Avatar of The Irish Tree


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11 mos ago
Current @SaltSight Game was Astlibra: Revision. Found it on sale bundled with another game I've been wanting so I gave it a shot and got like, straight indie JRPG of the early 2000s injected into my veins.
11 mos ago
Hate that strange ennui that hits after 100%'ing a really, really good game. Good time was had, but man am I glad it can't mess my sleep schedule up anymore.
2 yrs ago
Rich people blood sports is how the Oscar's should always have gone. As a hot blooded american man I cant sleep at night without witnessing violence of some kind.
3 yrs ago
So true. Anyways, play Lancer!
3 yrs ago
Final Fantasy: Stranger in Paradise is the funniest shit I've ever seen while also not being a bad game. Just crack open some cold ones with the boys, blare Limp Bizket, and Kill Chaos.


No longer an asshole!

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ERode is doing a Lancer though.
Sofia was elated that they'd managed to save Alice, the werewolf so stunned by their rescue that she was left speechles-

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?" she screamed, hands twitching as she held them by her face, before diving into the muck to try and fish her arisen friend from the swamp's clutches. She'd fish his bones up, along with his busted skull, swimming to shore with them in tow and laying him out. Alice looked ready to cry, leading to Sofia growing even paler. "B-Brandy...I believe...I may have made a very grave error here..."

Alice resisted the still-growing temptation to snap open a bone and slurp up some marrow, instead aligning Phillip Chesterwood's corpse as if he'd died lying down, sniffling as she said: "You had the most gorgeous bones I ever saw, Phillip..." She was crying...but also drooling.

With them close enough to the island that Sofia didn't need to worry about sinking, she would get out of Brandy's arms and run to Alice's side. "Was he friendly!?" she asked, worried that they just murdered someone.

"He was a gentlemaaaaaaan!" Alice sobbed.

If Phillip wasn't dead, now might be a good time to speak up. Of course, if he was dead, dude, wow, rude, Alice is having a whole moment here.
For the sake of curiosity, if Liliana were to stab said weight atop the box, would it make a suspiciously human-like scream ala Tom of famous cartoon "Tom and The Jerry"?
Putting my sheet here for examples.

And now, there are three Kannazuki! Kannazukinis, if you will.

This definitely seemed like a personal duel, so I figured I'd have Liliana deal with the mooks.

With their route out of the warehouse secured thanks to the noble sacrifice of one very antsy cow, Liliana felt comfortable enough with the distance gained to pick Kannazuki up and begin flying, smirking as she saw that Fatal Pulse hadn't managed to catch them. Before the fairy could come up with any sort of snappy one-liner to rub it in however, Fatal Pulse unleashed some manner of attack she wasn't expecting that seriously hurt her ears and sent her body into a paralyzed state of shock, sending her plummeting to the ground. Luckily however, the fresh air had allowed Kannazuki to recover enough to land and catch her, leaving the fairy very impressed at the swordsman's agility.

Her ears were still ringing but she could hear the repulsive sound of Fatal Pulse's voice, the mercenary's blades crossing with her friend's while Liliana struggled to her feet. Her equilibrium was completely disrupted from that explosive...but right now, she had a feeling that she'd get in the way of Kannazuki's swordsmanship. "You handle him, I'll keep the small-fry at bay. ...C'mon sword, let it be anything but a cow this time!"

With her focus placed into her blade, she would unleash one more Support spell from her blade, a pale bolt of energy shooting at it to Kannazuki and enshrouding him in a yellowish glow, before Fatal Pulse would swear he was seeing double. Triple, even, as Triple Reflection was empowering Kannazuki, making ghostly duplicates of him that followed his movements and soon grew so solid that they were indistinguishable from him.

"Yes!" Liliana said excitedly, narrowly avoiding getting hit by an arrow being shot by a Varjan soldier. Using Size Trick, the fairy would return to her miniscule size and begin demonstrating the Royal Knight Fairy style of swordsmanship: Death by 1000 cuts. It would be like trying to swat a fly with a sword as she grew faster in her smaller state, her sword cutting all the same with the blessed wooden flesh of a World Tree blessing it.
Alice's tail would stand straight up behind her as she eyed the veritable buffet of precious ingredients growing on that log, eyes sparkling while she started panting like a non-human-dog. She'd have to restrain herself from bounding over to gather stuff, patiently waiting for the boney bachelor to finish explaining the strange feeling of being reanimated, nodding twice as she pondered the implication. "Assuming that the 'grip' was necromancy pulling your soul back into your body...maybe the mud around here has something special about it that made the spell incomplete? ...I really wish I knew more myself, but there has to be SOMETHING that reanimated you so far away from Noxiria. Let me go gather that stuff real quick, and I'll bring you to meet with my party. Would you believe me if I said you were way more charming then the guy who hired us? ...By like, a long shot?"

