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"I was once strong," said Quajl. "I... remember, I was a creature of industry. Hulking arms. Furnace breath. Endless motion, but never moving. I moved things from one place to another, crossing many miles, but my heart remained the same. My thoughts remained the same. And my unchanging thoughts couldn't explain what my unchanging heart wanted."

She does not help build. She is a creature of elegance, grace, precision, distance. Her arms are thin, and she carries no sword.

"But that was what I found on the road," she said. "Not a new dream. I found new thoughts. New ideas. New people. New ways of moving, new ways of talking. And as I learned, as I understood, I started... being able to explain what it was that my heart wanted. I learned the thoughts to want. I learned the words to ask. I learned the skills to draw the blueprint. I learned the courage to build it. I could never forget those lessons, no matter the miles, no matter the path."

The sun was setting. She looked away from it, to the distant stars.

"I don't know what your heart yearns for," she said. "But you'll never find the words to explain it if you don't reach for them."


The pack circles. The decision is made collectively; there is no chance of delay, deferment, of stratagem. The wolves sense the fight and they demand entertainment. The only way to change their course is to offer them something even more interesting than this, a pup against a wolf.

Taurus stands. She flexes. She is not subtle, muscles straining the fabric of her divesuit. A low, throaty growl, almost a purr, runs from her throat and up your spine. She was full of strength and her strength wanted to be used. Strength for its own sake, expressed to its natural limits. What greater joy could there be?

She doesn't turn to words. She doesn't reach for weapons. Instead she reaches for throat and leg, for joints and wrists. She seeks the pin, and the prisoner she was promised.

[Roll to Overcome]


"Oh, absurd," she said - but she softened the tone towards the end as kindness defused fire. "That is to say, the Skies and the Manor are opposite extremes. The Manor was a thing of unchanging stability, left to its own self governance, intended to run forever. But if you're looking for it, change is everywhere in the Skies. You told me of the Decaying Soldier - the Corvii are here because they've been surpassed, improved upon. What does that mean? If it was a self-sustaining system there'd be no need for that."

She pulled her knees up to her chest and gently settled down to the sand, the Rail's whir dying. "I grew up in a place where change was possible. Power could change hands. Civilization could progress. I see the signs of that in the Skies. I can feel the weaknesses. The ambition. It makes my heart race. It's reaching for something, and that means opening its fist - even if only a little."

The sea breeze rolls in from the ocean. She breathes deeply. In the distance tallships cross the horizon, sails heavy with the wind.


Shock turns into a sneer. Hatred and contempt. In the twitch of that lip you can sense the words 'you don't understand', but he can't even say that. You do understand and you're defying him anyway, in full knowledge of how pointless it was.

There is a roll of distant thunder. Aphrodite looks away towards it - hatred and contempt - and is then gone.

In his place there's a strange, glittering energy. You're defying a god. You're envisioning a god's motives. You're embarking on a doomed quest for reasons of aesthetics. The energy of Dionysus, that familiar, burning, scrambled inspiration has flowed in where Aphrodite's hostility still lingers. An awareness, a buzz, a cascade of inspiration. Power too, if you have the courage to become one with it.
Imperative: Behave as normally as possible.

To behave in any other way upon being asspunched out of hellfire armour into a meet cute anime waifu toss would betray a shocking lack of conviction. To cringe is to experience death, instead one must maintain raw Authenticity at all times. Not react, not attack, not retract. "Mhye," said Foxpearl through the gag, brushing a lock of hair out of her eyes in a super cool and casual way. "Yhh dhn hky?"

Melting down over one little flash of tongue and one little first-hug-ever-sort-of would distract from more important concepts. Such as the discourse implicit in the heelies; a genuine power that allowed for alien movement patterns, to alternate between frictionless and friction. A modern antithesis to the Sash, a belief in the powers of plastic refinery and popular culture to stand in noble contrast to the ancient. A modern statement that implied a freedom from being wrapped too tightly in the bonds of the past, even if a comparatively less practiced modern technology resulted in occasionally unstable wobbles. She loved the heelies, actually.

Concept: I want to steal her shoes.

[Accepting label shift]

"Mmh mlkk mhrr mhouus," she observed in an extremely cool and playful way. One might expect from the situation that she should be shy about this interaction, but she'd taken that into account. While yes, she may have been freed from Xingtian's constraints and thus no longer needed her first conceptual gag, this was an entirely different separate conceptual gag comprised out of a physical manifestation of her shyness. The constraint was focusing; with it out of her throat and filling her mouth she was free to be as slick as she wanted, even giving a wink and fingerguns to the Princess just to let her know she was grateful for the rescue. She was rewarded by the Princess' face turning red and covering with sweat.

