@KatherinWinter@dragonslayer1@RusalkaThe carriage ride was bumpy indeed. But he just went to the with the flow, trying to keep the conversation up and just moving with the carriage. When the sun started to disappear and the darkness rolled around, Donivan started to wonder were it had gone, and was about to ask why when Jocelyn announced they had arrived. The town was down right creepy, it made the lion with in him stir, that just meant that there was some bad mojo here. "Hey this place is a dump, like its worse than bad." he said to himself. He was behind Jocelyn as she started he chanting, when the ghost started to appear he went into full action. Four little kid ghost, grossly deformed in the faces and bodies, grabbed him from behind and threw him to the ground. "You little kids have some spunk don't you." He said as the jumped on top of him. His punches went straight through them so he decided to fight souls with souls. "I ask the King of the Jungle for power, lend me your strength
LION!" A yellow golden, aura surrounded his body. He jumped up and slapped the kids off of him. The aura looked like someone had thrown a lion skin over him, the yellow skin had ears, a tail and claws, and Donivan's eyes always changed to that of the animal he had adopted. One of the kids jumped at him and he used the lion class and cut at its chest. It disappeared in a grey puff and he turned towards the others. "Time to party!"