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Gor Dae

Power level: 470

Activity: Shopping for eggs/Investigating a potential apocalypse.

Tags: @Reflection @Eviledd1984 @CaptainSully

Gor looked over two different cartons of eggs as he stood in a grocery store, weighting them in his hands while trying to figure out if either was heavier than the other. Slowly, he began to let one of his hands droop as he felt one carton was more weighty. "Hmm, good. I hope this has some double yokers, those always do well with the guys, and what the hell was that?" He speaks, not missing a beat as he felt someone of uncomparable power all of a sudden blip on his radar. This was no mere human, no human he ever sensed has this level of power and he knew for a fact there wasn't a damn thing on this rock that could cause a spike like this. Was this some hero who hid from his senses, and was now on the warpath for some reason? Had he angered the wrong person or killed someone he shouldn't have and now this was his karma?

Pulling out a small disposable phone, he pulls it up and speed dials a number with the urgency of a businessman trying to sell his stocks before the market crashed in the next few moments. "Listen, Yuri, get the boys and hide, code Big Green. Code Big Gre-Wha, listen, do as I say or so help me.... Yes I sense it too. Why do you think I'm doing this?! Just get down, go to ground." He starts, before hanging up and sighing. He hands his bags to a nearby convenience store employee before tossing him 600 yen, a bit over 5 dollars, with a quick "Gotta go, put those away for me." He hurriedly blurts out, before sprinting out of the store barreling over others in his path.

Quickly surveying the power landscape, who was where and what, he senses a grouping of more familiar power levels, varying to very close to his to nearly dwarfing him by double. "I do not like the idea of having to go investigate this, but I've little other choice...smaller threats first, then I go after the big guy." Gor ponders silently, as he makes his way towards a grouping of power levels, hoping they'd not try to kill him outright and think he was just another beastman. Little did Gor know, he was walking into what could be the second most dangerous place for him on the planet, second only to Raddiz's path.

Eventually he arrives to a dojo, covered in his blue disguise, making him seem like a discounted ninja. It wasn't a fancy disguise, but practical to a fault with multiple different pockets for his gear. He slowly snuck towards the dojo, looking to see if there was a way in. "They shouldn't be able to sense me, making this much easier if they are itching for a fight..." Gor mumbles to himself quietly as he attempts to spot a way into the Dojo so he could observe, unseen.
Gor Dae, the Goat King

Age: 73
Sex: Male
Race: Demon

Personality: Strangely hospitable, Gor is a charismatic brute with a strange mix of honor and rage. His time on earth has been filled with craving power. Attempting to rule over others becoming either being a tyrant king, or in some cases a savior of the people he places under his thumb, Gor despises watching his people being destroyed. Gor treats any threat to them as though it was a threat to him, normally butchering it with ferocity.

However, due to the number of powerful earthlings that nearly double his strength, Gor is well versed and trained in the art of being covert and sneaky, choosing to deal with many problems in a discreet, but brutal manner. Political enemies, would be heroes starting their adventures, demon hunters, and villains seeking Gor's throne.
Gor has encountered some, axed many and sneakily eliminated the rest who would take what was his!
Power Level: 470
Demon Weapon: Some demons are bonded with a weapon for life, as Gor is with his signature weapon, Skull-Cleaver. A large battle axe, made from a dark purple metal. This is Gor's primary method of attacking, battering and cleaving into his foes. If the axe is either lost, or destroyed, Gor can resummon it to his hand by taking a moment to concentrate.

Hellfire: Some demon's extrude Ki which acts like flames, the fires of the demon world come to singe and burn the world of man. Gor's Ki attacks appear like bright red flames rather than just a glowing laser. His Ki attacks have a chance to catch an opponent on fire, especially foes covered in hair, or other flammable things.
Transformations: None, for now.
Dreams of War: A brutal combo where Gor goes about battering his foe with his Axe, lighting it on fire with Ki. This is normally utilized to set a foe ablaze.

Dreams of Liars: A demon-magic technique, this allows Gor to hide himself from ki and magical senses, allowing him to go undetected by all but the most perceptive of foes, such as those with technological tracking systems (Like scouters) or exceptional basic senses.

Dreams of Dragon's Fire: A mouth based energy attack, where Gor breaths fire, normally done as a finisher against a pinned foe. A favorite if intimidation is called for.

And of things that will bite, yea!: Gor viciously bites down on his foe, normally followed up by Dreams of Dragon's Fire, or in order to hold one of his foe's limbs back with his jaw.

