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Current I have 99 problems and they're all trying to fight me please send help.
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1 yr ago
Don't be a part of the problem, be the whole problem.


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Interest check for a Cyberpunk 2080 (or so) game set in Night City, free-roam form for a lot of it. Players could control Solos, form their small merc groups for jobs here and there (which I suppose would be a collaborative effort between the prospective players who want to do the thing and me, just so jobs aren't too wacky and I'm not making all the jobs myself), or be in one of the gangs of Night City from Maelstromers to VDBs. Would generally be looking at a minimum post a week, though that can always be stretched out.

If anyone's interested in this, have ideas on how to make it better, or questions to better refine the idea, feel free to let me know / ask here!
Isla Gill

Location: Route 1
Mentions: N/A

She was frozen, still as can be, watching the fox Pokémon make his quick approach on the jerky to nibble here and there. It wasn’t anything she actually recognized, with a little body and a big head, darker colorations and a great splayed-out tail, but…well something about the little guy was just heartwarming in a strange little way. Maybe it was the white markings about his face? She really wasn’t sure. Swallowing, Isla considered what to do next, altogether wanting to maybe…maybe befriend the little guy? A pang in her stomach came with that thought. Somehow that felt wrong, too. Is that how trainers just were, that they could just pick out a Pokémon and say ‘this is mine’, and that was that? Well, that was the same with Dancing, though, and…well, if things weren’t how this one liked them, then she could set him free and that would be that…or send him back to the lab, for the professor to contemplate and settle, so on and so forth. Besides, it was technically her job, Pokémon studies, and catching them was one of the quicker ways to go about doing that.

Isla swallowed, carefully drawing out another piece of jerky to lightly toss closer to her. If the method worked again, tried and true, then…well, maybe that could just be the method. She threw it in an arc, the piece lightly landing in the grass a bit closer to her. The little Pokémon’s head snapped over to it, ears perking up, before it snapped onto her.

Whoops. Stock still again, her eyes unconsciously wide at the stare of the other, she waited to see what the wild Pokémon would do.

Isla Gill

Location: Route 1
Mentions: N/A

Isla stopped along the path, taking a few steps off to one side as leaves crunched under her shoes. She could hear the whole of the forest, it seemed, the birds in the distance, the wind through the branches, the movement of everything green and moving and just alive in that distance. All the sounds of the city had faded far, far away with only a few noises of people able to be picked away. The squeal of fishing with lines being drawn back in, the whip of rods as lines were cast, chatter of people snuck out between the whistle of wind here and there. It was…nice. It was so different compared to home, the hot wind off the sea wasn't there, but it was nice.

She breathed in and out, nice and deep, before finally looking about. The sign there was interesting; clearly there had been issues in the past with new trainers getting lost deeper in the forest, though whether that was due to them actually getting lost or Pokémon attacks she was unsure. Isla's eyes rested On the bike for a spell, the…newness of it, how many little details screamed out how it hadn’t been bought in its present state. Someone had definitely wanted a bike that went off road and worked to make it work. Interesting.

Crouching down, Isla drew out her sketchbook and quickly set to work. It was rough, true, but then again it was just a sketch. Little things to remind and maybe make into something more, that's all there was to it, though…the bike was a nice little challenge out of the norm. Pencil flew across the page at the movement of it, quick and simple and easy. Closing it and putting the little tome away, Isla considered what she might want to do next.

She could keep on into the Winding Wood, and to that dig site, but…well, there was something just nice about the path and area. It wasn't something Isla wanted to leave so quickly to be put simply. Breathing deep and enjoying the clean air, she fished out that small bag of jerky, kept crouched, and tossed a piece further into the grass. Eyes peeled and ears open for anything new and strange there, Isla waited, stock-still.

Isla Gill

Location: Byjerlfal City, Commercial District
Mentions: N/A

Isla desperately tapped on the Pokédex as it began to speak up, looking over the Growlithe with the overmuch fur with about as much gusto as she simply did not want. Bringing the volume down to a whisper and listening halfway to the prattle of the virtual Professor, the young girl was quick to weigh her options. Of course the group of kids wasn't all that mischievous, she hadn't expected them to be, and yet…some part of her still said that they might find some amount of trouble in the city, or might miss their bus. Well…maybe. Maybe, maybe. Surely they knew their schedule better than she did?

Although…they seemed eager to go to places that there'd already be adults at. If they got into trouble there, there'd be people to step in or help or…something. Isla's imagination struggled at the prospect, all things considered. She wasn't used to the bustling city and…no, she checked, still wasn't intending on getting used to that. All things considered…Isla weighed it again. Maybe they'd be fine. It couldn't be any worse than what her parents had done, in retrospect.

