Avatar of The Irish Tree


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11 mos ago
Current @SaltSight Game was Astlibra: Revision. Found it on sale bundled with another game I've been wanting so I gave it a shot and got like, straight indie JRPG of the early 2000s injected into my veins.
11 mos ago
Hate that strange ennui that hits after 100%'ing a really, really good game. Good time was had, but man am I glad it can't mess my sleep schedule up anymore.
2 yrs ago
Rich people blood sports is how the Oscar's should always have gone. As a hot blooded american man I cant sleep at night without witnessing violence of some kind.
3 yrs ago
So true. Anyways, play Lancer!
3 yrs ago
Final Fantasy: Stranger in Paradise is the funniest shit I've ever seen while also not being a bad game. Just crack open some cold ones with the boys, blare Limp Bizket, and Kill Chaos.


No longer an asshole!

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@The Irish Tree I would not say that. They could easily be anti-hero motivation antagonists (or even an outright antagonist), they could easily integrate themselves among the 'main cast' down the line, they could easily blend in the background, they could be the lady who says 'All according to keikaku' (TL Note: Keikaku means plan) every episode, etc. I'd say you have more freedom in what you can do because they're not obligated to be a part of the main cast.

Got it. I kinda intended for my MAGILOCK to start off as an antagonist, so that works for me.
Considering throwing my hat in for this. Thinking of doing poison or something more abstract like light if that's available. You mentioned that the DRAGOKEY and the 4 Primary MAGILOCKS are the "main" cast, so I'm curious if that means that they just wouldn't get to really do as many cool things.
With the fighting done and the healing complete, the nomadic archer would pull the antidote free from her pack and chug it. The bitter liquid rolled down her throat, causing her to cough a bit after she finished it...but at least she was now sure that she wouldn't get rust poisoning or worse from those crude goblin arrows. Speaking of, Big Red saw fit to hand over the number that had been stuck in him so uh...ammo...get...? While she certainly appreciated the thought, the idea of using ammo that had spilt her comrade's blood turned her stomach a bit. But beggars weren't choosers, and her quiver would soon be stocked with the crap-goblin-arrows. "Thanks! If there are any more, I'll hit 'em with their own weapons," she said before following the lizard fighter's instruction and staying with the druid girl, offering a hand to support her since she looked unsteady. While the pain in her leg still nagged at her, the archer was radiating happiness from how amazing of a job the caramel skinned girl had done in treating their wounds. "You did amazing! Do you think you can teach me some of your magic sometime? I-If that's possible, that is. I'd like to help as much as you do...besides shooting arrows, and all," the archer said with a nervous chuckle.

Once their stalwart friend returned and informed them the ambush pit was a dead end, the archer scratched the back of her head. "Hmm...weird. Maybe we should keep looking? There's a lot of hay after all. And that last goblin seemed to sink right under it! Maybe they have a secret passage and are just waiting for us to leave before coming out. Some animals will block off a tunnel where their eggs are to keep them safe in case a predator attacks when they aren't around, so...maybe the goblins are hiding more tunnels," she reasoned, before quickly adding: "Oh yeah, Big Red you should drink your antidote! Even if you resist poison, rust is nasty in the blood."
There was a feeling of panic as Steppe Archer felt magic enter her wound...but, that was soon washed away with the arrow. While it still hurt a great deal, enough to make her grit her teeth even though the arrow was painlessly pushed out, Steppe Archer managed a smile. It hurt like nothing else...well, except maybe Big Red's wounds, but nothing else like she'd ever experienced. But even still with her leg now un-wounded, Steppe Archer was no longer hamstrung. At the suggestion to drink an antidote, the nomad girl said: "Sounds good, but right now these goblins need to pay! For Big Red, and for that adventurer!" Rising once more from her proverbial ashes while trying REALLY hard not to scream from the pain as her brain screamed at her, the archer would draw one of her last four arrows.

Her lizardfolk friend was fighting fiercely as usual...if not moreso. Despite how aloof he seemed at times, it seems that the prospect of his allies getting hurt the amazingly strong fighter only found more strength to draw on. He was a dervish of destruction, but even he had his limits as shown by him puttering out with one goblin left. Well...good thing she had an arrow left. Before the goblin archer had time to flee, a well-placed arrow would find itself tearing through his eye. With a sickening sound it pierced through, the momentum carrying the goblin archer down to the ground, dirtying the hay further. With that settled, the Archer would take a step before she felt all her nerves alight. Pain was still there but right now she had no time to stop. Heading over to Big Red, she would try and keep him stably on his feet. "You can heal him too, right," she questioned, a look of great concern on her face as she looked at the Druid. She'd heard that spellcasters could only use certain spells so many times, and hoped she hadn't expended all her healing when their friend's injuries were numerous.

Maybe he'd need an antidote more than her...
Steppe Archer had made a critical error in judgement. She'd assumed that because the hay was mostly undisturbed that they couldn't be hiding in it...but now, her error had put her in danger. Even a single arrow, well-aimed enough could kill an experienced adventurer. Its for this reason she was dumbfounded by her luck that it found its painful purchase within her leg, forcing the girl to let out a cry of pain. She could hardly stand, and her hands were shaking from the pain of it. Wincing, she looked back at the Lizard Fighter who, despite his numerous arrow wounds, was fighting on, and fighting as hard as ever. If she were alone, she might have passed out from the pain of it just from lack of experience...but here someone was, fearlessly fighting in spite of what now amounted to over five arrows piercing their flesh. To say that it gave her courage was an understatement.

