Avatar of The Irish Tree


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11 mos ago
Current @SaltSight Game was Astlibra: Revision. Found it on sale bundled with another game I've been wanting so I gave it a shot and got like, straight indie JRPG of the early 2000s injected into my veins.
11 mos ago
Hate that strange ennui that hits after 100%'ing a really, really good game. Good time was had, but man am I glad it can't mess my sleep schedule up anymore.
2 yrs ago
Rich people blood sports is how the Oscar's should always have gone. As a hot blooded american man I cant sleep at night without witnessing violence of some kind.
3 yrs ago
So true. Anyways, play Lancer!
3 yrs ago
Final Fantasy: Stranger in Paradise is the funniest shit I've ever seen while also not being a bad game. Just crack open some cold ones with the boys, blare Limp Bizket, and Kill Chaos.


No longer an asshole!

Most Recent Posts

At the offer to be taught swordplay, the nomadic girl had to wonder if she should be insulted, or glad since her lizard companion seemed like a good person to learn swordfighting from. Either way, it...seemed a bit smarter for someone his size to have a weapon of this size, but she assumed that was why he used a club instead of a sword. Or maybe that was a temporary weapon. Honestly, she figured the bigger the man, the bigger the weapon, but that didn't make sense after a certain point. Regardless, she was content to learn how to use a fine sword like this, so long as she didn't get too rusty with her people's style of swordfighting.

With the farmer's approval gained, Steppe Archer would keep quiet, trying to silence her stomach. She had considered the Lizard Fighter's offer of food, but...she'd feel bad. After all, the goblin's victim must be starving. If she came around to being able to eat, then she'd want her to have the meat instead. She would quietly lay down in a pile of hay, nose sharp enough to sniff out where the dung was and curl up with her equipment and gear at her side. "...We should get moving at dawn. Or whenever we hear the roosters...good night everyone..." the nomad girl said before falling asleep at a ludicrously fast rate.
"There's never a bad reason to go on adventures! I guess maybe if you were like, running out on a kid or something then maybe...but, yeah, no, I totally get wanting to leave home for adventure. I love my pawpaw, but I wanted to practice my trade on the road. More sights to see, and more things to stick in bottles," The werewolf girl said as she continued cleaning, thankful that eventually Brandy helped out. It was a good enough job that it wouldn't distract people at least.

When Brandy asked her how she'd get started on adventuring, Alice would head over to the board and say: "Usually yeah, its as simple as that...but with the receptionists out, all we can do right now is look them over and see what jobs are good to take. ...You seemed to be having trouble reading Common, so I'll read some of them off to you! Let's see..."Clean my Chimney", "Mail Delivery to Nutbrook", "Get Flour from Silverstone Mill", "Walk my Dog", and "Kill Snifflepatch, Errant Rabbit of Wonton Destruction". These are the only jobs new join-ees like us are allowed to take until we get further up," Alice said, tail wagging as she looked over the jobs. "We won't get much pay, but you can take on more than one in a day if you get them done fast enough. The rabbit one is probably the hardest."
Caster of Red - Skuld

"Did you sleep well, my Master?"

Within the air above Jacob Arling, a slight change in pressure could be observed as something moved, flickering particles of light blue converging on a singular point before, as if the air itself was being painted over, the pallid woman that was his Servant emerged. Her feet were firmly pressed against the ceiling, transfixed as if her heels were bolted there like a chandelier before she released her hold on the material. Her descent was gradual, until she stood beside Jacob's desk, off to the left of his seat. Her eyeless gaze would fall upon him as she considered for a moment whether taking the chocolate was a good idea or not.

"I do not know much about the sweets of this time...but I would not turn down an offer from you. If anything is to be discussed first, then let it be this..." Skuld said, before the strange eyes she possessed opened and stared at Jacob.

"To win this war on your behalf, many will die. That is an unavoidable requirement of my Noble Phantasm. There cannot be victory without sacrifice, my master. Blood will fill the grail you seek, but you have time yet to reconsider," the elven caster said, before slowly fixing her gaze on the bar of chocolate, the pointed ears sticking from the sides of her head flicking to and fro in a wiggling motion.

"...What flavor is it?"
"I'm Alice," the werewolf said, following quickly after Brandy. "The watering hole is just this way, down the street...aaaand we're here!" the werewolf would say as she guided Brandy down the very short path to the well, lowering the bucket on a rope, and gathering just enough water for some good 'ol fashioned elbow-grease work. "Also, I'm glad you think the potion was tasty. I tried all kinds of flavors, like bone marrow, cucumber, and even cheese, but for some reason the only one that really works is the Berry Tea taste my mom used to make. The tea, I mean. Not the potion," Alice over-explained.

"Soooo...why do you want to be an adventurer Brandy? Got a motivating backstory? I've been told a lot of adventurers have 'sob stories' just like mine according to Ms. Bavaloure, so I just kinda figure that most have some sort of novel-worthy motivation. Like, maybe a boyfriend got stolen, maybe a dragon ate your dog...stuff like that," Alice said, tail swishing as she talked and walked, heading back to the guild hall with bucket in hand, and eager to clean. So eager in fact that Brandy would notice the wolf girl was doing a majority of the work without even being asked to just on account of how fast she was moving.
The scent of a burning body was something that the nomad girl never wanted to smell again, after a point having stuffed a small clot of grass into each of her nostrils to drown out the stench. The Lizard Fighter was as resourceful as ever, grinding down the rusted weapons to salvage any usable metal to be sold to a blacksmith, and the druid was doing her best to get the girl back into shape with some water that was rejected. Seeing the red-headed girl so helpless and just...apathetic reminded her of one of her baby siblings when he was young. At the mention of a dagger, Steppe Archer patted the skinning knife on her hip which, while not a real dagger, did well in a pinch.

