Avatar of The Irish Tree


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11 mos ago
Current @SaltSight Game was Astlibra: Revision. Found it on sale bundled with another game I've been wanting so I gave it a shot and got like, straight indie JRPG of the early 2000s injected into my veins.
11 mos ago
Hate that strange ennui that hits after 100%'ing a really, really good game. Good time was had, but man am I glad it can't mess my sleep schedule up anymore.
2 yrs ago
Rich people blood sports is how the Oscar's should always have gone. As a hot blooded american man I cant sleep at night without witnessing violence of some kind.
3 yrs ago
So true. Anyways, play Lancer!
3 yrs ago
Final Fantasy: Stranger in Paradise is the funniest shit I've ever seen while also not being a bad game. Just crack open some cold ones with the boys, blare Limp Bizket, and Kill Chaos.


No longer an asshole!

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With a loaf in hand and one in her mouth, the Steppe Archer would pay and exit without needing to be told that eating and leaving crumbs all over a bakery was bad manners. In a way she looked like a dog with a bone, holding her long piece of bread between her teeth at the middle. With an eager delight she would tear apart her bread, crouching down to "sit" on the street, delighted at the taste of some nice soft, warm, delicious bread filling her mouth. Judging from the happy little noises she made as she ate, she was hiding her hunger. Better at it than Druid Girl at least it seemed.

In no time at all the girl would devour her makeshift meal of carbs and carbs with a side of carbs, swallowing and contently patting her stomach. She would rise to her full height once more, eyes closed in contentment as she savored the last bits of bread crumbs clinging to her tongue. "Mmm...best bread..." she droned, letting her body process the food while she swayed back and forth, very, very happy to an unreasonable degree with that bread in her stomach.

Once she was a little less loopy the archer would say: "So, are we heading to the river again this time?" They needed a bath badly, and free running water was better than paying for it.
Alice found herself nearly knocked on her back as Brandy peeked in, only for a series of barks to echo that had Alice wondering if maybe this was the kind of dog that wasn't worth the paltry pay they were being given to deal with it. Not to mention, the client was a lot less friendly than she'd expected...was it because Brandy didn't show her any respect when she addressed her?

Anyways, Alice had no choice but to continue onwards. After all, she was Brandy's senior! Her mentor! Her paisen or whatever they called it! And a paisen has to do what a paisen has to do. Clearing her throat, Alice would gently pat Brandy's shoulder. "Leave this one to me! I'm good with people. And also, don't say anything. Or insult her. Or like...anything, really. Your people skills need a bunch of work," she said, before going over to the door and giving a professional three light knocks, standing with her head held high, her tail firmly held aloft behind her back, and with just the tiniest twitches of her ears, really, really hoping that Ms. Elmwood actually answered the door.

If she answered the door, she'd find Alice absolutely radiating the aura of a professional...at least in some capacity as the werewolf would bow her head, saying: "Good afternoon Ma'am! We're here on behalf of G.O.R.E., and have taken the job to walk your dog."

...Of course, if she didn't answer, Alice would just...stand there. Awkwardly.
Well, that was odd. Alice wasn't sure why the lady Elmwood would shut her door so readily...buuut maybe it was because Brandy lacked tact. And modesty. And clothes. And brains. Either way, Alice would gingerly tap on Brandy's shoulder. "Let's wait a few minutes. Maybe she's just making sure we'd have everything we'd need to take care of the dog on its walk. Also, she was really particular about what the dog's allowed to do, so...maybe she just wants to make sure we're not slackers that'll run off as soon as we're kept waiting."

In truth, Alice kind of suspected that the woman wasn't answering the door unless they knocked again. ...Buuut, being proved wrong was always nice.
Money was nice, jingled nicely, and the weight of the sack in the archer's hand had a fair amount of weight that made her smile. This is really what it felt like to earn your keep...even if it was in reality just a bunch of copper coins. Money was money, and money meant food, and shelter, and food for her horse, and shelter for her horse...and other things besides those. Even if she enjoyed the freedom of the steppe, even she couldn't deny the allure of coin when it jingled so nicely!

