Avatar of The Irish Tree


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11 mos ago
Current @SaltSight Game was Astlibra: Revision. Found it on sale bundled with another game I've been wanting so I gave it a shot and got like, straight indie JRPG of the early 2000s injected into my veins.
11 mos ago
Hate that strange ennui that hits after 100%'ing a really, really good game. Good time was had, but man am I glad it can't mess my sleep schedule up anymore.
2 yrs ago
Rich people blood sports is how the Oscar's should always have gone. As a hot blooded american man I cant sleep at night without witnessing violence of some kind.
3 yrs ago
So true. Anyways, play Lancer!
3 yrs ago
Final Fantasy: Stranger in Paradise is the funniest shit I've ever seen while also not being a bad game. Just crack open some cold ones with the boys, blare Limp Bizket, and Kill Chaos.


No longer an asshole!

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This was growing a touch complicated. The bandits were insisting that they'd stolen all of their supplies from the Varjans. And at that, that they'd only taken from the Varjans a week ago, rather than the immediate threat proposed by Honoka. In truth, there wasn't enough information present to ascertain a certain answer. ...Right now, she really wished that someone more acquainted with human behavior was around. "Hm. While I don't believe that you're lying to me, I'll have to check your supplies to make sure," the automaton said, holding her hands up to show that she meant no harm. "In addition, can you inform me if any other groups may have stolen from civilians in the area?"

There wasn't anything that she could do if it was an entirely separate group of bandits but...it should be rather easy to identify Varjan rations, even if they had been stolen from villagers. "Given your knowledge of the Varjan camps nearby enough to steal supplies, have you considered enlisting with the local army regiment? You could serve as scouts, and secure your homeland from the invaders it faces," Eula suggested, trying to find a clean way to get the bandits and Honoka what they wanted. The wilds would be safer with fewer criminals, and the bandits would have a chance to earn food and safety in an organization.

"Times are rapidly changing. Yokai as well as humans need to work together to repel the Varjans." ...The longer this conversation drew on, Eula found her resolve faltering. The lies told by the village woman Saki had tainted her perception of human honesty and now...she was ill-inclined to believe either side at face value.
I'm very sorry that its taken me so long. Its been a rough couple of weeks for me, but even that isn't a sufficient excuse for how long I've taken.
"I don't get it though...why would the farmers be involved in stealing the food?" Fio asked, tilting her head and perching her...well, she didn't have a "chin", but if she had one a leaf would be poised upon it. "And the son of the owner especially shouldn't need to...maybe...there's some kind of sickness that's making everyone really really hungry?"

As if responding to Ting's worries, Fio was indeed getting a bit "droopy", slouching a bit and having the leaves of her head seeming to curl in a bit, as if recognizing there was no sun, so there was no point to staying awake. But...then she had an idea! "Ooh! I have an idea! I can sleep and be helpful!" the fomantis said, before walking out to a little patch of grass that wasn't being used for farming. "Ingrain!" she said, before digging her feet in and suddenly poofing into the ground, only her head above the dirt as she let out a tiny "humph!" of satisfaction. "Now, I look like a really big Magost Berry!"

...In spite of the..."comedy" of the action, it might actually be a half-decent idea. Fio could literally blend in with the unripe berries and crops, being able to restore some of her energy with Ingrain while keeping an eye out.
Hector Wyland

[@Croc Crush]

Well. Scarlett was already proving Hector's worries were founded, what with her not being willing to share information, and then snarling like a wild beast when shielded by Tilnak's spell. Shavis had more experience in dealing with her, so Hector would resist the first instinct he had: Smacking her in the back of the head with the butt of his rifle to knock her out. A gentler touch was definitely in order for one so prone to fits of...whatever this was. He was certain that further agitation would sour any chance of them working together without a knife suddenly appearing in someone's back.

