@Kal-El I agree with Kal. Just leave the counter attack out @Suku.
As for the limit of characters, I'm kinda against it emotionally because one could have like good imagination for a good mage. But I do see the point logically so I'll probably limit main characters (Not NPCs) to..... 5-6. It may seem much IK, but then again, some of them can be killed off in the way future (maybe).
5-6 characters? NO! I'm not agreeing to that. That's too much. Two should be the limit for vets and One for new people. I don't care about killing off in the future. We are talking about the now. This is why the first FT was clunky. You don't need that many characters for one player. It gets bloated.
changed it as you asked to "almost leaving little chance to counterattack." sorry about how it was at first forgot to change it lol
How about we leave the chance to counterattack part out? It makes little sense as there are varied magical abilities so no telling the chance to counterattack. A general phrasing.
EDIT: There needs to be a cut off limit on characters, besides the people that already have characters from the previous iteration, we need to cut off others at one for now. That was our problem before. Everyone had 17 characters. It was too crowded to focus.
The day seemed to pass by like lightning for Nobunaga. For most of it had been out cold due to the medicine he had to take before surgery on his arm was preformed. The hospital was easily able to heal the wounds upon his thighs and hand due to Yuna's intervention. Now his wound upon his left arm was dire indeed but fixable. Konoha was top in the medical field thanks to Sakura Haruno and Tsunade's teaching. Bone was mended, veins were repaired, nerves healed from the damage, and skin piecing itself back together. Unfortunately the diagnosis declared that Nobu would have to keep his arm in a cast and sling for the next couple days or a week. His body would heal over time but for now he only had one usable arm.
The young Inuzuka stood at the window of the hospital room, staring the glory of the village that sat below his gaze. He wondered how Konoha would progress now. Would they be able to change their ways to follow the mad woman that took residence in the Hokage's Office or would they keep strong to the legacy of the Orange Hokage of the past? It was a worrying thought that only grew as a certain entered the hospital room, his mother. A beast of a woman, strong and proud but wild and violent like the very companions they trained with. Oichi ears perked up as Iva entered the room with her own Wolf Companion, Oichi's father. They mingled together easily and it showed a stronger then most human relationships especially the one about to speak to each other currently.
"I see my little man has a boo boo. I heard about the stupid stunt you pulled."
"Stunt? I watched a loyal man die for nothing. That woman is not Hokage."
"Shut your mouth. You lack the knowledge of what you speak. That woman is Hokage and rightfully so. I've been given the words she spoke from Hibiki and she speaks unsettling truth."
Truth? What truth? This era of peace has kept us together."
"This "peace" has done nothing but dull the fangs of the Inuzuka."
"Fang?" Nobunaga spoke the word in confusion, angry confusion. Even his mother could see his personality was not exactly what it used to be."IS THAT ALL YOU CARE ABOUT!? VIOLENCE SO YOU CAN BE A BEAST!? THAT'S THE ONLY THING YOUR LITTLE BRAIN CAN MUSTER!
Nobunaga's were in poor taste and Iva face twisted from a smile to utter anger. SHe pushed forward, pushing the bed out of her way, getting as close to her son as she could. She grabbed by the collar of his shirt, nearly lifting him off the ground. "You watch your damn mouth. We are beasts for Kononha. We follow the ways of the village no matter who the Hokage is."
"I bet our humble leader is groveling at Ayame's feet like the dogs we are."
After mulling it over for a couple days, I don't think I can find a 'niche' so to speak, with Hibiki, and I'd hate to hold everyone else up. I do wish everyone the best of luck with the RP though! I'll be sure to keep up on the goings on and such since Gowi probably won't shut up about it. Again, terribly sorry. Life, am I right?
Level headed and all around mellow, Genryuusai is noted to be a rather calm person. In day to day situations, he likes to keep a peaceful state of mind, something that is absent in his missions and duties as a shinobi. Though, in the past, there was a point in his childhood where his then bad attitude and overly serious disposition plagued his behavior. Gen considers this a troublesome part of his childhood, and still not too sure as to why he acted like that. But this all changed after a serious "talking to" by his father one night, which also saved him from his mother's wrath, more specifically, her belt. Gen is usually seen with a relaxed expression on his face and is not easily angered by anyone save for a few key individuals in his life. As a result, he is very well liked individual.
