Avatar of The Irish Tree


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11 mos ago
Current @SaltSight Game was Astlibra: Revision. Found it on sale bundled with another game I've been wanting so I gave it a shot and got like, straight indie JRPG of the early 2000s injected into my veins.
11 mos ago
Hate that strange ennui that hits after 100%'ing a really, really good game. Good time was had, but man am I glad it can't mess my sleep schedule up anymore.
2 yrs ago
Rich people blood sports is how the Oscar's should always have gone. As a hot blooded american man I cant sleep at night without witnessing violence of some kind.
3 yrs ago
So true. Anyways, play Lancer!
3 yrs ago
Final Fantasy: Stranger in Paradise is the funniest shit I've ever seen while also not being a bad game. Just crack open some cold ones with the boys, blare Limp Bizket, and Kill Chaos.


No longer an asshole!

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Short post before I catch some sleep. Sorry if it didn't really contribute anything.
Steppe Archer would get to investigating the best materials to use for their traps, but it by and large seemed to be limited to grasses and sticks. That was fine enough for simple snares to catch a few goblins, but she was dissapointed that there weren't any really good pieces of land to utilize something better. They didn't seem to have time to dig a pitfall, so the best that the nomad girl could think to do was to line the entrance with snares that would be masked beneath patches of moss that she'd gathered. The grasses and fibers woven together into rope would be hard to spot, but she imagined maybe only two or three goblins could fall for something this simple. At the druid girl's mention of them being attacked from behind, Steppe Archer said: "Then it'd probably be for the best if we have a lookout. I have good eyes, so I can watch our backs. ...Or, maybe one of your little animal friends could help. I imagine the stink these goblins make is troublesome for them too. If that doesn't work though, I can do it just fine. As for a location...I'd say sitting above the cave sounds like a smart move. We can catch them off guard and hopefully kill whatever we trap before it calls for help."

Stretching, Steppe Archer would jostle her quiver a bit to check its contents. A little over a dozen arrows, but that should be more than enough if goblin dens were as small as she'd heard. Proudly looking at the traps they'd set, she said: "I think we're pretty ready. If we wanted to, we could also make a noose and try and catch one by the neck as it comes out. Big Red could probably lift a goblin with one hand."
Hope I'm not making Vani's swordsmanship too much. I just...really, really wanted to End Someone Rightly.
"Welcome back, Big Red," Steppe Archer would say in greeting at his return. She hoped that talking to that old man hadn't worn his ears out. With his newfound information and the combined efforts of the archer and druid, it seemed that finding the den would be time-consuming, but not especially difficult. The stench however would be difficult to stand as the nomad's nose crinkled, her eyes watering a tinge from the raw stank present in the area. It made her want to vomit, but...she supposed she'd dealt with similar enough stenches that such a reaction would have made her father think less of her. As such, she swallowed the rising bile in her throat and shook her head with a shudder. Nasty.

The Druid Girl gave their options of laying an ambush or to storm in while they're asleep, and, being a huntress, Steppe Archer thought that laying a trap and forcing the goblins into an unfavorable situation for them sounded good. "I'm for an ambush. I can trap the entrance, so that maybe two or three goblins would be caught trying to exit. Then, we could simply wait and pick them off. If these goblins are cowardly enough to steal in the night, then we can expect that going in and killing them in their sleep won't as simple as we think, she said, giving her stance and reasoning. Before they even had a plan settled upon however, Steppe Archer would begin finding twigs and grasses to construct her trap with.

They'd already wasted a lot of time trying to track the goblins down, so waiting until a decision was made would mean they might risk being in the middle of setting up the trap before goblins would attack them. At worst, she'd just drop her gathered materials and head inside, but at best, she'd have ample time to make her goblin snare.
@The Irish Tree
Did Vani consciously ignore that Locke was with Yinha and Sera, or did he just miss seeing him btw? :o

Yes. Yes he did. He's that petty.
Steppe Archer had preoccupied her time by walking about the farm, generally taking in the squalor of it all. ...Naturally, she had to assume that this was due to some mix of the farmer's bad luck and bad times, but still. It looked like it had been through so many "bad years" that it was having a bad decade. It was a little frightening, to be honest, since she was used to seeing land that was...well...not exactly "maintained", but at least cared for. She was astonished this man had a crop at all to sell in town. Then again...maybe this is just how it looked after a harvest.

Her eyes would spot her druidic companion beckoning her over from afar, and her legs would carry her on over with a light jog. Taking a look at the footprints, Steppe Archer's expression soured a bit as she puffed a cheek out, bending over to examine the tracks. "...I'm no man-hunter either. But, I can probably follow these. Tracing the tracks with a hand, Steppe Archer would do her thing, examining their size, spacing, and depth to try and piece together exactly how many individuals there had been, and their general sizes. After all, she had to assume goblin feet were smaller than that of a human's, so if they were shallow prints that weren't especially wide, they had to be goblins. ...Unless some very brave children were in the business of stealing from a farmer.
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