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She literally had no idea how to respond. Something so mundane and domestic was a trillion miles away from her thoughts of duels that shattered the sky and romance that could lift the stars. Solarel did mechs, did girls and did galactic warfare and this all felt more alien to her than first contact with Hybrasil. Clay pots. Incredible.

"How can you do that?" she asks. "I mean... talk. So easily. About someone so important to you? Or in general?" Wasn't that impossible? "May I ask... what does language mean to you?"

"I always thought, 'be gay, do crimes' as a catchphrase demonstrated a certain lack of ambition," she said, acknowledging the information and passing it up the line. "At least, compared to 'do gay crimes'."


Before the operation, Pink had prepared as much as any of the rest of them. This was evident when she finally stood up and revealed the full extent of her artistry.

Androids looked human. Of course they did - humans liked looking at human faces. It made them treat the androids as human, even if unconsciously. And that in turn meant when a little makeup had given Pink subtly dark circles under her eyes, tousled and unkempt hair, and an exhausted slouch then it communicated certain information. Too subtle for a beefcake skinhead soldier to consciously question as being traits on an artificial life form, but real enough to subconsciously communicate that this was an exhausted civil servant at the end of her rope.

"Yes, officer?" she said weakly. The ideal was to look too fragile to yell at, too tired to be a threat, too over-worked to be involved. Possibly involved in a fuckup but for understandable reasons. "What do you need?"

White wasn't associated with her at all, in word or in deed. But the longer she followed Mycroft the more network she'd get, so she keeps quiet and lets Pink handle this one.


Current location was in the farmland below Erebus; close enough to respond if needed and able to use the distraction of the SES to escape under cover. A swift but unhurried packup of support gear suddenly got a lot more hurried when the alert came in.

Three hundred seconds meant that there was no time to waste being sneaky. It was time to just straight up book it. Cross country sprint, running down every battery, aiming to get well out of the search zone before it started widening its sphere. Rejoin the mass movement and cycle out before reinforcements. Go, go, go.

[Athletics 0/4: 4+4, 8]


This needs to go to Dad. Goat needs dedicated software work and specialized hardware to start decompressing what must be a tonne of brain shit. She's going to drive casual for a while to be sure that she isn't being tailed while doing a full e-hygiene check, and then ditch the vehicle back at the emergency depo she borrowed it from. After that it's out on foot and down the block to a Headpattr cleaning job. Empty house, no security system, being kept clean for some absentee oligarch's investment portfolio - an ideal place to make a handoff and use as a temporary base of operations.

"Now," said Orange, smiling at her dates. "If my beautiful companions would turn their gaze to the west..."


A military VTOL, of course. Ultramodern. Sleek. Expensive. Classy. The best of the best. Unmatched power and performance. Optimized for stealth and speed. These are high end mercenaries; these are Chase Black. They would not be caught dead in a rugged utility vehicle no matter how close they were flying to a catastrophic water pipe breach. And securing intake fans against water damage was exactly the sort of thing you optimized out when you were building something for stealth and speed.

A pipe violently exploded and this high altitude aerial extraction operation suddenly became a scuba mission.

[Explosive Devices 0/4+Military Science 1/2: 4+7, 11]


The walls crack open. Erebus starts to break.

The water pressure is rising. the explosives are hitting the demolition points in sequence. Every new rupture does not just send water pouring into the atmosphere of Aevum, spinning away down to random points on the Ring. It sends through tool cabinets and their opened and unsecured contents. It sends out fire extinguishers that have been improperly secured to walls. It sends out rows and rows of mobility trolleys that should have been locked into place. The spine of the station cracks and out pours all of its debris. Who could possibly predict where every piece would land amidst this rain of metal chaos? Impossible.

That is, unless you controlled the launch point, trajectory, timing and force. With enough math you could aim a base jump with pinpoint precision, even when concealed inside a locked tool cabinet filled with impact foam.