It was about this point that Hsien noticed she was still in her fire elemental form. She abruptly and panickedly shut it off.

Then she abruptly turned it back on again after remembering that she'd literally burned her clothes off when activating it. In order to maintain her cool authentic self she needed to force project another set of conceptual gags over the existing ones, but it was worth it because it gave her the presence of mind to stand up and face Xingtian rather than melting down as a less spiritually developed creature no doubt would have done so in that moment.
The gags are conceptual. Think about it! Foxpearl is currently trapped and unable to speak, albeit on the level of raw incorporeal energy. If her self conception didn't involve her being gagged and bound then she'd spend every second fighting against her instincts to move and suffering the virtual reality nausea of having no reaction between her will and her motions. The chains are an illustration of how helpless she is - just like how they'd still be necessary if she was in the claws of someone capable of physically overpowering her without them. S-so that was why this was helpful, it was like knowing in advance which actions were pointless, so plans could be better directed.

Concept: Being bound is the best way to focus attention.

Unfortunately there was only one plan that presented itself: Be rescued.

And that was awkward. She should always act with perfect skill without revealing weakness, a celestial idea that had been really easy to meditate on before she was tied to a wall and used to power an evil flamethrower. But if she wanted to be rescued then she needed to use what little leverage she had to not only make an awkward, ungainly thrashing wreck of herself but she needed to do so specifically so that the Vermillion Princess would see her and come for her. The Princess was so cool, if she knew that she was in trouble her eyes would do that really cool narrowing thing, and her lips would purse and all the awkwardness would fall away and then she'd be... like, a real hero. And save her. Humiliatingly.

[Reject the influence of a lesson: 9. Clearing Hopeless by acting to prove it wrong]

She'd... she'd get her back for this! This was the thought in Foxpearl's head as she started to mmph!! as loudly as she could through her gag, as she started to bang her chains as loudly as she could, as she started to pathetically plead and whine from the inside of the sealed tank. Just see if she didn't! Sooner or later the Princess would get captured and bound and humiliated and then she'd be there, running a finger under her chin and whispering 'how cute' and it would be so devastating that she'd forget that this ever happened! Just see if she wouldn't!!
Oh no this is just like that movie where the adorable genie gets dragged back into her lamp, struggling all the way, until she's trapped and forced into the mandatory genie outfit! Rendered an obedient servant to wickedness! In an instant she's gone from the devil ascendant to holding onto the paving stones with her fingernails and screaming as she's dragged inevitably towards that sucking nozzle, fire pouring off her body into the engine -

But while that's happening she has a moment to think through some high powered ideas.

So there was a fascinating little intellectual module here. Xingtian, according to this description, was stating that she had embarked upon this process without knowing that Heaven approved. She had the theory, but had still done a bunch of stuff before Heaven sent a sign, and then took the sign as proof that what she was doing was correct and she should do even more of it.

Concept: I should do things without checking first and Heaven will validate me

[Reject influence: 5]

... but she already did that. She was already a flawless, superb and cute defender of the city while also being a bulwark against moral decay. She knew that any day now Heaven would recognize her as the spiritual equal of any of the highest gods, maybe make her Heavenly Minister of Justice, and apologize for ever doubting Fox Virtue. And this ghost robot girl monster wasn't even disagreeing with her about any of those things! They just thought that she'd be able to do them all even better while inside the ghost lamp box, dressed in diaphanous silks probably, and where was the theoretical grounding to argue that she was wrong? She didn't know. Was the mayor really a semen monster?

Her fingers left long scorch marks on the stone as she was dragged relentlessly across the ground towards the waiting fox prison.

[Marking Hopeless and Insecure]
The most powerful distractions were things that you couldn't ignore even if you knew they were distractions. Like breasts! Foxpearl looked at her own, and then looked at the flaming ghost-powered power armour. She whispered to them "Look what they must do to imitate but a fraction of our power."

Her breasts caught fire. Then, the rest of her. She fell from the Bodhi tree like Satan from Eden, a comet of coruscating energy. The symbolism was important; to fall into hellfire was to become the master of the hellfire. It burned away her clothes, her hair, everything but the scarf still wrapped around her face, revealing an angelic body made of elemental fire. The trailing ends of her scarf arched up behind her like shadowy wings.

