Avatar of The Irish Tree


Recent Statuses

11 mos ago
Current @SaltSight Game was Astlibra: Revision. Found it on sale bundled with another game I've been wanting so I gave it a shot and got like, straight indie JRPG of the early 2000s injected into my veins.
11 mos ago
Hate that strange ennui that hits after 100%'ing a really, really good game. Good time was had, but man am I glad it can't mess my sleep schedule up anymore.
2 yrs ago
Rich people blood sports is how the Oscar's should always have gone. As a hot blooded american man I cant sleep at night without witnessing violence of some kind.
3 yrs ago
So true. Anyways, play Lancer!
3 yrs ago
Final Fantasy: Stranger in Paradise is the funniest shit I've ever seen while also not being a bad game. Just crack open some cold ones with the boys, blare Limp Bizket, and Kill Chaos.


No longer an asshole!

Most Recent Posts


[@Breakthrough Crew]
With Ayu at her side, Liliana felt like she couldn't lose, and with her support spells firing off, even Ayu would feel equal to ten men. But even amongst mooks, there were those that stood out...and Mr. Bonehead was definitely one such mook. A varjan elite by any measure, and with eyes set to kill, Liliana knew it was time to lock in mentally and fight for her life. "Ayu, I'll take care of him!" the fairy boldly proclaimed before channeling Whimsy's Giant Strength spell and blocking the horizontal strike, then shrinking herself to skid along his blade before he could launch another attack. She was getting used to how the Varjans fought dirty, and anticipated some sort of punch or a kick coming. As such, she'd just get small and slash Whimsy across the elite's arm, starting to abuse her size to fight with a modicum of a brain cell at work.

Liliana had a feeling she shouldn't underestimate her opponent, and as such was leaving a bit of space between strikes to cast an emergency spell if needed. She just hoped that inside, her fellow task force members were doing alright without her.


Eula would keep her silence as Sorae smiled at her, then released Kana. Trusting her enough, the automaton released her grip and let Kana flee. Then came Sorae's questioning of whether Eula thought Ayu was capable of being a traitor...and the automaton had to wonder, what peace came to one who saw shadows everywhere she looked?

"In truth, I don't think anyone of the task force would, logically, or emotionally, be traitors to anyone in Shizuyama. If so, the Varjans could easily have torn the temple apart and lain waste to us all. As for why this map was in her possession...perhaps, there is another branch of resistance to be found somewhere. Or, her connections as a noble allowed her to procure it, Eula theorized, having a feeling that if the Varjans had a map of supplies, this war might as well be over. No army could march on an empty stomach after all, and complete seizure of supply routes would spell doom for everyone.
"How had it come to this?"

A simple question crossed the gnoll's mind as he stared not at the boy baring his miniature fangs, but at the deep cut the woman behind him had suffered. Suffering enough to drive a human child to attack a full-grown gnoll, with stumbling steps, shaking hands, and a knife he believed was a sword of legend. All the while the word "monster" was spat. A cursory glance of the scene to his side, of the crossroads, of his options, of his very future, Bren spied a gnoll footprint.

"Had one of his own brought this suffering?"

A deep, low growl escaped Bren as he considered the possibility, before returning to the present situation. The boy and girl were scared to death, and their mother was fading fast. He had seen this sight many a time in his home, of families soon to be rent asunder. And this time, Bren had the power to deny this parting. Without missing a beat, Bren would pick up the boy's dagger and slash it across his own palm by grabbing it, the tough hide ensuring it was as shallow a cut as a knife could manage, but still show that blood had been drawn.

"Child is strong. Bested me. Bren bound by honor to save. Brave child, raise head," Bren said, before suddenly scooping the two up with a swift motion, holding them in one arm, while effortlessly picking the mother up in the other, keeping her head level as he started to run. Run, with all his bestial might, to reach Goldrun before the mother lost her life. He had sufficient coin for a healer, he thought, and wouldn't take no for an answer from the children. Pressed once more against the boy's hand was the dagger that Bren had harmed himself with, the gnoll's blood on the blade. Run and run, Bren would fly until dirt became cobbled road, and until he caught the scent of a healer's herbs ground into powder.


[@Breakthrough Crew]
This plan was going great! Until it wasn't!