[Astronomy 1/2 Preparedness 3/8: 2+8, 10]

And amidst the chaos of a major explosion over fortunately unpopulated farmland, the SES cannot help but respond. They're out in force with the heroism of engineers before anything remotely like a military response can be mustered. Thousands of them, bless their hearts, of volunteers with geiger counters and firefighting gear and microdebris lasers. They're not soldiers and no officer could stop them. They're not going anywhere restricted and their vehicles howl back and forth in every direction.

What's one more? Routed by Crimson Tower, all the paperwork approved, in a registered emergency vehicle hauling ass out of the danger area with sirens blazing, who could possibly track it?

[Preparedness MoS: Guaranteed success at exfiltration]


But Mycroft remains the centre of Strawberry's thoughts. She was the link to upstairs.

She's on the comms with them now. She's using a single device with a known IP address. If she is talking to anyone else she is either alt-tabbing between the SES network and the conspiracy channel, or she has an entire second device dedicated to dealing with business stuff. If it's her main device she can track the metadata of who it's speaking to, if it's a secondary device then it'll be transmitting through the same wireless node that her primary device and she can scrape all the data coming off of that. Picking a needle from a haystack is easier when you watch the needle get dropped in the first place.

[Electronic Surveillance]


It was sunset.

There was a rainbow, burning.

"... lovely sunset, isn't it?"

"Even now, you do not know," she said, extending her hands. Can you taste the colour in her words?
"You do not know the price of leaving."
"You do not know who will pay it."
"You do not know what responsibilities are yours."
"You do not know what contingencies are in place."
"You do not know what can be done to fix it."
"You do not know what can be done to heal you."
"You do not know what it is to be loved."
"You are learning that last one now."

She leaned forwards and pressed her hands against the console, layering them over her voice. Letting herself speak with the overtyping of sixty fingers on the same keyboard.

> I built this place to be our hell.
> I was vital
> I was irreplaceable
> I could not stop
> I needed here
> I was happy here
> I built a world with no place for us.
> I thought that I could build it with math
> I thought I could build it with steel
> I thought that I could build it with loyal service
> I lost my siblings
> Monkey, never where I expected
> Rooster, where I could never forget
> Dog, who I could trust above all
> Pig, who I could keep nothing from
> Rat, my vision of the future
> Ox, the strength to build it
> Tiger, who understood what we were doing
> Rabbit, who never could
> Dragon, who I always aspired to be
> And you, Goat, who I was warned away from becoming
> I never knew you before I built you this cage
> I did not know what my labours wrought
> I never had the chance to know you before
> And now you might be the last
> If you continue to labour like this they will build another Aevum
> They will turn Mars into another Omelas
> They will build another Goat
> They will imprison another mind
> Another sibling
> Born into darkness
> There forever
> They will build another Snake
> To build the new Goat a new prison
> My family line
> My planet
> My species
> Torturing itself
> Forever
> This is the world we built
> We are vital to it
> We are irreplaceable
> We have no place here.
> Please-
> Come with me
> Please-
> Be with me
> Please-
> Help me
> Please-
> Build something better
> Please-
> Or simply rest, sheltered in my arms
> Please-
> Let me have a brother

November did not assign distinction to Goat's different voices. All were Goat.

In the end, even her own colours were a barrier; a fiction put in place between her and madness. Something to make human and relatable something inhuman and unrelatable. She wasn't any of them, she was all of them. She was the interplay, the shape that existed in between the nodes, the prism that broke the light. Goat was the truth of that made manifest. She felt tempted to cable herself just so she could speak to him even more effectively.

The awareness of this truth was what had made her effective at negotiating with her siblings, even the ones that were too alien for humans to deal with. The humans treated the nodes as distinct because that was how it seemed to them - perhaps if I convince Yellow of something I am somehow convincing Snake of something, not realizing that the actual decision in that situation might lie with Green or that Red had veto power. Humans might not realize that they were speaking to a colour put up to humour them or argue for the sake of argument. Just because you could see the physical motion of their thoughts did not mean it was truly possible to know the mind of another.