Genryuusai does not consider himself skilled in the "art of small talk". Earlier in his years, sometimes people who would think of him to have the tendency to be a loner at times. He doesn't care to make conservation on trivial things as it bores him and is wholly awkward to him. Yet, when the conservation is of a higher level such as politics, ethics, etc, he chimes in very quickly and becomes a dynamic person to talk with. He is in no way shy and, in fact, has exceptionally public speaking skills; neither is he not friendly. Though there are some people that are an exception to this rule, that even when there isn't much to talk about, he loves chatting with them anyway.
One of Gen's major hobbies is reading. From fantasy to historical texts, he has always enjoyed reading. Due to this, his hunger to learn about all types of ninjutsu was born after becoming a genin. As he was aware that shinobi, save for those with special bloodlines, were limited in the variety of elemental jutsu they could learn, he studied up on all of them for the sake of knowledge. To him, becoming knowledgeable of jutsu he could not perform seemed like an asset and more importantly an enlightening experience. In his early teens, Gen could be found in the library at times reading throw scrolls on different types of techniques. His elder sister, Ai, would tease him for this at times for her own personal amusement.
Even in his younger years, Gen has always had difficulty showing mercy to his enemies, and in his childhood, people who simply did him wrong. As a child, whenever another child would ridicule a friend of his or on the rare occasion mess with Gen himself, he would beat that child to a pulp each and every time due to his sense of loyalty and love for his friends and his hate for people that dare to think less of him. This uncharacteristically wild and unrestrained part of him worried his parents in his early years. Whenever things got personal, he had issues being calm. Today, he still struggles being merciful to enemies regardless of how much of a threat they pose. For him, it is better to kill anyone who raises a kunai against him then let them live. He believes the risk being taken in showing mercy is very much lacking in efficiency. Even though his former sensei has confronted him on this issue on more then one occasion, he still somewhat struggles with this problem. As Gen once put it, everyone has their own demons to face.
History: (Hider preferred; character history up to the present point in their life)
Name of Technique: Lightning Orb Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu Rank: E Range: Short-Range Nature Type: Lightning Handseals: N/A
Description: The first technique that Genryuusai learnt underneath Izaya's wing. Gen initiates the technique through a simple Ram hand seal, at which he keeps his palm afloat. Channeling chakra through his tenketsu to his wrist, he subsequently "activates" it, therefore causing a spark of lightning to appear, he subsequently controls it to become a circular shape, and then it begins to stabilize into nothing more than a harmful emitter of paralytic electricity. However, Genryuusai has turned this harmless technique into a rather innate portion of his combat style. His ability to utilize paralytic electricity to his advantage provides him with the capability to inflict temporary paralysis against his opponents, which allows for either his teammates or himself to inflict debilitating blows on his enemies while they have an exposed opening. Furthermore, considering that the technique is so simple to execute, he can create at the maximum, five orbs at any given time, providing him with numerous opportunities to harm his enemies.
Name of Technique: Lightning Whiplash Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu Rank: B Range: Short - Mid Nature Type: Lightning, Handseals: N/A
Description: An advanced derived technique of the Lightning Orb. Gen starts off with forming the Lightning Orb, who, will lose the oval shape, changing the shape with chakra manipulation, to become a long and thin lightning rope. This extendable rope, whiplash, is charged with a torturous amount of volt to violate his foes physically. Depending on the charge the whiplash is capable of numbing the senses and eventually lead to incapacitate the victim.
Name of Technique: Lightning Orb: Strike Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu Rank: B Range: Short-Range Nature Type: Lightning Handseals: N/A
Description: A rather odd application of the Lightning Orb, at least for Genryuusai's overall fighting style. By utilizing the process of the lightning orb, but within the palm of Gen's hand where it is completely concentrated towards his palm. Appearing akin to the Chakra Scalpel, the technique provides enormous blunt force and cutting power for Gen's fist, allowing him to enact powerful taijutsu assaults with ease. However, a much more preferred application of this technique is for Gen to transfer this chakra into an opponent through a palm strike, using the kinetic energy as a medium for the transfer, therefore causing a temporary paralysis to occur in the opponent, at which he can utilize another technique to defeat his enemy.
