Avatar of The Irish Tree


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11 mos ago
Current @SaltSight Game was Astlibra: Revision. Found it on sale bundled with another game I've been wanting so I gave it a shot and got like, straight indie JRPG of the early 2000s injected into my veins.
11 mos ago
Hate that strange ennui that hits after 100%'ing a really, really good game. Good time was had, but man am I glad it can't mess my sleep schedule up anymore.
2 yrs ago
Rich people blood sports is how the Oscar's should always have gone. As a hot blooded american man I cant sleep at night without witnessing violence of some kind.
3 yrs ago
So true. Anyways, play Lancer!
3 yrs ago
Final Fantasy: Stranger in Paradise is the funniest shit I've ever seen while also not being a bad game. Just crack open some cold ones with the boys, blare Limp Bizket, and Kill Chaos.


No longer an asshole!

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Wasnt the initial intention but I forgot that was part of MGE lore, so that's a-okay with me.

Also, for the sake of not ending every post on a cliffhanger, would it be okay if I just asked you on occasion for a 1-6 roll in the ooc? Or I could make a campaign in the dice section for proof. Didn't really think out the logistics of using wild magic for an rp.
@The Irish Tree

Was gonna probably have Shizuka come and help if you want. I want him and the Fatal Pulse to have a "reunion" of sorts ^^

Feel free if you want, just stay away from the ships. They may suddenly explode. Or be hit by a rock. ...Or suddenly have a cow on them!

Levia almost hated that her worries were assuaged by Faetalis' words, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, REALLY wishing that she could just not participate due to her extra limbs...but the chimeric dragon had little choice now that everyone else was in human form. They were so...smooth and normal looking that to the dragon that was raised around such monstrosities and abominations of nature, she couldn't help but miss how cute they all were in their individual ways.

Nervously, Levia would take a skin and duck behind a corner to slip into it before hearing the words of Faetalis instead. ...If these disguises were meant to be themselves, their innermost human-like traits then...how the heck was Levia's going to look!? There was 0% of her that was human from her poisonous breath to her numerous limbs...if anything, the only reason she looked human was her creator's whims. Still, she couldn't help the entirely human feeling of wanting to belong, of wanting people to be proud of her, and how that innately conflicted with her job of destruction and interacting primarily with beings barely intelligent enough to say a single syllable.

Mae also seemed to be conflicted and removed her own disguise, leading to Levia feeling like her hesitation wasn't a mistake. Mae was a lot wiser than she was, and right now Levia could do nothing but think. And for someone with low MP, that was quite an ask. But still, either in her mind or Faetalis, a vision did at least start to materialize. The abandoned experimental child, created to fulfill countless goals and dreams only to be tossed aside for a different child. This one sought to be accepted, this beast thought itself a human, and in its anger broke things upon command in hopes of receiving love in turn. Nobody born and discarded the way that Levia was could hope to be prim and proper, and if she were human, she'd still prove herself their superiors in strength. As such, Levia's innermost human couldn't be described as much else other than a punk, the type that would look at home in the alleyway many orphans of this world called home. Eyes that radiated hostility, casting a shadow over her double-sided intentions, and a proper enough looking body to show that she was once cared for, but her present situations speaks otherwise.

A vagrant amongst the fortunate.

Scratching her head, Levia seemed conflicted. "C-Can I not at least keep my tail!?" she would ask, holding it protectively with her two largere draconic arms. "And...can we take these skins off while inside our home?"
Alice would merrily hum, ears twitching and silence befalling her as someone greeted her in the middle of a bog. Slowly and with creaking movements she would turn her head to face the newly risen skeleton standing behind her and...

Started drooling, tail wagging as she looked at him. "H-Hello Sir!" she said, admitting to herself that even bones covered in mud and bog guck were still delicious, especially when they were composing someone so polite. "I didn't expect to see any living dead out here..." the werewolf calmly said, pacing around the skeleton before realizing she hadn't answered his question that he'd asked so likely. "Oh, and um, I was gathering alchemical reagents. Stuff to make potions, basically. I'm Alice, Mr...?"

The dapper skeleton would give a cordial bow, introducing himself with: "Philip Jay Matthew Chesterwood Esquire, a pleasure to make your acquaintance Alice." In all likelihood, Philip was probably delighted at the chance to have a proper conversation for the first time in what may have been centuries, since a bog usually preserved bodies instead of skelefying them. Seeing that this was the best lead she got, Alice would press the question of any recent happenings around the nearby graveyard since...hopefully the skeleton knew something.

Sofia meanwhile was starting to worry, shivering as she held her elbows. "Y-You don't think that maybe...Alice was spirited away by ghosts and is now being held captive!? Or worse?" she questioned, nervously reaching for her bow and stepping towards the bog. "I-I can't cross a bog like this...my limbs are liable to get pulled off if I try and walk around in such thick mud. Aliiiiiiiiiice! Where are you?" The undead did have a point that her body wasn't as sturdy, but was also kind of being a chicken about it. Calling out to Alice really was the best plan she had without diving headlong into the murder mud.

