Avatar of The Irish Tree


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11 mos ago
Current @SaltSight Game was Astlibra: Revision. Found it on sale bundled with another game I've been wanting so I gave it a shot and got like, straight indie JRPG of the early 2000s injected into my veins.
11 mos ago
Hate that strange ennui that hits after 100%'ing a really, really good game. Good time was had, but man am I glad it can't mess my sleep schedule up anymore.
2 yrs ago
Rich people blood sports is how the Oscar's should always have gone. As a hot blooded american man I cant sleep at night without witnessing violence of some kind.
3 yrs ago
So true. Anyways, play Lancer!
3 yrs ago
Final Fantasy: Stranger in Paradise is the funniest shit I've ever seen while also not being a bad game. Just crack open some cold ones with the boys, blare Limp Bizket, and Kill Chaos.


No longer an asshole!

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"I'd love to come back for a bath sometime!" Alice said, twice as floofy after her bath and drying off.

"Mm. Once we nail bigger quest contracts, why, we could construct a bath house of our own," Sofia said, her delusions of grandeur also translating to finances, it seemed.

When it came to the partying at hand, Brandy might be startled to find that Alice, the well-mannered intelligent alchemist, was...an absolute fucking party animal. With a platter of meat to her right and seven full mugs of ale to her left, she was slamming back drinks and eating meat like a true carnivore. "Dish plache ish great!" Alice slurred, tail going ballistic. It wouldn't be long until she ditched her apron and was slinging it around in one hand, knocking back enough ale to kill a grown man while the tavern screamed: "CHUG! CHUG! CHUG!"

Sofia would, contrastingly, look like a well-mannered lady and sip on a glass of cheap wine while dining on a personal plate of pudding. She'd do her best to avoid eye contact with Alice, who at this point, had knocked five men out in drinking contests. "...Erm...Brandy...has Alice always been so...free-spirited?" she'd ask, while Alice was raking in copper and silver from her drinking contest. ...At least their tab would cover itself.

"Brandyyyy~!" Alice said, slumping back over to the table and laid down, jubblie bits smooshed on the table as she looked up at her satyr friend. "I gotta...hic...make you some of my special mead sometime! Its got hic honey, and...and good stuff!"

...Yeah, her friend was fucking wasted.
Hector Wyland

[@Croc Crush]
Likewise, I'll be relying on you a fair bit. Don't be afraid to retreat if it comes to that," Hector said to Shavis, not wanting to acknowledge that she and Lapis both somehow found his transparent familiar "cute". ...Like...what part of a ghostly snake was cute?

It definitely got to Herne's head too, as the little familiar very smugly wiggled atop his master's rifle barrel. He flicked his tongue out in appreciation, before coiling back around Hector's left shoulder and neck. He'd even plop his head atop Hector's head, giving a very funny image of the gravely serious marksman having a snake's snoot just sort of peeking out from under his hair. Slowly turning his eyes away, Hector would say: "Not that many battles together, no. He's just cheeky, and doesn't listen to me." Perhaps, Hector should mention at some point that he had a scant few months of magical training but...that didn't matter if they succeeded.

"Lapis' ability to sense the beasts's emotions will likely prove invaluable. As for the other two..." Hector started, before Shavis whistled for Scarlett's attention. "Welcome back," the marksman said, burying his disdain until he and Scarlett wouldn't have to put their lives in each other's hands. "Once Tilnak returns we can set out. Feel free to share any information you learned, if you think it helpful." Despite her mannerisms, he had to assume that Scarlett as a proper Magus was inquisitive enough to have gained useful information. Plus, she seemed to be bearing some sort of armament...a gauntlet of some kind over her left arm.
Recovered from Covid in time for a post. Sorry for the wait!
Fio was a bit sad to hear that Ting really had traveled mostly alone. Sounded lonely...Fio remembered how miserable she was being alone and moved around. Even if her life was in a lot of danger back home when they left to sunbathe, she appreciated having others at her side for help. "That sounds horrible...but...a-at least life's better now, right? And, Gale's right! Travelings a lot more fun with people to do it with!" Fio half-asked, half-exclaimed feeling like her life was a lot better now that she was a prospective guildie.

