Avatar of The Irish Tree


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11 mos ago
Current @SaltSight Game was Astlibra: Revision. Found it on sale bundled with another game I've been wanting so I gave it a shot and got like, straight indie JRPG of the early 2000s injected into my veins.
11 mos ago
Hate that strange ennui that hits after 100%'ing a really, really good game. Good time was had, but man am I glad it can't mess my sleep schedule up anymore.
2 yrs ago
Rich people blood sports is how the Oscar's should always have gone. As a hot blooded american man I cant sleep at night without witnessing violence of some kind.
3 yrs ago
So true. Anyways, play Lancer!
3 yrs ago
Final Fantasy: Stranger in Paradise is the funniest shit I've ever seen while also not being a bad game. Just crack open some cold ones with the boys, blare Limp Bizket, and Kill Chaos.


No longer an asshole!

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When told that Druid girl needed some herbs, Steppe Archer wasted absolutely no time in leaving with her little fairy friend to go and find them. "You got it!" she said before scampering off into the night with the fairy on her shoulder. With a description of the flower in question, the nomad girl headed off to the north of the goblin cave by following a constellation. It was easier to make her way back from coming North, since she just had to find the constellation again and walk in the opposite direction. Thankfully she would find a cluster of the flowers in place not too far away from the nest. With ginger precision she would pluck the flowers out from the roots, getting a grand total of eight of the herbs. She had no idea how many were needed, but she had to imagine that this many must be sufficient. And if she needed more, she could always circle the area...at least that's what she thought until her keen eyes caught the signs of old wolf tracks. They weren't close by, but it was a good indication that going further out meant venturing into dangerous territory.

With her bounty in hand, the archer would return after shooing off some badgers that seemed to be attracted to the smell about her. She was glad that animals seemed to steer clear from the goblin's nest, making her trek back fairly uneventful. When she came upon the druid girl once again, she proudly presented her eight herbs, asking: These are the ones, right? Do you need some more, or is this enough?"
Seeing as how the Druid Girl was now mostly naked save for her underwear, the nomad girl would take it upon herself to hurriedly dig through her pack and toss her tribal dress at her. If they were going to go talk to that farmer, they should do it fully dressed. Of course, now it would have made more sense to give the dress to the naked girl...but...didn't want to overstep and undo Druid Girl's gesture. A smile was on her lips as Big Red carried the girl, and had the decency to offer a final rite for the deceased. It eased her mind a bit that they would at least have a funeral of some kind, even if it was an impromptu cremation far away from their homes.

With torch in hand, the archer would carefully step through the cave's chambers as they ascended. Once the cool scent of the night's air broke the dank musk of the cavern, the archer would let out a sigh of relief. They'd still have to go get the two other adventurer corpses, but from here it looked like they were home free. "I can keep watch until we can move away from here. If you need to, by the way, you can cut some of my dress off for bandages. She needs it a lot more than I do," the archer said, not seeming to at all mind the idea of an important piece of her cultural identity getting scrapped for bandages. She just hoped that she could do good here...in reality, all she had managed to do was kill Goblins. She was of the mind right now that she was the weakest link amongst them; She didn't have the magical powers of the druid which, while only usable thrice had saved the Lizard Fighter's life, and the Lizard Fighter was possessed of a naturally resolute soul, capable of weathering pain and injury as if it was rain cascading off his scales. All she had was her bow.

She was almost certain that if the two had gone alone, they would have been fine without her if not a bit worse for wear. If she and the Druid girl were alone, they would be dead for sure. If her and the Lizard Fighter were alone, she doubted that both of them would make it back alive. Within the girl was the growing desire for strength to protect others, wrapping tightly around her heart. ...She needed to be better.

