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Greetings, I'm Takaru. That is all.

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Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma High School: Classroom 2-2 | Thursday, May 7 2015 - After School

With the bell signalling the end of class and the usual rush out of the classroom beginning, Kotori finished up the notes for the day. With the mid-terms coming up, some teachers were increasing the load of homework whilst others were being more lenient in favour of more self-study. Either way though, she was doing well enough - she kept up her studies throughout the year and was spending a bit more time most eveninings behind her school books rather than in the greenhouse or with her newest mystery novel, tempting though it was. Finishing up her notes, she put her books and utensils into her school bag - a quick glance confirming that she'd remembered to bring along everything she'd found on the matter of growing plants in general and flowers in particular. She had one or two books on the subject at home which she never really looked at since she'd already had them for years - but they might be helpful in some way, so she had decided to take them with her to today's meeting of the Agriculture Club where they could be kept for reading by the others if they so desired. Or, more likely, Shizuka at least, considering that Matthew seemed to know his way about plants - at least, if she hadn't done any research of her own or if he taught her, that is. Looking up, Kotori noticed that the classroom had pretty much emptied out by now - she'd have to get going if she wanted to still arrive on time.

Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma High School: Agriculture Club | After School

Sitting down at the table in the small clubroom - Matthew once again having taken it upon himself to water the various plants about the room which Kotori suspected of having grown in numbers again - she placed the books before her and her bag on the floor before resting her hands in her lap. Thinking back on the last meeting, they had discussed some of the things that the club could do for activities - though it was mostly Matthew speaking with occasional words being brought up by Shizuka and Kotori. Either way though, they hadn't really established anything concrete yet and had instead opted to at least think it over - though unfortunately, she hadn't really come up with anything suitable beyond growing whatever took their fancy; something which wasn't exactly going to be very helpful towards researching any agricultural methods. A silent sigh escaped Kotori's lips - it seemed she wasn't going to be able to be of very much help.
Question! The MMA club that Alexei's at in his post- is that the same as the boxing club?

Considering that it's called the 'MMA Club' and not the 'Boxing Club': No, it's not. Unless you like orange apples.
Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma High School: Agriculture Club | After School

Following her own answer, Kotori waited for Shizuka to respond - which brought a small smile to her lips when the younger girl explained that she was both in agreement with any of the options and wished to experience how it was to grow plants and flowers; a sentiment that Kotori understood too well. She nodded in agreement when Matt spoke up, saying he'd help her along the way - and looking his direction quizzically for a moment when he went on to speak of a brief moment of his childhood. She was still a little amazed at the way the club president would just go off on tangents and keep on talking without prompts - but perhaps she was just noticing it more with the added contrast of Shizuka being present.

The brief pause that followed seemed to only serve to collect his thoughts as he then went on again, this time addressing the previous issue once more of what they were to do during club hours; seemingly speaking his mind aloud was he thought on it. When he mentioned possibly having to take time off from work for it, a brief "ah" came over Kotori's lips. "Uhm, if there's anything w... I can do, please let me know," she quickly said with a small bow - barely catching herself from saying 'we' and inadvertantly volunteering Shizuka for it too. Though Kotori didn't doubt she'd also be inclined to do so, it seemed a little rude to just speak for the girl. Furthermore, she felt a little guilty that he might have to ask for time off from work despite having told her that it would be no problem to occasionally skip out on club days if she had to help out at the shop back home, leaving her to glance over to Shizuka for her thoughts on the matter whilst her fingers began to once more nervously fidget with the hem of her skirt.
Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma High School: Agriculture Club | After School

It was only when she spoke up that the Agriculture Club President seemed to notice her entrance, most likely having been absorbed in his own world - something Kotori could understand; remembering her mother asking her what she'd been humming to herself when she'd been tending to some of the display flowers in the shop when she hadn't even been aware of doing any such thing. However, before he could speak up, the door opened again, causing both Matt and Kotori to turn their gaze toward the person entering the room. The girl seemed familiar immediately - and just a moment later, Kotori remembered where and when she'd seen the girl. She hadn't been wearing her uniform back at the Flowershop, but the long hair - particularly the way it covered half her face - was undoubtedly that of Shizuka Otonashi.

As the girl stepped toward Matt whilst clutching a piece of paper, she seemingly missed Kotori who was standing off to her side - who guessed the girls intentions even as she bowed before handing what turned out to be a club application form over; her voice not exactly brimming with confidence. Perhaps that just was in her nature rather than being out of her element, Kotori pondered as she remembered their previous meeting - before a thoughtful expression crossed her face when she furthermore remembered the sight of tears flowing down Alexei's face that day. She hadn't seen the older boy since then - though as she thought about it, it was hardly proper to just outright ask about such a thing.

