Avatar of The Irish Tree


Recent Statuses

11 mos ago
Current @SaltSight Game was Astlibra: Revision. Found it on sale bundled with another game I've been wanting so I gave it a shot and got like, straight indie JRPG of the early 2000s injected into my veins.
11 mos ago
Hate that strange ennui that hits after 100%'ing a really, really good game. Good time was had, but man am I glad it can't mess my sleep schedule up anymore.
2 yrs ago
Rich people blood sports is how the Oscar's should always have gone. As a hot blooded american man I cant sleep at night without witnessing violence of some kind.
3 yrs ago
So true. Anyways, play Lancer!
3 yrs ago
Final Fantasy: Stranger in Paradise is the funniest shit I've ever seen while also not being a bad game. Just crack open some cold ones with the boys, blare Limp Bizket, and Kill Chaos.


No longer an asshole!

Most Recent Posts

"Well...this conversation is going well..." Steppe Archer thought as they rode along the road. She wasn't there for conversation but...still, stuff was getting more and more awkward. She hoped their client didn't think they were being snobbish, but his crudeness made it hard to take otherwise. Druid girl agreed with it in a logical way, but...the idea that her new profession was so depressing was, well, depressing. Steppe Archer would simply nod her head slowly to indicate she understood, remaining silent while she simply watched the road. Her keen eyes would likely be the first, if not only to spot the trampled ground. Reaching out her hand slowly, Steppe Archer would lay it on the farmer's shoulder before whispering: "Stop the wagon. That grass is suspicious."

Her statement would be punctuated by the nomad pointing her finger ever so subtly at the patches of grass, hoping that the farmer had the good enough sense to stop for just a moment while the archer readied her bow, knowing the clearest signs of an ambush from her father teaching her how to hunt game as a child. Grass made for a natural cover, especially if one were to paint themselves the color of the land. The footprints looked fresh too, only a day old at best. It seemed they were about to meet these ignoble bandits face to face in a moment. Gently nudging the druid girl beside her, Steppe Archer wanted everyone ready in the event of an ambush up ahead. Breathing quietly enough to not be heard, the archer would whisper quietly to her druidic companion, asking: "Can any of your spells flush things out of hiding?"


I will be posting today after my D&D session which'll last from now until three hours from now. Sorry about the wait.
My apologies for being silent the past few days and not updating. Dunno what it is, but some mix of the quarantine and midterms completely sapped my motivation for writing for a bit. I'll try and get an update post out within the next few days, and I'm sorry for making you guys wait for...what amounts to nothing at all major. It isn't fair to you guys.
Kaldorna to Chuunitrixx: "No, we don't need that level of control and order hanging over us, we can manage fine as we are"

Kaldorna approximately 0.15 seconds after Graft is a supervillain for a minute:

"Rogue adventurers...?" the Steppe Archer would ask, her gaze turning thoughtfully to the roof of the wagon. ...She couldn't imagine what kind of circumstances might make someone turn to banditry. Poverty for certain, but to make one's entire living off of ruining the life of another? It felt...craven to even think about. And yet, she knew that some of her own people had likely left their home only to have to turn to that to survive. Steppe Archer was just glad that she, at least so far, had had the good fortune to succeed in her ventures, no matter how...stinky they wound up being.

Then the talk of goblins...the craven species that tales were told of to scare children at night. From what she'd heard from her clansmen however, no matter what quarry, even something one dismisses as harmless can find itself to possess sharp fangs when its life is on the line. She wasn't quite sure if they would be as surprisingly deadly as giant rats or roaches, but she had to assume anything with thumbs and a brain could be more fierce in a fight than any normal beast.

"I'd rather not see it," Steppe Archer would say with a light chuckle to the Lizard Fighter's suggestion of him showing off his twig and berries. "Anyways, you can count on us, Sir. Any would-be bandits will be in for a big surprise if they even try," she would say, stringing her bow and sitting with it at her side, more than ready to protect the cargo if need be.
I never really understood what level the "overseers" that Enderall made were, like Socrates or the base-leaders of the four different camps. Are they level 60's like Chuunitrixx too, since they're greater dopplers?

The levels for the Overseers are at the bottom of their section in Enk's CS, and they're all level 40.
@The Irish Tree

I might’ve not noticed, but is there anything for Real Mamoru to react to on her end? Since her clone died she totally would’ve known what happened at the Chateau (up until her clone’s death of course), which drastically will alter what Mamoru will be doing atm.

I...admittedly forgot to really put anything since by and large the espionage plot fell on the wayside. At the time however, she'd just be being trained by the head maid at the Duke's manor. Sorry.
Will wait for Rockin to post for Gromgard before I post with Ashara again. Will wait for Guessy to post with Kath before I post for Charme again.

Rockin hasn't stated in the OOC that his computer issues are fixed yet, so for now go on without him.
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