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4 yrs ago
Current Masses are always breeding grounds of psychic epidemics.
4 yrs ago
The highest, most decisive experience is to be alone with one's own self. You must be alone to find out what supports you, when you find that you can not support yourself.
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5 yrs ago
One cannot live from anything except what one is.
5 yrs ago
The slave to virtue finds the way as little as the slave to vices.
5 yrs ago
The core of an individual is the mystery of life, which dies when it is 'grasped'. That is also why symbols want to keep their secrets.


The Harbinger of Ferocity

Agent of the Wild, Aspect of the Ferine
Nature, red in tooth and claw.

"There is, indeed, no single quality of the cat that man could not emulate to his advantage."
- Carl Van Vechten

I am, at my core, a personification and manifestation of those things whose blood and hearts run red with the ferocity of the animal world. It is this which convicts and controls my works, my writing, my being; the force and guidance in which I gain wisdom from. It is what inspires me as a creator and weaver of words, the very thing I admire as an author.

My leanings, savage as they are, are of the feline sort as there exists no greater lineage of beasts whom can be drawn from. No others captivate and motivate my talent and skill as the greatest of cats do.

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Your quote was not in relation to that element, @BrokenPromise. I was referring to the issue of people causing problems due to disparity in power scaling, hence the jab at the overly eager power gaming player who is a bit egotistical with how great and mighty their character is. Again, the idea I am appealing to is just that the rules be firmly laid out, simple, and left to good judgement by the member leading the topic and the players actively desiring to contribute rather than dominate a thread.
Stirges? Winged kobolds were bad enough but these are just unpleasant. Interesting to see them in action this edition however, now on to making sure they do not stay relevant for long!
I appreciate your lengthy responses, even if they do deviate frequently, @DocRock. Really the only comment I have to add is that while you seem to have noble ideals about what is reasonable within roleplaying, say people being rational with upper levels of power for the sake of plot rather than just having the nebulously "best" character, I am afraid as much is a rarity, not a norm. Having been present in and originally one of those who tried to set the framework up for Expanding Horizons, it proved to me that this community does not operate that way. There was, contrarily, a measurable trend of players specifically making characters to hard counter others and be better, to the point that things became so incoherent that it was one of the issues that toppled all of it.

This comes back to my emphasis on choose who is participating and what is being participated with. If you do intend on doing anything like this you and whoever else you assign, if any at all, need to ensure people more or less do not destroy the game even in the meta. You might assume it is just different play styles and desires for gaming, which it can be, when in reality it is mostly just a vehicle to alienate audiences and potentially interested players; a standard, uncompromising at that, needs to be set and held to. No technicalities or variances or deviations, either characters are too much for the setting or they are not.

Our world of roleplaying is not how it was a decade and more ago where power gaming and "god-mode" players received blacklisting to the point they generally became community untouchables, where no one would allow them in or not see them banned. Frankly I have not seen anything keeping to that higher standard, so I again urge you to be exceedingly careful in what you do and why you do it, otherwise you will have mostly spent all your work cataloging and building on your character for very little gain.

That in mind, I wish you the best in your endeavors, whatever you so choose here on the forum.
If you do not mind him being tracked by either another hunter or Theron for another meeting, do let me know, I am sure there would be no shortage of added questions they would have, @Terminal.
Power scales tend to be a problem regardless of what you do.

It has always been a trend of the genre to make the "Next best thing, totally guys, my character is awesome!" type scenario, @DocRock. I am not so confident that implementing statistics and mechanics of any kind will do much to resolve the issue of having such disparate powers and dynamics in play. It comes down to, in all honesty, having reasonable players and not ones who are attempting to "power game" roleplaying topics, which is far easier said than done. More often than not, these kinds of players tend to be younger, more inexperienced, and prone to abuse of well tread tropes and cliches that others now cringe at.

Continued, the community you are speaking to and about here on the Roleplayer Guild tends to have a great number of factors in play that work against the proposal of something more mechanical in nature, among the others noted earlier. People tend to not like anything too complicated in that matter and a fair number are a bit difficult to convince to not create wildly disparate levels of power, let alone use them respectfully; there is no real consequence for them exploiting multiverse and power based issues other than being shuffled out of a topic. They can and do simply go elsewhere on the forum, meanwhile the prior topic tends to suffer due to the frustrations involved and the fact it readily upset the plot.