Putting those thoughts off, Kotori blinked in surprise when she heard her name being spoken - as Matt both returned her greeting and perhaps noted her presence unto Shizuka. Bowing quickly - both in greeting to Matt and Shizuka and as a small apology for not having paid attention due to her thoughts wandering - she gave a wry half-smile at Matt's words. Indeed, up until now they had been the only two club members - or at least the only ones who actually showed up, given that she'd never seen anyone else in the room since she'd joined. Matt didn't really seem to worry about it though, given the way he laughed his own words off. Though they were already acquainted from a few days ago, Kotori nonetheless repeated her previous bow before giving her introduction: "Ah, I'm Kotori Shirohane from Class 2-2," Whilst they were acquainted, she hadn't actually known that Shizuka also attended the same school, after all.

Once introductions were done, Matt turned toward the girls again - and addressed the question Kotori had asked herself just moment earlier. He explained that he wanted to try to find different agricultural methods to make things grow - and, judging by his intentions, not just flowers but also, as per the club's name, agricultural produce. Kotori blinked in surprise at that - both the goal and the tone seemed somewhat of a more serious note than she'd expected from the boy who seemed so easy-going all the time. Seemingly only remembering then, he went on to ask the two of them what they wanted; perhaps feeling a little guilty to just push his ideas on them.

"Ah, I... don't know how much I can help, but, uhm, I think all three options sound good?" she said, though it sounded almost like a question toward the end when she realised, even whilst she was speaking, that she really didn't know all that much. Of course she knew how to plant flowers and how to tend to them to make sure they grew and blossomed - but certainly that was rather basic and not what he was looking for. Still, she wanted to at least be of some help - even whilst she nervously fidgeted with the hem of her skirt when she noticed the eyes of both of the other two club members on her. "Uhm, w-what do you think, Otonashi-san?" Kotori quickly asked, passing Matt's question along to the First Year.
Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma High School: Classroom 2-2 | Monday, May 4 2015 - Morning

Kotori sat down at her seat, getting out all the books and utensils that would be needed before quickly flipping through her notebooks - though she'd already done her homework at the start of Golden Week and even checked it last night, she wanted to make sure she had all she needed. A content nod followed when that was indeed the case before she had to stifle a sudden yawn - she'd stayed up longer than she'd anticipated the night before. She wanted to say it wasn't her fault, but she knew it really was - but whenever a book got particularly interesting, she found it rather hard to just put down. After all, a good mystery couldn't just be left off to the next day. As other students started to enter the classroom - Kotori having been somewhat early - she looked up, though most were either chatting away with friends, preoccupied with their phones or wearing a downright disgruntled face at the prospect of school after a whole week of freedom. Still, she did give a thankful nod in greeting as the sight of one of her classmates, Akane, reminded her of the incident in the Amusement Park a few days ago.

Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma High School: Classroom 2-2 | After School

As the bell signalling the end of classes for the day rang, the usual chaos erupted in the classroom as most rushed out to meet up with their friends to discuss the happening of the last week, to head over to their respective club room or to simply head home after a tiring day. And, much like usual, a few took things a little more slowly - such as Kotori who was finishing up her note-taking before packing her books back in her bag. Looking up and around the classroom, most of the immediate hustle and bustle had died down by now, making it a lot easier to walk in the hallways without having to somehow navigate through the masses of onrushing students. Pushing up her glasses that had slightly slid down from her continuous downward gaze toward her books, she set off - though not homeward, but rather toward the Agriculture Club room.

Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma High School: Agriculture Club | After School

Standing in front of the door to the Agriculture Club room, she watched a pair of chatting students walk down a hallway. She'd passed them on the way and caught a brief bit of their discussion - which had been a similar topic to what she'd heard some others speak about during breaks. Apparently there had been another case of a missing student - though no one seemed to know any particular details as there hadn't been any announcement to that effect but rather a general warning about going home alone or staying out late. Kotori wondered if it happened to have anything to do with the panicked girl at the mall that she'd seen some days ago - but without knowing anymore, there was little that she could do but put the thought aside with a sigh.

Knowing there was little point to mulling over it, Kotori raised a hand to lightly knock against the door before entering the room with a small "Pardon the intrusion" as she glanced about. Unsurprisingly, the clubroom showed much the expected sight with no one but Matt being about, the older boy currently busy with watering the many flowers about the room. "Ah..." she was just about to speak up in greeting when the club president gave a small chuckle, seemingly to himself. Kotori blinked in confusion at that, seeing as there was no one else about - but shook her head quickly. "Good afternoon, Harvester-senpai," she said in her usual quiet tone as she set her school bag down, any pauses in the pronunciation of the foreign name being markedly shorter than the first few times.