History: Gor was summoned into the dragon world during the Age 753, during King Piccolo's reign by a demon worshiping cultist, who wished to overthrow what he referred to as The false demon king, however Gor simply chooses to wait for the people of earth to do it for him as during this time, he knew Piccolo would be able to kill him with ease. However, by the summoner he was compelled to do something, so utilizing his cunning he went hunting for Piccolo's human supporters, those who easily bended knee and pledged their loyalty to the jolly green demon. Over time he slowly whittled away at those who were assisting King Piccolo and indirectly lead to a hero killing him, completing his summoner's contract.
He then promptly killed his summoner, before they could banish him back to the demon realm by poisoning them with bad Fugu, and then burning them to death. From there, he patrolled about a portion of forest, bending bandit camps to his will and killing any who would not bow, creating a bandit controlled area near the remains of Fire Mountian, far enough away to avoid having to butt heads with the Ox-King. From there, for many years he trained himself, entering into tournaments, pretending to be a beast-man, and hiding his demon nature while pushing his strength further and further, normally taking dives during tournaments if he thought there was a risk of him being discovered.
This all changed in Age 756, with the emergence of Piccolo Jr. who took insult to a new demon king running about, however thanks to the fact that Gor's bandit kingdom had no concrete locations, he managed to avoid the young fiend until they were drawn off on a revenge bender, getting into a martial arts tournament and getting nearly killed by the same man who killed King Piccolo. Gor and Piccolo still aren't on good terms, but Piccolo has bigger fish to fry so the two haven't encountered each other in the flesh yet. Gor continued to lead his band of evil misfits, training them in basic demon magic, and ki based fighting in order to elevate their strength.

Now, in the Age 761, his story truly begins, as he prepares himself to deal with the arrival of a terrifying powerful foe......

Equipment: Gor carries on him many useful bits and pieces for trickery and espionage, ranging from hollowed out eggshells filled with sand and glass shards, to powdered Puffer fish poison, to smoke bombs, to an entirely black/blue outfit for blending in at night depending on the enviroment.

Training: Gor is skilled with Viking Style Axe fighting, Colonial Brawling (Basically, formalized barfighting as a martial art) and ninjutsu, a strange combination of skills that make him a very stealthy, dangerous brute. His favored tactics are to drug his foe either with a contact poison applied to his axe, or by spiking their food and then catching them alone while they're either dying or being heavily affected by the poisons.
Gor Dae, the Goat King

Age: 73
Sex: Male
Race: Demon

Personality: Strangely hospitable, Gor is a charismatic brute with a strange mix of honor and rage. His time on earth has been filled with craving power. Attempting to rule over others becoming either being a tyrant king, or in some cases a savior of the people he places under his thumb, Gor despises watching his people being destroyed. Gor treats any threat to them as though it was a threat to him, normally butchering it with ferocity.

However, due to the number of powerful earthlings that nearly double his strength, Gor is well versed and trained in the art of being covert and sneaky, choosing to deal with many problems in a discreet, but brutal manner. Political enemies, would be heroes starting their adventures, demon hunters, and villains seeking Gor's throne.
Gor has encountered some, axed many and sneakily eliminated the rest who would take what was his!
Power Level: 470
Demon Weapon: Some demons are bonded with a weapon for life, as Gor is with his signature weapon, Skull-Cleaver. A large battle axe, made from a dark purple metal. This is Gor's primary method of attacking, battering and cleaving into his foes. If the axe is either lost, or destroyed, Gor can resummon it to his hand by taking a moment to concentrate.

Hellfire: Some demon's extrude Ki which acts like flames, the fires of the demon world come to singe and burn the world of man. Gor's Ki attacks appear like bright red flames rather than just a glowing laser. His Ki attacks have a chance to catch an opponent on fire, especially foes covered in hair, or other flammable things.
Transformations: None, for now.
Dreams of War: A brutal combo where Gor goes about battering his foe with his Axe, lighting it on fire with Ki. This is normally utilized to set a foe ablaze.

Dreams of Liars: A demon-magic technique, this allows Gor to hide himself from ki and magical senses, allowing him to go undetected by all but the most perceptive of foes, such as those with technological tracking systems (Like scouters) or exceptional basic senses.

Dreams of Dragon's Fire: A mouth based energy attack, where Gor breaths fire, normally done as a finisher against a pinned foe. A favorite if intimidation is called for.

And of things that will bite, yea!: Gor viciously bites down on his foe, normally followed up by Dreams of Dragon's Fire, or in order to hold one of his foe's limbs back with his jaw.