Regardless, she'd get broken out of seeing the dollar signs by the ungodly grumbling of the starveling druid's stomach. The archer was impressed that the girl seemed capable of eating so much, and even more impressed that she managed to hold in her own laughter...albeit, while ballooning her cheeks up much like a croaking frog. It was painfully obvious she found that hilarious, but was only saved by their lizard companion pushing them both out in their heels to go get some food. Rubbing her own nearly empty stomach, the archer said: "Bread sounds nice! Filling, warm, fresh out of the oven bread...this way!"

With her can-do attitude and freakish sense of smell for a human, the archer would gently lead the two along to the bakery that the druid girl had mentioned, drooling slightly as the scent of fresh-baked loaves flooded from the chimney, and around the door. For a moment it seemed the girl's stomach had even eaten her brain, as she tried to just get the door open a few times, not looking at the handle as she grasped not once, not twice, not thrice, but four times before finally managing it.

She was a mess for loaves, it seemed.
Caster of Red - Skuld

Caster remained still, considering her master's words carefully. While it was true that the masters of their own alliance were more than likely going to betray them if given the opportunity, it felt strange to already be planning for the dissolution of alliances. Of course, when it came to the mention of combat prowess Caster could not deny her own weakness. In a fight against most servants, her loss was almost certain if she were to stand and fight to the death. Caster raised her hand as if to accomplish some manner of brutality upon the squirrel that had intruded, but she lowered it once she sensed nothing hostile from it. Closing her eyes once more, Caster shut the world out from her eyes once more before she returned to her Master's side.

"Scouting...I see. I do have a solution, albeit a rudimentary one. Any living or dead that I could construct would be dispensed immediately...but a curse carried by one of your familiars could allow me to raise a number of the dead beneath their very feet," Caster said, a faint smile to her lips. "The countless clawing dead beneath their feet would serve to, if nothing else, let us observe their methods of combat. Alternatively, I could shroud the presence of a servant, preferrably Assassin, to scout themselves. I once hid an entire army in shadow, so one body would be trivial. Aside from that however, I am sad to say that I am not a scout my Master."

With her head bowed, Caster wondered which method her Master preferred. After all, if the dead were dispatched immediately then it would only serve to give the opposite alliance knowledge of her form of combat. But sending Assassin alone, even with an enchantment, was tantamount to suicide if a single misstep occurred.
The farmer being a dumb jerk that didn't appreciate gratitude aside, today was going great! They were making good way back towards the guild before the talk of mice mating tugged at the nomadic archer's ears. ...Who sat there and watched mice? Was it some sort of druidic ritual? IS THAT HOW YOU GET MAGIC!?

"I'm gonna go check on my horse real quick. Meet you guys at the guild!" the archer said, before running off to go make sure that Torchfire was getting the care she deserved. Before she even had a proper meal herself, she would make sure that her horse was cared for. She was glad that she'd managed to pay for a few days of stable and feed ahead of time when she first arrived, and hoped that these two finished quests could afford her many more. With the sheathed longsword on her back, the girl couldn't help but wonder if it was smarter to sell it, or use it in lieu of her rather well-worn side at her hip. For now though, she figured she would keep it and hope that, somehow, she could make use of it in spite of its larger-than-she-was-used-to size.

Regardless, once it was all settled that her precious ward was full, cared for, and got plenty of pats along her mane, Steppe Archer would reconvene with her fellows at the guild. Her work was probably the shortest of the three, so she would take a seat and wait at a table.
Alice didn't even have time to object and say that she'd help for free before Brandy went ahead and signed her on for the quest to split the miniscule pay for walking a dog. She just hoped they'd have time for a second job, otherwise she may wind up having to bunk with the spunky Satyr, a prospect that didn't necessarily sound bad. At least until she started realizing that Brandy may have the IQ of a peanut. Or...maybe a chestnut, given how busty she was? Alice didn't know. All she did know was that this girl really, really, really liked randomly investigating things. She was just kinda dragged along at Brandy's pace, all the while wondering if this arm-locking thing was something that friends did. Suddenly, her tail wagged.


