Weapons: Sid uses nothing but his own body as a weapon. He is an expert on the art of Fishman Muay Thai, an art created by the Octopus Fishmen.
History: To be blunt, Sid is the son of the Strongest Fishman in the World. Not strongest man but Strongest Fishman. A tall legacy for Sid to live up to and his father would make it difficult for the boy to do so. His father, a megadolan shark named Armada, was an abusive teacher whilst his mother, a human named Barbossa Mary, maintained a somewhat gentle approach with her child since she had retired from the pirate life. His father would travel often and Sid was left to train under his father's firstmate an Octopus named Pachi. Pachi taught Sid endlessly in the knowledge of his fighting style to mold him into the pirate he'd eventually become.
Tragedy struck Sid's life when a logia appeared with a crew of men. It had been years since a logia showed up in the Waizo country. To think someone would attack a town in the Waizo COuntry, killing many including Sid's mother. Pachi managed to hide the two until the attack was through. Sid lost a part himself that day that he refused to give up. One thing they managed to find out was that the logia user possessed a marine emblem on his jacket. It had been years since the Marines dared to sail in Waizo waters. That day Sid made a promise to become strong enough to destroy the Marines and best even his father, the man that wasn't there to save Sid's mother.
Several years passed and Sid finally decided to journey from his country. He was ready to achieve his destiny.
Weapon: Calabolg - A sword passed down to Braska by his father. It stands as a testament to how far Braska has came as a swordsman. He effortlessly blends his swordsmanship with magic to create something stupendous.
Biography: Braska has lived the life of stardom ever since he could remember. With his father being leader of the Zanarkand Abes, reconstructing Zanarkand, and his mother as the high summoner, Braska stayed in the spotlight as eldest of his siblings. Tidus raised his son to live the life of a blitzball player while also teaching him how to fight. Little did Tidus know that Kimahri and Yuna were both teaching the young boy in the ways of combat and magic. Taking after his grandfather's legacy, Braska went on to achieve spectacular stardom as a Zanarkand Abe but little did he know that fate would bring him into the same life that his father once lived.
Personality: Braska has been described as a lazy but confident man and someone you can rely on by his comrades. He is smart and has a great sense of humor. He believes in his own methods of doing things not abiding by any other methods, he is very laid back and only speaks words when he feels that he needs to. When people are in his presence they tend to find it hard to speak to him due to the way he gives off a natural presence, making them silent. Normally Braska is the one to start and finish a conversation, he is very hard to predict and tell his emotions due to him having a natural poker-face, he stands out in crowds and is very easy to notice and pick up on.
Are you arriving in Besaid or Living there? Considering how far the rp is, Braska will be arriving where needed.
Weapons: Sid uses nothing but his own body as a weapon. He is an expert on the art of Fishman Muay Thai, an art created by the Octopus Fishmen.
History: To be blunt, Sid is the son of the Strongest Fishman in the World. Not strongest man but Strongest Fishman. A tall legacy for Sid to live up to and his father would make it difficult for the boy to do so. His father, a megadolan shark named Armada, was an abusive teacher whilst his mother, a human named Barbossa Mary, maintained a somewhat gentle approach with her child since she had retired from the pirate life. His father would travel often and Sid was left to train under his father's firstmate an Octopus named Pachi. Pachi taught Sid endlessly in the knowledge of his fighting style to mold him into the pirate he'd eventually become.
Tragedy struck Sid's life when a logia appeared with a crew of men. It had been years since a logia showed up in the Waizo country. To think someone would attack a town in the Waizo COuntry, killing many including Sid's mother. Pachi managed to hide the two until the attack was through. Sid lost a part himself that day that he refused to give up. One thing they managed to find out was that the logia user possessed a marine emblem on his jacket. It had been years since the Marines dared to sail in Waizo waters. That day Sid made a promise to become strong enough to destroy the Marines and best even his father, the man that wasn't there to save Sid's mother.
Several years passed and Sid finally decided to journey from his country. He was ready to achieve his destiny.