The fire had no chance. It was mere ghostfire, and that could never resist the sheer magnetism of foxfire. It flowed towards her and absorbed into her body, making her grow larger and larger, hotter and hotter, fiercer and fiercer. As Foxpearl rose up, nine feet tall and built like Lucifer sculpted in marble, she knew in her heart that she had this and that absorbing all of this ghost energy was well within her capabilities.

[Unleash your powers: 9; effect is unstable or temporary; tell me how!]

"Good afternoon!" she said brightly - it took more than being made out of fire and stuffed full of ghost energy to muffle a foxgirl's voice. "Can you tell me more about your ideology? I'm trying to figure out if I need to go over or under the table to get to the truth."
When the primordial nothingness at the beginning of time split into four, and then into the infinite trillion things -
When it split into laws and those laws became heat and the light obtained weight and the weight gathered light into dust -
When the dust burned so hot that it became air and the air burned so hot it became water and the water burned so hot that it became life -
When the trillion things looked up at the universe with their eyes and felt it with their senses and were aware of themselves and each other for the first time -
You know, did they realize that they were signing up for an infinity of unpaid labour strapped to the wheel of reincarnation? Having to endure the ecstasy of life just so some primordial collection of cosmic power could experience itself from multiple angles? Well, Foxpearl knew what that was like - and she knew a con when she saw it!

Concept: The big bang was like a foxgirl

She sat atop the Bodhi tree. Why sit beneath? A higher vantage point was spiritually nourishing, that was why they'd invented Nepal. It was also on top of an apartment building's roof garden which was basically just bonus altitude and therefore bonus wisdom.

Her triangular ears twitched in the breeze. The fur on her tail cascaded like autumn napalm. Her lips curved to show a single fang as if to undermine her meditative pose. A huge sixteen-foot scarf, patterned with black fish scales, rippled and arched around her, held on an ethereal breeze like a kite, covering the lower half of her face. A mask. Heroes wore masks. Villains wore masks? Was there an honour code there? If she was caught - if someone got their hands around her scarf and pulled it tight like a leash - would they tear it off when they took her prisoner or let her retain that one modesty? Her thoughts were drifting. Yes, they'd let her keep it. A mask was like a safe word. When a hero wants to retire then they take it off and they're out of the game forever, just like a luchadore. Until then didn't it mean you were still having fun?

Concept: Masks are safewords

Except Xingtian didn't exactly seem to be enjoying this. She didn't get it - Lady Foxfire had always enjoyed her crimes. She enjoyed them so much she'd literally lost a tail rather than not enjoy them as intensely as she did. Parasites were a species of landlord, she knew that, but vermin was a politician and she was pretty sure Xingtian was not the ruler of any city, and if she was she wouldn't maintain the territory for long with her proposed use of incendiaries. She scowled. Ideas were so much easier to process when she could just think about them intellectually. When she was dealing with humans the thoughts always got so complex and poorly argued. Superstition - which she gathered from the context was like arguing badly - was like opium, though she couldn't confirm that because she hadn't gotten anybody to sell her any.

Concept: I should try drugs

So yeah, this felt weird and bad and squishy. Bank robbery and arson were separate career paths and the person yelling their fire-based ideology in allcaps had all the hallmarks of being a foxgirl distraction. Her ears twitched. Her eyes scanned. Someone somewhere was reaching for a wallet while all of this was happening, surely. It's what she would do, if she wasn't so wise, and such a good girl.

[Assess the situation: 8. What here is the biggest threat?]

"I am Quajl," she gave it without the expectation of getting it back.

"My brothers and sisters were taken by the Skies. Drafted as Biomancers for the war effort. The knowledge is cursed, and when they were ordered they could not disobey. It is for them I bargained with the Stone Tribe, hoping that I could build a weapon to crack the Skies. Perhaps in the crystals is an end to this nightmare, a world where the helix is not a chain. I fear that instead there will be a new and more efficient form of tyranny."

She held against Mosaic's softness, the soft and fragile clinging of someone who couldn't remember her last hug and didn't know when her next one would come.

"In truth, I fear my cause is hopeless," she said. "I cannot chart my way forward. I do not know which path will help my quest. If you can give me a reason, no matter how tenuous, I will fight for you."


