Noboru right now- 

Terraria got me good. Sorry for the late post but here it is. Also, I totally know the pains of post by mobile too, XLegs. Sobs.
Is she still a vocaloid? Did they make an android like Aigis? Is Miku a real human being in this universe?? I need these questions answered.
[...] Ayano and her family is currently the only one who knows Chiaki is missing.
Except for the dungeon party, but we're still not sure who's in the dungeon, but it's familiar.
<Snipped quote by Sen>
I might not have a PhD in Vocaloid, but aren't they androids already, does that make them a double android.
<Snipped quote by SwordfishKnight>
Well, I mean like an actual physical robot. Like a real android ("like Aigis") that has a physical presence. Or does the IT just set up projectors and shit?
Are you telling me that, in this possibly alternate universe, the fact that they created a fully functioning Miku robot that dances the shadows away is acceptable? I find this harder to believe than the Scooby Doo gang that's summoning mythological figures based on their psyche. Even if the Kirijo Corp built it in the same way they made Aigis, I need to question why this super srs company with no affiliation to Hatsune Miku created a ASSW version of the vocaloid.
I'm starting to wonder if you have some kind of shitpost quota to fill before Basic.