When her little spasming fit of throwing up blood and darkness was finished, Hector would be glad to have a chance to sit down while they rode to the hamlet. Thankfully, Scarlett was sleeping and wouldn't cause another outburst. Dutifully disassembling, checking, and cleaning the parts of his rifle, Hector was relatively quiet the entire ride. It wasn't out of any particular lack of interest in the others, it was more...rude, in his mind, to chatter away while someone who was minutes ago throwing up blood tried to rest. Even if he didn't particularly care for Scarlett's behavior, his good breeding and manners shone through, even if she was a little above a beast in terms of-

When Scarlett lurched forward and puked as the carriage came to a stop, Hector's shoes were right in the line of fire as vomit surged forward. The already palid tone of his face got a touch paler, a ghostly white as he thought about how much his shoes cost. Ruined. By puke. These were fine custom leather boots from Flugell's finest cobbler, designed for both fashion and form...and now they had the faintest tinge of off-black on the top of them. While everyone piled out of the carriage, Hector was absolutely stunned as he realized that he'd have to wear these shoes for quite some time. Getting out with a huge slump to his form, Hector felt like throwing up himself.

...He'd never forgive Scarlett for this transgression on male fashion.

He'd be so out of it that Herne would eventually start constricting his neck and shoulders to straighten him up, at least presenting him as if he were paying attention for the aged hamlet's leader. He'd really start paying attention though once his name was called by Scarlett, her manner of items laid out for them to take what was directed for them. It was an impressive division of duties and supplies, even if Hector was baffled that Scarlett was suddenly not only competent, but excelling in a leadership role. "Right," Hector said, taking the represent and putting it into his coat pocket. He had no idea just how long it would last, but he figured it was best to take it only when danger was present. With Scarlett now taking off to go "fish", Hector was left with the responsibility of, possibly, teaching some of the villagers a bit about marksmanship.

"Before we start dividing up duties and helping the villagers, I'd like to set up one of my summons near the perimeter," he said, which was an absolute lie. Rather, while Scarlett was still within viewing distance, he would release a hushed whisper before a thin, wisp-like object gently attached to Scarlett's right shoulder. It vaguely resembled a transparent ball of fluid that flickered like a flame, a pale white glow to it. Scarlett would sense there was no hostility to the spirit or its actions, likely serving to simply "know where she is" if the thin and flimsy nature of it was any indicator. "Now then," Hector said, back inside with the others. "I'm for Scarlett's plan and division of labor. It solidly divides us to where our strengths are best suited."

Thankfully, negotiations weren't completely out the window from the start. Eula had expected them to rebuke her claim of banditry. "I see. You would have a valid point, if I hadn't overheard two of your companions already. One mentioned Satoru spying on an elder and child, and the prospects of stealing from them," Eula said, before pointing at the two bandits she'd overheard. If she had an audio playback function, she could really frighten them by outright speaking their own words back to them. But, she'd have no idea who Satoru was without having overheard someone speak.

"Plus, I was sent here due to you stealing from another person. It is only from their wish that you not be harmed that I haven't attacked and simply taken what was stolen," Eula said, before her stony expression softened a touch. "...Please, respect that person's kindness. I do not intend to take everything that you have stolen. While I know that I should bring you all to face judgement, the economic and social circumstances make your actions...understandable," the automaton said, remembering another flash of her missing memory.

"Hm? Eliminate them? But...I mean, if we were hungry, we'd be stealing too, right? We're automatons, so we can go a lot longer and just live off of lightning. You're too serious sometimes, Eula."

"...But, if you do wish to continue plundering, I would insist that you do not target this island's people. There are invaders that have ruined your's and many other's lives. The Varjans are a threat to everyone, bandit, civilian, yokai, human...it doesn't matter." Starting to walk towards the center of the camp, Eula would add: "In the end, if the Varjans win, your hunger will be whetted with steel, instead of understanding."
Sofia was baffled that somehow Brandy was under the impression that Alice was always a party girl, immediately changing her impression of Alice from "Accomplished alchemic genius" to "reckless party girl". Also, Sofia was more of a wine drinker but wouldn't object to the mead. "T-Thanks," she said before sipping it gingerly.

With Alice's binge drinking satiated and their entire tavern trip somehow paid by the coin of others thanks to her winnings, the trio was now free to go to the inn. And by "they were free to," what actually happened was Sofia having to walk them back since Alice was sloshed and Brandy was...Brandy. Sofia was only the slightest bit inebriated, having called it after a second glass of wine that had come after the mead. Alice however was very handsy, keeping an attempt going to try and hug Brandy that kept having a hand accidentally slip and grab her bosom. "Branddyyyyy...did I win...?" she slurred, tail lazily swishing to and fro before she hiccuped, doubled over by a drain, and promptly puked up a RAINBOW! After which she got back up straight and wiped her mouth with a handkerchief.

