
WillowClan Camp ---> WillowClan Warrior's Den
interacting with: @Hazelrah’s Stonefall & Honeypaw, @PrankFox’s Duskwing (briefly), @solokolos‘ Moosepaw___________________________________________________________________________
As Stonefall and Duskwing relaxed, so too did their Clanmate, the cream-and-brown she-cat finally sheathing her claws as she concluded the strangers were simply haggard from their manic flight away from the vicious raccoons and tired as well. They likely wouldn’t be much of a threat to them and it was pointless to expect a fight now, she thought. When the grey tom padded closer and pressed his fur against hers more substantially, for half a heartbeat or so, she felt as if her own heart nearly stopped. He was so
warm and comfortable, and without really thinking about it, even as Spidernose nodded in understanding - and fought down the pang of disappointment as she realised
this wasn’t real and was just a cover in front of the strangers - she found herself leaning into the contact.
His tongue rasped across her neck and the she-cat felt her fur tingle a little, but she forced herself to focus and breathe back, just as quietly, as if she were mumbling some sort of reassurance to a mate before they parted for the night, and pressed her chin to the top of his head so she could lean closer to his ear so only Stonefall would hear.
“I understand. I’ll keep them safe, and make sure they don’t wander off.” her eyes flicked to the strangers once more as the tom stepped back, and before he was too far out of earshot, Spidernose added, her mew laced with genuine concern.
“You be careful, too, don’t let them drag you into something dangerous Stonefall, please.” The cream-and-brown she-cat dipped her chin to Duskwing as she passed her, flashing the other warrior a silent look that confirmed,
If anything suspicious happens, yowl and I’ll come running. before she slunk away to join the two apprentices in the warrior’s den, she noted they were both awake.
Or at least Moosepaw was awake, and Honeypaw was looking groggy as her denmate attempted to rouse her from sleep. Spidernose hunkered down beside them, still half sitting up in case she needed to leave the den on the drop of a whisker.
“Easy, Moosepaw, Honeypaw. We’re staying in here.” she mewed softly, trying to keep as calm and reassuring as she could.
“Stay close to me, I’ll keep watch from in here. Nothing’s going to happen to you. Fernstar and the others will be back soon and everything’s going to be fine, you’ll see.”