Name of Technique: Lightning Pulse Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu, Supplementary Rank: C Range: Short-Range Nature Type: Lightning Handseals: N/A
Description: Another, rather simple, technique of the Lightning Release is the ability to utilize the chakra nature in pulses. This is achieved through flowing the chakra to the medium that brings about the pulse, storing it in the tenketsu prior to releasing it upon contact with another individual. When releasing, the pulse is able to conjure numerous effects dependent on the desire that Gen has with the technique. He appears to commonly use it with his legs in order to create a powerful reinforcement to his kicks, or he'll use it in conjunction with his general chakra flow in order to cause difficulty for his opponents to avoid another assault, by enhancing the paralytic capabilities of the projectiles.
Name of Technique: Lightning Needle Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu Rank: C Range: Short - Mid Nature Type: Lightning Handseals: N/A
Description: The user converts chakra into lightning, before emitting it from their palms as a spray of sharp lightning needles that pierce and electrify everything they touch. The user can vary the number of needles from two or three to a dozen. In addition, they can vary the angle at which the needles are spread.
Name of Technique: Static Augmentation Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu, Supplementary Rank: B Range: Short-Range Nature Type: Lightning Handseals: N/A
Description: Static Augmentation is a personal supplementary jutsu that bolsters the users physical abilities through the use of a sustained electric charge using lightning-release that stimulates the muscles in order to make them stronger via contraction. Those who use this as a method of training have naturally higher levels of strength when compared to other non-users.
Those who utilize this jutsu benefit from muscle contractions that are up to 30 times more powerful than normal voluntary contractions, leading to enhanced muscle strength and improved muscle recovery compared to normal muscle contractions. Masters can even increase the rate of contraction, either increasing or lowering it to a total of 20 or 40 times.
The technique's usage results in enhanced physical performance in fields such as Taijutsu, Kenjutsu and speed-related techniques because of the naturally stronger muscle strength of the individual, whose muscles are used predominately in the utilization of the above skills. Though for the effects to be truly noteworthy then one needs to exist within state, trading the Chakra required to sustain the electrical current so they continue to benefit as they grow and mature, as well as train.
Trivia (Optional; misc. information that doesn't belong in any of the category above; if not used, remove this entire part from your CS)
Braska could barely contain himself at the events unfolding before him. He figured he would be able to reason with them but no one cared for his words. Logic has thoroughly went out the window and his "appeal" didn't work against the female authoritative figure. They had gathered up his friends and left, leaving the young blitzball star with Sifen, the last person he wanted to see. His right hand shook violently and his eyes flushed green for a moment. In that moment he turned around quicker the a lightning bolt and threw his fist at Sifen's right cheek. His face contained a look that could terrify a fiend.
Sifen stared at the scene he had jsut caused with a look of awe. He had no idea what just happened or why he had to be the catalyst of the event, but there was NO way he could easily repay this debt. He stood staring where everyone once was and barely notice Braska coming before a fist caught him in the face with no time to dodge or anything. Sifen had been hit before, hit by bigger guys than braska, but braska was faster and his hit stung before it hurt it was so fast. He fell onto the chair that stayed afloat by whatever it was that did it. Some magic thing. "I...I didn't know." He grunted out, grabbing his jaw that luckily didn't dislocate or break. "I had no idea... who are you?" He asked. He saw the man on this ship and with the group but they never met. he got the same type of first impression as all the other guardians though, thankfully.
"I'm son of Tidus and Yuna, Braska. Those same friends you just got sent to jail, I grew up with. Now WE and mean we have to get to Gippal so we can save them." Braska's eyes had returned to their normal color and his mind was clear of all negative thoughts. This was a very terrible situation and it complicated things further. To think all Braska wanted to do today was play some Blitzball, visit his folks, and enjoy a good day in Luca. To think he'd meet a summoner and her guardians who happened to be his friends. "Yo...let's get moving. You stay in front of me. I'd hate for you to go telling again."
