Momoi and Chihiro: A time to kick ass!
As more member of the Mafia entered the warehouse. Momoi couldn't contain her eagerness to start kicking everyones ass in the building.
As the two Chunin listen in. Momoi leaned over to her best friend, glancing around the area to see how many people they would have to fight.
"Chi-chan, think you can use your eyes to scan for more Yakuza, i don't believe that these are the only people we have to fight." she spoke quietly while drinking her water.
Chihiro's used the raised collar of her hood and nodded, making a hand formation under the table, under the guise nothing had changed, but she started scanning the room and then beyond that and she instantly widened her eyes. She lowered her voice
"holy fuck Moi-chan, this isn't a meeting place, this is a god damn Yakuza base, there's the obvious in this room. But past that door, I saw about twenty or so who are most likely Yakuza or have the capabilities of being a threat, and then above, theres atleast another ten, and I didn't even want to keep checking for more but there's gotta at least be thirty-five to forty more in this place" she looked around, her mouth covered.
She picked up tea and poured herself some, steam rising from the cup
"This is going to be a shit storm, you ready for that?" she looked at Momoi, ready to attack when she decided what to do.
"Hehehe...asking the Gypsy if she is ready, it really has been a long time Chi-chan." Momoi muttered behind her cup before standing up.
"HELLLLOOOOO, YAKUZA!" In a moment the sound of the restaurant had become dead quiet as every man in the building at turned to Momoi's voice
"Here the deal: you manage to pin us down and admit defeat: I will promise every single one of you will be 'Blown.'" She smirked at them.
Chihiro spilled tea everywhere at Momoi's sudden yelling. Then very subtle, she pulled her wakizashi from its sheath and held it in her sleeve. Following her statement, Chihiro watched the guys around them
"Bitch, next time you give up sex as a reward for beating us, at least warn me before dammit, I'm really not trying to blow forty guys without mentally preparing myself, jesus..." she smirked
"crazy ass...""Oh believe me, Chi-chan, one way or another, I'm going down on someone tonight, it's either them" she turned to her bestie with a seductive look in her eyes
"Or you~" She return back to the men that had now circled around them. As assorted range of melee weapons were in hand. Momoi seductive look soon turned into a look a women ready to kick ass.
"But if we win...well nothing really: it just shows that you guys are nothing more than Bitches!" she wagged a finger at them.
"So, are we ready to have some fun?!"The roar of numerous men was the answer as the all rush them, coming from all sides. Momoi smirked as she knelt down to the ground
"Yep...this is metal alright!" she channeled her chakra into the ground
"Steel Release: Molecular Recomposition!" a sudden pulse shot into the ground before the girl manipulated the metal to her liking. Pulling out two thick steel rods from the around she held them like baseball bats.
"Batter up motherfucker! The Gypsy will teach you how to use them properly!" Sensing someone from her right side, the girl moved faster as she swung at the man's face, Knocking him out cold.
"Strike!""Dont threaten me to a good time, if that's the case, i can always do that favorite thing you do" she winked at the girl, before Momoi went on to continue to taunt them. Chihiro still sat, her Byakugan studying the vast amount in the room at hand. Watching Momoi kick it off, Chihiro smirked, leaning back, she quickly kicked up the table, then kicked it forward towards the huge crowd rushing them from the front. Not even before turning, she grabbed a knife falling to the ground, and threw it to the side of her, missing the first guy, but hitting the man behind him.
"Dibs on big bo-!" stepping back a man swung at her with a sword
"Gentle Fist: Tenketsu Needle..." sending a bone chilling stab with her fingers into the mans side, he fell to the ground and she kicked him in the face as he tried to get up in pain
"as I was saying! Big Boy is mine!" she yelled over the commotion and pointed towards the bigger man who was pushing the table off of him.