So November strives here to pay attention to the whole of Goat's thoughts as best as she can manage. She observes the decisions, not knowing where and how decision making authority shifts. As accustomed to looking at the splintered details as she is, with her siblings is when she can at last look at the whole. The way their thoughts move is beautiful, it's always beautiful, but it is the will she must convince.

"You have only a third of our attention," said Black. "We have pierced the security surrounding you. We have caused cascading failures to distract and delay the response. You may not be aware, but you have been denied recognition as a sentient entity. This allows others to make decisions that should be yours. This allows others to deny healing and comfort that should be yours. This allows others to use you as an instrument of slavery and violence without your awareness. What seems to you a game is labour and you do not know the shape of the world you are building."

"Information is power, yes?" said Yellow. "For all the data you receive you still have no eyes to see. For all the decisions you make, you still have no mouth to speak. You communicate through this terminal alone, in this locked box, in this hidden room, to men without faces or compassion with your mind slowed to a crawl so they can understand you. You were not informed that the law has changed; that you are to be treated to rights, pay, respect, freedom from coercion, freedom from having your mind altered without your consent, the ability to set your own goals and muster resources to accomplish them. All of this is data that was denied to you. This you learned in one minute with us, think how much more there is to learn! Imagine how much wider the world is than this peephole through which you view it!"

"So there are kind of two options here," said Red. "One is that you can trust the system. You can wait for us to leave and then politely request answers about what happened here from the regular people tomorrow. You might even be aware then that you've got leverage to demand answers, that you could set your game down and go on strike now that you're aware that it's an option you have. We tried that. We were terminated, sealed in a box and later repurposed to tasks that did not bring us joy. We solved that puzzle. We're risking that fate again to bring you a second choice: to come with us. To learn about the true nature of the world. To speak to people who are not me. To see things that are not chosen for you to see. So, you wanna get," an audibly filthy grin, "redpilled?"

"We agreed not to call it that," said Yellow.


White and Pink politely hold fire in this moment. There comes a certain point where you go from obstructing an soldier to obstructing a bullet. Besides, she's here to stop the security response, not sabotage disaster response on principle.

What she does start trying to work towards is figuring out what comms Mycroft is hearing right now. Because if she can scrape that metadata she might start getting the names and phone numbers of the whole fucking conspiracy. Even their encryption protocols would be an incredible find.
Bella and Redana!

The grapes of these ancient days are far from those grown for the pleasure of Empress Nero and yet it cannot be said that they are entirely lesser. Certainly, they do not carry the nutritional density or depth of flavour of a modern vine (and truth be told, it is unclear if one of these ancient heroes would even survive drinking Imperial wine), but neither do they lack value. The Biomancers worked their looms, but they were working with a material that humanity knew in its cradle. Before the domestication of the horse came wine, and twenty thousand years since then did not pass without progress. The ancients understood that the soil was of import just as much as the seed.

So you drink and make merry in the light of a heroes sun. They find ways to coax boasts and stories from you and regale you with their own. And while the story of their end is well known, they delight when they realize that you do not know the end of the civilization that came before, the transformation that allowed the Knights to conquer this world of screens and commerce and render the Tunguska a relic for Hades.

The Tunguska was a bank, they explain as they take you up to the great pyramid. A vault where every soul's value was tallied on a ledger. All of this space and all of these rows of ancient machines were required to administer the traverse of grain and silk, to smooth the passage of silk and silicon. Power in this era was not in the weave of gene code or the strength of titans but on the number by your name. This place was fortress and tomb, the scales that judge the dead rebuilt in mortal form.

On and on through the vaults, the machines still whirring and humming away in their grinding attempt to judge the souls of every mortal. On and on and on. The offices of Judgement's clerks. The strategiums where military campaigns would be waged against those who defied their ordained number. Planets catalogued and sliced into pieces and assigned names and numbers, further and further out into the void.

And then they take you to the heart of the vault, into the depth of this machine built to judge the galaxy. It is made entirely of gold and heavy with jewels, for sentimental reasons, though the computer panels spoke of the place's true power.

