Andromache has stolen and purloined a number of items from her various victims. As a matter of practice she typically cannot make use of all of them at once, and either has lackeys serving as informal squires carrying some of them for her or else must hoist what she can in baggage to be discarded if the need to fight arises.
Since her return to Kron-Nesis, Andromache has used her knowledge of the nation's Knightly Orders to ambush and lay low many prominent knights of note, maiming and killing several and subsequently stealing their effects. Her plate-armor is assembled from mismatched, combined pieces stolen from her victims. It is technically fully articulated, although the mismatched nature of the ensemble limits this aspect of the armor in practice - affording her a significantly increased range of motion over ordinary plate-mail, but not so great as would be afforded from a custom-made suit of armor. The plate is worn over a layer of reliable chain and scalemail, which Andromache keeps well-maintained. A drawback of utilizing the stolen plate is that Andromache requires assistance in removing and adorning her armor in anything approaching a timely fashion. Getting in and out of it on her own in the wilderness might take her well over an hour.
A No-Nonsense weapon, with a head adorned with spikes and tipped with a vicious prong. The mace is smaller in scale than a full warhammer, requiring only a single arm to use (albeit still requiring a robust physique to make use of in such a way), but may also be used with both hands if necessary.
A trophy of some skirmish between a Knight and Dwarven forces near the border, taken in turn by Andromache. Made of dwarven metal, the Halberd is well-made but shorter than a standard halberd scaled for Human use, giving it less weight and heft as a consequence - but also allowing it to be used with one hand.
A fine, custom-made cavalry saber made for a member of Kron-Nesis' landed nobility. Worth a king's ransom all on its own, but still functional. Stolen by Andromache from its previous owner, now dead.
A stolen metal-faced kite-shield, its surface adorned with the family crest of the House of Enlil, members of the Kron-Nesis landed nobility. Their only heir was one of Andromache's first victims, and her use of his shield thereafter features prominently in the stories of her assaults.
A common crossbow taken from an unfortunate Pavise Soldier. Of no particularly esteemed make, but crossbows are not known as equalizing weapons for no reason. Andromache is not particularly attached to the weapon, and is as like to simply fire it and then discard the crossbow as try to reload it.