Seeing as he was already doing the rounds with watering the plants, Kotori remained standing, a little unsure about what was left to do for an Agriculture Club member.
I am... concerned.

Oh, there's no need for that.

We've got enough popcorn for everyone.



There's your answer right there.
[...] Ayano and her family is currently the only one who knows Chiaki is missing.

Except for the dungeon party, but we're still not sure who's in the dungeon, but it's familiar.

Well, unless Ayano told the girl who showed up right after Chiaki disappeared.

Not that that would look in any way suspicous. At all.
Kotori Shirohane - Shinza Shopping Square: Shirohane Flowershop | Wednesday, April 29 2015

With matters about the Mother's Day gift flowers settled, Shizuka bid her farewell to which Kotori returned the bow. "Ah, thank you too, Otonashi-san. We look forward to seeing you then," she said, the latter words feeling a little awkward - but she still felt a little happy that the girl was so joyous at the prospect of the gift. However, rather than say any more, a rather unexpected sight caught Kotori's eye - and Shizuka's, it seemed - when Alexei, who had been talking to her mother, turned to face the two girls. It took her a moment to realise that there were tears coming from his eyes and she wasn't quite sure she wasn't just imagining it as he bowed quickly - but then it turned out to be true as he raised his head again and shortly left the store. The so very unexpected sight left Kotori glancing between the slowly shutting door and her mother as Shizuka, leaving the older boy a moment, followed suit. It was only once they had left that Kotori hurried to the counter; in her hurry not even having noticed the handkerchief covering the small prick that Shizuka had incurred.

Tsubame Shirohane - Shinza Shopping Square: Shirohane Flowershop | Wednesday, April 29 2015

Following her words, for a lack of better words, Alexei fell apart. He had briefly shown this side moments before - but he'd recovered in time. Now, however, the tears filled up the corners of his eyes before spilling over. He quickly noticed though and bowed his head even as Tsubame's smile turned gentle - it seemed that the boy really was having it tough, though she didn't speak a word yet. He spoke - to his credit with only a slight wavering - instead, asking to confirm that she really would honour her words if ever the need arose. Tsubame gave a slow nod - though even if Alexei was quite tall, he'd hardly be able to see it with his head bowed so low - before putting it to words too: "Of course. You have my word, Dragunov-kun."

Her voice had been more low-key as opposed to her usual almost perpetual cheerfulness as if to make clear her sincerity - how could she not, after what he'd just shown? As he then expressed his gratitude, her smile returned again as she gave a bow whilst receiving the money. "Oh, I must thank you," she said before the boy gave a bow toward both Shizuka and Kotori and, after a smile that seemed to be bit too strained to be a common occurence for him, headed outside. Seeing the confused look on her daughter's face, Tsubame could already tell that she'd be heading right over the second the other girl left - which she did just moments later.

"Wha... was everything alright?" Kotori asked, briefly glancing out through the flowers standing in the display windows and outside, but not seeing Alexei and only a glimpse of Shizuka before she passed out of the field of view afforded. "Oh, there's really nothing to worry about," Tsubame said with a smaller smile than usual. "Dragunov-kun merely got a little emotional," she said - though the doubt was written all across Kotori's face in the small ways that her mother knew how to read all too well. Whilst she didn't doubt the words per se, it was just quite a difference to the usually so stoic-seeming and imposing-looking Alexei that it was a little hard to believe right away. "Don't worry, neither he nor his family are in any trouble. Quite the opposite, really," Tsubame said with a wider smile.

Glancing one last time out the window, Kotori slowly nodded after a moment's thought - though she hadn't seen his face for more than a few moments, he hadn't seemed quite as sad as tears might have suggested. Deciding to let the matter rest - perhaps there would be an opportunity to ask at a later time without prying into the matter too deeply - Kotori remembered that there was still work to be done.

Kotori Shirohane - Ferrero Mall | Friday, May 1 2015

Kotori was looking down at her shopping list once again, mentally crossing off the last item that was packed away in her bag before looking back up with a brief satisfied expression - only to turn startled when suddenly loud music started up. Looking to its source, a group of five girls burst onto the stage - Azure 5, the idol group whose show had been announced before and whose faces were on the numerous flyers around town for a while. There was a large crowd gathered in front of the stage and their cheering was mixing with the music as the girls danced about the stage whilst singing; showing no signs of stage fright despite standing before so many people - at least no sign that Kotori could notice. Standing a bit away from the crowd, she was watching the show - whilst she didn't follow the ever-changing world of idols both male and female, she couldn't help but admire them for the way they could stand upon a stage with the world watching and sing to their heart's content, wearing such flashy and cute clothes.