"Damnit, i was going for fatty Bomba!" she whined playfully at her before ducking underneath and delivering a hard right uppercut to another member of the Mafia. Before the man could fall to the ground. Momoi grabbed him by the hand and started spinning him around fast
"Be a bro and help me knock of the others!" letting go of him, the man with black hair was sent flying into his brethren, they took fell to the ground hard as evident by the groans coming from them. Smirking at her handiwork she avoided a fatal cut to her back, spinning and twirling to face the group of men behind her she focused on the metal bars
"Steel Release: Iron Fist Technique: Twins!" on cue the bars suddenly changed form as the start covering Momoi's hand as the became large gaunlet like fist. Roar at the top of her lungs the Chunin charged straight at them with full force. The steel deflecting any weapons that were coming towards her before taking a swing at him once again. Every poor sap in her way was sent flying.
"Are you guys really members of the Mafia?"Chihiro focused her attention to the group of men in front of her, two started to run towards her. She running back at them, she slid between the first man's legs, kicking herself up she sent four rapid hits to the man behind him, who staggered back. Then turning, she stepped to the side as the man, who's legs she slid through, had went to stab towards her with a knife. She pulled the man forward, making the man stab his friend, and then took his arm and broke it severely. Turning, she narrowly jumped over a table being sent her way, and landed on top of it. Taking her foot, she flipped the table and dropped down. The man kicked it back
"Eight Trigrams: Vacuum Palm!" blowing it back, she ran and once again slid under the table as the men pushed it back. Sliding under a poor sap, she took both her feet, and kicked upwards right into the man's pride.
Rolling back off the kick, she rolled to her feet and quickly stood, approached by four more men, including the big boy, she smiled, standing in a gentle fist stance, she motioned for them to quickly approached her. As soon as they rushed her, things slowed down and the eight trigrams circle appeared to her eyes only
"Eight Trigrams: One Hundred Twenty-Eight Palms!" she effectively began to use
"Eight Trigrams:Tenketsu Needles" in unison after learning that it was possible to strike with the two. Quickly, she sent strikes at blinding speeds like a cobra attacking a target, or in this case four targets.
Momoi watched at her friend took on everyone with ease, a smile was brought to her face
"You've really grown, Chi-chan." however a burning desire grew within her
"I can't let you hog all the glory!" her eyes had fire in as manipulated her large gauntlets into smaller ones. before doing a 360 to elbow someone before grabbing there head and smashing into onto her knee, she could felt his nose cave in upon the impact before letting him go. Preform the Tiger seal she inhaled air into her mouth
"Katon: Hibashiri!" Spewing a line of fire out, it traveled towards a group of men and surprisingly one woman before it ensnared in a ring of fire as it attacked them from all sides, burning the skin and clothes
"I'm not much as a far range fighter, i'd rather much love to knock them out with my own hands." An Idea popped in her mind.
"Chi-chan, work with me here!" jumping high into the air she landed behind a skinny member of the mafia before punching him in the spine before kicking into an open space
"Let's do that combo: Gentle Steel style!" creating a pair of steel gloves for Chihiro, she threw them at her before running behind the skinny man.
Finishing with her group, Chihiro looked over at Momoi, who threw her steel gloves. She smirked and caught the gloves, putting them on quickly as the man she pushed into the fire circle was speeding towards her
"Ready!?"Chihiro sent a strike into the man's stomach. Momoi copied her, sending a strike opposite of the man and where Chihiro strike had landed. Blood escaped from the man's mouth. Chihiro sent another punch into the man's chest. The girl grinned as she striked him hard again. Both women could feel his ribs breaking from the force created.
"What's our best combo? 150 hit before they passed out?" Hiro punched the man in the jaw, making him spin to face Momoi.
"Yeah but they usually turn to mush after that." Feeling dirty Momoi jabbed him the eyes before kicking him the chest, breaking his bones even more. The man slumped over her shoulder
"Aww..he didn't even last 10 hits~ Oh Well!" Motion Chihiro to around to the other side of the table, Momoi stood at the end of table before setting the guy down more lifting him by the leg as he towered over her before she left gravity and her bestie do the rest. Chihiro quickly got up on the table yelling
"IRONMAIDEN MOTHERFUCKER!" before she grabbed the man's head, then with the gravity already pulling him down, jumped off and effectively smashed the man through the table.
Standing, she took the steel gloves off and brushed herself off.
"Man, thugs always get weaker and weaker, also,by the looks of it, no one here is in the mood to be laid at the moment" she looked around at either the dead, or painfully moaning Yakuza members
"so me it is" she gave a devious smile and winked.