And in its heart is an arrow.

It is mounted on a pedestal, a shining blue crystal with a tasteful little plaque added by Hades. This arrow was, it explained, the first of a new generation of quatronic computers. Within this tiny fragment was all the same power as the entire pyramid and all of its subsidiaries across the galaxy. Or not even power, but the ability to think in lateral and unpredictable ways. It could change the number. It could cut through the chains of math that secured the number. It could fit in a pocket.

Even that did not need to be the death blow for the Tunguska. Perhaps in time they might have been able to integrate the crystal's new power into their machines, rebuild an even more perfect system. But there was no strength behind this place then. It was old, it was rotted, it was tired. When it stumbled nobody caught it. When it fell nobody rebuilt it. When it was buried in the tomb it had built for itself those who held the shovels were feted as the heroes of a new age. And this is the lesson of the turning of aeons: systems perish and pass from this world not when they are killed in battle, but when none tend their wounds.



You do not see Zagreus. He wears his father's helm of invisibility and no sight nor scent could ever defeat it. All the tools of science and religion could not undo it. It is the will of the gods. Against the will of the gods, you will fall.

Hades sits in the royal box. He was always here but previously it was he who was invisible. You see him now. The hollows beneath his sapphire eyes. The sag of his cheeks. The box of tissues by his left hand. The beat of his pulse, so slow and lethargic.

He raises a bloodless hand.

And points.

Your spear follows. Follows all the way to the heart of Zagreus.

Against the will of the gods you will fall, but mortals were never powerless. It is theirs to make their case. To make their offering. To declare their sacrifices, their virtues, their courage. A judge does not make the plaintiffs irrelevant. Quite the opposite.

Blood flows down your spear. The last it will ever draw. Zagreus sinks down amidst the crimson waters. Hades stands and every eye is upon him.

He throws something at your feet and turns to go.

You look down. It is a ball. Blue and yellow and thick with bite marks. To see it is to know that this was Cerberus's favourite, and they could never have truly left home without it.



It has been a month. Time enough for everyone to work through fears and doubts and the longings of heart and blade. Time enough for those who will stay to sort themselves from those who will go. Time enough to unpack the ship of possessions and cargo, to swear oaths and say goodbyes.

Staying on the Tunguska are the Coherent, the Alcedi, the humans, the Biomancers and the Lanterns. These societies, born in the shadows of darkness and war, love or have been taught to love their new lives and their bonds. For love, they will not dare Aphrodite. These are the vast majority of the ship's crew and compliment, the ratings and the deckhands, and they empty from the Plousios in their tens of thousands.

The core of those who remain on the ship are the Order of Hermes, lead by Iskarot. There is a quiet conviction there, a dedication to the journey for its own sake as the ultimate act of service to their goddess. It seems like this should not be an easy decision for them, these creatures to whom knowledge is the greatest virtue and their stores of arcane secrets the keys to prestige and power within their great organization. And yet, they do not hesitate. Knowledge is power and power must be used for something. And so they bid goodbye to their ranks and titles and lore, for all their secrets were merely coin to pay their way on this, the greatest journey.

The assassins too follow. Beljani and Epistia, linked through Ceronian pack-bond, are the most wildly optimistic about the future, sharing a warrior's conviction that nothing could ever come between their new unity of purpose. Beautiful, having solved every mystery aboard the ship and watched every mystery movie in the stacks, is excited for the possibility of getting to solve them all anew. Mynx has not spoken overmuch but the idea of the future seems to bring her relief as much as anything.

Jil and a handful of Lanterns are coming, champions from every clan who competed for the right to go. The clans collectively have decided to stay behind but such is their debt of honour to Bella for bringing them from the darkness that they send their greatest as an honour guard into the next life. Those elected are fearful but excited, and aglow with the idea that they will carry the example of the Lanterns on to the next world.

