Avatar of The Irish Tree


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11 mos ago
Current @SaltSight Game was Astlibra: Revision. Found it on sale bundled with another game I've been wanting so I gave it a shot and got like, straight indie JRPG of the early 2000s injected into my veins.
11 mos ago
Hate that strange ennui that hits after 100%'ing a really, really good game. Good time was had, but man am I glad it can't mess my sleep schedule up anymore.
2 yrs ago
Rich people blood sports is how the Oscar's should always have gone. As a hot blooded american man I cant sleep at night without witnessing violence of some kind.
3 yrs ago
So true. Anyways, play Lancer!
3 yrs ago
Final Fantasy: Stranger in Paradise is the funniest shit I've ever seen while also not being a bad game. Just crack open some cold ones with the boys, blare Limp Bizket, and Kill Chaos.


No longer an asshole!

Most Recent Posts

Alice couldn't help but chuckle at the exchange at hand between Brandy and Karen. Even if Brandy wasn't really smart, she was really funny when she played to her strengths of being naive and eager. "Mr. Dooch can count on us, Karen. I promise I won't screw up on technicalities like last time. I'll handle the receipt," she said, before Brandy started mentioning that she needed to go change clothes. Alice was...surprised, honestly, that Brandy had the self-awareness to know her clothes would get ruined, but she HAD worked on a farm all her life.

When she returned, Alice smiled, almost feeling like this look suited Brandy a lot more than her other outfit. "My ouftit's made to handle chemicals, so it getting dirty is no big deal. You look really cute in that though Brandy," Alice praised sincerely, tail swishing before she pointed at the door.

"Anyways, off to a real quest! Let's go find us a rabbit!"
Whether it was raining or shining, justice never slept. At least, not until after 9 PM on a school night. Scheherazade's call would be quickly answered, with Kanata arriving on the scene as quickly as she could get there, hopefully being one of the first to arrive to make up for her tardiness last time.

This time, she'd get to show off to her upperclassmen, and prove that she's more than just the snack girl. From the entrance of the barrier the rabbit-eared heroine emerged, transformed and ready for a fight. Her hammer was slung over her shoulder, and a white umbrella shielded her from the rain pounding the construction site.

"Hup!" she would say after twirling her hammer and bopping it against the ground, leaving a tiny white circle that popped up and blew up to the vague shape of a ball with rabbit-like ears. With beady, bean-like pink eyes the bunlet made of pure magical mochi would stare up at its creator, before the hammer slammed into its side, launching it with great force at a Pageless that was occupied with gathering life force. The rabbit soared with a blank expression through the air, another white circle planted on it from the golf swing Kanata had delivered unto it. That white circle would shrink into the body of the mochi rabbit, the construct suddenly doubling in size, a bit more life in its eyes as it angrily stared down the Pageless before colliding with it. It didn't hurt the Pageless at all, but the sheer force of the mochi rabbit was enough to knock it away from the construction worker it had been praying upon.

"Okay, okay, you can do this Kanata, cool introduction time..." the girl said, slapping her cheeks before pointing at the most stand-out of the Pageless.

"The jig is up, Pageless! You're not going to hurt anyone anymore! Not if Magical Girl Boundless has anything to say about it!" Kanata said, chest swelling with pride before she resumed golf-swinging rabbit mochi at the Pageless.

...It was almost hilariously harmless, but any of the mochi rabbits that formed would jump at the Pageless, again and again.
Levia was a bit worried that Tungsten was approaching to get revenge on the accident that happened moments ago with his subordinate, but instead Tungsten Jazz's words, as inspirational as ever, stirred a fire in Levia's stomach as she clenched her draconic hands and grinned. "Her guidance, my strength, and your awesome bardic powers. Let's make sure nobody can ever harm our home, Tungsten!"