"Yeah, I hope we get there before its dark...I bet the farmers would be really worried if their help didn't come within a day, with it being pretty close and all," Fio said, wishing they'd had the money to buy a map or something so that they could see exactly how far it was. Kick even seemed to have to adjust his measurements to account for the stumpiness of the trio's limbs before so...how far was it to other places?

After a bit of silence, Fio would pipe up with a question. "Why would someone steal from farms? If they're hungry...can't they do things for money to get the food?" the grass-type asked, still a bit slow on society-based things. Famine, lack of job opportunities, or just downright "because they wanna" didn't cross her mind in the slightest.

Eula would take care to not be spotted by the distant Varjan patrols, not wanting to pick a fight with humans if she could afford to avoid it. With the route to Yabo not taking her long to travel across, Eula would come across the lone house that was held together only due to the strength of its initial construction.

Eula would nod her head at the woman she assumed was Honoka, affirming that she was a visitor before she knelt down. "I am an Automaton known as Eula 039, and I'm...something of a class of yokai," she explained, before further adding: "But, not the kind that attacks humans. I am part of a task force that is currently aiding the people of this land, and combating the Varjan incursion."

Eula hoped that Honoka wouldn't be wary of her, since she really did just come to check up on her. Though, judging from the state of her home, the woman in town was right to send someone. "I was told that you were in danger of starving."
Hector Wyland

[@Croc Crush]
"I think I'll stay behind on asking this Naomi more about the creatures. We can share information en route," Hector said, adjusting the strap over his shoulder. Herne would slither along his shoulder and up the barrel of his rifle, resting at the tip of the barrel and flicking its tongue at Shavis. It kept fluctuating in and out of visibility on occasion, seemingly only half-formed.

"If you specialize in close combat, we'll make a good team. I hesitate to call myself a specialist, but I practice Galdr and Thaumaturgy. My familiars make my gun more effective, and I can perform simple healing and wards." As far as combat prowess went, Hector wouldn't be surprised in the least if he was the least viable magus in the party. Still, it wasn't as if he'd be useless so long as something had enough of a sense of fair play to die from bullets.

"I will do my absolute best to make sure I don't shoot anyone in the back," Hector said to conclude his combat summary of himself, while Herne lifted his head from the barrel and bobbed it up and down a few times, seeming to look unblinkingly at Shavis. "Herne here functions as the stabilizer for my rifle. Sorry if his staring is a touch off-putting," he said before grabbing his ghostly familiar off of his gun and stuffing it back into his breast pocket. That wouldn't stop the phantom snake from pushing his head out again though, flicking a misty tongue out to taste the air around.

Given her constitution, Eula didn't sleep so much as she went into a voluntary coma for a few hours. While she could normally stay awake 24/7 for eternity, her repair functions performed better when they were the sole remaining active module. The damage to her arm from the glass sword had been extensive enough to sever some circuits, needing mending that no cleric could provide. Small tools inside of her fixed what was possible in six hours, giving her most of the strength and control she'd need back to her arm. The actual stun-blast weapon however was still offline. ...Perhaps, she'd need to consult an engineer. But did anywhere in Zipangu have engineers?

She'd have to investigate later, or ask Ayu. For now, her primary concern was assisting more of the villagers in whatever capacity she could offer. She would give her arm a few test swings out of sight, comparing its speed to her uninjured arm. "Combat functionality has returned to 84%. Emergency repair function temporarily halted," she mused, taking a few test jabs at the air. She was good to go, and ready to help. Taking a stroll through the town's streets, she thought to ask Shizuka if he needed assistance with anything, but it seemed that he was going to be training a few of the Task Force Members for the time being.

This was an important task in Eula's mind. Battles could always be won but...taking care of civilians took priority. Nodding, Eula would say: "I will go check on Honoka then. Yabo...I believe I know the way. Have a good day ma'am," the automaton would say before beginning her trip to where Honoka's abode was supposed to be.

"...I hope that the others' training goes well."
Folding her leaves before her as she heard Gale's fortune, she hummed. A roadblock, huh? Focusing on the right thing...