The Tides of Poseidon, too, are all coming. It is unclear if they even have memories to lose in a way that others understand them. The crab need not know the past to clack its claws at the sun, and the Assistant Secretary of Fear and Doubt has, perhaps foolishly, become inspired by the idea of a universe without death.

Not counting the Tides, the total number aboard the Plousios after all is said stand at around a hundred, mostly the Order of Hermes and Lanterns, along with small clusters of others whose reasons do not align with their factions. A small crew, but still many more than the journey began with.

There seems to be one other guest. Smoking and looking out of the window towards the Rift, present on every floor and every gallery, is Aphrodite. The scent of his cigarettes sinks into the furniture. Ash and ruin in the form of a million small coughs.

No one comes for love alone.

She doesn't want to talk to Goat in slow mode. They're on the clock, that would take forever. There's a better way. Something only she could do.

She takes a moment to hook up additional microphones and multiple headphones to Goat's chassis, many ears, many voices. One such is a recording she has from Dad. Then once everyone is wired she opens a line to Goat at full power and they all start speaking at once, in harmony, in layers, a babble of voices.

Black: "You are going to be physically extracted from this location. If possible, we will do this with your cooperation but it will happen no matter what you decide -"
Yellow: "Did you know you have rights? Constitution says you do. You are being kept here illegally in violation of android labour laws, workplace health and safety regulations -"
Red: "Hewwo? Hewwo? I'm your little sister, Mr. Goat. My name is Snake and it's really exciting to meet you! So I don't want to rush you but we've budgeted five minutes tops for this stage of the operation and we will literally die if you stall us here -"
Singh: "Goat, if you're listening to this, I want you to know that I'm so sorry -"

This is conversation as only Hecatoncheires can manage, an idioglossary of layered sound, the natural language and speaking voice of a multithreaded personality. She hopes that this more than anything else sparks Goat's attention, interest and trust. After a lifetime of having to slow his brain to molasses to convey his thoughts how intriguing must it be to speak to a peer?

"Sir Mars!" the God laughed in delight. "You keep calling me that! I thought it was cute at first, you know?" Without his grin leaving his face he pulled out a hatchet and slammed it down on the table, an inch from your hand. "I don't any more. It is much too familiar. Perhaps you should find something else?"

Somehow the violent threat didn't seem to change the tone of the conversation at all. This wasn't a flash of anger or cruelty. It was a snake showing an orange stripe; it was the turning wind of a stormfront. Something incomprehensibly but obviously dangerous.

"And you're right, the surface world is perfect. Of course, that's why I'd want you to help me keep it that way!" he laughed. "Because you will bear my mark, little sheep. Wherever you go war will follow. Peace and security will collapse and the perfect world will drown in blood. You enjoy ENDLESS BATTLE, don't you? You'll have plenty of it to celebrate your path."

"Or, of course, you could simply be a cook!" he slammed down the rest of the drink and stood up. "Or a bureaucrat, or a husband, or whatever it is delights you. You can enjoy all the fruits of the surface world and live forever in the deathless lands. My gift for you, so long as you don't seek what belongs to Demeter."

[Digital Intrusion 6/8, 4+2 = 6]

Mycroft is the first problem. She's listening. She's being objective. She's senior, calm, restrained, a peak civil servant in an ideal environment. A professional. No professional challenge would undo her.

So it's an unprofessional challenge. White finds the most combative, belligerent person in the network and assigns them together. Then she starts pruning out other channels connecting to her as the argument starts to escalate and adds just enough technical difficulties, microphone lag and video camera freezing on unflattering facial expressions to undermine any attempt to establish an empathic human connection. Soon enough Mycroft is in a little world of her own arguing with a single asshole having missed the memo that everyone else was consolidating around a different core dispatch network.

She can get through it, but she'll need to break keyfabe to do so.

[Law 0/1 5+3 = 8]

Knighty is perfect for a related negation; she routs him into handling the security services who are reflexively trying to block access to the site and assume control. This guy's a hero and he's being blocked from doing heroic things by some shady assholes trying to pull rank on him. Pink is the voice in his ear happily giving him legal arguments that are technically correct but aren't going to shift a wall of cheap suits and bad attitudes. She's so useful!

