Kotaro stood on his knee in silence as this woman, now named Isadora, explains her reasons for coming here as well. It was only fair, as she was at least polite enough to wait until he was finished. She mentioned how she also knew of a Keybearer who knew of Lord Axeus just like he did. The moment she mentioned how long she has been searching for the Dark Master, she gave a glare at him which made Kotaro look away to the side. He can tell by it, that what he said about how long he searched for him insulted her. How wouldn't it? He only looked for a week, she did the same for three whole years. It must have been three years full of problems, full of challenges and obstacles.
The Otherverse was a place he never heard of, but there's not much he could do about that, since he never been outside his world before now.
One last thing to note was who it was in her case who influenced her to come here. Tamius mentioned something about the World Eater, supposedly a monstrous force that, given the amount of time, could probably devour the universe itself. Unlike this Helena, of course, he never saw it or fought it with Lord Axeus, as it was fought and supposedly sealed up years before Tamius was born. To hear Isadora's story, to hear about Helena, his eyes grew wide with a spark of fascination. Whoever she was, it sounded like she was an amazing warrior and all-around woman. Certainly someone worth investigating. ...But if this lady did fight with Axeus all those years, ...why did this girl leave her? Did something happen in this Otherverse? ...Did something happen to her?
Before he could say anymore on it, in came another female wielder of the Keyblade, looking like she needed medical support. She claims that her squad got attacked by a Heartless...Wait, A heartless?
"So then, even Lord Axeus can't control all of them?" Kotaro thought. He then watched as Axeus ordered Tendra to kill the Heartless...and any survivors of this woman's squad, before he then summoned his keyblade and kicked the woman right in the chest. So this was the Master's Keyblade. Looking at it, there was no doubt it belonged to him, the design making it look like a Keyblade of nightmarish imagination. If the Keyblade's design is a representation of the wielder's heart, ...then a question is raised in his head: ...What was it that made the Dark Master who he was? What drove his heart to forge something like that? His thoughts were then interrupted when Axeus began to speak to them again, his stare like a bitter blizzard to his heart.
""Know this," The Master began to explain. "If you come under my wing, there is no room for mistakes." He then proceeded to kill the woman, making her body fade into darkness and come back as some kind of shadow. Kotaro closed his eyes for a second as it happened, before looking again to see the Shadow form.
"...So, this is how a heartless is made? But it's so...small. ...Could it be that...she didn't have as dark a heart as the others?" Kotaro thought. He then looked up at his Master as he continued his first lecture.
"This is the life of a Keyblade wielder of my faction. Kill or be killed; succeed, or be removed. Ours is a world of fear, pain, and devotion. If you are to be my apprentices, I expect you to follow me without question..." ...Kotaro knew this. He knew what he was getting himself into by joining the Darkness. Tamius explained enough for him to know this. ...Still, is it right even in the standards of Darkness to go straight to killing them all, to release their darkness after just one failure? All things go into the darkness eventually, he knows this as well...but what bothered him the most, wasn't the act itself, as such an act may be warranted one day, but just how quickly the Master resorted to it. Perhaps such acts of darkness empowers him, so it's best not to question it for now. He saw him continue...
"I sense greatness from both of you. When I first heard of your arrival on Fallen Jungle, I knew within my heart that you two would be important to me, to my destiny. For two young ones that I've never met, both with connections to my past, both wishing to be apprentices, to come to me the same day is unprecedented. I have no doubt that you two will be my finest apprentices. So, think of this test as more of a formality..." His tone was lighter, softer, from a blizzard to a mild shower of snow. But immediately afterwards, he summoned two groups of three heartless, similar but appearing much more powerful compared to the one the lady became.
"So he CAN control them... But then, what makes the heartless out there so different?" He thought. He stood up as he looked at the two groups. He then heard Axeus conclude his first lecture...
"Isadora, Kotaro, you have two options. Defeat these Heartless and prove to me that you are worthy... or die." He said. As if on that note, the two groups dashed at the two apprentices. As they approached Kotaro, a stream of unconscious thoughts went through his head. The way they moved towards him suggests that they were intelligent enough to produce strategies. But it only seems like they're capable of basic strategies like this. Two on the sides heading to flank him, and one in the front heading to tear his throat out it seemed. With that in mind, he had to think fast putting pressure on the right knee of the leg he extended outward to the front. His left hand clenched into a fist and near the right side of the waist.
"This is it. ...Concentrate." He thought. He stood there for a while, as the heartless came closer and closer. When they were close enough to finally go for the killing blow, he pushed enough his force on his right knee to make him jump back a step or two while then summoning the keyblade into his left hand and swinging it horizontally from right to left as fast and with as much force as he could muster on such short notice. Since two of them should flanking, he would hopefully have at least struck a good cut those two. Landing from his miliseconds of airtime from the jump and hopefully now down to one, with the momentum of the first slash, he would raise the Keyblade above him and attempt a vertical slash from top to bottom down the middle of the last heartless, hopefully cutting him in half.
For the perceptive, one thing to notice would be his keyblade: A very accurate representation of his heart. It would have been an angellic keyblade with a golden blade and the teeth encrusted in sky-blue sapphires, the keychain would have been a sun, and the hilt would have the wings of a dove or an angel crafted on top of it. But right now, the Sun was wrapped in chains, the wings of a dove darkened into the wings of a raven, the golden and jewelry were darkened by dirt and decay, and the entirety of the blade, was wrapped in a sash of black silk.