The night air was crisp and the moon shone brightly over them as the fires finished burning, the nomad girl moving to put out the embers with clumps of dirt which were soon wetted by little bits of water from her canteen. It was a shame that they couldn't just camp out in the field...she was certain that the farmer was going to be irate and ornery at being woken up at an hour like this. Seeing as how Big Red was now occupied carrying their damsel, Steppe Archer's hands would be best fit to carry the longsword. Looking it over and turning it slowly in her hands, the girl wondered if she should keep it or sell it...but that decision was for another time. For now, she simply had to carry it along the road with the party along with whatever weapons could fit in her sparsely packed satchel. Without her potion and antidote, her load was consisting of a single change of clothes that were on the druid's person. ...The rumbling of her stomach was telling her that was a stupid, stupid idea to begin with, as now she was left to walk hungry in the cold night air.

Sighing slightly, the girl would make ready to leave, all the while keeping an eye out for movement in the woods. She knew that wolves walked to the north, but she was especially careful of seeing any potential goblin tracks. If an away party was sent out from the cave some time ago for some reason, they may have to deal with them while the abused girl weighed their strongest fighter down. Luckily, she had eyes like a hawk, and with the moon shining so brightly even the goblins couldn't hide from her if they reared their ugly heads. With sword in hand, and a hand kept securely on her knife, the girl would say: "We should make for the farmhouse quickly. These goblin arrows will work for now, but I can't even hunt us any game if it means getting rust in the animal's blood..." she said, her mild complaint echoed by the slight gurgle of her stomach. They had no time to snack!
"That was a restoration potion! I only let you have a little, but it was plenty to help up that cut," the werewolf girl said in response to the satyr's enthusiasm to being healed. She'd simply nod at the receptionist not needing anything to clean up the goat blood everywhere on her suit. She had no place in the conversation as the hall's leader emerged, the werewolf giving the most military-proper salute and posture ever, holding it for as long as necessary.

Up until she was addressed, Alice was holding her breathe, used to the strict hierarchy of the Alchemist's guild. At the suggestion of the billboard, she jumped over. Literally. She jumped like, ten feet vertically and hurriedly looked over the requests. Before she could even find one though the hall leader's eyes felt like they were boring into the back of her skull, causing her to turn around and shakily look her in the eyes. "MA'AM YES MA'AM PLEASE DON'T KILL ME MA'AM!" she said before rushing past the leader so fast that it might have made her hat spin as she got to work cleaning up, all the while making the saddest puppy noises like, ever. Spooky dead eyes scared her. Eyes weren't supposed to be like that! Not even fish-eyes!
Off in a little corner of the G.O.R.E. building sat a rather inconspicuous individual reading by herself, a bushy tail wagging slowly behind her, to and fro. She seemed at peace despite the numerous leaves seemingly stuck fast in the fur of her tail, unnoticed tag-alongs from her time spent in the woods finding a lost cat and nearly getting her eyes gouged out by it. Any scratches were now healed, and the girl's hands were occupied with reading over a set of thin sheets of paper before the door KER-SLAMMED open. Her canine ears reflexively fell flat against her head at the sudden loud noise, eyes wide as she stared at who it could be, only to see a goat-lady walk in, wearing the kinds of clothes that her dad said "Set the wrong kind of example for fellas". Wow! She was setting all kinds of wrong examples!

It wasn't in her nature to eavesdrop, but having ears about x100 better than a human's kind of meant that you just...eavesdropped everywhere. It seemed the girl was to be a fresh G.O.R.E. Girl, intent on defending the peace and probably saving a bunch of cats, just like her! Wow, that's great!

Then, she started bleeding everywhere! Wow, that's NOT great!

Rising from her seat the werewolf would adjust her skirt and pat it back into place before approaching the girl who was bleeding everywhere, making a mess for the receptionists and generally causing a ton of panic. With a flick of her wrist and a swift uncorking, the girl suddenly had a glass vial to the satyr's lips and poured in a about half of the vial's liquid that faintly tasted of a mix of tea leaves and sweet berries, before the girl's wound miraculously closed...and it probably made her breathe smell really, really nice.

Smiling warmly, the wolf girl's ears bounced up and down in tandem with her tail, turning her entire body to the receptionists. "I can make you a detergent that washes blood out of clothes, if you need it! I don't have anything to get blood out of paper...buuuut, I could help you remake the papers!" the girl said, seeming eager to make herself useful, all the while her bushy tail was brushing against the satyr's stomach, indirectly tickling her.
Lovely weather in here.
There was no need to even ask the nomadic girl if she wished to help with the pyre or not; all people deserved a burial, regardless of who they were. Even a cremation counted in her eyes. Her task off providing the herbs to soothe the girl's injuries was over, so now she could help their lizard friend build up their stock of wood to burn. Human bodies would burn, but to actually turn most of the bones to ash would take a lot of heat.

She would gather wood as well as, focusing on gathering the dryer woods to get the temperature up quickly. ...Unfortunately, no matter what they did, this was going to reek like death. A burning corpse wasn't a pleasant smell. With her wood gathered, Steppe Archer would turn to the corpses laying on the ground and knit her hands together in prayer. "Spirits of ancestry, witnesses of your children's deeds, let these brave souls pass peacefully into your embrace..." she said, giving the best prayer her culture could manage; one reserved for warriors that died in battle defending their families. It may not have been the most accurate, but without a proper priestess, a prayer for fallen warriors was the best the Steppe Archer could do.
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