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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Michael Watts a.k.a Omega

The sudden explosion caused Michael to use his telekinesis to block the shock wave with an invisible force.

A lucky civilian managed to be unintentionally saved by Michael's action. He looked back at the saved child who stared at him in awe.

"Get out of here!" Michael shouted before telekinetic ally lifting and pushing the boy far from where the explosion had happened. Michael looked at the flames spreading and sighed. He didn't want to do this, but what other option did he have. "Team! Listen up, Gyro, do you think you can collapse the fuel station. Like make it sink. I don't care how fast you can do it. We just need it done! Visi... let me know if anyone is alive in there. As for everyone else. Go on the defensive against any remaining threats." Michael said as he looked around at all of the statue limbs on the ground before causing several to rise and fly into the fire at first it seemed as if he was accomplishing nothing, but the flames began to slowly get snuffed out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

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Jess was in the midst of the hellish damage allowing her senses to be over whelmed as she went almost fully magnetic. She could still hear an see the outer world but while using her 6th sense perceived all things within 30 meters almost as if she were touching them and everything beyond as if the were contained behind a blurred wall.

But where reality blurred and closer Jessie knew the weight location, connection and how ferromagnetic every object was. It was intimate in a way few could know because using it meant gazing into to the tidal forces of the earth.

Then she sweeps her left arm in a broad half circle linking the larger pieces of metal together forming an odd scaffold which she turns into an electromagnetic pole of enormous power. The effect was to provide Jess with an active field to bend to her needs all ferro metal weighing 55 kilo or less. They flew rolled or slid to the scaffold attaching themselves till none of the metal she could effect in such an easy manner were removed or used as shoring in a few cases.

That done she changes back to visual senses beginning a survey confirmation.

" Drifter requesting gps ping and six medics to location" said Jess suppressing an urge to curse

She felt helpless because she discovered once more that no matter how powerful she was she had farther to go before she could lift another person using the iron in their blood. She had no first aid kit and people were bleeding

"BALLS!" she shouted in her Comm as every piece of ferrous metal 5 kilos an under spun into a cloud around her.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

INERTIA A.K.A. Tia Clark

Tia heard the medics bring Kain in and took him straight to surgery. Not too long after that Naomi teleported in and collapsed right in front of her. "Naomi! HELP!" Tia held her teammate and checked her vitals as the doctors came running with a gurney. "Tia! Back to bed. Your organs are still healing. You have at least another hour!"

"What about Kain? Is he out of surgery yet?" "Yes but he is in recovery. Now go!" Tia moved and watched them take Naomi in for x-rays and as soon as they turned the corner she walked to the recovery ward and used her clearance to get inside. Tia was very quiet so as not to wake him even though she knew he was still under anesthesia.

Tia looked at him and the memory of earlier that day flashed in her mind. She started talking to him, mostly because she thought he couldn't hear her. "Leave it to me to recruit a loud mouthed, selfish, butthead like you." She smiled softly and moved his hair back and fixed it a little so she could see his face. "I gotta give you props on creativity. Running him up the flagpole was something my uncle Tommy would have done." The thought made her chuckle.

"Since you can't hear me and all, I'll tell you a little secret. I gave you the room next to mine so I could keep tabs on you better. Although, I gave Mr. High and mighty the one across from me too, hmm. On second thought it might not have been a great idea to surround myself with men that hate me." She frowned and reached down and kissed his forehead. "Thanks for not listening but I better run before big red finds me in here talking to a sleeping man. Get better fast, we need you." Tia squeezed his hand and went back to her room.

@Dark Light

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Taytay
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Taytay Sleepy

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Gyro-AKA Brian Michelson

Brian looked at Mike and shook his head yes. He flew up in the air, above the burning gas station he could see the open reservoir tank and how the initial explosion came from there. He also saw the other two were open but had not been ignited yet. If he collapsed the whole station, it would create a controlled explosion underground, worst case, it collapses the buildings next to the station, best case it blows up and only he gets hit by a portion of the blast.