Levia's tail raised in alarm as Faetalis's arm transformed into a cannon, the chimeric dragoness dropping to all four's, ready to incinerate a plethora of wildlife to keep her mistress safe. Only for it to be a single deer. ...Were it not for the awkwardness of the moment, Levia would chase it down and beat it to a pulp for startling their guild leader.

Levia didn't have time to say anything before once again their leader had a minor freakout. ...Their guild leader seemed to be really high strung, for some reason. That awkwardness faded though once Levia saw the serious, monstrous eyes looking back and demanding that the humans not be harmed. Levia had to wonder why, but also didn't care enough about why to question it. As such, why would forever remain why, while who was all she knew. Then she started complimenting Levia!

"Ohhh my god she said I'm brilliant! AND NOW SHE'S TOUCHING ME!" Levia screamed internally, cheeks lighting up a pale green from her noxious blood flooding to her cheeks at her hand being in contact with Faetalis's. "Y-Yes! Anything for you Lady Faetalis!"

Levia would march at a merry pace, ecstatic at having been used more for her intended purpose in the last twenty four hours than she'd ever been used in...

...What was it?

...Seven Hundred Years? Yggdrasil time?

Either way, Tungsten would find he'd need to give Levia very specific instructions, lest her eager innocence cause her to level most of the area around the mountain. She loved feeling useful.
At Ayaka's insistence, Kanata handed over one of the bento boxes to her upper-classman since, given the eyes she was giving Kanata, if she didn't hand the box over fast enough she might just take Kanata's hands along with the box. Did Ayaka not eat at home or what?

"Here you go," Kanata said, handing over the lavender colored box to the famished wizard. The situation at hand with their returning-book-guest was well-handled, and that left Kanata with little to do save for to hand out everyone's afternoon snacks. Kanata felt extremely bad about last night, and as such had brought enough for everyone to sate their appetites with delicious confectionaries and general snackages.

Seeing as she knew that normal people couldn't see their feline benefactor, Kanata wouldn't give the cat his snack just yet, not until their civilian in the room was out of there. It'd be a bit strange to just...open a lunch box and leave it on a windowsill after all.

"Oh, uh, Yuri-Senpai, Yuzu-Senpai, I can help with that stack too!"
Steppe Archer pouted, wondering if they really looked so harmless as to not warrant a little caution. She was a trained warrior! ...Being told nobody cared where they were stung a bit. But, oh well. Back to town.

The talk about break ups and divorces didn't interest her in particular. Back in her home, it was commonplace for women to be the only ones with the power to divorce from their husbands, and it wasn't uncommon for that to come with a large amount of public shaming for the man. Something about how men are ruled by their wives in all things...Steppe Archer didn't have much experience in it given that her grandmother and mother married once and stayed married.

The day languished on as the archer relaxed with her group, glad to have a moment of peace after the rather nightmarish last mission. Now, it was time to settle down and catch some dinner before bed. After their druid's comical hunger routine, the archer would smile at the innkeep, saying: "I'll have the vegetable soup with some bread.

After their meal, the archer would retire to the room she shared with the druid, settling down for bed, and hoping tomorrow would let them wake early and find some good jobs.
Alice was glad that Karin understood...or at least pretended to so that the conversation would end. Brandy would return with plans for a new job, the likes of which had Alice thinking...

She hadn't had lunch.

And a horn...she could use that!

Alice beamed, softly placing a hand on Brandy's shoulder. "Brandy, I know it might look cute, but that horn means its not an ordinary cute and cuddly rabbit. Its basically a monster...also... Alice clenched her hands. "Its got meat! Rabbit meat! Meat for a stew, a pelt for a pillow!

Alice rubbed her hands together, drooling a bit as she added: "And that HORN! I bet I could make some great potion stock with it! Maybe even use it for some medicine!"

Clearing her throat, Alice nodded her head before saying: "Anyways, its being a pest, so we have to get rid of it. If it breeds and has a litter, it'll take them to the client's plants and wipe them out for good! This is bigger than rabbit stew! Its a real quest, Brandy!"

