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Nobunaga Inuzuka


A woman's voice roared from the small training field near the Inuzuka Compound. The mother of the young Nobunaga Inuzuka just wanted to see her son achieve a sense of perfection with his bestial side. She wanted to see him let loose and strike with all his might, let the beast inside him show him true power. She stared as the sounds of Nobunaga and Oichi using passing fang on a boulder in the very middle of the field. Bits of debris and dust assaulted the surronding area as the duo shredded through the sides of the boulder. It was a site to behold whenever an Inuzuka was able to show such prowess with the technique. Nobunaga and Oichi slid to stop, leaving a trail behind them. They sat down on the grass, heaving and huffing for air.

"One day you'll be the beast I wanted you to be." Iva snickered a bit at the delightful idea of her son raising the status of the Inuzuka. Nobunaga let himself fall back in the grass, red strands of hair spilling outward like a wildfire. "Mother, why aren't we critically acclaimed like the Hyuga or stand in history like the Uchiha? I understand we are rare outside of Konoha but why is the clan treated lowly compared to those two?" Iva looked at her son for a few short moments before turning her gaze to the sky, peering past the trees.

"Nobu, it would be easy to say that its because of their dojutsu. It would be easy to blame them. Unfortunately it was our fault and the loss of your ancestors. We stood as bastions at one point, protecting the very borders of the land of fire whilst the Senju and Uchiha fought. We took the brunt of an attack that wiped out a large portion of our numbers and causing us lose some of our most precious jutsu. The land was ruptured in the process and we thought the base was lost." Iva glanced back her son whose face showed a greater interest than normal.

"Where was it located?" Nobu's eyes met with his mother's and he could see the devious smile upon her face.
I'm interested in joining.
Might be better to wait and see what everyone else brings to the table before deciding on who gets to be the first mate, honestly. But that's just how I see it. ^^;

But I is best first mate. Don't force me to do things.
I call second in command.
I'm not fond of that. It should be watched, regulated and/or limited but not just removed completely from the player. I always feel its not the powers fault but the player behind it and those that are managing said player. Just my two cents. All up to Panda. I got ideas either way
We're starting at Luffy vs Alvida levels, and if I get enough people, yeah I'll raise the cap. I wasn't expecting a lot of people, but it looks like One Piece is still super popular.

Yeah so just hard limit mythical Zoan and logia. Especially since it won't be many.

The lovely part about that is..early One Piece Zoro threw a house. LOL
I'm in.

I'm not fond of the cap. Devil Fruit is half of one piece's world. I can see if it was a small crew if this get big to like....12 people or more, a small cap such as 3 is rigid. Play by ear.

Though I'd rather see a cap on logia and mythical zoan. Don't outright ban them but instead impose restrictions that can be released throughout the rp. Such as logia intangibility is only for when you master your powers but that won't be till people can use Haki. Depending on where we start in power. Or say with a Mythical Zoan, one can't go full form and the healing is heavily nerfed until once again we are farther in the rp and have evolved enough to handle such things. Everyone grows side by side.

Everyone has had a power boost since the time skip, let's be honest. The rankings probably won't change much but then again we have the Classes for a general consideration but it doesn't mean Sable hasn't gotten strong enough to edge out a victory against someone like Sairis or Revan. GMG should be where we see actual feats to go by for speed, strength, etc. Just my 2 cents.
@Kal-El and @Akashi Mayhiro please have respective characters butt in at the forest for random meta-game reasons to have an orgy party.

On it.
One Day Ago at Mount Myoboku

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