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I apologize for the Triple post, but the due date of the next cycle's on Wednesday.
...Well, So much for first impressions.

The moment the woman made her Keyblade appeared combined with that look of agitated and anger in that face of hers was the moment Kotaro realized that clearly, he messed up. The black blade of her Key at least showed him that he's talking to the right people...but that also meant that the way he said probably seemed like he was patronizing them. ...Might explain why she looks so upset, to the point of yelling at her allies when they tried to calm her down. The more steps she took forward, the more inches Kotaro leaned back, his eyes widened and his lips opening up to reveal his clean white teeth in an expression of near-panic.

He blinked a few times as the woman began to speak. He stood completely still, as he felt if he moved at all, she may lash out in response, and listened to what she said. She then unsummoned that keyblade of hers and took a step back, and Kotaro in turn puled himself frontward back into upright standing position and sighed in relief. She then continued, explaining that the Dark master he was looking for was named Axeus and was indeed in this very Jungle. While he hides it with a gentle smile, in his head he was incredibly excited, enough to want to celebrate where he stood that he finally found the one he's looking for.

She then stated her instructions, ...her simple-yet-strict instructions, to which he nodded at. He wanted to say that he understood, and to thank her. However, considering how agitated she was, combined with what little he knows about Dark Keyblades and their wielders, she probably would have stayed true to her threat, or at the very least relieve of his tongue, something he would prefer to not be without. With her affirmation of his nod, he did as was told and followed them.

When he reached the clearing, well, to say he was awe-struck was an understatement, as his widen-eyes and an expression of excited happiness was etched upon his face. The temple he saw was absolutely fascinating in his eyes, from the decayed murals on the outer wall to simply the sheer age of this place. His friend told him that the Dark Keyblade master lived in an old decrepit temple from such a dead age, that it was like nature itself tried to consume it. With the plant life that seemed to extend to the outer walls of it, this definitely fit the bill. Even so, he wasn't prepared for such a place; there's so many things he could learn just by basic archeologic analyzing, to the point where the perhaps he can learn something by just taking a good look at its rock.

Alas, however, there were thing he had to do first; the temple itself can be explored later on. He looked to his side to see yet another group of people guiding another towards this temple, a woman in specific.

"If she came here without resisting...could she be here for the same reason I am?" He thought. They both walked up the steps to the stone opening of the temple, perhaps where the gate of this place once was, assuming it had one back then. Kotaro felt the gaping darkness reaching out for them as they reached the opening. It surrounded him, felt so cold, so dreadful...it was a terrifying feeling, something he's never truly seen before.

...Yet, he ignored the heart's yearning to fear this darkness and run as far away from it. The inner pleas to run were denied as he felt the cold air. It didn't remind him of any nightmares or terrors, it reminded him more of the gentle snowfall of a calm winter night. The air felt...right, there was no other way to explain it. It just didn't feel to him what like the terrible all-consuming void that people fear it to be.

"Close your eyes, think of a snowy night, when clouds blot out the light of the stars and the snow touch your skin for the first time." He remembered his friend's advice to him, and closed his eyes as he steps inside the temple, the fear and hesitation gone from him, as if stolen from his heart.

He opened his eyes, and as they adjust to the darkness of the room, he saw heard a voice on the other side of the room, the voice of someone greeting him, of Axeus greeting him. His eyes widened as he tried to focus on seeing that far, and sure enough saw two people, one sitting on the throne, and one standing right by it. His friend did mention an apprentice other than himself, that must be the one he talked about, which means the one on the throne must be Axeus. With a happy smile on his face, he ran across the throne hall, stopping near the throne, and immediately dropped to one knee.

"Lord Axeus, Master of the Darkness, It's an honor to meet you. ...My name is Kotaro. Years ago, an apprentice of yours named Tamius Sabath disappeared from the face of the universe, suppposedly thought to be lost in battle. ...In truth, he landed upon my world, where I hospitalized and nursed him back to health. Until recently, Tamius lived in my village and we stayed by each other's side. ...But he went back into battle, and was quickly defeated by someone or something. ...I regret to say he passed away three weeks ago. With his last breath though, he granted me his power, and in his respect, I claimed his surname of Sabath. I have been searching the universe for a week to find you, and now that I have...I request to take his place at your side. ...I wish to be your apprentice, and learn from you what he could not." Kotaro explained to him.
I'll be posting on the weekend. I apologize for the wait.
"Black?" Alice asked in confusion, as the White Rabbit ignored the cat's tail coiled around him. She listened to the Feline-man's short exposition, and from it, it was confirmed that this was indeed Wonderland, the chaotic lands from that Lewis Carroll book. In particular it seemed to have a little bit of history given that he mentioned that it's been boring for Decades, and apparently holds a few things that are recognized in humanity like Defection. But wait, if this is suppose to be Wonderland...