The last part wasn't a joke, since Vincent was kind of a toad by all measures. Especially appearance. Still, Alice would eagerly step her way over to the island and get to picking up the bounty of ingredients the likes of which would probably make Brandy gag, even getting on her knees to really get some of the mushrooms inside of a hollow log.

Meanwhile, Sofia was once again forced into a position where the undead woman couldn't help but get a bit flushed as she was carried like a princess. "W-Well, this is an efficient way to keep me from being dragged down by the bog...good thinking Brandy," she would say before fulfilling her request of folding up part of her shirt, tying it at about an inch below her bra. "There."

As the twosome walked, Sofia would keep an eye out for Alice and, upon seeing her, was about to call out until she saw the mud-covered skeleton also approaching Alice. She was about to be ambushed! "Brandy, look! Alice is in trouble!" Sofia didn't have the space needed to draw her bow, and as such would get Brandy's club from her belt, offering it to the Satyr. "I knew this place was haunted! ...B-But at least its a skeleton and not a ghost..."
The first of many cows have now happened.

Now to hope Fatal Pulse is lactose intolerant...

Just when Liliana was ready to scout and sneak, she'd be surprised by that nice Shizuyaman coming all this way out to help her. Beaming, the fairy would say: "So long as you don't get caught, you can definitely help out! Oh, but if we're sharing secret special moves, mine's sorta like rolling dice..." the fairy would proudly brandish her sword, barely as long as a dagger in her teeny state. "I can do all sorts of magic, just never the EXACT one I want. The sword sorta...w-well anyways, I'm sort of a magician, sort of a swordsman, and definitely a fairy knight. And if that Fatal Pulse guy is giving you bad vibes, we can team up and take him down if it comes to that!"

Such was her hope at least, learning much with Shizuka's surprising sneakiness. So, it seemed that the plan was for the Varjans to distribute drugs to the populace and swoop in while they were all high. Which um...Liliana had to admit, was definitely an evil plan. Evil, but maybe not the smartest since the mere sight of the strange white powder in those crates made her want to avoid touching it no matter what. Did humans really like eating powdery white stuff to feel funny? ...Then again, there were those toads she kept catching people licking in the woods.

........Humans were weird!

A seemingly never-ending stream of ghostly blades would assault one of the Varjan ships, spectral mana-sapping blades striking harmlessly at the soldiers while draining their energy and cutting apart the wooden structures surrounding them. Liliana was also smug as hell, having used her Size Trick to make sure the spell's swords weren't toothpick sized. "Now, let's get out of here while they have their pants-"


Both her and Shizuka had been caught off guard by Fatal Pulse's speed, able to sneak up and surprise the two with a kick. Knocked into a barrel, Liliana would roll over it and grit her teeth, a mean bump on her head from hitting something. As she rose, she felt a sense of dizziness wash over her as well...and a feeling of something warm and wet on the back of her head. Yep. That's blood. The great bladeflower had just been kicked like a can and beaten up by a crate. Holding her sword in both her hands, the fairy would look at Fatal Pulse and keep focused. "You should have used your fancy human swords if you wanted to swat this fairy,"

While the powder had no effect on her, she couldn't help but notice that something was wrong with her ronin friend. ...Was just touching it enough to cause problems in humans? Liliana cursed their bad luck at getting thrown into an enclosed space as well, since she couldn't just fly away carrying Shizuka. The only way out was through Fatal Pulse...and apparently this powder stuff didn't play nice with fire.

Powder + Fire = Boom we die.

The numbers didn't lie, and they spelled DISASTER at the shipyard. Enough so that Liliana would have to end this fight as quickly as she could. With sword in hand she would channel once more, targeting herself with the blade's magic and orienting it towards Support. If she was lucky, maybe she could take Fatal Pulse out before he knew what hit him.

Letting out a battlecry as a well of arcane energy emerged from the sword, Liliana would hold it aloft as nature's bounty provided a complex looking summoning glyph manifesting, a gate opening to summon a power the likes of which the world has never known, but must fear.

Its flesh was pure and pearl-colored, with splotches of shadows in place upon it. Its form was massive, easily outstripping every man in the shipyard. Its hooves thundered with the force of a thousand men. Its stomachs, all four of them, hungered for destruction!

Standing before Fatal Pulse and his men was nothing more, and nothing less...than a standard farm cow. In the monetary confusion this would cause, Liliana would slap the cow's behind and cause it to moo loudly, running forward straight at Fatal Pulse while she picked Shizuka up, supporting him with her arm under his. "Let's get out of this warehouse before some other idiot blows it up," she whispered, hustling to try and escape in the confusion before Fatal Pulse learned whether he was stronger than a stampeding cow.

Or before she died of embarrassment that her sword would do this NOW of all times.
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