Sounds reasonable as an idea.
Steppe Archer was genuinely surprised that there were no more tricks seemingly in store. The fact that for once in this place a room was just a room was astounding...and somewhat worrying. Were the goblins so confident that they knew they didn't even need to booby trap this...breeding chamber? Regardless, Big Red and the druid girl had things under control. As such, the nomad girl would walk over to the crate nearby and begin compiling the gear that was worth retrieving and the porcelain tags that she had found. ...It was depressing to imagine that, much like the guard lady that she had adventured with on first coming to town, this young woman may find her career at an end due to ill fortune. This was the line between beasts and monsters; A beast would simply kill you or wound you badly. But a monster...does worse. A real monster does inexplicable things for reasons that don't exist, to people who have their whole lives full of life, light, and hope. Now this girl's friends were dead, and she'd suffered things that Steppe Archer imagined would break even her.

With everything securely on her person, Steppe Archer would return. "We should have the fairy scout ahead of us. Just in case there are any more ambushes." With her eyes wandering to the girl in Big Red's arms, Steppe Archer bit her lip as she tried to just...not think about how broken this girl was. "...You're going to be okay. We'll get you help. I promise," the nomad girl said, forcing her trademark smile to come out, in spite of her overwhelming urge to cry.

...Goblins were monstrous.
With everyone now in the merry death hole, Steppe Archer would relax a bit. At least until Big Red started mentioning that there may be more goblins and that helping the girl would have to wait a moment. She felt bad about leaving her like this, but there wasn't much they could do until they were certain the area was clear. They couldn't leave her, especially not alone. Remembering that they came super duper prepared with an antidote and potion each, Steppe Archer hurriedly dug through her sack and pulled out her liquid red vial. "Here. If her throat is fine enough to swallow anything, that should help her. I'd also check if she needs an antidote, if you can do that somehow," the nomad girl said, before hurrying back over to the Lizard Fighter with her fairy-light in tow.

She'd make sure they'd bring the girl back, even if she had to carry her back by herself. ...She totally could. Steppe girl strong!

Had some questions for the rp in terms of content.

1. In terms of fighting, are our weapons functioning like real weapons? IE: Stabbing someone with a sword makes them bleed? Or is this sentai/toku style of sparks just flying off and everything basically being a blunt weapon for nonlethality?

2. Are transformations instant, or are they interruptible?

3. In the section on MAGLIOCKs, it cuts off before mentioning what happens after the contract ends.

4. What do SEVENSINs look like?
The nomad girl couldn't help but feel a sense of dread as she looked at the opened door. "I'll go in first. I'm used to setting traps, so if there are any I can disarm them," she said, carefully stepping over the rock that had been placed behind the door to make it more difficult to open. Well, difficult in the normal way. Not in the "Big Red School of Door Destruction" way. Regardless, it posed no obstacle as she made her way inside with a torch in hand. In the distance there was a crate, but what caught her attention was the faint shadow of a person on the ground to her right. Turning her head, Steppe Archer had to keep herself from vomiting at the sight of the brutalized Padfoot that lay at her feet. Shakily she would bend down and place a finger to the girl's neck to try and feel for her pulse...nothing. She'd been stone cold dead for a long time, it seemed. There was...indication of her being "used" by the goblin, forcing Steppe Archer to shake her head as she looked away. The girl's face gave every indication that her death was a horrible one. ...This was the difference between a Beast and a Monster.

She would take care of the body once she was certain it was safe, carefully scanning the floor as she watched before her ears strained. Something in here was breathing. Approaching the source of the breathing, the nomad girl's eyes went wide as she saw the woman with dark red hair tied up. She was alive! Carefully inspecting the ground around the girl for traps, Steppe Archer would say: "One of them is alive! But they're badly hurt. Big Red, can you help me cut her down? I'm going to give her one of our potions." The woman was in bad shape, with a dislocated left foot and bruises and cuts all over. She kept making these...small noises. It was really uneasy just being in the room with her, but Steppe Archer couldn't just leave her. She would keep inspecting in case of traps...now she was certain that goblins were monstrous enough to use girls like these as bait for clever traps. One boy who had attempted to woo her back when she was a child showed her how to hunt dangerous game; by endangering their cubs. She broke that boy's nose that day. ...Worth it.

Lemme know if anything needs fixin'!
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