"Oh good lord, is THAT why I'm here? Some kind of sick joke with my name?" She thought. While she does realize there has to be another reason for it then just her name, otherwise they could have chosen anyone in the world or at least London named Alice, it's a coincidence she just had to take note of.

Adam, in the meantime looked at the frankly delusional woman who still thinks this is just a dream when the White Rabbit clearly stated that this was far from it. Still, it seems that despite her threatening words, she's harmless. He said nothing to her, and looked instead back at Connor.

"Sounds like quite a feat." He said to him. He then looked at the Cheshire Cat talking with the White Rabbit. Once again, both Alice and Adam noted the man-feline mentioned this Rain person once again, confirming as well that they're both two different people, and yet he first called him Rain. ...So in this world, there's two White Rabbits? For that matter, who's this 'black' he mentioned, and what's Elysium? So many questions, but one thing was clear. The last statement by the cat was the one that seem to get the White Rabbit's attention as his eyes started to close a little to give off a stern look.

"...I knew he would notice eventually, but I was hoping the range and location would at least buy us some time. ...Still, Thank you for that information." The White Rabbit said. He then took one of his arms, and jabbed it into his own chest like a sword.

"Wha-...What're you doing!?" Alice asked. The area around where he stabbed his own hand turned back into a black blob-like texture as he immediately removes the arm, and with it a glob of black goop from his chest. He just tore off a part of himself by the looks of it. He then proceeded to do this 14 more times, and all of which shaped into what appears to be 15 golden pocket watches, one for every human, each one bearing a resemblance the white rabbit's own pocket watch. The wound he made for himself closed up almost immediately, but he was now short of breath as he looked at the humans.

"I don't have the time, or material to give you weapons right now...But if you want a clue as to why we brought you here...these watches, these 'evokers', are that clue." The white rabbit said.

"...Evokers? ...Evoking what exactly?" Alice asked as she picked one up. Adam walked over and grabbed one for himself and one for Connor and Evette, tossing them to cop and psycho-lady.

"Weapons alone are useless here. Useless against what's heading our way anyways. These are the key to your survival here and will be what makes a weapon useful. ...Whatever you do, do not lose them. As the girl advises, we must leave here. They're coming for us as we speak. Follow me." The White Rabbit said, just about answering Liz, Adrian, and Eve's concerns. He then looked up at the Cheshire Cat.

"Thanks again for the information." He said. He then proceed to run off.

"Hey, wait a sec!" Alice said as she ran after the rabbit, hoping to tell him not to run too fast so that no one gets left behind. Adam, in turn, looked to everyone, and to Cronic who apparently his annoyance of the situation to himself.

"...If you want to think about not wanting to be here, perhaps you should save it for when we're out of the woods." He said. He then looked to the others and ran off after Alice.

It was only a few seconds afterwards that Alice realized she was chasing a White Rabbit in Wonderland.

"Oh good god, this really is a joke on my name, isn't it?" She thought.
Space... The First Frontier...
Or at least it was for Kotaro.

It was the first time he has ever left his home for any reason, and never did he expect to do so on a Keyblade glider like this one. To him it was amazing this was even possible, that a simple weapon could turn into a vehicle for safe travel. It wasn't much in terms of design though, simply a triangular platform with a pedestal sticking out the its top end that had the controls, which were also quite basic; simply a indention in the shape of his left hand, which was actually flat until he placed his hand on it as if it was made of clay, and rod on the right of it to rev the engines for speed, slow it down, change directions, and by bending it up and down, he can control his ascent and descent. The design of it was beautiful though: A golden glider lined in ivory and decorated with diamond-shaped, clean-cut-and-polished sapphires across back of the pedestal. ...Or at least it would be beautiful, if 95% of the glider wasn't wrapped in ebony cloth. Streams of cloth were wrapped around the glider in such a messy and chaotic fashion, akin to a poorly-wrapped Christmas present with some of the cloth loose and hanging in the zero gravity of space.

