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mattmanganon said
Sooo... Paige? Anyone accepted?

Based on the PM she gave, I'm pretty sure we're both accepted.
*Sighs* That's a relief. ^_^
mattmanganon said
Ah, we shall be fighting that rascally Master, Roger Delgado... Well, it'll be we if I get accepted *hint-hint-hint-hint-hint-hint-hint-hint-hint-hint-hint-hint-hint-hint-hint-hint-hint-hint-hint-hint-hint-hint-hint-hint*

We meet again Matt. Indeed you will be fighting him, if the BOTH of us are accepted. I had to think of someone fitting for the Grand Monarch of all things evil and dark and he was one of two that came to mind, the second being Vincent Price. XD
My condolences for your loss, Double. :(
*Almost a Day later* And SOLD to the man with the Magical demon-fox-rabbit-cat-thing on the avatar. (FTR: I know what that is. ^^)

Remaking of the United Alliance it is, Starting with their leader:
Name: Dark Spectre, also known as Michael Tinieblas

Age: Unknown, however, it's safe to assume he's one of the longest-living creatures in the universe, if not THE longest.

Appearance: Since he has the power to Shape-shift no one can truly say what his true appearance is like. However he is often seen in one of two forms: One he uses in the prescense of his alliance and when he's alone, and one, or several rather, he uses when personally visiting the planets of the universe.

The first form is of a giant mass of inky darkness and shadow in a humanoid form, often a colossal 200 feet tall, with claws and razor-sharp talons on his feet. A jagged texture comparable to the rough texture of a mountain all over his body, and eyes of glowing ruby-red are the only things that would be noticeable while everything else about his body would be casted in an bleak shadow. When upset however, cracks would appear and glow a fiery light of wrath, to the point of engulfing himself in fire if he's REALLY angry. It appears, however, that even in this form he can change things up, producing additional arms and wings and tendrils all on a whim.

However, whenever he visits another planet, at first he was simply a small shadow in the dark, a shapeless darkness with red eyes, the kind of thing one talks about children stories. However, nowadays he uses his shape-shifting to his full advantage, taking on the shape of a citizen of any planet he visits. Of course, in the case of Earth, that includes a human form as well.

Power: His many titles, especially as Grand Monarch of Evil, wasn't made for nothing. The legends that depict him as a god wasn't just for show either. Dark Spectre is the most powerful member of the UAoE, and is possibly one of the most powerful beings in the universe. A master of darkness, the shadows are his domain, and from it, he can change his body however he pleases, including producing a myriad of limbs and changing his shape however he wishes. In addition, from the shadows he can disappear and reappear, making them his way of travel. He can produce an intense dark energy that can be used to empower, corrupt, or damage/destroy whatever he fires it upon. He can also produce solid objects from his body, like weapons, but they are hollow if copied, lacking any energy the original might have and is a part of him he is removing to have said weapon. Lastly, he has the secondary mastery of Fire, producing and controlling it, usually in the form of fireballs or a breath of fire.

Weapon: Any weapon he can produce from his body, usually a broadsword.

Personality: As one might expect from a being of his position, Dark Spectre is a cruel and monstrous being, preferring to rule over the alliance and everything they rule in fear. He is the Grand Monarch of Evil, and as such, sets the example for all the villains in his UAoE. He knows no mercy, not to his enemies and never to failure. What no one might expect, however, is what makes him so feared: His tranquility. He is rarely ever angered to emotionally berserk degrees, and normally is quite calm, speaking in a quiet tone of voice at all times, not once showing clearly what goes on in his head, not even to his best people. In addition, his experience for many, many years has created a calculative mind beneath the tranquil demeanor, adding danger to that calmness. He doesn't see or judge others by their personality or power, only by their useful and how they can entertain and amuse him. However, he trusts no one completely, no one but himself. He does however have one small soft spot for his son, which is the ONLY reason the pirate Divatox is a part of the United Alliance.

"Oh yes, there are plenty I could call on to be my observer. Officially speaking, Astronoma comes to mind. I did, after all make her my second-in-command, the one in charge of my alliance in the event of my absense. Indeed, she does do this task of observation, she is my eyes and ears in some other world. She is, however, only one person, and one person can only observe so many things at once. But the real reason I'm here instead of her is this: I don't trust her. ...Rather, I don't trust her as much as someone in her position should be trusted. When you have lived for as long as I have and witnessed what I have seen, you learn there is only one person in the universe you can absolutely trust: yourself. So you see, I am my own right-hand man." ~ Michael Tinieblas

In his human form, he often is a little more talkative and more willing to show off his intelligence against others. He also doesn't often attack others while in this form, though he doesn't hesitate in defending against anyone or anything that attempts to take his life. Otherwise, he is simply there as an observer, a spectator that he often used to be so long ago, and it is often here in his common-forms that he discusses things directly with the Alliance members currently in the vicinity at the time, or sometimes, ...rarely but sometimes, speaks directly to the Rangers themselves, though of course, they may not know it's him they're speaking to. His personality does take a turn in this form, however. He is a polite gentleman, playing by the rules of the current world to further solidify his disguise. However, besides this, not much about him changes between forms.

History: The Grand Monarch of Evil, and the Founder and Leader of the United Alliance of Evil. It is unknown how exactly he came to exist, nor even his true name, assuming he even has one. Only legends about his origins are known; some stated he was a Dark God who was banished from the heavens for his unnatural cruelty towards the creations of the others, while others stated he was an accident, an anomaly born from chaos and confusion when the universe was formed. What is known is that he has been in the shadows of the universe for an untold myriad of years, a horror recognized by all but the most naive and unlearned of planets and civilizations, and was given many names as a result. The dark one, The eternal king of shadows, and his personal favorite, the Dark Spectre. At first he was simply an amused observer, as his name suggested, watching the worlds from afar and occasionally manipulating factors, and eventually people, into disasterous situations, simply to see what would happen or how they'll react.

