
Name: Beverly Skain
Age: 21
Demon: The Anti-God of Gluttony
Bio: All her life, Beverly has been a vegan, just like her mother and father, and like their mothers and fathers. It wasn't that she wanted to stay skinny, for her magnificent metabolism took care of that, but she was simply born into a family of vegans. But it wasn't that she was forced into it, no, she's a pure vegan. Even as a child, she believed that all animals should be nurtured, not murdered and used for the pleasure of human taste buds. As she got older, it seemed her entire life revolved around her vegan-ness. She had vegan friends, a job at a vegetarian smoothie place which she got because she was vegan, and many living essentials from her vegan parents. But when a group of demons come to Earth and inhabit the minds of random citizens, she got one that will ensure that she gets more than tofu and salads in her stomach.