Avatar of Taytay
  • Last Seen: 12 mos ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 526 (0.16 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Taytay 7 yrs ago
    2. ████████ 9 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current Is that even a thing, it sounds gross
7 yrs ago
Coco Pebbles are the shit.
7 yrs ago
I gotta say, all that stuff you hear about missing your family after being away for a while is true.
7 yrs ago
I have a new found hate for snow.
7 yrs ago


Tay ♠ 19 ♠ Alaska->California ♠ Anime & Comics ♠ Full-time College Student ♠ Pm me music

Most Recent Posts

How long should I wait before I post again
Can I reserve death?
Gonna get a post up
@Mr Allen J@Willem3141592
That's cool and thank you for the interest

Yeah or you could play as someone with non powers its all up to you

@Archmage MC
I don't mind that and I agree I start school again in 2 days but that won't stop me. I am running on southern California time so its 1:17 pm while I'm posting this, I got classes from 8 in the morning to 3 in the afternoon but after that I will be on for the rest of the day. At most you might see me disappear to go get food or do some stuff around my dorm.

Also I will wait the rest of today before putting up the page.
Gyro-AKA Brian Michelson

Brian looked at Mike and shook his head yes. He flew up in the air, above the burning gas station he could see the open reservoir tank and how the initial explosion came from there. He also saw the other two were open but had not been ignited yet. If he collapsed the whole station, it would create a controlled explosion underground, worst case, it collapses the buildings next to the station, best case it blows up and only he gets hit by a portion of the blast.

He flew down as close as he could get to the fires without getting burned. It was getting really hot and the bodies near by had either been burned to a crisp or melted into goop. That just meant no civilians, Brian smiled at this and started to glow red, this red got so dark it looked black. "This is Gyro I am going to collapse the station, there will be another explosion but it's gonna be underground. But there might be an after shock, so have paramedics the ready and evacuate this entire block." He said into the comlink. He dropped to his knees and slammed his palms onto the ground, the dark red aura surrounded the entire station. He was pushing his limits on circumference, the station was caught in a downforce the same as that of Jupiter's pull. It had an immediate affect, the ground shook and cracked, the entire station crushed in on itself, the gas pumps folding in, the mini-mart deflating like a balloon, everything looked like it was being stepped on. Soon the ground gave out and the entire area caved in and was soon covered by a dirt and tar and concert mesh top ( think a hole like this but wider and covered with pieces of dirt and maybe a gas pump here or there, and pieces of the streets, you guys know).

Brian released a breath he was holding and sat back on his legs, it was a success. "This is Gyro reporting in, I think it worked and maybe the fire died out, I also think I over worked myself so I am just gonna rest here for a bit, and maybe afterwards we can-" 'KABOOM!' All the heat being contained super heated the other to gas reservoirs and ignited them. This caused one last explosion, that made a mini volcano that erupted, most of the blast was underground and rattled the foundations of the street and the nearby building. Brain was close to the epicenter of the second large blast and he was thrown back at least 25 feet with some debris. He was thrown against a car and it crushed with force of impact.

All the was left was a giant mound with a circumference of at least 20 feet, that was spitting smoke, heat and a little bit of fire, the buildings around the station had fallen or collapsed in, and most of the surrounding scorched bodies had been scattered. Brain could be seen a ways off, laying on top of a crushed car with a sprained ankle, a broken arm, a shrapnel piece sticking out of his arm and some broken ribs. He was knocked out and needed some medical attention.

@RumikoOhara@FunnyGuy@Lunar@King Tai@POOHEAD189@Blop
I was about to put a hole in the ground.
Rogue Inc.

"Come Join Us in making this world a better one for Rogues all around"

In this universe good and evil are represented in the rawest of forms: Agents (Heroes) and Rogue (Villains). The agents are doing their best to protect this little blue world while the rouges are doing their best to exploit it. Your story takes place in the city of Lochwell City. The premier city of the United States and the crown jewel of the west coast. Sitting off the Northern coast of California and bordering Oregon. The city has been around for a long time and has attracted the eyes of many, good and evil. Now you have been captured by the ARGO (Anit-Rogue Global Orgainization) and sent to Illwood Correctional Facility. Here at ICF they have a cell with your name on it and you cannot get out. Or can you? You need to get out and back on your grind and there are others like you as well determined to get out. Its time for the Rogue to come back to the world with a vengeance, and you and your new found "allies" will bring it, or the "Rogue" name will die in your own personal hell.

Ummm...Hi I spoke to the original GM of this rp and asked for permission to reboot this and see if I could make it better, so if anyone is interested and wants to contribute something and then lets have some fun.

OOC link roleplayerguild.com/topics/93536-rogue..
In Soul Eater 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Lewis smiled at her response. He liked who he was paired with, at first he thought she did not wanna be around him, but he came to find out that's just how she is sometimes. "I doing fine, can't wait to start the year." He said as they walked to class together. "I'm not I am excited, can't wait to get started and get out there. Lets make it a great year okay." He said as they took there seats in the class room.
In Soul Eater 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay

Lewis was running late on the first day. he stayed up late last night studying and woke up late. He missed breakfast, almost forgot to brush his teeth, and was wearing the first thing he could find. He rushed up the steps looking for his partner and saw her standing there. "Holland!!! Hey Good morning, how are you?" He said as he came up to her.
In Soul Eater 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
@Kitty yeah sure
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