Prior to flying off, Liliana was interrupted by one of the swordsmen of this land, who seemed to have pretty good manners when it came to treating mamono with respect instead of fear. "Oh, thanks for the greeting! I was really surprised that most people were avoiding me like the plague...nice to see someone isn't scared of fairies around here, she said, seeming to not understand that she likely looked like a will-o-the-wisp in daylight. Albeit, a pink bubbly sparkly one. The fairy hadn't paid much attention to who this "Grimgor" was, but proudly puffed her chest out while putting her hands on her own hips. "Everybody underestimates fairies up until they have ivy coming out of their nostrils. Anyways, got bad guys to beat up~"

The fairy would go her merry way after responding to Kannazuki, more than ready to beat up a couple of guys...only to find that there were a lot more than a couple of guys waiting there. And this so-called "Fatal Pulse" was barking orders, surrounded by as many guards as there were people back in the village. It was definitely more than she could handle alone, and was frankly wishing more of her fellow Bladeflowers were here for a swarm attack. Alas, she was alone, outgunned, and out-flower-power'd, and that meant only one thing:

Running away as soon as the jig was up. But it currently wasn't up, so the little fairy would do her best to keep from fluttering about in the dark, keeping her body hidden behind crates and eavesdropping to find out what she could. Then, and only then, would she utilize her sword's offense magical to (hopefully) blow this operation to kingdom come! ...Or, just randomly summon a cow, because at some point in time the World Tree decided that was a very important spell. "Come on Whimsy, luck be a fairy tonight..." she thought, ready to channel the spell and cause some mayhem and get out of there. Since she imagined the humans would want the shipyard back at some point, she would turn her (potentially) destructive magic towards the ships. Ideally, Magma would make quick work of those ships, but a gigantic boulder would also do the trick.

Or maybe if the Varjans were deathly allergic or afraid of cows that could work too.
Intro post made, hope I followed protocol for accepting a tale.
Liliana had to admit, she was not used to the hustle and bustle of a human port. Or human civilization in general. A giant forest was her home, so she could go miles before bumping into another fairy but here...she was having to float above people's heads just to get anywhere without fear of bumping into someone! Upon finally meeting Lady Kyouko, Liliana would reciprocate the bow offered to her with a curtsey. "Its an honor to meet someone who is friends with my Queen! Anything you need done, I'll do it Miss Kyouko!"

Upon being pushed into using a teleport spell prepared by Lady Kyouko and her powerful friend, Liliana would barely have time to say: "Tele-what now?" before being engulfed in that blinding white light, transported who-knows-how-far to the island of Shizuyama. When the sliding doors opened, Liliana would rub her eyes and look out at the surrounding landscape, trying to see past the (in her opinion) ugly human village ruining the scenery.

"So, this is Zipangu huh...?"

The little fairy that was fluttering beside the Mad Hatter who's name she hadn't learned yet was taking in the sights, nearly darting off the moment the temple's doors opened before being stopped by the reality that she was here for a reason. And, at least a messenger for that reason was telling her that she should aid the local villagers. ...Judging from her statement and the burn marks, they were hanging on and could use the help. "Sure thing Miss! If you don't mind me introducing myself, I am Lilliana. Royal Knight of the great Fairy Queen Titania, and ranked sixth amongst her personal guard. I'll save the questions for later, since it looks like help is more in demand than questions. Toodles!" The fairy would dart off as soon as she introduced herself, hoping to catch someone's eye who needed aid.

She wasn't even sure if they had fairies in this area of the world or some other form of natural mamono, but people sure were looking at her like a giant bug to be swatted until they saw she had a face. ...This was getting her nowhere, and as such she would resort to the worst tool in her arsenal: Getting big. Ducking into an alleyway the fairy would be surrounded in a faint white glow before growing to a height of 5'2" before stepping out once more. ...And now people were staring at her like she was weird in ANOTHER way.

When a panicking man approached her with a desperate enough request, she would nod her head at every word, barely understanding who these "Varjans" were, but got the gist they were bad humans.

"Yokai, please hear me out. While I was on my way here, I had to hide from a patrol of Varjans. One of them was a strange black-clad warrior who stood out from all of them. I overheard him talking about 'very helpful substances' and how they can be used against our people.

I think they were going to the Yagata Shipyard west of here. And the Varjans called the warrior, 'Fatal Pulse'."

"Yagata Shipyard to the west, right? Don't you worry Mister Human, I'll go and knock their socks off so bad, they won't think ANY substance could ever help them! Toodles!" the fairy knight would say, before running off towards the west.
While Sofia wanted to continue being upset...she did have to admit that Alice was definitely getting the worst of it right now. If even a Revenant like her can practice good hygiene, there's no reason this man can't. Even if he wasn't physically deformed, that attitude was winning no friends over. And to make it all worse, when Alice returned with the new that he basically told them to do the job before being told anything, she wanted to just about scream and call it then and there.

With Brandy going off to investigate, Alice and Sofia would sus out their options between the bog and grasslands. Alice's fur would make the ticks problematic, but without warm blood for them to feast on, Sofia determined she could check it out herself. That and, with her stiff limbs she'd get stuck and sink in the bog, which would be where the werewolf would conduct her search. She wasn't afraid to get her hands dirty. Though, when time came for the group to come back together at Brandy's calling, only Sofia would answer. "The nearby grassland is completely fine..." she said, maintaining a healthy distance while brushing her hair free of the debris and potential insect stragglers that had been caught in it. "...Have you seen Alice, actually? I'd have thought she wouldn't be gone too long in that bog to see if it had anything in it..."

That would be because currently, Alice was eagerly picking various fungi, moss, and plant samples and storing them in her bag, surprised at how valuable some of the stuff located here was. "Beggar's foot, Pale Green Moss, and even a couple Dainty Finger Mushrooms!" Alice said excitedly, looking down at her haul.
@The Irish Tree@Enkryption

A Fairy Knight and a Mad Hatter with a cursed weapon. How fascinating.

Please don't bully the ronin...

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