With the thought of making her first real friend on her mind, Alice resolved herself to be as useful as possible, even willing to ignore getting hit with a broom by a housewife for Brandy's peeking. With Brandy latched on, Alice quickly cleared her throat and said: "Miss Elma Elmwood is a woman with reddish hair and glasses. I've never spoken to her personally or seen her dog, but she seems like a quiet type of person. When we go talk to her, maybe I should do the talking. A-And uh, no problem! I like helping!" Alice said, tail going ballistic. Friendship was weird!
With the rising of the sun and the cawing of the roosters, Steppe Archer would rise quickly, the hay stuck in her hair quickly falling out as she ran a hand through it, somehow deftly avoiding tangles in her hair. ...Maybe she was practiced? Maybe it was natural? Nobody could know. All that mattered was that she rose, stretched with her arms raised high above her head until a satisfying pop echoed from her back. With a bit of droop to her eyelids the girl would look over as she heard the terrifying grumble of the druid's stomach...before her own rose up in protest, as if two beasts were about to fight to the death. Thankfully, their Lizard friend came to the rescue with some dried meats, the likes of which the archer happily tore into, eating at a pace that almost challenged Big Red's massive gnashing bites.

Once her unladyness was cemented, the archer would smile happily, content with the breakfast provided. "That was amazing! Did you dry those out yourself? My mother showed me a way to do it back home, but it never tasted quite this good," she said, apparently a big fan of simple foods. She observed him at the well and would hurry out of the barn to quickly wash her face, then the place where she had been wounded. Despite the wound being gone, she still had some of her own dried blood caked on her leg. Nothing a bit of water and elbow grease couldn't fix though, and before long the archer was right as rain, free of dried blood that both was and was not her's.

With that settled the girl would get dressed in full, ready to fight her way back to town if she needed to. With her trademark smile and winning attitude once more on display, the girl would let the Druid Girl wash herself if she so wanted, before returning to the barn to collect her gear. "I think I should at least go and thank the farmer...he did let us use his place, after all. I'll be right back," she said, before figuring she'd bother the farmer one last time to give him one of the most heartfelt thanks he'd ever get for letting someone bum off his barn.
Alice would pick the dog-walking job up from the bulletin board, reading it over in full to give Brandy all the details. "Let's see...do not feed the dog, do not let the dog get its fur dirty, don't let it swim, don't let it get its derriere sniffed by a mutt...whoever this Elma Elmswood is, they sure must love their dog." With those read aloud, Alice would wave hello to Karin as she returned. "Welcome back Ms. Mofumofu! Brandy wanted to take this job to get used to walking around the town. Would you mind if I went with her, just to make sure everything goes smoothly? I'd hate for her to get yelled at when she can't read the instructions," Alice said, reasoning that if Brandy was illiterate, she could read for her.

Having Alice along on a dog-walk might make it go much easier too, considering she was a werewolf. Wolf, dog...same difference, really!
Caster of Red - Skuld

There was a slight pause in Caster's movements before she ever so gently held her hands out. "I would very much like that candy."

Upon either receiving here chocolate or being pranked in some fashion, Caster would listen carefully to her Master's words, her body almost corpse-like in its stillness as she awaited his words to finish. It felt a bit awkward to be corrected on the phrasing of her question...but her Master seemed to be an eccentric person regardless. Just one of his quirks, she supposed, to rephrase the words of others to their true meaning. ...Or maybe she just sounded foolish, asking such a question in this bloody ritual. A simple: "I see," was what Caster offered to her Master, before her eyes opened slowly. They were a sight to behold, an unnatural gold that shone so deeply that she seemed to lack pupils. Jacob could presume that she was blind in some capacity given the slight bit of cloudiness to her eyes, but whatever sense she lacked she made up for with her Magecraft.

"Then, my Master, I will slay in your name and your name alone. Your will shall be my own, and, in time, I shall deliver you the grail. I confess, I would not be a powerful servant were it not for the nature of this war," Caster said, approaching a nearby window and gently placing her hand upon the glass panes. "Time, and cadavers are all that I need. A thousand dead for one wish. Whether that is for you, or another, it doesn't matter to me. So long as I remain in this world, I will reach for the grail for your sake," Skuld said, before smiling widely, looking at something that existed only in her mind outside of the window. "Oh, and an additional thought to spare you, Master: Command Spells for my obedience will not be necessary. You giving me free reign to gather the dead is all I could ever want. My wish is my Noble Phantasm...and with it, your's will be delivered."

Just as quickly as her smile came, it would slowly dip off of Caster's face, resuming her neutral expression. "Is there anything in particular you wish to discuss aside from that matter, my Master?"

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