Whimsy was snatched by one of the warriors that had gotten the least amount of rock in his briefs, who proceeded to show Liliana that Shizuyama's mud definitely tasted worse than the mud from her home. (No one must ever know.) But still, the little fairy was struggling to breathe, about to try and size trick to get out of this sticky situation when who else but Ayu arrived. Pulling Liliana from the mud and even brushing a bit off of her, Ayu would see that Liliana had looked genuinely scared for a moment, before she giddily hugged the human spymaster. "Ayuuuuuu! Thank you thank you thank you! I promise, you can come along on whatever adventure you wanna! No more worrying from me. That guy didn't know what hit 'im!" the fairy blubbered, happy to be saved.

Still, there were more heads to crack, and this time Liliana wouldn't be in a good enough mood to use Whimsy's flat side. "Alright busters, you've got no chance now! Let's mess them up, then go help Shizuka and everyone else," Liliana proclaimed, before once more taking flight to assault the Varjan soldiers.


Wordlessly, Eula watched the interrogation, a seemingly coldhearted onlooker to the swear, and the life that was to become forfeit.

That was, until Sorae found her naginata unable to budge those last few inches, the automaton's arm held at its full length over the warrior's shoulder to grip her weapon with monstrous strength, preventing it from finding purchase in Kana. Sorae could almost feel Eula's eyes staring a hole in the back of her head, her grip firm enough to snap the naginata in twain if she exerted a bit more force.

"Lady Sorae. I promised no undue harm would come to her. Just because she swore on her life doesn't make it forfeit. If anything, sparing her will prove an important point. You are not like the barbarians that have come to slaughter. You have come for justice. Not vengeance. Correct?" Eula pleaded, hoping that she could let Sorae's conscience decide Kana's fate. She had no idea what Sorae had gone through...and yet, she was sure, this senseless killing would only cause her further pain.

"We have the map. That will suffice."

And, my CS do be complete! I wasn't sure if the weapon was okay or not, so please let me know if anything needs changing.


[@Breakthrough Crew]
In spite of making her way through the rain as fast as she could, Liliana didn't get to the manor before there was already a huge crowd of Varjan soldiers at the entrance. Judging from the smoke, either someone was having a barbeque inside the building, or someone had just set it on fire...

But, either way, Liliana had a feeling she didn't want to go in just yet, nor should she. After all, in tight quarters, all these Varjans might overwhelm her friends, and make escaping impossible. It wasn't a glamorous, knightly kind of job, and the rain was cold and sucked, but Liliana had a feeling her fight was out here with these mooks. And, while normally she knew a proper knight fought his enemies head on, well...

She was getting bored of these dullard dummies and their tincan armor. And had no respect for people who were so cruel to prisoners. So, as such, she would just quietly whisper: "Whimsy, Blast 'em!" and pointed her sword at the crowd, more than willing to let Whimsy do as she pleased when it came to dishing out magical punishment. Which, the world tree splinter gladly used the opportunity to smolder at her tip, before a small tide of magma erupted, causing steam to billow around Liliana as it surged forward, slamming into the Varjan soldiers. While it didn't last long, the magical magma would not only not wound the Varjan shield line, but would even harden around them in the deluge of rain.

Now with the shield line thoroughly stuck from the waist down, Liliana would brandish her sword along the broad-side, and whacking Varjan soldiers across the back of their helmets as she dashed along them. "Wakey wakey, Varjans! Its time for you to get your ears cleaned out!" she taunted, sticking her tongue out and getting ready to face down the partially immobilized shield line with Whimsy at her side.

She just hoped that her friends were alright...though, judging from the krackaboom sound of lightning, she had to assume Io was just fine with the others.


Eula didn't know much of Sorae's reputation, but did at least have enough trust in her to not execute a hostage needlessly. "Please relax. I won't allow you to come to harm prematurely," Eula said, gently letting their freshly captured noblewoman on her feet, while standing by to allow Sorae to conduct her interrogation. "We are not barbarians like the Varjans are. We simply seek information."

Eula held a hand on the ropes, more as a measure against her running away than in a bid to keep her confined. "We are searching for the killers of Clan Tokinomiya. Do you have any information about such persons, or an idea as to where we could find information?"
Room for another?


[@Breakthrough Crew]
With her attack successfully landing and Liliana’s pride swelled to bursting, the tiny fairy couldn’t look smugger as she floated over the rafters, rubbing her index finger under the bottom of her nose, before almost getting blown away by one of her new minotaur friend’s swings, an entire bed getting thrown against someone from the slash. It was high time she got the heck out of there, seeing as this entire little squabble had turned out pretty pointless, if not a little refreshing.