Alice seemed awful excited about getting to eat some real meat. Might have had something to do with the werewolf blood in her body.

She was also immune to pouts. She worked customer service before.
Turq Beaufort

"Tch. As if I'm going to let the rabble spitting at me stop me from proving anything. You're almost sounding concerned there, Sir," Turq would say, smirking a bit at the bit of sentimentality in the old man's words. He didn't really care all that much if Caramelle didn't have a strong reason to be a huntress, or Jet having a simple one. The reason for it didn't matter so long as they were pulling their weight in Turq's eyes. If they failed or passed, that wasn't really his problem as long as he wasn't dragged down with them.

As the junkyard workers began digging through the junk at a rapid pace and the windows grew darker, two thoughts ran through his mind. Or rather, two possibilities.

They'd been here the entire time and he'd gotten a few glances at them. They seemed...ordinary enough. Maybe they were just here for the fight and were getting back to work after seeing the upstart students best their handicapped teacher.

...But then, there was option two. And option two was-

"Something's giving me the distinct feeling the gong hasn't rung yet," Turq said, reaching for his weapon and letting the chain hang, once again holding the handles of his picks. "This because you didn't get any good reasons?" He was under the assumption this was the part where they got jumped to teach them some humility or weed out those without motivation...but Turq wasn't going to start swinging until shots were fired. After all, being smart is one thing, being paranoid was another.

And Turq was very not smart.
The Sorrow of Being Unharmed

There was a long stretch of time wherein Kanata found herself tossing and turning the night after her first real night of being a Pagekeeper. ...She failed. Badly. In fact, she didn't even get to fail, since she showed up so late that she couldn't help anyone. So late that she was just a burden to be rescued, despite not being injured. So late that...

She expected to be yelled at. ...But Scheherazade didn't. In fact, nobody really did.

Being at least on-time for the club meeting, Kanata was panting, having sprinted the entire way to get there from the middle school building. When she heard her name be spoken by Yuzu, she expected a scolding but instead got a warm smile that reminded her that she had friends here. Even if it was largely her first real experience as a Pagekeeper, she felt like...she could trust them. Especially since as it stood, her senpais had way more experience than she had.

When it came time for the mysterious black cat that commanded them spoke, Kanata couldn't help but feel sad for the poor thing. Even if it hadn't filled them in on the existence of the Dark Keepers, Kanata hadn't assumed that evil people could have grimoires in their hearts. After all, stories were things you read to go to faraway places, experience newfound things, and dream things as childishly as you wanted without being reprimanded. The idea that someone could just come and muddy the concept, twist the hearts of people and make them fight with the Pageless was so...

...Horrible, really.

Clenching her fists that were balled on her lap, the youngest girl of the group looked around. Yuri was badly hurt in that last fight, bad enough to need a sling, and Ayaka wasn't looking whole and hearty herself. In fact, both seemed hurt deeply by the lack of information.

The general air of the room was heavy, but a stranger arrived just in time to make the awkward group of high schoolers do something. Kinda.

Seeing as the situation at the door was being handled by Yuri and Yuzu, Kanata would scoot over to Ayaka's corner. Not-so-stealthily, the bunny-powered girl would carry a multi-layered box behind her and stand beside Ayaka. Clearing her throat, Kanata would finally say: "Um...Meru-Senpai...I felt bad about what happened yesterday, so I brought everyone these. Would you like one," she said, revealing her quintuple-level food box, having enough food for each member, as well as Scheherazade.

Each of the bento boxes contained a small assortment of snacks, including miniature fruit salads, macarons, rice balls with various fillings, and melon-bread, all of which begged the question of just how Kanata had either the time or the money to make and bring FIVE of these boxes to school. The box for their feline commander was a tad less-heavy on the sweets, as it instead had sardines over rice, shredded chicken, and an omelet filled with leafy greens for fiber. The sardines and rice were in the shape of a grimoire. Kanata hadn't included actual cat food, since she kind of assumed opening a can of wet find and telling their boss "Bon Appétit" was in bad form.

