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Ryoichi Aseryo And Ryuske Aseryo

Assuming not all people in the same House are related, would think they'd have some since Ryuske was prepped to be a Lord one day. The younger brother, cousin, etc.

Ryuske Aseryo





Ryuske wields dual silver single sided swords akin to Katana but wider at the blade. For now he has deemed them as the Blades of Justice.

Ryuske is very dedicated and determined to his career to maintain peace, sometimes employing illegal and morally dubious tactics (like torture) but ultimately for the good of world. Despite his dark past and serious work, Ryuske has displayed a sense of humor. Although possessing great hate and anger towards the corrupted, he has proven himself a very caring and selfless person, constantly putting his life on the line to save innocent lives and bringing the most dangerous individuals to justice for society's protection.

He has proved to have a great love for humanity, which was instilled by his mentors. He has a very dynamic personality. His passion and intensity make him strong, although he has always had difficulty finding direction in life. Ryuske is also very skeptical and is described as a very complicated man. A very few can discern what is he thinking.

Short Biography:
Ryuske was born as a son of the Aseryo house, a prestige not many could honor. From a young age, the boy was taught in the art of war to turn him into a suitable general and future Lord. War was always necessary in these lands and they hammered it into his head except his mentors always made sure he understood the love of humanity. Ryuske was smarter then most thought leading him to have an understanding of the human nature and upholding justice. He had seen men and women die in combat to his adversaries and it helped shape him in wanting to finally establish peace in the lands. It would take years, he knew, but nonetheless Ryuske would try. Now with two prominent Houses coming together, he believed this could be the key to shaping this world into one of justice.

"My swords are tools for justice."



Bio-Organic Android

Onyx, the complete opposite to his sister, was designed for combat purposes and to uphold the law of the Galatic Force. Due to his unique perspective, Onyx is considered a Special Officer. Onyx was implanted with several different fighting styles, strategies, ki usage, and the ability to learn at an accelerated rate. It is noted that he shares the ability of total recall with his sister, displaying back to him anything dating all the way back to his toddler years with perfect clarity.

Personality & Appearance
Onyx maintains a handsome disposition. Unlike the other Androids, his appearance is less rough and far more on the elegant, secretive side. His almost innocent appearance, in fact, allows him to go on missions with absolute secrecy. In particular, his facial features are sharp and highly defined, such as his thin lips, angular jawline and thin nose. Furthermore, he has surprisingly teal eyes. While not having any properties of their own, they are quite alluring to the common populace. This is accentuated through his somewhat shaggy and messy black hair. In addition to this, Onyx possesses a lean, but highly muscular figure that is a result of his training within physically oriented magical arts. He, in fact, is a practitioner of several different martial arts and has mastered them to the extent that, when his muscularity is revealed, it is impossible to tell that Onyx is the same person.

As a child, Onyx was an overactive kid who wanted nothing more than to play for hours at a time even to the point of falling asleep while playing. At his teenage years, his easy going personality later turned to impatient and aggressive as he was constantly trying to better not himself, but those he called his rivals. However, even with all the negative emotions, he still managed to maintain his good heart, and often helped those who needed it from time to time. At his current age, Onyx is shown to be wise beyond his years due to some horrible incidents that often occurred in his life, the life lessons he learned from the constant training he had endured, and from the friends he made over the years. He is often seen as the mentor that people can depend on when they need help fixing a problem or mistake, and he has shown to grow out of his constant need to better everyone.

Weaponry & Equipment

Abilities & Techniques
Bio-Android Physiology - Onyx is similar to other Bio- Organic Androids as he has the ability to read ki and power levels without a scouter, Age slowly, and hide his ki to elude pursuits. Due to being a naturally born organic android, Onyx body is stronger then a normal man.

Android Barrier - Like his standard Energy Barrier, this technique is used primarily to shield against an oncoming attack. To use it, Onyx places both hands out from his sides, fingers apart, which causes a large sphere of ki to form around him. It is hollow on the inside. However, this technique has one difference from the standard barrier. If it takes too much damage, the sphere will overload and convert into an explosive wave, which will knock back and damage anything nearby. A good deal of this attack's power comes from its surprise - most opponents would not expect the barrier to suddenly explode into a separate attack, so they may let their guard down a bit while standing outside. In addition to having it explode via direct contact, Onyx can detonate the barrier at any time. If there is no need to detonate it, the attack may be dispersed.