When the show drew to a close and the girls gave a final bow, Kotori gave a subdued clapping - mostly due to her shopping bags containing the next few days' groceries being in the way. The cheers were loud and went on for a little while longer - they must be quite popular, she thought as she got ready to head back home. However, just as she turned, she heard a voice over the general noise of the crowd - in particular, a name being cried repeatedly; the slowly rising panic in the voice evident even against the backdrop though not the exact name unfortunately. Had perhaps some friends got split up in the slowly moving crowd - or perhaps a child gotten lost? Not seeing who was calling through all the people, it then seemed to stop - hopefully because the caller had found who they were searching.

Deciding to hang on for a moment, Kotori looked about to see if any children happened to be about without any attending parent or sibling - but to no avail. As a boy took to the stage with his guitar, the crowd was starting to thin out - their main draw, Azure 5, having left already after all. Amongst those still staying, some were listening to the boy who was soon joined by a girl, though neither drew Kotori's attention at that moment - instead, she pushed up her glasses that had gotten a little misaligned from the constant looking about as before passing over one girl in particular. A frantic expression coupled by the uneasy way she held her phone to her ear brought to mind the voice Kotori had heard - were the calls perhaps only interrupted because she was speaking to someone on the phone?

It took her another moment - but after seeing the clear distress on the girl's face, Kotori decided to step closer; waiting for her to finish her call. She couldn't hear what she was saying over the music and the other people's voices - but she didn't seem happy, that was for sure. When the girl in question brought her phone back down from her ear, Kotori stepped forward. "E-excuse me?" she said, her voice barely audible over the background noise and probably not even heard, given the intended listener's state. "Is... is everything alright?" she asked, only slightly louder this time and all the while with worry creeping into her expression. Whilst she wasn't sure it was her place to burst into someone else's matters in this way, she couldn't help but at least offer her help if she could - even if she felt a little silly for not having anything else to say in such a situation other than a question to which the answer so clearly was 'No'.
Kotori Shirohane - Shinza Shopping Square: Shirohane Flowershop | Wednesday, April 29 2015

"Alright," Kotori confirmed as she briefly wrote something down - presumably adding a quick note along the lines of 'pick up', judging by the way she mumbled those words too. As the girl then brought forth her wallet before handing over some money, Kotori looked over to the flowers to quickly check the price, too - whilst she'd always been good with remembering which flowers were where, the numbers attached to them were a little more elusive. Luckily though, Shizuka had the exact amount handy as she asked whether it was alright for both the flowers and the pickup. "Ah, yes, certainly," Kotori said, giving a bow as she took the money. "I'll set them aside on the day, Otonashi-san," she ascertained with a small smile - it was always nice to see people giving others gift flowers to make them happy.

Tsubame Shirohane - Shinza Shopping Square: Shirohane Flowershop | Wednesday, April 29 2015

Tsubame's wide smile slowly turned smaller and more thoughtful as the young man spoke upon seeing the bill - whilst what he said hadn't been beyond her expectations, the scope thereof had been. It was touching to hear someone so devoted to their family - and at the same time almost saddening to know that he'd be quite willing to go to the lengths he described. Tsubame stayed quiet as he spoke, no longer smiling but merely listening - but as he ended, a gentle one slowly returned. She could tell that Alexei took his debts very seriously and was going to see them honoured, no matter what.

"Dragunov-kun," she said. "You're right, I am undercharging you," Tsubame confirmed outright - it didn't seem right to make some excuse up, after all. "But please, don't think of it as a favour but rather an expression of gratitude on my side," she said before looking over to where Kotori and Shizuka stood, her smile widening for a moment. "You see, it was actually Kotori who asked in the first place and it's the first time she actually brought a friend along. And I think it would sadden her far more to know that you were having to go through hard times becaues of her. Besides, it's not like you haven't already offered your help, which is greatly appreciated." Her smile was taking on more of its usual cheer as she spoke.

"So if I may perhaps call in that offer at a later time and you'll continue being her friend, then I'm going to have to ask you to indulge this old lady wanting to dote on someone because her daughter just won't let her and make another family happy in the process. That would more than make up the balance." Though Tsubame spoke with a joking tone, it was clear that she meant what she way saying - that she intended neither to doubt Alexei and his abilities, nor was she going to be backing down on her part.
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