relieved when she had excused herself, needing a moment. Letting out a breath she didn’t realise she had been holding as the princess was no longer in her vicinity.

This whole situation wasn’t ideal, and she felt a little lost as to what to do, she hadn’t meant to come back and cause such damage. As much as she had wanted to see Caspian again, she knew that her return wouldn’t bode well for him and his decisions that he had to make as a King. Already she had caused issues with a potential Princess he had been courting, even if there was still a slither of jealousy she understood why.

Hearing Jacobs words as he passed her by, she knew he was right, sighing once more she knew he would need time, but it didn’t help that she felt like she had ruined things. Especially for Jacob who had done nothing but help her when he didn’t have too. “I’m sorry.” Whispering the words in return, hoping he would understand, she didn’t mean for this to happen, she hoped he didn’t think she had done this on purpose.

With people dispersing, the security team returning to their posts and focusing on the job at hand. Every now and then casting a glance her way. Raine was still nowhere to be seen she chose to take the moment to take a seat in the living room. Awkwardly she felt stiff trying not to attract any attention to her as she fixed her gaze to the television, pretending it was the most interesting thing to be watching.

It didn’t matter what was on the TV, but right now it was the easiest thing to throw her attention on whilst in a room full of people that no doubt hated her. It didn’t even matter that she had come out here to eat having not for the past few days, nothing right now mattered except for the programme that was now playing on TV.

Inside she was just hoping for Cas to return, so she felt like she had someone on her side as she was certain she had ruined whatever friendship she had with Jacob. She had been such an idiot thinking she could find out more for this rebellion to help Cas and Jacob, but ultimately, she had just ruined several different relationships in the space of a couple of minutes.
Iris could feel the tension, the feeling of not being wanted and she could understand to a degree. After all she had turned up and thrown a major spanner in the works, Raine and Caspian had been talking potential deals, they had been getting to know one another. Caspian had started to heal from her and started to move on with a princess, and she was about to ruin everything. Understanding the reason why she wasn’t the most favourable person right now, she didn’t take anything to heart. It did remind her of her own station, and how unsuited to this life she was.

A princess? Iris hesitated for a moment as Raine introduced herself. Remembering her manners she quickly recovered a politely bowed to the princess, her heart hammering away in her chest because she knew this would change everything. This woman screamed of elegance and grace and would have been perfect for Caspian, this was who the public would expect to see. Not some street rat. A girl from the rebellion who had played a part in the Kings abduction not too long ago. “No, honestly. The pleasure is all mine.”

Already her mind was racing, of course there was a hint of jealousy as she knew Caspian had started to move on. Though, she knew deep down she couldn’t be mad. After all she had left him first, willing to give him up because it was for the best. Believing Jacob that Caspian would be better off without her.

“How would you like me to address you?” Not wanting to insult the princess, but she didn’t want to just call her by her first name and cause even more issues. It felt the safest option, and at least it was polite. There was no need to twist the knife in, after all it was clear that Iris and Caspian had unfinished business so she could only imagine what was going on through her head right now.

Chewing the inside of her cheek she tried not to fiddle with her clothes, give away how uneasy she felt. How inferior she felt to this princess, her eyes glancing towards the door that Caspian had taken Jacob inside. Iris didn’t regret for a moment making Caspian to agree to not fire the guard, she knew how impulsive he could be, and she trusted Jacob. Although he hadn’t been there all the time whilst she was recovering, she couldn’t fault the fact he had saved her life, that he had taken care of her. Even though she hadn’t fully regained her strength she had been well enough to go back to the districts, but he hadn’t sent her back.

His home has practically become hers and she had grown comfortable roaming around it, but she knew how much Jacob cared for Caspian. There had never been an ulterior motive, Jacob was just a decent guy that took his job seriously. Knowing she had already gotten him in trouble made her feel guilty, but she couldn’t let him lose her job for her mistake.