He heard that space-travel was a bit dangerous, and while he may not have to worry too much about whatever danger comes with travelling unprotected, he couldn't take the chance. Luckily, One of the villagers gave him a gift, supposedly given by his friend when he was still alive. A fragment of his left shoulder armor by the looks of it, but moment he pressed his hand on it, it became a full set of armor, which was, oddly enough, a perfect fit. However, the design was more akin to a Dark Keybearer then his keyblade, understandable since it was taken from his friend and not something representing him. It was almost all black with crimson red linings across it, detailing the shapes of the abdomens and the veins of his arms as it reaches and covers the hands in blood-red. The helmet covered his face, masking the nose and mouth while placing a visor over the eyes like a usual helmet of this kind of armor. The red lines connect to the helmet and goes up tot he top in two different paths on the left and right of the face, the top decorated with what appeared to the the wings of a raven. The fact that the armor wasn't at all bulky suggest it was designed more for maneuverability and agility, rather then full defensive quality. Plus it has the extra addition of Kotaro's cape sticking out of it. Though, unlike how he uses it without the armor, it's clear the cape here is simply for decorative purposes only.

As he flew through the darkness of space, looking at the stars in the distance, he couldn't help but stay in awe at this scenery as the stars seem like they fly right past him, and others come into sight from the distance. Coming and going by with seemingly no end. It was hard to explain what he was seeing, But the starts in the sky gives way to light of colors in the depths of space, only for it to turn black by the time he reached the Fallen Jungle. The world itself, looking at it from space, looked naturally beautiful in his mind. From where he was he could see the trees covering the world, and could see the plants and animals below them. To any normal person, this was probably nothing much, or even something to be more terrified of, but Kotaro? He was awe-struck. Being raised in his village for so long, he's never seen anything like this before. Beneath the helmet were eyes wide-open and a big smile of excitement. This was the start of something great, he could feel it in his bones.

Without hesitation or fear, he dived down into the airspace of the jungle, the blackness and stars turning into a familiar blue sky as he looks down at the jungle below. It was even more amazing then it looked from space. He couldn't help but wander around the sky to look down at everything. However before he could do that, along came a few people, going around him in the Triangular formation. ...That's right, if this place is where his friend's master was, it's possible there were also plenty of others with keyblades, and with them gliders, as well. They didn't look too friendly, but considering that he did just enter into a territory where he's an unknown person, it's understandable that they aren't welcoming him at first.

"Land it, now." One of them said, pointing down towards the ground. Whether or not she's the leader of these three didn't matter, the last thing he wants is to make a bad first impression. With that in mind, he nodded to her in response and tried to find an open area to land so that they wouldn't get hurt when they land as well. When he found one, he stopped the machine and bent the right rod downwards, dropping the glider to the ground...rather hard making him drop off and slamming the back of his head to the ground. ...Well, it's a good thing he had that armor on him, or that would have hurt far more then it did. He took a second to get up, and looked around.

"Wow..." was all he could say as he saw the jungle around him. It's hard to believe, but he definitely is on a new world now, and what a place to start with. He then noticed the three who ordered him to land earlier. ...That's right, he almost forgot about them. He then stood to attention and looked at them, his glider vanishing and his keyblade appearing in his hand, the cloth wrapped around it and his cape flapping in the wind.

"I'd...urrm....I'd like to apologize for intruding...I'm not here to cause any trouble. ...Hmm....How do I explain this? ...Umm, ...I was told that a Dark Master of the Keyblade was here. If...he is here, I wish to...speak with him." Kotaro said nervously to the three. While this land fits what his friend told him about it, it's possible that he picked the wrong world, and if that is the case, it's possible the resident won't take kindly to the darkness, as most of them don't. As such, he had to say this in the most neutral way possible. Though thinking on it the second he said it, it's clear he was leaning towards being an ally of darkness. So here's hoping either he got it right, or they didn't catch on.

"...Well, we're off to a great start, now aren't we?" He thought.
In other words you wish to have a more clean and orderly version of nominations...Fair enough.

In that case, the ones I suggested when posting Kotaro's Profile I nominate. ...Or is there perhaps a limit to how many can be nominated? If so, what's the limit? If three, then I nominate the three I already mention up above.
Sword in the Stone, Atlantis, and just to add some humor, The Emperor's New Groove.
No problem, I don't call myself Pro Nice Guy in Jest...........................................................Wait.

Ok then, I think it's safe to say we can wait. XD
...And that's why one should never join a forum for the sake of just one RP; there's a good chance of not being able to join. ...Well, Good luck with your life ColorMeEvil, and thanks for trying...assuming you come back and see this.

Anyways, A question: Have the two GMs confirmed which four disney worlds to use? Or is it going to be a surprise?
I await and am looking forward to it, Kurai-Sensei. *Bows*
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