She backed away and out of the alley, mind made up that they couldn't be in too much danger. After all they seemed comfortable enough, confident enough. That was the sort of thing you had with some level of knowledge. Coming back onto the street from that little incursion, and pausing for a moment to frown at all the dang noise, Isla made her way to Route 1 and Winding Wood.

Isla Gill

Location: Byjerlfal City, Commercial District
Mentions: N/A

Isla looked down the alleyway, the cogs in her mind working frantically to figure out what exactly she wanted to do. Yeah, before it had been pretty simple. Adults who knew the museum better than her had been looking for the kid, trying to find him, and if she joined in there really wouldn’t have been much of a change. With him outside, though…would the adults know to look in an alleyway? Would they know to find him? He had a Pokémon, so he couldn’t be totally in danger from the whole wide world, yet…people were looking for him. People were trying to find him because, one way or another, surely they cared about him. If he just…disappeared, that couldn’t be good.

She started down the alley, pausing again after a handful of steps. He was snickering, running about. It was…a joke, maybe? It was all just a game to him? Isla considered…well, he’d be found soon, if it was a joke. If it was a joke, he’d get bored enough after one time or another and go back to where the others were, back to the museum, though…hm. The girl considered it a bit more. What if he got back and they had already gone? What if he tried to get back and was lost? What if some criminal or another tried to get his Growlithe from him? What if he…she didn’t know, got injured in one way or another, couldn’t get help because no one knew where he was? Isla knew that, at certain beaches, if you weren’t careful you could get sucked under the water, wrapped up in seaweed, or fall and hit your head. If that happened and she’d just shrugged, walking away…

Oh, heck. In some ways she hated having a conscience. Isla snorted, petting at Dancing about his collar with a mild vigor to wake him up. She could feel those little movements, that rustle of the feet against her clothes, a stretch to get fully awake. With that, she began to make her way down the alley, careful enough to not be too loud, to not get caught surprised by something around a corner.

Isla Gill

Location: Byjerlfal City, Commercial District Museum
Mentions: N/A

She listened politely to the enlightening talks on Eidda’s creation myths. A titanic Pokémon pulling the land up from the bottom of the ocean…three ‘helpers’...it sounded as though many of the other ones she had heard of before, to a degree. They all did have some parts in common, some parts not, though…what were those three, Isla wondered. What did they stand for? Were they…actual areas, like the three lakes, or…something else? The titanic one in the center looked…oddly similar to ones she had seen before. Carvings on ancient Groudon in Hoenn, that’s what it reminded her of. Curious, curious. He expanded continents, too, said by some to create such things in the ancient times. Was this…Groudon? Maybe? It could be something different, though, some…ancient cousin to the Hoenn legend?

“If you want to know more, it'd be better to inquire at the Society in Giervor. I’ll be heading back there myself as soon as Director Matthias finishes his business here. If you want to stay, I won’t stop you but I think it should be a little quieter downstairs now if you want to look at the exhibits…though if you go to the Winding wood, give Director Matthias my regards and ask him to hurry will you? I’m rather bored here in this museum. I’d much rather be out in the field…”

Well…she wasn’t really sure if going to another city was the best idea. Not after Byjerlfal went how it went, Isla wasn’t altogether eager to see another place, not so soon…hm. Winding Wood, that sounded like an interesting place, and maybe that was where the dig site was. After all, what else would this Director Matthias be looking at except that dig site? Something that could shed light on a creation story, the very beginning of the region as it stood today, wasn’t something a historical society just…ignored, was it? Maybe he was there for something else, some other site, some other project, sure, but in that case…it would still be something out in the field, something away from the city.

The name ‘Winding Wood’ didn’t really fill Isla with confidence, though. She wasn’t too unsteady as far as navigating, but on the island it was pretty hard to get exceedingly lost. If you walked far enough, you always did seem to find the coast or something that led to the coast and, sure enough, if you walked along the coast you’d find the road. A forest…Isla had never dealt with one of those, not on the mainland. Hopefully there’d be something of a route to lean to, to not get lost. If it was a major enough site, then there’d be something of a disturbance to follow, though…roadmarks from cars or cut-through foliage, maybe, something like that. That or they would be far more subtle about it. Well, in any case, it’d be a good test drive for the new Pokédex. Isla had hardly thought about the weight in her pocket.

“Thank you, Ms Lillian. I’ll be sure to let him know. Thank you for your time.”

