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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Name: Griffin
Age: 21
Demon: Secrets
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Taytay
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Taytay Sleepy

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Name:Bobby McKnight
Age: 17
Demon: Pain
Bio: Bobby has not been through a lot of pain in his life, but is good at causing others pain. He lived with just his mother, and sisiter but was always up to some kind of trouble. He would put gum in his sisters hair. flush his mother jewelry down the toilet, but things did not start to get bad until he started school. He would super glue kids hands and faces to desk, and he would never get in trouble. Boody always had a genuwine smile on his face, but always had an urge to cause someone pain in any way shape or form.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Josephine Rae Montgomery


Jo has had a pretty good life always looking on the bright side of things even when the bad happens. For example, her grandma dying when she was 10 but although it made her sad she smiled and helped her mom by saying things like 'she's in a better place' or 'grandma wouldn't want us to cry, she'd want us to smile and focus on the good'. Jo continued to act like this whenever things got rough, she was always very hopeful and cheerful no matter what. Jo loves to help others, cheer people up, volunteer, sing, dance, tutor, and lots of other things. She is very open and outgoing seemingly seeing everyone as friends even strangers.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Overlord24
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Overlord24 The Aspiring Author

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Appearance: Raven black hair, purple eyes (previously brown but turned purple due to demon), somewhat playful/mischievous expression/ now mostly solemn, turquoise hoodie, black sweatpants, graphic t-shirts, black sneaker
Name: Avary Muse
Gender: Male
Age: 13
Demon: Death
Bio: Avary was a very playful child in spite of going to funerals a lot and living next to a cemetery, but on his 13th birthday he woke up to discover a voice in his head, which proclaimed himself the Demon, Death.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twannyman
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twannyman TwentyTwaaaaaaan

Member Seen 3 days ago


Name: Gabanre Rufield
Age: 16
Demon: Disaster
Bio: Gabanre is from a rich family, always alone and always gaming. He was bored to death. Both of his parents died when he was 10 years old in a car accident. He is a smart guy, he always thinks logical instead of going with his feelings. He does read a lot of books and he knows a lot of things. He moved after his parents died and want to keep the rich boy a secret from others.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LordofthePies
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LordofthePies A Mess

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Ronan Smith
Age: 17
Demon: Violence
Bio: At a younger age he used to be a sweet little boy who wouldn't hurt a fly. He was never really scared of much and he felt the sight of blood was oddly welcoming. Ronan always wanted to protect his friends, not so much his family. He hated his father for not being there for him, and his mother for ignoring him completely. At school, people picked on him, called him names, pulled nasty pranks on him. One day it was too much and he finally snapped, he couldn't deal with it any longer. After hospitalizing a bully on the bus, the beast inside had been awakened and he began to crave violence like a drug. Now Ronan is unapologetic. He missed the sight of blood like an old friend. Ronan is easily provoked since he doesn't care about his actions getting him in trouble. He would sooner break a kid's nose than apologize to him, and he rarely backs down from a fight or opportunity to feel someone's bones crunching under his blows. Ronan also has a slight fascination with guns. He loves seeing fruits explode on impact, but can't help but wonder if heads do the same thing as watermelon.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VKAllen
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VKAllen Friendo

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Magnolia "Magna" Tamela Vargas
Age: 18
Demon: Wrath
"I shall spare no mercy to those who wronged others."

Magna was the tomboy tough girl grown up to become the ultimate icon of righteousness. She had always been the jury to enemies as reported by her friends, delivering punishment to those who wronged them. As a result she was well-liked among those who were bullied and hated by those who bully. She always had some sort of bruise or on her body all originating from 'setting the record straight' with other people. Those who hung around her would describe her as 'blunt' and 'literal' but 'heroic' in the sense that she stands up for the wronged. She is often caught wearing a strange mask as well. Some say that it is the source of her bravery. Skeptics think its something far more sinister.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Feral
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

❝ It's hard to wake up from a nightmare if you aren't even asleep. ❞

Luna Bellefleur



The introvert in her otherwise extroverted family, Luna's childhood was remarkably unremarkable. As an infant she was described as being quiet; she never kept her parents awake at night, nor did she throw uncontrollable tantrums like the other kids. In other words, she was a perfect child. Even in her early teens she remained marginally the same, seldom staying out past her curfew, and always making sure she got the regular amount of sleep. That was until the nightmares came. It started off as an occasional occurrence, a few nightmares amongst an abundance of dreams, but soon they became a constant thing. Having now been diagnosed with severe insomnia, it wasn't long till the voices started. Now, even when she's awake, the nightmare still continues.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Tumblepop


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Kettlebrick Chilhdarmer
Age: 38
Demon: Misery
Bio: Kettlebrick is a sad man living sadly alone in his sad little apartment. His AIM friendslist has dried up and all he knows to do now is stare blankly at the walls and think about bad arcade to NES ports. He has sustained himself on the bulk ramen and vienna sausages that he stockpiled in his early twenties, but now that, like his AIM friendslist, is running dangerously low. One day, his deep inner monologue of explaining the superiority of Super Mario Bros 2 to Super Mario Bros. USA to the imaginary girlfriends he would never have was interrupted by a rude whispering. His life would never be the same.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Name: Beverly Skain

Age: 21

Demon: The Anti-God of Gluttony

Bio: All her life, Beverly has been a vegan, just like her mother and father, and like their mothers and fathers. It wasn't that she wanted to stay skinny, for her magnificent metabolism took care of that, but she was simply born into a family of vegans. But it wasn't that she was forced into it, no, she's a pure vegan. Even as a child, she believed that all animals should be nurtured, not murdered and used for the pleasure of human taste buds. As she got older, it seemed her entire life revolved around her vegan-ness. She had vegan friends, a job at a vegetarian smoothie place which she got because she was vegan, and many living essentials from her vegan parents. But when a group of demons come to Earth and inhabit the minds of random citizens, she got one that will ensure that she gets more than tofu and salads in her stomach.
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