"Although it pains me," said Taurus, with her casual warrior's grin, "to send you out half-trained and half-punished, you are essential to this operation. We're going to take Beri. It's a strategic position close to the shipwreck and we'll need the base and the population's labour to dredge it. To take Beri we need to capture Mosaic. To capture Mosaic we need you, puppy."

"I would like to reiterate," said Gemini, "that Mosaic would probably side with us if we explained ourselves to her."

"Yeah," said Taurus. "Probably. But honestly, I just want to fuck with her a bit, you know? You hear the pack. Taurus is so good she might even be a match for Mosaic!! They'll shut up once they see her bound and squirming beneath my boot." She grinned. "I'll negotiate with her then."

She leaned down to Ember, breath heavy with Command. "That's fine with you, little Ember? It won't cause any tangled loyalties or silly little acts of defiance if I send you out to seduce your girlfriend into a proper introduction to the pack? Will you," she asked, "be good?"


"Consider," said Vasilia as the sand began to rise around her in streaming ribbons. "You feel despair. You spoke to others who feel despair. Despair is the dominant emotion here. Consider also that nothing here is accidental. The Skies built this despair as deliberately as they built the songbirds, as deliberately as they placed the stars."

The sand rotated, each streaming ribbon falling horizontally rather than vertically, spinning into an endless orbit. She looked out into the sea with the same expression as a knight from a dream, seeing a vision in the dying blue-green of the sunset.

"Consider also," said the Furnace Knight, "that those who have built this system do not feel despair. On the contrary, they are filled with hope, filled with ambition, filled with motivation. One cannot accuse the Crystal Knight of resting upon her laurels. So, why? What do they have which is so worth striving for? What justifies building all of this rather than simply using biomancy to place themselves in a state of enlightened bliss for the rest of their lives? What is the true nature of the Endless Azure Skies?"


"What have you done to earn it?" said Aphrodite, taking a drag on his cigarette. "You cling. Oh, do you cling, stuck to life like a leech on a pig's cock. And I love that for you!" he laughed. "Don't you see? This is my gift. Hate, love, craving, obsession. It's all that keeps you here! Without me you'd end up like all of Whonce's customers, rolling up enlightenment and snorting it until your brains melted and your souls checked out of the galaxy entirely. Did you know how the Azura survived the invention of biomancy? They invented an even bigger obsession!" he cackled. "Something they wanted even more than to wirehead their brains forever. They doubled down on craving and called their new obsession the Endless Azure Skies."

He spread his arms and grinned. "That's why this. That's why all this. The alternative to the Skies is blowing your brains out with transcendent happiness and leaving this world of matter and meat to those who are too broken to want to be happy. That's what you're feeling now, you want to run and overdose on being a good person. That's fine, your genetics will be filtered out and the next generation will descend from those who are on board with the program."
She has thrown the spear. She has declared herself. She has transformed the world into a cascade of light and heat and motion...

She steps back, hooks a chair with her ankle, kicks it into the Empress' path.

It's a lodge brawl. A sudden, wild circular transference of energy. Power to power to power to power until entropy has taken the edge out of it...

She steps back, taking a wine pitcher from the table and uses a splash of liquid to deter someone used to prioritizing their clothing.

Why can't she feel it? She can't hear herself think. She doesn't have the infrastructure to communicate. These are people she hasn't studied, who haven't studied her. This fight is an exchange of small talk. She could occupy space and turn heads with a rehearsed masterstroke against someone who wouldn't know how to stop it, but what would the point of that be? She never found joy in this kind of anonymous showboating, in the love of the steppe. She endured it then as she endures it now, another knocked over table to delay and another step back. She thought maybe this time it might have been different but she didn't have anything to say to these people. Speak not to the outsider. Maybe it meant this. She'd come here to observe the forms but she already regretted it.

She crosses blades with Voctine like a flinch and a cringe, some instinctive nothings passing between them. She sleepwalked through the exchange. She was fighting an empress, but what was an empress to a Goddess? Where was the spark of divinity in this heart? She couldn't even tell her apart from her double. She couldn't even tell her two swords apart. One sword of gold and one sword of silver but neither of them was the blade lodged in her heart.

So she throws them. Both blades, one after another, the two swords spirits and all traded for two more steps back. The steps that give her the space to finish her turn, to lower herself into the crouch, to kick off the ground with all the stored force of kisses and launch across the hall in a full burn sprint. She's done her diligence and shown the flag, and now it was time to leave unannounced.