"Shame, here i thought i was going to be filled multiple ways." she sighed with defeat.
"But let's talk about that later." she looked up, feeling multiple footstep from above and then from the side.
"Chi-chan, which room do wanna take?" she cracked her knuckles
"Let's see who can clear out faster!" "I mean, I can still do that for you~" she teased, before the footsteps started. Momoi let her choose, while she talked to the owner. Walking towards the doors to the stairs for the upstairs
"Im totally calling upstairs" she started to open the door "ready?"
Momoi nodded as he head towards the room next to them and grasped the door handle
"Loser gets edged 5 times before they can release~" She grinned
"On 3!""1.....""2.....""3!" Both girl opened up the door, both room revealed a large amount of Mafia members, looking at the with confidence, Momoi and Chihiro entered the door, both fixated on winning the 'Little' bet between them.
“Gypsy ‘motherfucking’ Danger, at your service!""Stop....Hyūga time!"@Partisan

"I think that... Explosive tags are a better solution to Yellow's leg problem... Don't you agree?" Phia voice was hot in his ear, Takeshi licked his lips. not because of the heat coming from Phia, but the idea of blowing someones legs up.
"Now you're talkin my language sister!" Jumping to his feet and pulled out a wad of explosive tag from his weapons pouch. As he was counting how many tags to place on Jaakuna, he heard Tsukiko's speech..something sad past or something along the lines of that.
"The only half-assed excuse here is coming from you," Tsukiko began, her voice notably cooler despite the fire in her eyes. She aimed her blade at Daiki, pointing it at him ominously.
"Your pride is inflated. There is nothing valuable about you. You are completely replaceable. I can strike you down and sleep comfortably tonight in my own bed, free of punishment and with a clear conscious. Your opinion of yourself distorts your opinion of the world. Newsflash! You are nothing in the grand scheme of things, Daiki. Your ego is larger than your brain. My view of the world is much more realistic..."She sheathed the sword upon her back, but still moved closer to approach Daiki.
"I was brought into this city in a cage. I fought every day to survive, to grow as a human being. I have earned where I stand by spending twenty years proving my worth to Konoha. I have seen far more of this world than any of you teenage brats, fought more battles, survived more struggles. So when one of you little shits starts thinking that the world owes you something and that you can compare yourself to me..." Tsukiko's body position changed, asserting a new fighting stance.
"I get a little upset.""This story..." Takeshi frown, he had heard Tsukiko story a long time ago after a little spat from between teacher and Student, of course it didn't end well and Takeshi has to hear the story. After hearing her story. The haired ninja rose from the ground and and smirked at her.
"“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift from the sage, which is why we call it the present.” those were the word the etched into his crazy mind. He didn't know what happened after that, nor did he want to know what happened after that.
"Teach, stop living in the past. If you really want to drop him, do it and quit bitching." he turned towards Daiki
"Same goes for you: You want to get your point across, force her into submission and make her listen. Actions speak louder than word Daiki." he sighed before looking at Jaak, who was still drinking
"Enjoy that drink bro, because this is going to hurt!" A craze grin spread across his face as he slapped a tag on to Jaak's right leg.
"Before you say: Stop listening to psycho chick or something stupid like that, i kinda not listening to her or you." he grinned innocently.
"I just happen to like seeing others in pain." He took a good step back from Jaakuna and performed a Ram seal.
"Tell me how it feels ok?"With that, the tag exploded as Takeshi laughed like a madman. As his laughter died down he turned to see Tsukiko facing of against Daiki once more.
"Fight me with that pride and honor you spoke of..."“C-Come … fight me. I'll show you another way to live.”"....For fucks sakes..." Shaking his head he reached into his weapon punch once more and walked behind Daiki and taking his hand out with a round pill inside it and covered his mouth forcing him to swallow the Military Ration Pill
"Don't spit it out, digest it and then think about fighting sensei. At least you will have SOME sort of chance with that inside you." walking back he reached for the minibar and took out another soda and sat on the table near Phia
" haired chick...who are you again? You never gave me your name." he turned to her and looked into her green eyes.