He flew down as close as he could get to the fires without getting burned. It was getting really hot and the bodies near by had either been burned to a crisp or melted into goop. That just meant no civilians, Brian smiled at this and started to glow red, this red got so dark it looked black. "This is Gyro I am going to collapse the station, there will be another explosion but it's gonna be underground. But there might be an after shock, so have paramedics the ready and evacuate this entire block." He said into the comlink. He dropped to his knees and slammed his palms onto the ground, the dark red aura surrounded the entire station. He was pushing his limits on circumference, the station was caught in a downforce the same as that of Jupiter's pull. It had an immediate affect, the ground shook and cracked, the entire station crushed in on itself, the gas pumps folding in, the mini-mart deflating like a balloon, everything looked like it was being stepped on. Soon the ground gave out and the entire area caved in and was soon covered by a dirt and tar and concert mesh top ( think a hole like this but wider and covered with pieces of dirt and maybe a gas pump here or there, and pieces of the streets, you guys know).

Brian released a breath he was holding and sat back on his legs, it was a success. "This is Gyro reporting in, I think it worked and maybe the fire died out, I also think I over worked myself so I am just gonna rest here for a bit, and maybe afterwards we can-" 'KABOOM!' All the heat being contained super heated the other to gas reservoirs and ignited them. This caused one last explosion, that made a mini volcano that erupted, most of the blast was underground and rattled the foundations of the street and the nearby building. Brain was close to the epicenter of the second large blast and he was thrown back at least 25 feet with some debris. He was thrown against a car and it crushed with force of impact.

All the was left was a giant mound with a circumference of at least 20 feet, that was spitting smoke, heat and a little bit of fire, the buildings around the station had fallen or collapsed in, and most of the surrounding scorched bodies had been scattered. Brain could be seen a ways off, laying on top of a crushed car with a sprained ankle, a broken arm, a shrapnel piece sticking out of his arm and some broken ribs. He was knocked out and needed some medical attention.

@RumikoOhara@FunnyGuy@Lunar@King Tai@POOHEAD189@Blop
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 The Abmin

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Red Strike

Ro'kun watched Brian's giant theatrical show with interest, leaping back as things began to glow hot and explode around him. He blinked, holding onto a window sill 3 stories up, and winced as the gas station exploded around Brian. "Oooooooo." he couldn't help but let out as he saw the fire consume the young man. Red Strike saw Brian's broken form lying on the pavement. He'd better go see if he was alright. He-
Oh man, he wasn't good. Ro'Kun bent down and poked Brian. "You ok dude?" he asked, then realized how dumb that was. He took out his cellphone and called 911, telling them they needed an ambulance here and quick. Looking around at the carnage, he realized there might be a fleet coming in already.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

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Wicked was listening on her comlink as she sped to the scene with Tia in tow. When they got there Tia's mouth dropped. "Oh NO NO NO NO!!!!! She yelled. Her heart ached at the site of the destruction. Nothing was normal for at least a mile wide stretch. She left Wicked's side and The HQ paramedics were arriving, 3 ambulances. They loaded up Gyro and a couple of the others who were injured.

Tia ran into the area and the few humans that were alive she froze so they wouldn't bleed to death. Inertia became furious and ordered her entire team back to the HQ and HQ medical. She had vans of people coming from the compound to help with the city's cleanup. She looked at the devastation and had not seen so much damage done by supers since she was a child and then it was because the gates were open.

Wicked looked at her and said, "You have some work to do. I'm going to go, you know where I'll be." Tia nodded. It was a known fact that Wick was a workout fighting machine, especially if she was pissed off. Tia knew she would be in the gym kickboxing/martial arts training or out back blowing things up when she got back.

Tia was the last one to leave the scene and she could just hear the phone calls in her head. This was bad and for her it was only the beginning.

Everyone who was injured was taken to medical, the others went inside the HQ.

@Dark Light@Raeofthelight@Blop@King Tai@RumikoOhara@Queentze@Funnyguy@Lunar@POOHEAD189
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

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The beeping of advanced complicated machinery that was keeping Kain alive resonated through out the room. It was accompanied by the heavy rhythmic gush of air as a pump worked to push air into his lungs and force him to breath.
All the lights of the equipment threw a faint green glow over the room.

Kain was left heavily bandaged from his treatment. Even if he was conscious he would be unable to move. Drugs kept him from coming to. Without the luxury of advanced healing, even with the best equipment, it would take some serious time for his recovery.
The erratic fluttering of his eyelids showed he was still present. In the end it was his only response to Tia's gentle words and soft touch.