It hadn’t even been her intention to go back to Cas, she had only left to try and find more about the rebels that should have been dead. Ethan was dead, Jacob had confirmed that to her, and so was her father. Shuddering at the repressed memory of the interrogator showing her the photos of her gunned down father. So, who was behind it?

There was no way of finding out now, Caspian wouldn’t let her leave not now he knew she was alive. Hearing the door, she couldn’t help but look towards Jacob her eyes instantly downcast on the floor as the guilt washed over her not wanting to see a look of disappointment. Not that she imagined he would, he had always been hard to read, but she was upset with herself for getting caught and getting him into trouble.
Iris bit the bottom of her lip nervous around her new surroundings and the idea of Cas and Jacob having a talk with one another. Even though she had tried to defend his actions she knew Cas would not go back on his word and fire the man at least. At least he’d still have the head of security keeping him safe, but she knew she’d caused a mass amount of tension between the two. Feeling responsible for the inevitable disagreement between the pair she couldn’t help but watch them.

Having such a horrible feeling in the pit of her stomach she stood for a few minutes just watching the pair disappear to the room she had just been in with Cas. With Cas gone, even though he was still in the same building her safety blanket was also gone. Surrounded by security personnel and a woman who he had started to look at a potential courtship with.

There was also the awkwardness at the fact the only reason she had been brought here was because she had been caught stealing, no doubt that would make a headline once rumours began to spiral. King of Asparia dating a common thief from the rebellion. Cringing at the thought of the horrific headlines about to come his way she avoided looking at any of the security members, but what she didn’t expect was to be addressed by the other women.

Nerves began to fester as she anxiously looked towards Raine who had been watching the whole event. “Oh... right. Thank you.” Trying to keep her voice calm and polite with addressing her, she didn’t want to offend her any more than she probably already was right now.

“I’ll just leave it for now. I’m not really hungry anymore.” Iris didn’t want to cause any kind of inconvenience to anyone, plus with how awkward she was currently feeling she didn’t want to bring any more attention to herself. Iris was sure Cas would understand her reasoning when she explained it to him, and maybe when things were a bit more settled, she’d feel comfortable helping herself.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, I’m Iris.” Trying to be the bigger person, trying to make it less awkward she introduced herself to Raine. There was a twitch of her hand as if she was going to offer it out for a handshake, but she thought against it just leaving it by her side. Maybe the small talk would get them through it for the moment, hopefully it would pass enough time until Cas and Jacob would come back into the room giving them a buffer.

However, if Raine would rather sit in silence and not engage Iris would respect that, a part of her hoping that maybe it would be the case. Sitting in silence was easy, even if it was awkward.
“I thought my father was the leader of it, I guess he was just a pawn in someone else's game. Ethan... me...” Iris sighed shaking her head confused by it all, who was truly behind this rebellion? “I’m no one special, I doubt they would use me anymore.” Hearing him promise that fact too warmed her heart, that even with the separation between them he felt so strongly about her.

“Eh... well. You know me.” Iris tried to wash it over, that it had been days since she had eaten. Food had always been a sore subject at times, especially when she had been trapped in the hotel by herself. “Sorry, I promise I’ll do better.” Hoping that would ease his worries about her, plus she had a feeling that everything would change now. With her in the picture she half expected him to wrap her up in cotton wool, ensuring that she was well looked after.

Iris was still hesitant at the thought of facing everyone, Caspian seemed to be certain it would be okay, but she was cautious. By showing up Iris had ruined any alliances and what if Raine was bitter about her showing up? She wasn’t anything special, she wasn’t any sort of class unlike Raine. Biting the bottom of her lip she followed along silently not wanting to draw any attention to herself.

Entering the room, it felt hostile, and she felt his grip tighten as he looked over at Jacob. Iris in turn avoided looking at Jacob, as well as Raine on the sofa feeling awfully aware of the silence in the room. Glancing at Caspian she nodded at his offer of the pantry, but she knew she wouldn’t eat not whilst she was worrying over what he was about to talk to Jacob about.