It gave her resolve.

Gritting her teeth the Archer, now slightly crippled, took a knee to let her injured leg rest to feel a little less excruciating physical agony. Drawing her bow, her eyes hardened just a bit as she saw Big Red take a hatchet to the leg. "Ancestors preserve us...if we make it out of this, I'm never hunting goblins again," she said, fully aware now that they had vastly underestimated these beasts. But still, a beast was a beast. And she was an amazing hunter. One arrow flicked past the lizardman's shoulder, sinking straight into the head of one of the archers. A second arrow from her would drop another. A third followed, this time aimed at one of the goblin knife wielders who, unfortunately, managed to rise just in time to keep from getting stuck with an arrow. Cursing at herself under her breathe, Steppe Archer shuddered. ...If their arrows were as rusty as their weapons, they would need that antidote soon. Especially Big Red.

Steppe Archer, seeing the druid girl grab the porcelain tag from the adventurers' corpse solemnly touched her own. ...It made sense to have a method to identify a body, but...it was beyond depressing to imagine that they had miniature tombstones on their person. And someone may never have even found the adventurer's body if they hadn't come along. It sat unwell with her...and she felt that, once this was over, he at least deserved a proper sort of burial. She'd want one herself...or to at least have her body delivered home.

As they made their way down the winding tunnels, the Steppe Archer had to wonder just how large this burrow really was. ...It didn't make sense for a small goblin nest to have so much space. And, once she saw the room, her suspicions only grew. ...The goblins were absent, and there was all this hay. The chamber was devoid of any sort of exits, and there was no way the goblins could have slipped past them. ...She wanted to slap herself for how obvious of a trap this was. "We need to get out of here. I think they doubled back through some sort of passage to avoid us. ...This room is a trap," she said, trying her best to remain calm as she readied her bow. "Can you send the fairy back up the stairs to see if there are any goblins," she would ask to the Druid in hopes that maybe they could catch the goblins in their own trap. If they threw a firebomb in here, or something flammable, they had no chance. ...She also hoped she was right, and didn't sound insane. Animals doubling back over their tracks to avoid being followed was common in nature...and she should have expected for a goblin to think more like an animal when it was on the run.
Amidst the goblins' hasty retreat, Steppe Archer felt that this was a good sign that they had the upper hand here. After all, Big Red took 3 down on his own, and even the Druid Girl was able to kill one in melee combat. While the Druid Girl was upset, and their lizard companion had taken a few arrows, they all seemed to be relatively intact and well. The thought of the arrows being poisoned hadn't crossed the girl's mind...a downside of her hunter's mentality. She assumed that one wouldn't poison something they were killing with a projectile...but it made perfect sense if you wanted to just kill an intruder.

At the question of her health, Steppe Archer beamed proudly in the dim light, proclaiming: "I'm fine. I'd be ashamed if I was taken down by one goblin, of all things," she said, dusting herself off just a bit. She was surprised that the Druid Girl seemed capable of handling her goblin without much issue. Her father had told her once that the magi could not be trusted when magic faltered, and might was needed...but, it seemed that he was wrong. Despite the blood and odor Steppe Archer would keep smiling even as Big Red got lectured for his macabre defense that he seemed intent on keeping up, grabbing two goblins to use as shields. It was slightly humorous seeing the pale green forms dangling. Minus the whole blood spilt and nose severed.

Following behind the Lizard Fighter, Steppe Archer said: "Tread carefully. I bet they have some sort of traps deeper in."
There wasn't anything to do, save for kill so that they could not be killed. Her spear in hand, the Steppe Archer wasn't hesitating at the sight of Big Red's onslaught. The Lizard had the three facing him under control, leaving the one coming for the Druid, and the one coming for her up to them. Steeling herself, the Archer would ready her spear and, seeing an opening as the goblin charged. She would step forward and with a twist, run the goblin's chest through with her wooden spear. Letting go, she wasted no time in advancing on the now-dying goblin that was sent reeling from being run through. It wasn't dead, but so long as its hands could move, the archer would fight it. Pulling her sword free of its scabbard to drink of goblin blood, the archer was swift in her movements, cutting the reeling monster's throat before it had a chance to retaliate.

Hurriedly drawing her bow to try and shoot back at the goblin archers faintly illuminated by the fairy's light, Steppe Archer would let one arrow loose to try and thin their numbers before turning to see how the Druid Girl had fared with her goblin, hoping that her arrow in the dim light had met its mark on an archer.
As the group delved further into the den of the goblins, Steppe Archer couldn't help but feel the hairs on the back of her neck tingle. She imagined the others were experiencing a similar sensation...albeit she didn't know if Big Red had any hairs TO get tingled. Regardless, her anxiety was gnawing at her as they walked along. Her sword was clutched tightly in her hand, the spear she had received in the other.

The sight of the fallen adventurer was a gruesome one indeed, given that he looked to have been injured insanely badly. But...it didn't make sense. His injuries should have thrown him to the floor from their force...yet here he was, neatly sitting as if he hadn't been torn apart. It was then that her eyes widened, realizing that it was a trap. Before she could even yell anything towards the Druid Girl, arrows flew, and Big Red flew into action to block those arrows with body as a shield, and the corpse of the adventurer.

The archer would follow the words of her lizardman companion and get down, readying her spear. She would take up position behind her lizard companion once he was close enough for her to shimmy behind, ready to stab from behind him at the goblin archers. Right now, using her bow was too risky, especially since she could hardly see.
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