Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma High School: Classroom 2-2 | Thursday, May 7 2015 - After School
With the bell signalling the end of class and the usual rush out of the classroom beginning, Kotori finished up the notes for the day. With the mid-terms coming up, some teachers were increasing the load of homework whilst others were being more lenient in favour of more self-study. Either way though, she was doing well enough - she kept up her studies throughout the year and was spending a bit more time most eveninings behind her school books rather than in the greenhouse or with her newest mystery novel, tempting though it was. Finishing up her notes, she put her books and utensils into her school bag - a quick glance confirming that she'd remembered to bring along everything she'd found on the matter of growing plants in general and flowers in particular. She had one or two books on the subject at home which she never really looked at since she'd already had them for years - but they might be helpful in some way, so she had decided to take them with her to today's meeting of the Agriculture Club where they could be kept for reading by the others if they so desired. Or, more likely, Shizuka at least, considering that Matthew seemed to know his way about plants - at least, if she hadn't done any research of her own or if he taught her, that is. Looking up, Kotori noticed that the classroom had pretty much emptied out by now - she'd have to get going if she wanted to still arrive on time.
Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma High School: Agriculture Club | After School
Sitting down at the table in the small clubroom - Matthew once again having taken it upon himself to water the various plants about the room which Kotori suspected of having grown in numbers again - she placed the books before her and her bag on the floor before resting her hands in her lap. Thinking back on the last meeting, they had discussed some of the things that the club could do for activities - though it was mostly Matthew speaking with occasional words being brought up by Shizuka and Kotori. Either way though, they hadn't really established anything concrete yet and had instead opted to at least think it over - though unfortunately, she hadn't really come up with anything suitable beyond growing whatever took their fancy; something which wasn't exactly going to be very helpful towards researching any agricultural methods. A silent sigh escaped Kotori's lips - it seemed she wasn't going to be able to be of very much help.
With the bell signalling the end of class and the usual rush out of the classroom beginning, Kotori finished up the notes for the day. With the mid-terms coming up, some teachers were increasing the load of homework whilst others were being more lenient in favour of more self-study. Either way though, she was doing well enough - she kept up her studies throughout the year and was spending a bit more time most eveninings behind her school books rather than in the greenhouse or with her newest mystery novel, tempting though it was. Finishing up her notes, she put her books and utensils into her school bag - a quick glance confirming that she'd remembered to bring along everything she'd found on the matter of growing plants in general and flowers in particular. She had one or two books on the subject at home which she never really looked at since she'd already had them for years - but they might be helpful in some way, so she had decided to take them with her to today's meeting of the Agriculture Club where they could be kept for reading by the others if they so desired. Or, more likely, Shizuka at least, considering that Matthew seemed to know his way about plants - at least, if she hadn't done any research of her own or if he taught her, that is. Looking up, Kotori noticed that the classroom had pretty much emptied out by now - she'd have to get going if she wanted to still arrive on time.
Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma High School: Agriculture Club | After School
Sitting down at the table in the small clubroom - Matthew once again having taken it upon himself to water the various plants about the room which Kotori suspected of having grown in numbers again - she placed the books before her and her bag on the floor before resting her hands in her lap. Thinking back on the last meeting, they had discussed some of the things that the club could do for activities - though it was mostly Matthew speaking with occasional words being brought up by Shizuka and Kotori. Either way though, they hadn't really established anything concrete yet and had instead opted to at least think it over - though unfortunately, she hadn't really come up with anything suitable beyond growing whatever took their fancy; something which wasn't exactly going to be very helpful towards researching any agricultural methods. A silent sigh escaped Kotori's lips - it seemed she wasn't going to be able to be of very much help.