“Right...” Trailing off as she looked at Caspian before daring a glance at Jacob, the guilt apparent in her face because she knew this wasn’t going to end well. It was a miracle she had gotten Caspian to agree not to fire him, to make that promise as she knew he would still get mad. In truth she was surprised he hadn't directed any sort of anger towards her just yet, it was bound to happen as this wasn’t all Jacobs fault.

“Cas... just. He saved me remember.” A gentle plea to Caspian in hopes that he wouldn’t be too harsh, that he would be kind to the security guard. “Please...” Looking back at Caspian hoping he would listen; she didn’t want Jacob to get into any sort of trouble. Not after the lengths he had gone to keep her alive, it had been a difficult recovery, but he had ensured her safety and brought her back from the brink of death.

Had Jacob not been there she would have died; she would never have gotten another chance to see Caspian or another chance at life. Now it was time to face the consequences, but she didn’t want anyone to get hurt.
Iris could feel the nerves settle in; she was about to be surrounded by people who didn’t want her here and she knew this would cause an uproar. Single handedly she was about to cause one of the biggest scandals and could be ruining relationships with sister nations, but Caspian knew all of that. He knew the risks and yet he still wanted to choose her over everything else. It was hard not to enjoy that fact, that she was that important to him he was willing to fight a country for her.

“Hopefully.” Iris wanted to believe it would blow over as easy as he said it would, in truth she wasn’t sure how quickly it would and if anyone would truly accept her dating the King of all people. However, it was a headache he was willing to take so she had to be willing to face it with him. If they stayed a united strong front, it would be okay, and she was sure she could do that with him.

Biting the bottom of her lip she saw the tentative frown of his, she wasn’t sure how this Raine would react, and it didn’t help they had just hidden themselves in a bedroom. Who knew what was going through that girls' head and she felt partially guilty for being the reason for this. “I hope so, if you’ve been friends for a long time, maybe she will understand?” Trying to be hopeful and positive about it for once, rather than worrying. Negative thoughts had only caused issues before, and she didn’t particularly want to spiral through that again.

Even with Ethan dead the rebels were still causing havoc, she had to wonder who had decided to take up the fight this time. Her father had originally started it, Ethan continued it, but surely the fact the rebels were still going someone else had to be pulling the strings. Had her father and Ethan just been pawns before? Was someone else behind this the whole time? “It’s strange to think the rebels are still causing havoc, I thought with... well. I guess someone else has decided to take the lead.” Hesitating at speaking her fathers name, and Ethans for that matter.

Iris would never forget the pain Ethan had put her through, even with her healed physically the mental scar was still there. Distracted by the offer of his hand she took it in her own with a smile, nothing else should matter right now.

“Oh, well. It’s been a few days. I should probably eat.” Iris admitted sheepishly, it was why she had been caught stealing because she had been in need of some sort of drink or food to keep her own search going. Until she had been caught red handed. Glancing at the door it did mean facing Jacob and Raine. Anxious at the thought of seeing them she shifted a little on the bed, uncomfortable at the idea but it was inevitable, and it would happen eventually.

“Are you sure it will be, okay?” Unable to stop herself from asking the burning question, she was still cautious at the thought of seeing this Raine. Jacob too, but she was more concerned about Caspians reaction to Jacob now he knew the truth behind her ‘death’.
Iris enjoyed the touch between them, it had been so long since she’d had any sort of comfort like this. With all the previous trauma and everything that had happened it would have been nice to have someone there to comfort her. It’s not like Jacob was a comforting person, but she had missed that whilst healing. It seemed Cas was on the same wavelength as she felt the arm wrap around her waist, and she couldn’t help but movie closer to him where possible. “As I say, I’ll share whatever information to your team. I want you to be safe and free from all this rebellion.” A part of her still felt a twinge of guilt that she had been a big part of it before.