Outside the building's perimeter, paparazzi and onlookers had began to gather. Slowly leaving the scene of carnage to question the meta humans.
There were mixed cries of praise and accusations but the security staff did well to hold them all at bay.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Michael Watts a.k.a Omega

Back at the HQ, Michael was back at the bench press lying down with his arms crossed as he lifted the bar with his mind. His eyebrows furrowed and the intense look on his face showed how bothered he was. He didn't want to go to the medical wing to see theveryone damage and he damn sure didn't want to see it on the news. If he was a lot stronger, he could have put the fire out on his own.

Why do I even care? The mission was accomplished. It was in the heat of the moment. I took charge and we did what we could do with what we had.

His com link sat on the floor beside the bench, just waiting for the whole team to be called into some sort of meeting. Until he had his thoughts and the swift movements he could hear from someone practicing some sort of combative martial arts. He was never a student to such teachings and only relied on his brawler type of style and his powers to overpower his opponents. He did see an art to having ano actual fighting style.

Suddenly the bar rattled as it was being lifted and dropped. He quickly caught the bar with one hand before placing it up. Sitting up, he glanced at Wicked. She was blowing off steam as well.

"With all the money that got shelled out into this place, I figure you would have invested in some kind of combat room. " He said as stood up and put on his com link.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago



" All right Squits I need you all to put your collective heads together and design a streamlined light duty and a specialized pack to carry zip cuffs, lift harness and field medic kit. Then I want a heavy streamlined pack for rescue operations that a field doctor would be thankful to have after the worst natural disaster.

Next I need a flight helmet complete with HUD navigational display with text and video capabilities.

Oh and an oxygen compressor for high altitude work with a hip pouch or helmet mounted teleoptic camera so I can zoom on targets from 2,000 meters."
snapped Jess as she was landing once more back at League HQ.

This time the roof watch simply waved her through having already encountered her which she cataloged as something to think about.

Soon she was stepping through her door and into her quarters where she drifted into the air as ghostly magnetic attendants pulled the sweaty flight suit off her body.

Then floating across the main towards her private bath Jessica stripped off her undergarments and landed near the shower. Not yet familiar with the water here at her new home's system she turned on the water without touching the controls waited a moment then tested the heat with a hand three times before approving it as suitable.

She was happy to see that her squint handlers had unpacked her things completely as she gazed around her little tile lined heaven filled with a steamy rain storm for her pleasure. Her scrubs, hair and skin products all containing the right amount of metal on the containers or grooming tools meaning that while she bathed she could practice multitasking control.

When she'd Initially made the request to have her bath products ferro'd as she called it her handlers had thought she was just being silly till she explained that doing so meant she could practice control in so mundane manner as to render it second nature. Now every item she had including her underware had a strip or metal wire in them so that she need never actually touch anything unless she wanted or had to.

Her shower finished. Jess floated above the wet tiles and was seemingly attacked by two fluffy towels that she used to dry herself.


Famished after her deployment Jess floated through the door an into the facility lounge ready to eat a side of beef and a bushel of veggies.,

She chose a loaded sub sandwich and watching her make it was like a scene out of a Ron Ferret wizard boy movie as metal utensils helped her as if wielded by ghostly hands.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lunar
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Lunar The Skull

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Izzy didn't really have a place to go and she still wanted to be around if more of those statues showed up so she followed one of the ambulances back to where the other meta humans were. She wasn't exactly good with crowds so instead she snuck in through the front door making sure not to be seen, she was good at that. She had gotten into the lounge and noticed a girl there.

She walked up to the girl more quietly than she had hoped."Hello" she said in a shy like voice to show that she was there. "I'm Izzy" she said as she walked out in front of her to look her in the face as she talked. "And I've come to join your group. Can you show me where I can find your commander?" She said trying to seem cute. @RumikoOhara
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 3 mos ago

[activate inspiring music]

The sky was a gorgeous pure blue and the wind a gentle breeze. Hoovering above a small sized cloud was James and from this height the entire world below seemed so minuscule to the hero. Soon he would have to meet with the team at the league's headquarters and would probably get a stern talking to by their leader for not getting there sooner, but James wanted to spend time in the sky and take in the incredible feeling of a man who is able to fly. He just wished that his dad could have been here to see him do such amazing things and his mind wander to memories of his father. His father use to say to him that the sky was where God and his angels could look down upon the mortals below.