Shredding Blasts - There are several variants of it, but the most common is to fire them out in a sort of "rain" of continuous blasts. These ki blasts are unique among all other ki blasts in that they don't actually detonate; they simply hit the opponent and cut him or her to pieces. And while they are not a serious threat individually, these blasts can be fatal in large numbers. After 7 seconds (whether they have made contact with anything or not), these blasts fade away. The larger variants will not fade away until making contact with something.

Fiery Blazer - To perform Fiery Blazer, Onyx opens his mouth and prepares the beam. It fires out in three simultaneous shots; one forward, one to the right, one to the left. Each blast is shaped almost like a missile, and upon detonating, will coat the opponent in leftover energy matter that may burn and slow them. This technique has no cool down, but it is strenuous to use continuously. Using it more than two times in a row within a short time period may cause damage to the vocal chords.

Flare Spark - It begins with Onyx separating his arms as far as possible and then forming two distinctly different energy spheres in each hand. In one hand a fiery looking energy sphere of a small size, in the other a transparent energy sphere that is twice the size of the other sphere. Onyx brings both spheres together fusing them into one, a dual layered energy sphere with the fiery version in the center and the transparent sphere acting as an outer shell. He then throws the orb at their intended target, where-in the sphere detonates, causing a large explosion. The second sphere expands into a gaseous shock wave of sorts that leaves behind a highly volatile residual effect, that begins to burn, or melt, anything caught within.

Bio-Androids were always a goal of the Galactic Police's Science Division, only ever creating failures after failures. Such things would change once the Tuffles joined the Galactic Police and they brought upon various scientific techniques. Tuffles were known for their prowess in organic material and by blending it with the scientific breakthroughs of the Science Division, there came upon the creation of two eggs split from single egg. The dna within the eggs were manipulated heavily, one for brawn and the other for brains. A human, one of the few, took on the role of surrogate mother for the eggs, giving birth nine months later to twins, Onyx and Ebony.

Onyx bore the cells of the greatest fighters in the Galactic Police and it showed even as a young boy. He was aggressive, strong, and could learn faster then many cadets of his generation. Years passed as the boy grew becoming a quality asset to the Police, taking down criminals and keeping places safe. He was a weapon that could make his own choices and that's how the Police wanted. They were like mad scientists and such cliches that treated creations like monsters to be caged. Onyx was treated like any other man and earned his place in the Galactic Police. Once the mission to take down the PTO was established the Galactic Police and Onyx both believed this would be the ultimate test of the twins abilities. If they succeeded then it proves they were the perfect creations but if they failed then the Police would just start again.
I can change Ryuske to be the young lord of the Aseryo House. Like Chrom.
How long should back story be to be considered acceptable?
Named changed to Ryuske

Ryuske Aseryo





Ryuske wields dual silver single sided swords akin to Katana but wider at the blade. For now he has deemed them as the Blades of Justice.

Ryuske is very dedicated and determined to his career to maintain peace, sometimes employing illegal and morally dubious tactics (like torture) but ultimately for the good of world. Despite his dark past and serious work, Ryuske has displayed a sense of humor. Although possessing great hate and anger towards the corrupted, he has proven himself a very caring and selfless person, constantly putting his life on the line to save innocent lives and bringing the most dangerous individuals to justice for society's protection.

He has proved to have a great love for humanity, which was instilled by his mentors. He has a very dynamic personality. His passion and intensity make him strong, although he has always had difficulty finding direction in life. Ryuske is also very skeptical and is described as a very complicated man. A very few can discern what is he thinking.

Short Biography:
Ryuske was born as a son of the Aseryo house, a prestige not many could honor. From a young age, the boy was taught in the art of war to turn him into a suitable general and future Lord. War was always necessary in these lands and they hammered it into his head except his mentors always made sure he understand the love of humanity. Ryuske was smarter then most thought leading him to have an understanding of the human nature and upholding justice. He had seen men and women die in combat to his adversaries and it helped shape him in wanting to finally establish peace in the lands. It would take years, he knew, but nonetheless Ryuske would try. Now with two prominent Houses coming together, he believed this could be the key shaping to this world into one of justice.

"My swords are tools for justice."
Honestly have no idea how to follow that up.

<Snipped quote by Kal-El>

There is only one Lord (not class) within each House.

Ya know..that makes far more sense then what I thought. :D
I'm in and still as interested as I was in the interest. Give me a day or two to whip something up.

BIG EDIT:How many Lords reside in one House?

Also if anyone wants to be related then I'll happily oblige. Like having Siblings within an rp.
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