I suspect, in no small or better way to put it, to select and cater to a number of people you can trust for such a roleplay. Failing that, it is mostly left to you to construct something and govern it with the hopes of reaching those desired results. It appears to me that this would not be terribly difficult for you between your experience and motivation, to say nothing of the fact that it is what you appeal to, so how you go about it is the larger element I would suggest looking into. The short of this being is vet your players wisely, reach out and appeal to those you would like to play with, be active and proactive, and develop an identity for the topic.
I develop a sentimental perception of things I treasure that creates its own narrative. By this I mean, I cannot but help that in my attachment to something of tremendous value to me I begin to wonder what personality of sorts it evokes, who and what it is and represents, where it has come from, the history of it. In many ways this limited animism to it gives a strange perception of the world where various things become charged with these elements and begin to tell a story of sorts as the details are further analyzed and the context is poured over. Perhaps that is just my experience as a daydreamer of sorts.
Greetings @Indigo child 19,

Welcome to the Roleplayer Guild, it is always a pleasant day to have new member join us. If you have questions please do ask away in this thread or via a Private Message if you would rather, although we too have a Discord for the forum if that would be best. The community is quite willing, myself included, to offer any guidance wherever you may need it so please feel free to reach out. Transitioning, I do hope you find a topic you enjoy soon enough and set about writing!
It would be quite nice, I admit to you both, @Rawk, @DocRock, if there were a topic dedicated to keeping a sort of long ongoing story with different avenues to approach. It has been tried before but canons tend to only function linear on the Roleplayer Guild for one reason or another. A main topic, a hub of sorts, then a few others that spring up over time and cover particular arcs of the story would be a pleasant return to form in that sense.

I, for example, have not been able to use my actual character in many years, as the last thing I would want to do is wedge them into any topic that they would not belong in and thus cause issues for players there. It would just be inconsiderate of me to do so and would really not be an ideal outcome for anyone. Either way, if that is something you wish to do, please at least inform me; I would be all the willing to look into the topic and perhaps participate to get back even a bit of the glory from those days.
This phenomena I recall being much more common with the older roleplaying environment, especially as early forums rose to popularity at roughly the same time as instant messenger roleplaying became more mainstream, @DocRock. That said, I have not seen much of it in the past decade or so, where a continuous character is used and a separate topic devoted to them carries on, to include interaction from other players. It is, in some ways, a relic of the past and in terms of community here, few players continuously use the same characters time and again, let alone interact much with one another's in the out-of-character context.

There are places to do so, such as here on the Roleplayer Guild under the "Character Sheets" section, where the thread creator can appeal to feedback and interaction, as well as keep an ongoing log of events for that character. That would afford you the ability to work on small details to have questions posed in public.
By the time Theron had got back it was, early? Late? What did one actually call the meekest hours of the morning, well before the sun? That time was the time he had finally finished. Golemeth was someone else's problem now, reports were filed, and his payment was processing. Who knew what that meant in this case, something probably equally archaic. Either way, it was success now, and they were likely to reel him back in at some other time after sending someone else to check up on the little tidbits and facts his brief informant had provided. To him it was any other babble, it had nothing to originally do with the missing mark, but now it could well have everything to do with everyone involved and probably just turned a fair bit of profit for Intellitron. After all, more information meant more bids by anyone involved to get further progress. Everyone and their grandmother seemed to be out to get the people this guy knew and the guy himself.

Having spent the past half hour fixing up the bit of what was a fairly brutalized combat jacket, Theron's fingers deftly worked at fixing and setting the collar again; the entire thing was a far cry from how it started but at least now it wasn't filthy. He wasn't about to let it go either, one way or another it was getting repaired, a fact he solidified to himself as he looked over the wrist mount display; it had a fair share of errors here and there yet kept its sleek dim glow. Nice, classy, nothing garish, the sort of thing that complimented the tinted shades as he popped them back on to the bridge of his nose. With a closing of the door behind him, securing it, he made his way out one of the rear exits of the corp's tower.

Higher level floors? Good luck, guys like him only went there when there were problems. Everyone else was some suit or techie doing who knows what, not the guys rolling in hardware or skirting by in Cylife False Jackets and packing concealed polymer heat. Theron was just happy to not run into anyone or anything else past the back door, other than the supremely obvious security. They exchanged glances but that was it, as anyone wearing a dim cyan trimmed jacket and shades coming from Intellitron at this time wasn't worth the hassle; they would've known if there was an issue, getting through any corp building at peak crime hour was a nightmare for the would-be infiltrator. So by the time he hit the curb, the chimera was home free.

The rest of the way was uneventful, getting back to the hole in the wall and sitting down for even a minute to contemplate everything that went by. Theron couldn't help but pull out the lone folding metal chair he owned and take a breather, a pitiful lamp glowing by him in the musty place. The conditions were better than being some vagrant again wandering around and this was all for the sake of added splicing in the future, the real goal, but it didn't make it any better. Either way, stripping off his gloves and setting them on the meager counter, rubbing his face down with one hand, he remarked to himself that he needed the next big hit, the next big thing the following day. He needed to keep that momentum going, rolling nonstop, bringing all those goods; what he needed was another of Davison's boys. It helped he had more an idea of who that was now, more of what they were up to, but what he needed was a dispatch; going cowboy as a not nearly geared solo was... difficult, stupidly difficult, if these guys were rolling with the tech they seemed to be and had their own fan club grasping for any piece of it.
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