"Maybe that just means that if a road is blocked we have to go right?" she said with such earnest seriousness that one might think it was a joke at first. ...Regardless, it wasn't the time for jokes or overthinking fortunes, they had a farm to help out! Fio would turn towards the left trail as Ting directed, taking her first real step to adventure with her new teammates by her side.

Fio was pretty sure that Ting was right, since they soon passed by a rock with moss growing on the north face. Grass types just knew some stuff, y'know? "Mhm, this is the right way! Moss grows north when its nice and wet, like around here. So, we just got to keep on going!" While that may have been the smartest thing Fio had ever said, it was at least a helpful exploring tip. When in doubt, sun and moss.

"Kick said that it would take us an entire day's travel to get to Azure Orchards, right? I've never been camping...this is so exciting! We can make a campfire, sleep under the stars, and...other...camp-y things!" Fio said, stamping her feet in anticipation. "If we have everything we need, let's get going!
At being asked whether she liked big thick sticks or not, Alice's face suddenly got serious as she said: "I absolutely love them," and very slowly putting the large blackjack back on the shelf, wiping it free of any drool she might have left on it. "...Can't help it...werewolves are hardwired with dog instincts. Even just going into a woodland I have to control myself a lot to keep from picking up sticks," she complained, embarrassed at her instincts crying out for wood.

When Brandy selected her skull club, Sofia's eyes lit up. "Ooh! That one's exceptionally well-made! And you say the client never...picked it up..." she said, putting two and two together. Tacky skull...fit for a smaller person...client was male and never picked it up...

They just beat up an incredibly suspicious necromancer a while ago. ...It was him! No doubt about it! Well...Sofia supposed that this could be classified as a good deed considering that nobody but a necromancer or someone as "unique" as Brandy would buy that skull bludgeon. And at half price! Sometimes, Sofia had to wonder how the farm girl wound up being both so bad, and so good with people.

Walking out of there with some basic but good weapons and minor armaments like Alice's small shield. "I don't think there's a bathhouse slash restaurant, but there is definitely a bathhouse. I could use a long soak after that swamp..." Alice said, tail wagging as she turned to the street where the bathhouse was. Sofia would nod in agreement, tossing her hair over her shoulder dramatically. "A beautiful group of lady adventurers does need a good place to clean themselves up, after all."

With that at least somewhat decided, it was time for the filler episode of the narrative wherein jubblies would be grabbed and a revenant would somehow get in the water for hours without bloating. Wet dog and wet goat smells weren't so bad when you were undead so...who really cared about the realism of a corpse bathing?
Hector Wyland

[Croc Crush Crew]

Hector would remain quiet while Lapis ranted at Shavis, admittedly, he could understand why someone would be upset that their loved ones came under such a tongue lashing. But, it was equally clear that discipline was lacking amongst the fresh Reavers. Bluster and confidence was well and good in a tavern, but there was a lot more to be aware of in combat than your actual skill. After all, if bluster was all it took to kill monsters and apparitions, he'd still have both his eyes.

Shavis seemed level-headed enough, and so Hector wouldn't object to her indirectly asserting a leadership position and moving to get everyone ready to go. Tilnak seemed stoic and ill-suited to leadership, and Hector wasn't sure he could wrangle people he barely knew into a coherent unit. "I'm prepared to leave. My familiars are formless, so it might be best for me to scout once we arrive on location. Part of me wants to ask this 'Naomi' more about these creatures, but so long as we avoid slaughtering them and find the cause, I doubt our solution will be that complicated."

It wasn't that he was particularly concerned for the state of flesh-hungry beasts, it was just...living with the fae for a time had given him pause about taking the lives of things needlessly. He'd fight to kill if he needed, but he could just as easily utilize his familiars to disorient and escape. As it stood, he could at least assure his own safety until he was aware of the spells and skills of the others. A cursory explanation of their magic didn't mean anything until they actually used it.

"Once Scarlett returns, we should discuss strategy ahead of time. Maneuvering in a marsh is difficult, and might limit the types of magic available." Hector couldn't hide his military mind, clearly wanting to develop a plan straight away to maximize the group's effectiveness.
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