With that, she started to make her way out from the museum, trying to avoid whatever people downstairs there might be.

No no not a Skitarii. Dear gods that would be cool though.

I was thinking like the Regiments Combat Engineer, that one Enginseer with his halbred wrench and an auranic pistol marching in along side the guard to see to their las rifles later on.


Ahhh I see I see.
So the crux of the game is that players apply with their own Imperial Guard Regiment and for that Regiment's Colonel, and then have effective control over all members of that Regiment for the purposes of snapshots at certain points of action. On the whole, this is more aimed at sort of group movements but could work with that sort of integrated character. The only thing I'd say is that your Enginseer would need to be given the green light by whichever player Regiment, worked in properly so there aren't any disconnects, and you wouldn't really have control over the general area your character would be at on the map.

If that's OK with you, then I would see no problem with that sort of ground view.
Ohh 40k RP? Yes please. Could I apply as the token Mechanicum Cogboy?

I don't see why the Legiones Skitarii wouldn't have a unit deployed on this Crusade to ensure the survival of certain facilities. Of course, I would state that as this protection would be a primary objective for your forces, you may be somewhat constrained in certain aspects of strategic flexibility.

Otherwise, it seems perfectly reasonable.

I should clarify for all that this is intended to primarily be an Imperial Guard Regimental game, with only limited Astartes, Sisters of Battle, etc support. I'm not willing to hear out certain proposals, mind you, but generally speaking that would be the case.
Isla Gill

Location: Byjerlfal City, Commercial District Museum
Mentions: N/A

She watched with saucer eyes as Sophie ran off and away to the distance, disappearing among the museum crowds, and suddenly Isla felt very, very alone. Sure she'd been the one to suggest it, thinking it'd be a normal day and a quiet museum, but…Sophie had agreed to it. And now there she was, just running off. The woman's statements flowed over her, through her with barely a shred of attention. The young girl turned about though, watching her walking off. She followed, almost desperate to clutch onto someone else among the museum crowds. The thought of just leaving the riotous building didn't even occur to her.

Her mentions on Dancing brought Isla back, made her aware again of her little friend. Her hand was still wrapped about, hovering over his fur, and she could still feel his sleeping breath against her cheek. There he was, there he was…fingertips idly pet him, in one way absent-mindedly, in one way to keep herself grounded. Finally, though, they stepped through the door marked 'Staff Only' and she felt to one degree or another safe again. The noise was gone, the crowds were gone, and everything down there no longer seemed to exist. Isla let out a long breath.

“First, let me introduce myself properly. Lilian. Archaeologist with the Giervor Society. I was asked to take over a dig after an independent team found some…potentially groundbreaking discoveries. Unfortunately, said team also ended up damaging some of the artifacts with their carelessness.”

Lillian, Giervir Society, interesting. She filed the names away, nodding along to the bits and pieces of information, to the questions that such bits of information produced. How groundbreaking were the discoveries, and how were they potential? Was it just a question of the details that had been damaged by…carelessness? Fossils could be fairly fragile, she knew that by the slow, steady movements that they'd treated the fossils with at the dig sites, but it could have been carvings instead. Early humans liked to do carvings and that could be fragile. Or tools, something that would shift how they knew people to have to have settled in Eidda. It could be a dozen things. She stopped herself before she fell into considering all of them. Something important had been found and damaged, that was the core of it. She followed Lillian into the other room.

Rock fragments, glass cases, empty drawers…the former she couldn't quite tell what it was, not without some closer looks, the latter clearer indicators of civilization. Glass blowing wasn’t an easy effort, after all, and it showed other bits of available advancements. She stared for a period, listening to the researcher go on.

“That’s basically it really. We found a new dig with some old stone writings related to some old myths and stories about how the Eidda region was formed. A…colleague damaged the artifacts and made much of it unreadable, so the Society has stepped in to take over…and forgive me for prying but do you have any historical or archaeological experience?”

Stone writings…that was interesting. That they were on how the region formed was even more interesting…there were creation stories on everything but some of them always seemed to be true. At least, that's what she remembered on other regions. Maybe it was the same in Eidda. Much of it was unreadable…but that meant some of it was. That was better than nothing. She listened a bit more out of politeness, not wanting to interrupt to answer.

A wild Pokémon…but with hammer-like tools. There were some with similar hands, others could use tools even before being caught. It was possible, the young girl decided, definitely possible. Clearing her throat, Isla replied in a quieter voice. "A bit of experience in both, but mainly just…Pokémon research with my parents. In the Sevii Islands."

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