"I... I'm busy. I can't just go back right now I have to..." Sifen glanced at his stub of an arm and then gestured to the chair. "I have work and Gippal gave me money and I don't want to return until it's spent. I can't, it'd be too much I need... I don't know. Ruhun un cusadrehk" He leaned into the chair to push it toward the shop a bit.
"I don't give a shit. I really don't. Its either go with me or deal with me. Lyfi ud, yh cymi dzy ehlm."
"I don't want to fight you.. Braska was it?" Sifen pulled his hand off of the chair and faced Braska. "I don't think I'd win but I can't go right now, I'm sorry." He didn't clench a fist or look like he was ready for a fight at all. More scared than anything. Sifen didn't want to be here, not in this city, not in the guardians not on this island. He wasn't a fan of people, he wasn't good with them and he was fine before they came back in his life. He just wanted to be alone.
Braska sighed and placed his left hand on his hip, fist closed. "Ya know I was a rather happy man until today. But currently I'm in the mood for a good ol' rage. Ugh." He turned his head a bit to stare at the path that laid before him. "I don't have time to argue with you."
"Then let's not." Sifen said, leaning back into the chair, pushing it with his right arm and leaning his left shoulder into it as well. "They are at the temple. Please don't tell them it was my fault." He begged, nearing the exit of the hotel.
"I'll think about it." Braska gave Sifen the only words he cared to shove out at this point. Without another word the middle child was off to meet with Gippal. It would take some time to get there but Braska was quick on his feet. "What a guy. Get's Nai and the others locked up, doesn't want me to tell Gippal it was his fault. Jackass." Atleast thirty minutes passed before he finally arrived the temple, eyes scanning the inside of the temple. Priests turned to stare at the panting man almost instantly recognizing his face. He did look like his parents so it was a dead giveaway.
"Now is not the time. Man. Silver Hair with a younger female." The priests pointed to the nearest room and Braska bolted faster then a wolf hunting a rabbit, or whatever fiends hunted. "GIPPAL!" Braska burst through the door, "We got problems. Some jackass name Si...Saf...Sifan....you know him..welp "accidently" brought the authorities to Nai, Alex, Urick, and Maximus. They are now currently residing in a jail cell. So ya know.......we gotta save'em."
I especially refer to her 'excelled grace' on the boat when fighting off fiends, and a myriad of other movement techniques. You say she's imperfect, personality wise, then why do those flaws go away when it's convenient? She's been nothing but a perfect friend to those around her and she's not even once tried to fight someone within the group. Are you afraid of her looking bad?
When it comes to Saina, yes, she is graceful and elegant, yes, she is calm, but she is far from perfect. She got caught in a net, a rather large and easily unavoidable one. She got captured. She couldn't slay the kraken on her own. She needed the help she got.
and Yet you still question her sense of perfection even with these physical flaws.
The tone of that might sound accusatory due to the 'language' of computer text and all but I do mean it. You still appear to find Saina to be cool and near flawless even though she's presented several flaws and has struggled physically and mentally over the course of the rp. The point is you can have your cake and eat it too. If you WANT us to perceive her as being flawed, as being incredibly rough, as being someone who came from nothing like you make her out to be, then you've done a very poor job of showing it to us.
What you KNOW about a character means nothing unless it is SEEN. X3
Edit: Wakka and Tidus? And you expect us to believe she's super graceful.
This is Wakka.
Nobody is going to learn to be graceful, MUCH LESS with a sword, from Wakka
OR TIDUS FOR THAT MATTER. Have you seen the guy fight??? He himself is REALLY not that good. He gets the job done, that's for sure, but he definitely has no style to it x-x Auron, now he had style. If you ask me, a 6'8 hulking woman is never going to be graceful. The words that come to mind are clunky, awkward, but entirely practical.
Now I wouldn't say that last part. Do you watch Wrestling or UFC? Those dudes are huge but yet can move around like mice. Plus considering how often they fought trained soldiers with little issue, Tidus was a really good swordsman. Like not many dudes rivaled him. Though he was ridiculously fast and acrobatic but ya know. Naturally Talented unlike Auron who had hardwork get him where he was. I'M NOT PICKING SIDES! I is Braska. I only have one side. A pretty side.