History: Gor was summoned into the dragon world during the Age 753, during King Piccolo's reign by a demon worshiping cultist, who wished to overthrow what he referred to as The false demon king, however Gor simply chooses to wait for the people of earth to do it for him as during this time, he knew Piccolo would be able to kill him with ease. However, by the summoner he was compelled to do something, so utilizing his cunning he went hunting for Piccolo's human supporters, those who easily bended knee and pledged their loyalty to the jolly green demon. Over time he slowly whittled away at those who were assisting King Piccolo and indirectly lead to a hero killing him, completing his summoner's contract.
He then promptly killed his summoner, before they could banish him back to the demon realm by poisoning them with bad Fugu, and then burning them to death. From there, he patrolled about a portion of forest, bending bandit camps to his will and killing any who would not bow, creating a bandit controlled area near the remains of Fire Mountian, far enough away to avoid having to butt heads with the Ox-King. From there, for many years he trained himself, entering into tournaments, pretending to be a beast-man, and hiding his demon nature while pushing his strength further and further, normally taking dives during tournaments if he thought there was a risk of him being discovered.
This all changed in Age 756, with the emergence of Piccolo Jr. who took insult to a new demon king running about, however thanks to the fact that Gor's bandit kingdom had no concrete locations, he managed to avoid the young fiend until they were drawn off on a revenge bender, getting into a martial arts tournament and getting nearly killed by the same man who killed King Piccolo. Gor and Piccolo still aren't on good terms, but Piccolo has bigger fish to fry so the two haven't encountered each other in the flesh yet. Gor continued to lead his band of evil misfits, training them in basic demon magic, and ki based fighting in order to elevate their strength.

Now, in the Age 761, his story truly begins, as he prepares himself to deal with the arrival of a terrifying powerful foe......

Equipment: Gor carries on him many useful bits and pieces for trickery and espionage, ranging from hollowed out eggshells filled with sand and glass shards, to powdered Puffer fish poison, to smoke bombs, to an entirely black/blue outfit for blending in at night depending on the enviroment.

Training: Gor is skilled with Viking Style Axe fighting, Colonial Brawling (Basically, formalized barfighting as a martial art) and ninjutsu, a strange combination of skills that make him a very stealthy, dangerous brute. His favored tactics are to drug his foe either with a contact poison applied to his axe, or by spiking their food and then catching them alone while they're either dying or being heavily affected by the poisons.
So, I was trying to figure out the racial abilities for a demon, and so far I'm torn.

Does candy beam and stone spit count as techniques or abilities?
Yall got room for one more?
Name: Luigi Vile
Nicknames: Cogboy, Metal Man,

Age: 17

Grade:Mephisto's School for the Wickedly Inclined , 3rd year.


"By whatever means be needed, I will become strong enough so what happened those years ago will never happen again."- Luigi Vile


Secondary Power: Built to last!

While wielding something he has created, Luigi is able to push it to its absolute limits. They are able to function under circumstances that should normally disable them, such as being in an anti-magic field, or having part of them broken. To render one of Luigi's items unusable in his hands, they'd need to be nearly entirely destroyed. This bonus applies to his augmetics. [See Secondary Power: Flesh is Weak for more details on the augmentics]. However, normally after such intense use, whatever tool he had been pushing normally falls apart after a battle's end.

Secondary Power: Flesh is Weak.

Luigi has slowly, but surely been replacing his body with magi-tech cybernetics. His limbs, and most of his torso has been reinforced with steel and magic making him far more harty and durable than the average man, much more physically powerful, but much heavier. Chemical weapons such as toxins and nerve agents are less effective, however he has opened himself up to a weakness to electricity and magnetism. He is constantly replacing more and more of himself, adding in things such as new limbs or weapons mounted to his very body, as he already has several tendrils that end in tools such as clamps, and drills. His flesh willing parts and fuses to these augments, and his body accepts them as new parts of him. He need not fear his body self destructing due to rejecting these new enhancements.

Secondary Power: Machine Mind

A sub-power of Child of Mars, Luigi is, if given enough time able to reverse engineer nigh anything if he is able to study the item, such as watching it utilized in combat. This ability does not allow Luigi to replicate items made purely from magical energies, such as light constructs or blades of pure magic, but most else is on the table given enough time. Of course, he has to be able to study them, so in the midst of battle this can be difficult...but not impossible.

((work in progress ere.))

Name: Luigi Vile
Nicknames: Cogboy, Metal Man,

Age: 17

Grade:Mephisto's School for the Wickedly Inclined , 3rd year.