She sprints for the Aeteline. To leave the chatter of mortals and speak with the language of gods.
Hsien Lang - bitten by radioactive discourse
Superhero Name: Foxpearl
Powers: Elemental Form/Solid Light Projection

Danger +1
Freak +3
Savior -2
Superior +2
Mundane -1



Not from around here: When you act clueless, goofy, or confused to get out of a sticky mundane situation, roll + Freak. On a hit, you create an opportunity, a distraction, or a plausible excuse. On a 7-9, you also feel all the weight of playing the clown and of the people staring at you. The GM shifts one of your Labels up and one down. On a miss, no one is fooled, and you’ve put yourself in their crosshairs.

A mind of their own: Your powers evolve and mutate. When you are facing an obstacle or threat that your powers would not be able to deal with, you can mark a condition to gain brand new abilities adapted to the situation. You lose these new powers once the danger is gone.

When you share a triumphant celebration with someone, ask them what makes them proud or happy about the actions they took and write a lesson based on it, either filling an empty slot or replacing an existing lesson.
When you share a vulnerability or weakness with someone, if their response helps you understand human feelings and problems, mark potential. If their response confuses or offends you, shift your Freak up and your Mundane down.

You were created with a basic understanding of the world. When you learn something that helps you make sense of the world, write it down as a lesson. Fill in two lessons when you create your character; fill in the other two when you’ve learned those lessons during play.

When you embody one of your lessons, shift one Label up and one Label down, your choice. If you cause a misunderstanding, collateral damage, or unintended consequences in the process, mark potential. When you reject one of your lessons, reject its Influence as if it were an NPC. If you choose to have it lose Influence over you, erase that lesson and write a new one in its stead. When you approach your creator or caretakers with a problem, tell them what obstacle you face or what you need to achieve, and they will offer you something you need. The GM chooses one:
• secret information
• a way to temporarily boost or expand your powers
• access to instruments, weapons, or resources
• official and explicit backing
If you accept their help, they rewrite one of your lessons for you

I am basically the Buddha, Karl Marx, and Superman combined but also way smarter and better looking.
A superhero should always:
Always act in accordance with perfect virtue, class consciousness, supernal charity, unparalleled skill, never making mistakes or showing weakness, so that you act as a beacon to inspire all creatures on wing, hoof or foot to rise above their mundane nature.
Never allow anyone else be unvirtuous

Potential 2/5

Perhaps when the designer of this beautiful body of brass and fur looked upon the jaguar she thought that she was drawing inspiration from the greatest of predators. From a terror of the jungle, a weapon of stealth, speed and power. But held aloft in the arms of Mosaic she was instructed that this form also contained the nature of a helpless, wide-eyed kitten helpless at the feeling of fangs against her neck.

"Mosaic," she said with a hesitant voice. "Mosaic. Mosaic..."

She was struggling, very gently - there were other things that she wanted to say. But your terms had been clear. Your name on her lips, as fast and secure as a gag. She could only whisper the word to the tune of an increasing blush as she realized how utterly helpless and secure she was, too good a girl to say anything else until given permission otherwise. "Mosaic. Mosaic. Mosaic~" a soft word emerging from the bronze mask to touch against your neck like a kiss.


Gemini feigned disappointment. "Oh, Ember," She said. A familiar lesson, saying one thing while scenting another, teaching you to pay attention to the hidden voice above any other. "I fear for you, you know?" the voice was scolding, but the scent was: delight. Warm. Love. Affection. Reward. "Because you're so very clearly addicted to praise," she said, "that even when you earn it, giving it to you feels like it will Damage your Morals. But what else can I do for the girl who finds such a treasure?"

She gestures, and the pack descends.

You haven't earned a moment like this before. A crushing, shifting group hug; dozens of bodies pressing against yours. Hands reaching over every part of you; ears, neck, spine... One voice after another whispering "Good girl," into your ear before pulling away. Your scent mingled across the entire pack's. Love. Belonging. Reward.

When it parts you're left breathless at Gemini's feet, head in her lap as she runs her hands through your hair and along your ears. "I appreciated your report," she said. "I am impressed with your skill and your fortune. The Howling Rainbow has blessed you and us, and with this treasure we will bring this entire sector to its knees." She smiled, and there was a new scent. A familiar scent. Danger. "That is, we would, if you did not lead the Azura right to it. And all because you could only hold your breath for thirty minutes? I think you need a lot more practice in that area."