Sofia was...understandably rather disgusted, but was very happy to hear Brandy's words. "You've been a stalwart and invaluable companion Brandy. So, don't think that you're a burden. You're headstrong and somewhat misguided at times but...you're very brave as well. Now then, let's get Alice into bed before she paints the street." With some map knowledge from Sofia after her heartfelt praise, the three would find the inn rather easily. Run by a rather kindly looking old dwarf and his wife, they were kind enough to give Alice some water and help her up the stairs, seeing as the werewolf was inches from tumbling down the stairs every step.

Once the two rooms were rented, Sofia would have to leave Alice in Brandy's care since the werewolf insisted: "Brandy said fondles and gropies later..." Which, to the werewolf, had somehow become: Pass out on Brandy's bosom because it made a fantastic pillow.

...It also saved 8 copper pieces, and that was a good cost to cut.
Throwing in some tentative interest.

Hunger was something that Eula understood all too well. Even if it was a semi-inefficient way for her to intake energy compared to charging via electricity, it was...pleasant to eat. She wasn't sure why, but the automaton just knew that she enjoyed eating, and had already greatly enjoyed some of the simple staple foods of Shizuyama already. She'd especially taken to a variety of rice balls called "Onigiri" which not only carry a substantial amount of nutritional value, their compact size and ease of eating without utensils-

Once Eula had run through an entire subroutine of "craving some riceballs" she would begin to formulate her plan of action against the food stealing bandits. She would prefer to do as Honoka requested and simply not harm them but...it wasn't as if Eula had it in her to kill them or grievously harm them to begin with. With only one of her stun-guns operational at the moment, she was confident that she could, at least, manage to incapacitate a fair number of them before the effect would wear off. She could easily out-muscle five ordinary men, but if they had more of those glass swords, she was likely to receive critical damage once more. And their words...

If she left them alive and just carried all the food back, then there was a chance they'd attack other humans. Even a joke about resorting to stealing from children and the elderly was disconcerting. This would be her second encounter with bandits and yet...something was gnawing at the back of her mind. Why were there so many criminals? She imagined the Varjans must have supplied the other group given their firepower, but these were common starving thieves.

Thinking was getting her nowhere as her logic circuits looped over and over. Perhaps...the most direct route was to show overwhelming force from the get-go. If they were cowardly enough to steal from opponents that couldn't put up a fight, they likely would be cowed if Eula showed the gap in strength.

As such, the two bandits' conversation would suddenly be interrupted by an entire tree being uprooted, revealing Eula directly behind it. "Hello. I am here to reclaim the food that you've stolen. I suggest that you allow me to do so," she said, before holding the tree over her shoulder as if it weighed as much as a simple plank. "Failure to yield your ill-gotten goods will result in me needing to resort to violence," she said, before curling her bicep around the tree's trunk and fully crushing it into two halves that fell to the ground in front of, and behind her.
Gale's words made Fio a bit sad. ...Were times that sad, that people stole for money? Then again, she supposed that she'd felt that firsthand already. Someone had tried to steal and sell her, after all. Still, thankfully, it seemed that they'd be able to proceed quickly along the road since it was familiar to Gale.

The sun was slowly setting, and with it, Fio seemed to droop just a little bit. She was still peppy and upbeat, just significantly less talkative. She didn't really know what anything around here was like, but it sure seemed like they were growing a lot of berries that other Pokémon might like. Gale seemed to have conversation under control, with him talking to a nice looking Sceptile and telling him they were there to help.

Ting had the great idea that they should go ahead and split up to hunt for clues, with Fio eagerly nodding at the suggestion. "Okie-Dokie!" she would chirp before trotting off to find the broken fence section. Once she spotted it, Fio would skip right over to it before unceremoniously tripping, foot caught on an indent in the dirt. Face-planting and immediately getting back to her feet, Fio would grumble and wipe some dirt and grass from her face before looking where she had stepped. It...looked like a big footprint! A big, muddy, three-toed footprint that was heading away from the farm. Fio had only gotten a quick look at the Sceptile that Gale talked to, but this didn't seem like his footprint. The toes were a bit too wide.

Satisfied with her clue gotten, Fio would carefully avoid any further potholes, ready to reconvene with her teammates.
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