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11 mos ago
Current @SaltSight Game was Astlibra: Revision. Found it on sale bundled with another game I've been wanting so I gave it a shot and got like, straight indie JRPG of the early 2000s injected into my veins.
11 mos ago
Hate that strange ennui that hits after 100%'ing a really, really good game. Good time was had, but man am I glad it can't mess my sleep schedule up anymore.
2 yrs ago
Rich people blood sports is how the Oscar's should always have gone. As a hot blooded american man I cant sleep at night without witnessing violence of some kind.
3 yrs ago
So true. Anyways, play Lancer!
3 yrs ago
Final Fantasy: Stranger in Paradise is the funniest shit I've ever seen while also not being a bad game. Just crack open some cold ones with the boys, blare Limp Bizket, and Kill Chaos.


No longer an asshole!

Most Recent Posts

Steppe Archer wasn't a fan of the idea of charging into the den of anything she was hunting, but...she supposed that the Lizardman had a good point. Five goblins down, out of a likely small nest. For all they knew, they could have just wiped out half the nest entirely. Still, it didn't hurt to be prepared just in case. She would hold onto the wooden spear that the fighter had made for her and descend with her companions, bringing up the rear just in case something attacked from behind. She was only lightly armored...but it seemed the druid girl had no armor whatsoever. Regardless, goblins couldn't be such a huge threat that two strong combatants and a caster couldn't take them on in a fight.

The nomad girl would keep her ears perked up as they traveled in the faint darkness, the light of the druid's pixie and Big Red's torch being all that kept them from the endless maw of darkness that was this cave. The wagon wheel was a disheartening sight to be certain, but it would be answered by the Steppe Archer gingerly laying a finger on the girl's lips, quietly whispering: "Shh". They were in the beasts' den, and as such they had to at least not shout that they were right here, right now, and able to be ambushed. Speaking of...Steppe Archer would casually roll an arrow down from her quiver and lay it down upon the ground near the path they'd just come from. If she heard it crunch, then she would know if someone was following from behind.
The first strikes were taken, and it seemed that in this small skirmish that victory belonged to the bold adventurers! Well, for the most part. The remaining goblins fled, leaving them with two goblins in snares, and one on the ground bleeding out. Well, only one of those goblins would be escaping today as another arrow flew from the steppe-child, punching through the back of the one that lagged just a step behind, before he fell over racked in pain. The shot wasn't lethal...but she planned to fix that in a moment. Seeing the stones being thrown, Steppe Archer looked at her companion just as she puffed her cheeks out. It was...really cute. Super cute, even. But, right now cute was not a priority. Otherwise, she'd be smooshing those puffed up cheeks like they were marshmallows. Moving out of the cover of the brush, Steppe Archer would grab her knife and approach the hanging goblins. With the efficiency one only gains in killing trapped beasts, she would slit the throats of the two goblins. It wasn't brutal, as the cuts were clean and quick. And, keeping the spear steady on the goblin that had been javelin'd, she would bring her knife to his throat and do the same. The one that had just barely set foot in the cave before falling would be flipped over by her, her knife plunging into his throat as well before he had time to bear his arms against her. Rising up, she would flick her knife clean on some grass before turning to the Druid Girl, then to Big Red.

As for what to do...her hunter instincts told her that going straight into their den was suicidal with how lightly prepared they were. "I think our best option is to use traps to attack them if they come out. They can't survive without food, and we can camp out here all night if we need to."
"One spear, please," the Steppe Archer would say in a cheerful tone, more than willing to take a disposable weapon that was effective against little green pests. Goblins were small, but their tiny arms were fast...she supposed. Getting into melee range was risky, but a spear like this meant that they couldn't even get close to her without getting impaled first. She would lay hers down behind her and the Druid Girl. She'd need it at some point, but right now a big honkin' stick was a dead give-away for their position.

The twin moons were out tonight as always, and the goblin's blood would shine in the night as the traps were sprung. Two would immediately be taken out of the fight, with a remaining three starting to approach Big Red. Slowly drawing her bow and knocking an arrow, Steppe Archer would send an arrow straight through the neck of one of the goblins furthest from Red, hoping to cause them to look back and create an opening for Big Red. Right now, silence and shadow was the way they needed to deal with this. Thankfully since they were out here while the light was growing low, their vision would slowly adjust. Of course, it would never be as effective as the Goblin's vision, but it was better than stumbling about in the dark.

Looking at her captured quarry, Steppe Archer would knock two arrows that could easily be retrieved, silencing them both once their fighter friend had the encroaching small-fries dealt with. Nine arrows remained, but the goblins' skulls seemed to break easily from the points of her arrows, so she could probably get them back. The Druid Girl could immediately see the intense amount of focus present in her eyes, her concentration almost frightening in its intensity. She hunted for a living, and was accustomed to killing creatures in this manner.
None of those things! Charisma time!
I'll try and get something out before the deadline, but I'm kinda strapped trying to think of something interesting for Vani to do. Y'know, beyond yelling at Serafaye.

Where is everyone?
Steppe Archer was thankful for the help in preparing, and especially thankful for the birds that were now helping her keep watch. Her eyes could adjust to the dark, but animals accustomed to such low levels of light would see far better. Big Red was armed to the teeth with improvised weapons, likely so that his sword wasn't at risk of being damaged. After all, who cared about a sharpened stick? There were millions of good sticks and spears to be made.

"That's a great idea!" Steppe Archer said at the Druid Girl's suggestion of masking their scent. It was relatively unpleasant to use animal droppings, so she would instead use mud. She would return caked in mud along her face and arms, keeping her legs relatively clean so that she wouldn't be slowed. Grasses were being held in her pockets, giving her the look (and feel) of a shrubbery. She'd gathered plenty of mud for the others as well if they so chose to disguise their scent. The Archer would lie in wait, seemingly not blinking as she watched for any signs of ambushes, and occasionally looked to the birds that the Druid Girl had called to aid her. Nobody would get close without her knowing.
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