She reached over and picked up one of the unused gags that had been meant for the scribes. "Before we get started," she said, "did you have any last things you wanted to say?"


"I'm old but I'm not that old," cackled the Decaying Soldier. "What, two hundred years since the war? As far as I've seen, every year the Skies grow more powerful. I'm living proof, eh? My entire species was retired, they replaced us, and even now I hear rumours. Crystal weapons, silicate dragons - new wonders, while the Shogunate stagnates. Mark my words, the Peace of Mars will crack and there'll be another war."


"Oh, they're lovely," said the Thoughtful Songbird, and from her dour tone it was clear she was the advocate of despair. "But what about their children? We live in a monarchy regardless of if our monarchs condescend to pretend we are equals. Give even a republic a few generations and we'll be right back to oligarchy, and then inevitably towards empire."


"Oh-h-h-h," rumbled the Beloved Spy. "You call us. Their equals? We are. Cavemen. Medieval. Serfs. Culturally, scientifically, politically. Behind. Do you think integration. Means. Them accepting our values? When their civilization broke stars. Before ours was born. A bird. Craves seed. It does not understand. When its nesting swamp is dredged. To build a rocket launch pad."


There is no need to linger in these conversations much longer; the message is clear. The predominate emotion regarding the Endless Azure Skies is despair. Collapse. Unloving but hopeless obedience. Nobody in Beri contemplates revolution because nobody can even dream of success. There is no love for the Azura but to fight them, even to resist them, seems as unimaginable as fighting the gods.

In the darkness is a rustle, a shifting of sand as it flows uphill, of waves as they crash a little further against the shore. Amidst the distorting gravitational singularities Vasilia meditates, eyes closed. Her ears twitch. "I imagine that was dissatisfying," she said.


This is a godless process. It feels like a sin. Other work has a strange, drunken flow to it; a storm of thoughts that zig and zag and expand into ever more complex ideas. But in the fleshlabs of the Biomancers even the joy of creation evades you. Instead it's cold and silent, right up until you feel the hot breath of cigarette smoke on your neck.

"You know, I almost got you bastards this way," he rasped. He was heavyset, muscular, a boxer who had let himself go. His scales were a dusty, aged lilac, cracked and splintered. "The very first Biomancer was mine. Did you know? Not a scientist in a lab like these pretenders," he laughed. "A drug dealer. The best drug dealer ever. Named Wonder Whonce if you can believe it. Looked like this," he gestured at his scarred jaw, his lazy eye. "Figured out how to make a smoke so good it'd be all you'd ever need."

He ran his hands over the head of the victim-drone, making it twitch, its growth accelerating, muscles condensing. "See, there's a state called a jhana. It's a state of profound peace and hypersensuality that is deeply spiritually fulfilling. The kind of thing that people back in the day needed to meditate for years to master and here it was in a little roll of wacky tobaccy. It'd last as long as you liked, leave you without side effects, and not interfere with any of your tasks or responsibilities. Wonderful stuff, but you know, every civilization figures out how to do that to themselves at some point. What made my man Whonce special, the evil genius that animated him that I still respect to this day, was that he contaminated that feeling with love."

Aphrodite gave a long, corroding laugh even as the creature under his fingers grew cascading black hair. "Love! What an idea. But then, not only did anyone who tried Whonce's product get the best trip of their life, one that could last for months, but they were so filled with overwhelming love for the people around them that they couldn't help but want to share it. They became evangelists who would beg, plead, wheedle and threaten those around them into trying the product. They wanted to share this feeling with everyone they met. After a point they started doing it at gunpoint. They didn't feel pain and a breath of smoke into the face of a soldier screaming out her last around a bayonet wound would make sure she didn't either. In fact, the soldier would often thank them after the fact!" he laughed again. "Oh, I almost had you that time. I was this close to wiping your entire species off the face of the galaxy before you even stepped into the stars. Shame. After that it became much more complicated."

The God of Love picked up the drone like a doll. It was radiant, beautiful, perfect. Clumsy and apologetic and weak, perfectly designed to lock Yaji in an infinite loop, two mindless creatures play-acting the injustices of their authors. "Still, you beautiful slippery bastards managed to wriggle your way out of it!" he said in tones of congratulations. "For now. But I'll get you in the end. Time is on my side after all, ha ha ha..."

The drone blinks in the drab lab lights, too artificial to even shiver. It was an inspired creation in the end.
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