If this was how the angels got see the world then James could see why all holy men looked to the sky when searching for God and his heavenly kingdom. James was given a blessing with these incredible gifts and he could not waste them. Another thing his father had told him was that when God gives you a gift then it is best to use it to our fullest potential. after his father had died James was determined to honor his memory and wishes by using his powers for the greater good. That's one of the reasons he loved football so much, it was a sport that reached so many people and the players were heroes in their own right and each with their own unique skills that made the team.

James was a team player and he saw no problem with joining a team that had others like him. For him this would be a great chance to do more good and make his dad proud. The sky was a great place to find peace and silence away from the busy and chaotic world of human civilization. Up there one could not hear the sounds of car horns blaring and the shouts of angry people. No up there all that could be heard was the blowing wind, and the feel of the sun and cool breeze against his face. After floating there for nearly half an hour James decided that it was time to get back to the base and see how his teammates were doing.

He put back on his helmet and took off at supersonic speeds creating a sonic boom in his wake. His trip back to HQ wasn't a long one and upon nearing the base he slowed down his flight speed so that he didn't have a rough landing. Once his feet smoothly touched the soft ground, James headed for the entrance to the league's base and upon entering the building he called to whoever might be in there.

"Hello, is anyone here?" he called out and waited for a response. James' hoped that he had not missed any action and missed time to build his teamwork skills with his comrades.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

Member Seen 1 day ago

@Weird Tales

After helping Kain and joining back into the fray, Miles turned his head to the request of Mike of what he needed him to do to make sure there were no other civilians who were alive and trapped. Unfortunately and thankfully, some were not around and cleared away and others were already dead thanks to his use of his X-Ray vision checking the entire area as Gyro used his ability to sink the station.

After the explosion which gave Visi-Play a concussion, he along with the others headed back to HQ only to feel that all that have happened, could've been handle more effectively. For the most part, they helped as many as they could but the collateral damage could've been less. This team have tremendous potential to be the greatest group anyone has ever seen but being new to this teamwork thing with people he didn't know, it was going to take time and work to smooth everything out.

While coming into HQ and hearing that most of the team was to head to medical bay to get checked out, Miles decided not to. He had a little headache, all he needed was some aspirin and sleep and he'd be good.

Walking through the halls...

"Hello, is anyone here?" could be heard as Miles used his X-Ray to see a new arrival. Miles walked over to take a look at this new guy Yeah....can I help you?

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

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INERTIA A.K.A. Tia Clark

Tia was in the office getting her ear chewed off by the mayor of the city. Jess and Izzy came around the corner just as Sound Wave came in. "Yes Mayor. I have to call you back." Inertia put the phone down and sighed rubbing her temples with her eyes closed. She just needed one minute. She opened her eyes. "Oh good you are both here. Thanks for bringing Izzy in here Jess? Can you do me a favor and show them around? This is Sound Wave" she said introducing them.

"I'm Inertia, Here are your comlinks and your keys to your rooms. I'm sorry, I am incredibly busy right now. There was an incident earlier and now I have to deal with the backlash." That being said Jess took them out to show them around.

Tia left her office and went outside to the back of the HQ building to let off some steam. After quite a few blasts full of anger and frustration she landed on her knees breathing heavily and she just laid on the ground looking up at the stars. From the window of the gym Wicked smiled.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago




Jessie looked at the timid girl who said her name was Izzy an smiled
" Hiya Izzy the name is Jessica an I'm glad to help you out" she says wrapping her heavy sandwich in plastic and motioning the pale quiet girl to follow.

"I'm new here myself, just in from the Falklands and a life resembling a bug on a slide. Now I am at the service of the world but my freedom level is at least two steps improved.

Not fishing for sympathy just stating facts as I see them

Here we are

said stops outside of Tia's office

Oh good you are both here. Thanks for bringing Izzy in here Jess? Can you do me a favor and show them around? This is Sound Wave" said the young commander.

"I'm Inertia, Here are your comlinks and your keys to your rooms. I'm sorry, I am incredibly busy right now. There was an incident earlier and now I have to deal with the backlash."

