
WillowClan Camp, Highstump ---> WillowClan Territory
interacting with: @savannahssu’s Sunfur, @PrankFox’s Stormheart, mentions of Fernstar and Stonefall ___________________________________________________________________________
As Fernstar instructed Spidernose to resume the hunting patrol with Stormheart and Sunfur - which Sunfur had been about to lead anyways before the leader and medicine cat arrived back at camp - the brown-and-cream she-cat dipped her chin in confirmation, her tail flicking up to brush along Stonefall’s flank soothingly as she passed him, almost as if Spidernose were trying to tell him that everything was going to be okay, and she’d come to sit with him later once they were both back in the warrior’s den later. Then, she hastily trotted over to join the rest of her patrol, the three warriors leaving camp so quickly and so laser-focused on hunting that she didn’t even hear her younger sister calling out to her before they were out into the territory.
She kept her ears up to listen, and every few paces opened her jaws to try and draw in more scent, but most of the trails seemed to be stale by now. The whisps of their breath blowing from their muzzles were a dead giveaway.
"Where do you think is the best place to hunt? Stormheart asked, but Sunfur beat her to the answer, so the she-cat simply twitched her whiskers in agreement with the older tom.
“Sunfur’s right. Most of the prey will have gone to ground by now, and I don’t fancy our chances of digging them out. Even if we do get through the snow, the ground’ll be hard by now in this cold, we’d never get through it before we tore our claws or worse.”That did not leave them with very many options, unfortunately, but flushing voles and mice out of the roots was probably their best bet, right?
"Spidernose, you're the lightest of the three of us. Do you think you could climb this tree…” Oh, no… Spidernose’s heart sank in dread at the ginger tom’s suggestion. She couldn’t deny that he was right, she was the most slight of build in the hunting patrol, and had the best
chance of the spindly, snow-laden branches holding her weight. But it was still only a chance, dear StarClan what if she
fell?! She could break a leg!
But she couldn’t very well refuse either, the Clan’s fresh-kill pile was utterly depleted, with at-best more friendly mouths to feed sitting in their nursery, and at worst, suspect rogues that they may need to fight if things went sour. The Clan needed food. She had to go.
So, despite her trepidations, clear from the way her hackles bristled with unease as she padded up to join Sunfur at the base of the tree trunk, Spidernose peered at the branches in question and nodded.
“Y-Yeah...Yeah, I think so. W-Worth a shot, right?” she laughed, hoping it would get rid of her nerves, and sprang up to dig her claws into the bark as well as she could, inching herself up the tree trunk until she was level with the branches where the birds had made their nests.

WillowClan Camp
interacting with: @PrankFox’s Duskwing, @Shadow Dragon’s Blackpelt ___________________________________________________________________________
Although Blackpelt hadn’t been rough with the kit when he picked her up, Frogkit hadn’t been expecting to suddenly be whisked off her paws and into the air, and so the movement startled her enough that it still made her squeal in shock. She dangled limply from the medicine cat’s jaws, as all kits did when they were grabbed by the scruff, though soon became indignant as Blackpelt began to scold her and the tiny kit began to twist and squirm in his grasp in an attempt to break free.
“Gerroff me! Put me down, y’don’t gotta be a foxbreath! Duskwiiinggg, make him put me doooowwnnn I can walk on my own I don’t gotta be carried!” the tortie-pointed kit whined sulkily, scowling up at him as he did, thankfully, set her down again. Frogkit’s tiny tail shot straight into the air and she let out another huff, sneezing for the final time as the piece of cobweb continued to tickle her nose. This time, it seemed she had finally dislodged it, and she was distracted from her sulking for a moment as she giggled triumphantly and poked it with one paw, then pounced on it to pin it to the ground.
“Aha! Gotcha, ya dumb gross sticky thing! I got it, Duskwing, look, I’m a real hunter now!” she boasted to the warrior proudly, forced to turn back to the medicine cat as Blackpelt continued to scold her about being careful with his herbs. The she-kit rolled her eyes, having heard this lecture too many times to even count on her paws anymore, she could almost recite it in her sleep.
“Yeah yeah, we’re not supposed to touch things ‘cause it’s dangerous, I know, Blackpelt!” she sighed dramatically, apparently not seeming to understand what she had done wrong, because she
still hadn’t apologised for it.
“What’s the big deal anyways, I didn’t eat nothin’, I just touched ‘em! I’m not a dumb kit anymore, I’m big now!” she insisted, puffing out her chest.