“Could I really?” It seemed surreal at the idea of moving into the palace with him, she had stayed there once before all the drama had kicked off, but his father hadn’t been welcoming. Not that his father was around anymore, and he was right to have not trusted her in the first place. “You wouldn’t get into trouble for it?”

It seemed like a silly thing to ask; he was a King and could do as he liked and they’d been apart for too long. Cas clearly wanted to just pick up where they left off, but he was still considerate of her own comfort as he offered her to stay in another room if she didn’t want to share. Feeling the heat in her cheeks she still wanted to share a room with him, she wouldn’t want to sleep in another room not whilst back in the palace when she’d be so conscious with the people around. “I would like to share. If you’re comfortable too of course.” Though she was certain she knew the answer to it already.

Shifting a little uncomfortably as he spoke about Raine, a princess from another kingdom who was of his standard unlike some rebel. “No, I understand. Of course. You thought I was dead. You’d have to think about the kingdom.” Hearing the confirmation that he loved her was all she needed, she shouldn’t be jealous when he had started to move on with his life without her because that was a decision, she had ultimately made by leaving in the first place.

“I just hope with me now in the picture it doesn’t damage anything for you.” Iris sighed softly knowing she was about to cause a lot of drama for him, both with political people and his subjects. All that should matter was the fact they were reunited and could work things out. It shouldn’t be too difficult. Right?

“Although... won’t it be kind of awkward, this place doesn’t seem big.” Iris hinted towards the fact Raine was still here, he would have to have some sort of conversation with her about this and then there was Jacob. This brief moment of peace and enjoyment between them wasn’t going to last long.

“How much longer do you have to stay here?”

Caspian seemed pretty certain of his choice, but Iris couldn't help but feel he may regret that later. To simply forgive everything straight away seemed foolish and she had expected more of a fight, that she’d need to practically beg him with apologies. Yet, he was certain he was over it. All that mattered right now was the fact she was here with him. It gave her hope that he truly loved her, and she pushed her own concerns to the back of her mind. If he was willing to forgive and forget, then she would do the same. After all, he was a king now and could make any decision he wanted too, whether the people or his council would agree that was a different story.

Sighing happily at the gentle touch of his thumbs, the soothing notion and comfort she had missed from him she couldn’t help but smile. “One thing I have always been certain of, if wanting to be with you.” Even though she had her own emotions, turmoil around not being good enough for him she was always certain of wanting to be with him. It was everything else around them that was the challenge, but she’d be more honest about it with him. Talking to him truthfully was going to be the best way to make things work between them.

Seeing him gawk at the news that she may have tracked down the rebels Iris couldn’t help but laugh as she nodded, “I think so. I can’t be certain, but I did used to be a part of their organisation.” There was also the risk she could be completely wrong, but it was amazing what you could find when you didn’t look like you were from the Capital. “Of course, I will. Strangely enough the lead I was following isn’t too far from what I assume to be your safe house?” Gesturing to the building they were inside; she was still partially in shock she had been brought here to him.

“Were you interrogating anyone suspicious yourself? Or was it purely coincidence you saw me. I honestly thought I’d messed it all up and was headed straight back to prison.” Iris cringed at the thought, although it had been a while since the incident, she would never forget the feeling of the drug used to question her.

As they approached the subject of the woman that was the elephant in the room Iris winced as he confirmed he had been courting her. She couldn’t be mad; she shouldn’t be mad or jealous as he did think she was dead. Of course, he needed to move on, but she was jealous that he was holed up in the safe house with her. Had they done anything? Iris felt her thoughts spiralling into places it shouldn’t be, of course the princess he was courting wouldn’t have done anything with him. The woman was a princess, and she was just some common scourge member.

“Ah... of course. I understand.” Iris hesitated for a moment before she shook her head, “Sorry no. I understand, you thought I was dead. I shouldn’t be jealous.” Squeezing his hand she offered a smile, “It doesn’t matter now, but... won’t that make things difficult calling it off? I assume she is someone quite important. Right?” Trying not to let her jealousy seep through of a woman that was clearly better standing than her.
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