Liliana wanted to say goodbye to her Minotaur friend but, in all likelihood, the spell would wear out soon and whisk him back to…wherever these cows came from to begin with. Maybe home? Hopefully home. Plus, she imagined he’d be a little miffed at her for magicking him away from his exciting life of presumably very manly, beefcake-oriented activities. Like, punching meteors, or something. He looked strong enough to do that. Her attention was snapped outside the barracks though as she heard a strange chanting…na-krantz, or something. Liliana knew that didn’t sound like any of her teammates, so that must mean they were caught in a brawl with some of the Varjan mages they were warned about.

The fairy knight didn’t have much time to think it over, and decided to dash out, engaging her human size to not get immediately shot to the ground in the rain as she flew. ”Hold on everyone…I’m on my way!” she thought, gliding as fast as she could over to the manor.

The battle grew quiet as the minotaur was left standing amidst a pile of corpses, shattered weapons, destroyed furniture, and walls on the verge of collapse. His rage was dying down, enough to regain his senses, and feel the slight tingle of the many minor cuts he’d received from his tensed up muscles being hit by the Varjan’s steel. Cracking his neck, the minotaur would look out the door just in time to see Liliana fleeing, while his own body started to glimmer and grow transparent.

’Guess this was temporary, then. …Hope that wherever this is, that they can beat these guys back once and for all,” he said, sitting down while he disappeared, taking his helmet off just enough to exhale steam from his nose. In just a moment, he’d be back home…wherever his home had become.


Sorae was quick to demonstrate her prowess as a warrior, somehow able to dodge the attacks of the Varjan warriors in her strange, but effective, crane-legged fighting stance. Perhaps she was simply dodging so minutely that she appeared to not be moving? It was a powerful technique to be sure, one that Eula couldn’t understand in the slightest.

But, their quarry was quickly escaping from the scene, even with her arms completely bound. Eula would speed after her, already far-outstripping the average warrior in speed, let alone a woman without much combat experience or physical training. In the blink of an eye Eula would be upon the woman, grabbing her by her bound arms and gently lifting her up. Now in the automaton’s grasp, the woman would find that Eula was surprisingly gentle, making every effort to keep the woman from injuring herself, or being injured by Eula’s grip. ”Subject secured, Sorae,” Eula said, raising a hand and shooting a stun bolt at one of the remaining Varjans to ease the fight up on Sorae.

@AzureKnight(VRA), @Rezod92
Vivian was quickly knocked back from Kazenosuke's skillful deflection, and reminded of how it felt to truly compete against a master of their craft. Kazenosuke humbled himself, as he was dancing with his sword as his partner. Compared to the three of them flailing desperately just to land a hit, this was...embarassing. A one-sided affair. As such, Vivian would take it upon herself to correct it. A dance wasn't only conducted with the legs...it needed the entire body in harmony.

Gliding past Kazenosuke, right to Vară, Vivian would promptly slap her rear before she began her next attack, clapping her frozen hands together once after. "What an unsightly display, Vară. Should a lady of your standing really be so enraged merely from so slight an insult? You can't best him swinging wildly. Nor can I. As such, its in all of our best interests if you, the sneak, and I coordinate better. I have speed, you have power, and she has range," Vivian explained, hoping that her chilling waking up call had at least gotten Vară's attention...

Even if, admittedly, she was really happy she did it, solely due to leeching enough ambient heat to feed her for a few days. Seriously, this girl ran ridiculously hot. Turning her head to Zeta while she planned out their conjoined attack, Vivian would call out with: "I don't know a single thing about your powers, but...utilize your range as best you can. Don't let him breathe between our attacks."


While Matsuri's plan had worked, one of the armored goons was a lot faster than she was expecting, catching her by her wrist and poising himself to hack her ears off! Letting out a yelp of surprise, Matsuri knew she had to act fast...but what could she do against a soldier in full armor from this distance? Her papa hadn't really taught her how to fight especially well, and she'd lost her range advantage...she couldn't even slip free of the man's iron grip. But, she did still have a few tricks up her sleeve. With all the speed she could manage, she manifested a Starlight Sparkler and ignited it with her magic, swinging her free hand to wrap the stream of light around the Varjan axe's shaft, slapping it away as his hand came down with the intent to swing.

Spared from that blow at least, Matsuri would struggle against his grasp for a moment before remembering the most important self-defense tactic that one of her many aunties at the fireworks factory told her:

"If a guy won't take a hint, just go for the groin!"

And so she would, winding back a kick and slamming it into the groin of the Varjan soldier, unaware that, on average, even a fledgling mamono was several times stronger than the average human. Might need to go to a smith to fix his family jewels, but for now, Matsuri would use the window she'd created to back off from the brigand, running away from him. As long as they were focused on her...maybe whoever was thinning them out could take care of the rest!
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