Luigi Vile is a strange individual, growing up in part of a rural countryside far from Rhea for a majority of his life. However, when he was 14, a group of bandits numbering 7 entered into his home town, and nearly leveled all of it. For while everyone has powers, their skills with their powers, and their effectiveness varies, and the 7 dark souls who wandered into Luigi's life were vicious and destructive. Luigi lost his brother, and his mother in the attack. His father and hum survived due to being trapped under a large amount of rubble during the initial attack, and were left for dead. After the bandits had taken what they were looking for, what that being Luigi has never been able to figure out for the life of him, they simply left like they came, upon the winds of fate.

After the attack, the survivors banded together. With their homes in ruins, and winter coming soon, they knew they had to get moving. The best bet was Rhea, a place where such bandits could never harm them again, or take away their loved ones. Not without the young heroes, who were testing themselves in the tournaments held at Rhea, coming down upon them to destroy them. Luigi helped those who were left, turning broken homes and shattered steel into vehicles able to carry those who were left towards Rhea, great metal horses to pull wagons and sleds. It took a few months, and at the start of winter, they arrived at Rhea. The refugees were quickly taken in, and given places to stay. Luigi and his father found a place within Rhea, his father working as a blacksmith as Luigi began schooling there, having found a place to learn in Mephisto's, as due to the loss of most of their valuables in the raid, they arrived poor and not well off.

Luigi initially was placed back, two years behind what his age would suggest he should be at due to him being home schooled. However, thanks to his exceptional intellect, and knack for learning, Luigi impressed those who looked down upon him by blazing his way back to his correct grade. Over the three years, he has been a diligent student of Mephisto's, and a pain for many of the teachers there. The reason he's a pain? He enjoys agreeing to do homework for other students in exchange for metal, baubles and other pieces of what appears to be junk. In reality, he utilizes these bits and pieces to create his new augments, working the metal at his father's forge, smeltery and kiln when his father is not utilizing it.

"By whatever means be needed, I will become strong enough so what happened those years ago will never happen again."- Luigi Vile


Main Power: Child of Mars

To war is human, and to destroy is the nature of man. While all powers are somehow offensive based, all come with flaws. Either a shoddy defense leaves someone open to long range attacks, or they lack the ability to strike at distant foes, the power rendered them nigh immobile or maybe even were self destructive and only could be used as a last resort. In old times, when the war raged against the darkness those who stood against it required arms and armor of quality that it could compete with the powers they had been given. To cover their weaknesses, and bolster their strengths. That is where the likes of Luigi would come into play. Luigi's main power, Child of Ares has given Luigi the strangest ability to create marvels of war and destruction, weapons unlike anything the world has seen before. From swords encased in crackling energy, to talismans and watches able to project powerful force fields, to ranged weapons able to harness light itself to attack its targets, Luigi creates weapons made to kill, destroy and obliterate. He is even able to, with enough resources, create planes and tanks of incredible power, spreading war to a grand scale.

However, he cannot create these things out of thin air. He requires the resources to actually be able to make them, and sometimes will requires special components to create truly powerful items, such as components from monsters or dangerous to gather ingredients. This could be the acid that drips from the maw of a great devourer to craft a powerful energy source for a war machine, the chitin of a siege beetle to create powerful armor, and so on.

Secondary Power: Built to last!

While wielding something he has created, Luigi is able to push it to its absolute limits. They are able to function under circumstances that should normally disable them, such as being in an anti-magic field, or having part of them broken. To render one of Luigi's items unusable in his hands, they'd need to be nearly entirely destroyed. This bonus applies to his augmetics. [See Secondary Power: Flesh is Weak for more details on the augmentics]. However, normally after such intense use, whatever tool he had been pushing normally falls apart after a battle's end.

Secondary Power: Flesh is Weak.

Luigi has slowly, but surely been replacing his body with magi-tech cybernetics. His limbs, and most of his torso has been reinforced with steel and magic making him far more harty and durable than the average man, much more physically powerful, but much heavier. Chemical weapons such as toxins and nerve agents are less effective, however he has opened himself up to a weakness to electricity and magnetism. He is constantly replacing more and more of himself, adding in things such as new limbs or weapons mounted to his very body, as he already has several tendrils that end in tools such as clamps, and drills. His flesh willing parts and fuses to these augments, and his body accepts them as new parts of him. He need not fear his body self destructing due to rejecting these new enhancements.

Secondary Power: Machine Mind

A sub-power of Child of Mars, Luigi is, if given enough time able to reverse engineer nigh anything if he is able to study the item, such as watching it utilized in combat. This ability does not allow Luigi to replicate items made purely from magical energies, such as light constructs or blades of pure magic, but most else is on the table given enough time. Of course, he has to be able to study them, so in the midst of battle this can be difficult...but not impossible.

((work in progress ere.))

Color me interested as well.
So, does that mean a place will open up since a player dropped? I'm still interested.
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