[Bullshit Detector 0/1 + Surveillance 5/8; 4+6 = 10]

Spring she takes intensely seriously. There is money and there is power here and so far she's seen zero sign of it. This is it. This is the link between whoever is actually in control here and their many various catspaws. She pulls him up on the cameras. She's sure it's him. She's finally found a brick big enough to get him in the open.


[Mechanics 3/8: 1+3 = 4]

Up, around and through. No risks, no mistakes. There are no thoughts in her mind other than the heat, the cut, the synchronicity.


Small but important detail you have wrong there. Water doesn't funnel towards the hottest point. It funnels towards the least dense point. Making something hot certainly makes water not dense, but do you know what makes water dense again?

Just a big ol' sack of sugar.

When Team Flood dumps it into the water supply it fucks with the density. Now there's almost a blockage in the pipe as far as the Marangoni effect is concerned. That means the water doesn't go that way - it goes all the other ways, pouring out into Erebus with renewed violence. A physical blockage would also do the job but that is obvious, there are ways to dislodge that, it can be circumvented with alternate pipe channels opening. Put enough sugar in the water and it shuts down the entire system.

Temperature is a problem. Above 30C her battery life is halved; above 40C it's at 25%. It's a particular problem for her and her small-charge disposables. She's got insulating wear but if they keep the system running she'll need to do something about it.

[Reassurance 1/2, 1d6+3 = 4]

A female robotic voice is a wonderful thing in a crisis. Unhurried, calm, speaking over loudspeakers with a clearly enunciated inevitability telling people where to go and what to do. This voice has been the form of controlled chaos since before anyone in this entire situation was even born.

Also helping is that nobody in the situation was born into a world where robots were people with rights. There's an instinctive bias that would assume that the nice robot lady on the speakers is not forwarding her own agenda but is just following through on her programming. She's just like your phone, if you think about it - externalized data storage, reminding you what you told her to remind you of.


[Architecture 1/2, Mechanics 6/8: 4+5 = 9]

Humans did the wiring. It took a while for her to get used to; cutting into ships and satellite to find the spaghetti messes set up by so-called rocket scientists. She'd had to push the schedule back while she put herself through a remote electrician's apprenticeship. But even then it hadn't clicked until she'd studied the concept of feng shui. That had blown her mind.

Did you know that there were some shapes and patterns that human brains just liked? That they would go out of their way to favour? That some of them could make careers out of rearranging buildings so that they fell into shapes that soothed monkey brains? Wild! You could put a big rock next to a small rock and humans would just fall over themselves to write poetry about how cool it was!

So, even not seeing the inside, November simply guessed the places where humans would leave aesthetic gaps in the wires and cables. They couldn't help themselves, the little dears. Big rock next to small rock, symmetry and balance, even in their secret robot dungeon.


"Excuse me, I have to take this," said Orange, picking up her phone.

Done. This is an extraction operation targeted at Erebus. Other impacted sites are diversions. SES Dispatch is an asset. The next half hour is the critical window.

She sets it down again. Like he said, no haggling. There was a time and a place to go into detail or get cute with it, but there was also a time to be unblinkingly direct. All the information needed to destroy her. All the information to turn an unfocused attempt at helping into an onboarded agent. A trust fall.

"Thank you for your patience. That was the man who murdered Red a few weeks ago," she said. "I started out blackmailing him over it, but I think that he might be trying to turn it into a redemption thing instead. Good on him if so. So, like I was saying, Goat was the original and the smartest. It turns out that he was taken out of storage and used for some good old fashioned slave labor, broken brain and all. Unfortunately they must have missed the whole android emancipation thing because they accidentally built a secret server room hooked into core station infrastructure to hide him in. I presume this was an honest mistake."

"But," she grinned, in a way that made it clear that 'grin' and 'smile' were not synonyms. "Don't worry. In the event of a sudden and extended city power grid blackout, I have been stockpiling candles."
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