Jessie laughed softly as Inertia rushed off like a ewe before a storm

"Well now that was a quickie; not that I'd know but it seemed hit an run.giggled Jessica

"Kind of confusing, I feel the same " said with a huge smile

"Care for a Knosh?
The kitchen's very well stocked and I was going to eeat.if you're not hungry an don't mind me eating but need company feel free to join me Izzy. "
offers Jess with a smile
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 3 mos ago

@King Tai@Wick

"Yeah, I'm your new teammate. When we're not in the field you can call me James" he replied to Miles and was about to tell his teammate his hero identity when Tia came and did it for him. Well at least wouldn't have to explain it too the others and he was grateful to be getting a comlink so that they could communicate with one another. it would be more secure than using a smartphone and it sounded like more fun.

"So aside from missions what other things can we do around here? Is there a training room or workout gym in this base?" he asked Miles curious to hear an answer. James was hoping that there would be some kind of training facility so that he could up with his physical body and make sure his body was ready for the severe physical punishments that came with the hero business. He also liked a good and hard workout before he got into acts of heroics, just so that he could be prepared for the tough obstacles ahead.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

Member Seen 1 day ago

@Weird Tales

Ah...well seeing that a new teammate have arrived, this just meant either more help or more disaster if the team were not to tune up on working as a unit. When Inertia came in and introduced herself and calling James by his hero name, Miles listened until she left and his attention went back to James.

I'm pretty sure there is a training facility here. To tell you the truth, I haven't had the opportunity to explore this place fully since I was only able to get into my room and rent out on missions. We just made it back from a mission. I guess we can both find out. he said.

He turned, motioning to have James follow him and turned back around I'm Miles....also known as Visi-Play....don't ask me how I got the name, I didn't make it up. he said reminding himself about how difficult it was to come up with a hero name until his uncle made one up for him. And nice to meet you James....hearing your name from the boss....are you capable of ultra sonic screams or somethin'?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Oops! (I misread your post.)

@King Tai
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Michael Watts a.k.a Omega

Even though Michael had pretty much reached muscle failure, he remained in the gym. This was done for two reasons. The first was his ability to rapidly regenerate. His body recovered a lot faster from workouts. Couple that with his super strength and you had a man who could consistently break limits in terms of physical prowess. Now the second reason he was still in the gym was quite more complicated, it was because of....

"Hey Wicked!" He said as he made his way towards her. "I know we got off on the wrong foot... literally since I was assigned first on the ground, but it looks like you need a better sparring partner than the empty space around you. Maybe you can teach a little of that martial arts as well. And don't worry, I learn fast when it's hands on." Michael smirked at the last bit he said before taking a fighting stance. Left foot in front, body slightly turned to the side, left hand up by his chin, and his right fist up a bit higher. It was a simple boxer stance, nothing special. "You down?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Wicked looked at Omega and grinned with a flirty smile. "I'll agree the first time you got off of both of your feet. You think you can take me huh?" she laughed. "We'll see" She said teasingly. They went back and forth throwing punches and and kicks blocking just as many. Wicked had a feeling that he didn't ask her just to have her teach him.

"So why did you really want to spar wth me?" She asked, not out of breath even a little bit. "See I think you are up to something. Question is will I like it or not?" Her quirky smile was aimed at getting a reaction out of him. She blocked a kick from him and kicked him with a hard twisting sidekick designed to knock him on his ass, which it did. Laughing, Wicked lay on the ground next to him as he caught his breath. She leaned over to look at him propping herself up on one arm. "So what did you really want?" Her eyes sparkled mischeviously.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Blop


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Grant Finley: AKA The Hammer

Tia left her office and went outside to the back of the HQ building to let off some steam. After quite a few blasts full of anger and frustration she landed on her knees breathing heavily and she just laid on the ground looking up at the stars. From the window of the gym Wicked smiled.

"You bounce back quick." The humor was completely muted by the concern in his tone. He swallowed down his real emotions. Grant had been standing behind Tia quietly for a few moments, thinking of what to say. Absorbing his feelings. Truly, he wanted to to throw himself around her. He'd left her, injured and barely breathing. It was so unlike him to leave an ally like that, but he'd never faced a decision in the field like he'd done today.

This weird connection he'd felt for a girl he had just met today was wanting and coming off too strong. But he was just relieved to find his friend survived and was ok. "We got a little beat up out there today. Are you ok?"

Grant Finley: AKA The Hammer
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