Kanata froze for a moment, eyes going blank as she asked: "Wait...are...are we even allowed to eat in the library?"
In the fable of the Tortoise and the Hare, the Hare oversleeps and loses to the Tortoise. Right now, our Hare is currently...

"I'M LATE I'M LATE I'M LATE!" the hare-brained heroine Kanata Mizuki shouted as she pedaled her bike as quickly as she could. A bar of chocolate was perched in her teeth, while her eyes hurriedly scanned a map that she was turning around, upside-down, sideways, and even checking if she hadn't folded it out all the way. "Ugghhhh, I hate Geography! Office buildings, office buildings...wait. ...AM I ON THE WRONG SIDE OF TOWN?"

...lost. Very, very lost.

After pedaling to the area, Kanata would be just in time to see the spotlights and tent cover the building, finding herself pushed underneath the tent. Her crimson rabbit ears twitched as she heard Scheherazade mention "Darkkeepers", which...sounded bad. Like, really, really bad. That sounded like some sort of high ranking Pageless she hadn't been told about...and she hadn't even fought a regular Pageless before! For a first day on the job, Kanata sure wished she had something to go off of. She'd only transformed once in private, but now that she was actually running and moving with this enhanced speed, and the bunny ears, it was...a bit much all at once. Her ears twitched as the sounds of fighting kept on clammoring, with what sounded like a fair number of people inside the building, and two on top. Clutching the amulet on her neck that housed her Grimoire, she said: "Uh...hello, Scheherazade , sorry for being late! I...got lost..." she confessed. Then, she heard the sound of arrows being let loose after what sounded like a very romantic speech about saving lives.

Looking indecisive and frankly lost, Kanata would smack her cheeks twice. "Okay, okay, you can do this...you can do this. You're not a normal girl, you're a magical girl. And you're not just any magical girl, you're-" the girl crouched down, legs bent as her muscles did their magically augmented thing. The faint red outline of a rabbit surrounded her, before she exploded off the ground and into the air. "Boundless!" She closed her eyes as she ascended, stomach jumping to her throat as the girl defied every basic fact of her physiology for one massive jump that had her in the spotlights. Like, literally. Seeing she was about to crash into one, the girl drew her hammer and used it as a makeshift hook, using the space between the hammer and handle to swing off the light and onto the tightrope, at which point she froze.

"...Why is there a tightrope?" she asked, now an onlooker for the battle between Robin and the Darkkeeper, who Kanata was currently trying to parse as being a member of their group that she just didn't know the codename of. ...It made her feel really bad, for what its worth.
Steppe Archer gently patted the druid girl, feeling bad for her. ...Well, not especially, since this was common sense but...poor girl. She had more boobs than sense. The walk to the river had a discussion about inter-party relations, and the druid girl denying any chance that Big Red had. ...Idly, Steppe Archer wondered if that meant she was okay with the potential of being romantic with her, or if women mating was something uncommon outside of the steppe. It wasn't exactly common, but it wasn't all that unusual, she supposed. Either way, Steppe Archer didn't exactly go blushing at the thought of either of her companions.

With their bathing completed, Steppe Archer would soon be drying herself off, having managed to catch a few river fish while she was at it and waiting for the others. She figured a bit of dinner was nice as long as it was free, and heartily dug into her grilled fish, organs and all. The best part was the guts! One would be forgiven for mistaking her for a wild animal, with how she brutally mauled her fish and spat out bits of bone after, leaving her fish clean save for its tail-scales and horrified looking head.

Throwing the bones into the fire, the girl would stretch her legs and look towards the sky. ...So many things were different from home, and in so many different ways that it was hard for her to keep track. Would she ever even see her home again? Not that it mattered, so long as that all-brawn idiot was in charge, it was no home of her's. Sitting up again though, she asked: "Do you think people think we're up to something, always coming out here to the river?"
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