Name: Elise Barbette
Nicknames: Chaldea's #1 Boozehound
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Master of: Caster (Bunbuku Chagama)
Command Seal Location: Right Shoulder
Origin: Vintage
Personality: Elise is the kind of person that isn't afraid to speak her mind, possessing about as much pride as a normal mage living in their society would, minus the constant root-searching akasha-worshipping holier-than-thine-craft mentality, since...well, frankly, she couldn't care less about most things beyond what makes the most sense at the time. If you need money, find a way to get it. If you need a drink, go make one yourself. And if you need an excuse to perfect your magecraft, the pursuit itself should be worthwhile. Of course, this also means that she's also the kind of person that lives for the moment, valuing experiences for how enjoyable they seem rather than how important they are. Even if she isn't the kind of person to go out of her way for others, she's willing to lend a hand when needed, and is always ready to offer a drink to liven up the mood if she thinks it'd help.
She is also incredibly stubborn, to the extent that one wouldn't be surprised to find her in Chaldea's cafeteria, drinking herself under the table to prove a point to someone.
Biography: The Barbette family is a lineage of mages that partake in an odd, non-standard form of potionmaking that stems from the ancient tradition of offering alcohol to divinity, considering this practice of offering something "brewed" to be a method of communicating with Divine Spirits. At the core of their magecraft is a yearning to understand the mysteries of the interaction between gods, man, and poison as a methodology and pushing the human mind to its limit to accept such mysteries.
...And then Elise was born, and proved herself to be utterly opposed to the philosophy of her forefathers. Rather than brewing alcohol with the purpose of communion and ritualistic purpose, she instead posited the theory that: "this swill would make a god hurl, of course they aren't answering you!" With an emphasis on both form and substance to her brews, the focus on taste proved as effective conduits to incorporate more complex ingredients, utilizing the mundane and extravagant both within her magecraft. Her approach focusing on taste proved not only beneficial to the long-term results of the family's practice, but also served to bolster their coffers exponentially, with "Barbette Select" becoming a common name among casual wine consumers within the past few years.
As for why a glorified wine-maker chose to take the test to became one of the select members of Team B in Chaldea, that lies in her firm belief that something as advanced as Rayshifting offered answers she couldn't even imagine. What was the actual flavor of the wine offered up to Dionysus? How did people of all walks of life create their alcohol? Why is it that among all human creations, inebriation was one of the first to be proven to date all the way back to the forefront of civilization in Tibsili? It was an equal part of understanding her duty to humanity and these nagging questions that lead the magus to contact Director Orson personally. Testing just like everyone else in the selection process, she would be slotted into the backup team, Team B.
Magecraft Section
School of Magecraft: Dendrology, Potion crafting
Skills/Spells List:
Water Conversion: Alcohol: 7 times.
Accelerate Plant Growth: 4 times.
Entropic Infusion: This spell functions as a way to rapidly accelerate the relative time of an individual object, aging it to a maximum of 50 years. The effect can be ended early if she breaks contact with it, but the object will remain aged. A magic that stems from Barbette's family's crest. 6 times.
Strengthening Solution Alpha: Heightens the imbiber's natural muscle strength to its human limits. A short-term, cheap liquid form of Reinforcement prepared ahead of time. 3 times.
Phoenix Potion Beta: Regenerative potion that will consume the imbiber's stamina to repair their body. Can also be used on Servants, but actual healing magic would be better. 3 times.
Wiseman's Draught Delta: A potion designed to produce a noticeable increase in the user's Magical Circuit quality for a small amount of time. Used to prepare mostly for rituals. 2 times.
Ampelos Bakkheia: Confusing draught attributed to the Roman god Dionysus' lover, from whom the first vine was grown. A potion that is usually imbibed and then spit as a mist by the user, creating a cloying purple fog that poisons enemies and drives their five senses into overdrive. Noise becomes unbearable, Light becomes painful to see, and everything begins to overwhelm them. 1 time.
(Each potion could technically be imbibed/made more of, but doing so would have adverse effects on Elise.)
Amount of Magecraft Mana: B
Other: Possesses a Specialized Mystic Code created for use with her Magic Crest called the "Aegir Horn", which utilizes a limited form of her family's specialized magecraft to continually age any liquid stored inside of it, maintaining ideal conditions to age it perfectly. Zero combat usage.