Eventually however, he grew tired of simply observing them from afar, having to hide himself in the shadows and not be recognized by these people, watching them eventually resolve their crisises that he instigated didn't help either. Instead he wanted to conquer this universe, all of it, and make them see him as their almighty ruler. He wanted to watch them scurry away from him in fear and cowardice, and those who don't run to either hunt the cowards in his name or amuse him by standing against him. Throughout his life he has been an instigator and creator of chaos, and now he wants to revel in it. But he knew that not even he would be able to do it alone. The universe was vast, and growing ever larger as the years go on. Either he had to expand infinitely to observe every inch of the universe, or he would need some kind of group, or army to do things for him, a universal government that could be an extension of his will. As such, he gathered-and in some cases corrupted-threatening factions from across the galaxies. The Repulsa Family, the Machine Empire, The Pirate Militia, the Eclipse Kingdom, and even the Army of Zedd, all joined with Dark Spectre, and together formed the United Alliance of Evil, which he has ruled over for thousands of years. In addition, in the unlikely event that he would be defeated and destroyed he gave birth to a fiery offspring, Maligore.

He, of course, expected and even hoped for resistence against him to entertain him while he conquers, but never did he expect the establishment of the Morphing Grid, the being known as Ninjord's involvement via the power coins, nor the recruitment of people to tap into the grid by the Wizard Zordon. Even with the power of Zedd's Serpenttera, he was defeated against these..."Power Rangers" of old, and meanwhile the Wizard Larigot sealed up his son on a distant planet just after marrying the Pirate Militia's less-worthy ruler Divatox. Indeed, this was the first defeat of the Unted Alliance. But this set-back did not stop Dark Spectre, quite the contrary, now he was more interested then ever to find these rangers, on however many planets they may be on, and crush them beneath his fist.

This is a game to him...and the game begins now.
I will not bring in EVERY member of the UAoE into this, or at least I won't make a CS for every last member. I will however control Zedd, and King Mondo. ...Anyone who wants to use any of the other members of the UAoE, go right ahead. Otherwise, I'll be controlling all the factions.
EDIT: Double post...
Ok then, so for the last 15 hours, I have the vote for Remade. ...Any other votes? Going once, Going twice...
G'night Paige.

...Now, before I make the villain, I'd like to ask you all a question. To my knowledge this is indeed a remake of the Mighty Morphin era of Power Rangers. So I'd like to ask you all for a choice:

Shall I use Original Villains? ...Or, use remade versions of the villains of that Era? (Basically the United Alliance of Evil itself, revised.)
*Breaks in through the wall, gets up and looks around*

...Oh, hi there. With Paige's permission, I'm going to be your bad guy for this evening. I'm reserving the Main Villain slot. ...Gonna need a little bit of time to think of which of my villains to use for this.
Needless to say, Kotaro was shocked at the sheer speed of the Neo-Shadow as it dodged the Parry. He thought about dodging but unfortunately, his mind thinks faster then his body can react, and got his chest scratched and bleeding as a result. Fortunately the momentum of his blade was supported by gravity and struck it down anyways. When the battle was over, he took a deep breath and sighed, an act that was made somewhat uncomfortable thanks to the wounds on his chest. There were a few cuts on his leg as to be expected, holes in his black jeans that needed to now be sewn shut. But they weren't as bad as the ones on his chest so he chose to ignore it for now. He then noticed how Isadora gotten rid of her heartless group, and needless to say, was quite fascinated by her skill, and most especially the look in her eyes as she destroys her foes. The emotions she let out showed the difference between the two, making Kotaro almost envious of her...passion, for lack of a better word.

"Not one emotion reserved. Either she's really dedicated to the darkness, or she really hates these things." Kotaro thought. When they were both finished, he stood up straight looking at Axeus, He first stated that he accepted the two as his apprentices, to which Kotaro wanted to give thanks to him for, but figured words could irritate him as it did for that woman that led him here. As such, he simply nodded as his way of saying his thanks, before listening what could only be described as his first lecture to them both. A lecture about pain and what pain would create in the heart. When he met Tamius for the first time, he recalled him denying the treatment Kotaro would give him for pain. Throughout those days he just beared the pain as the injuries slowly healed.

"Find life in Misery...was this what he meant?" Kotaro asked, still not necessarily getting it. However, his thoughts were interrupted when the darkness crept into his wounds and created an unspeakable pain, enough to make him cough blood. He was caught off-guard, as it felt like an icicle pierced his chest. His ears still listened to Axeus as he tried to bear the pain as his friend bore his...easier said than done, far easier.

"Use the power, to control others... use pain, to control others...acheiving our goals...through pain?" Kotaro's noted these in his head, and now he was starting to understand, or at least he believes so. As the pain rushed through him, his mind was rushing with thoughts of logic, and agony, making it hard to keep track of them. When the darkness ceased its attack, Kotaro dropped to one knee, gasping for air as his head was still something of a mess, but it was starting to stabilize and come back together, one last aftershock of the nerves and those then stabilized as well. He slowly got up, and went back into position. The healing of cure actually was painful at first as the nerves and skin regenerated on the spot, but by the end he felt like he never got injured in the first place. As he listened to his master speak to him, he was amazed by what he said, though he didn't know what amazed him more: The fact that simply throwing a Keyblade is a technicque in of itself, or the fact that there was a better way of performing the act of throwing it. Maybe it was modesty thinking, but he didn't think it was as grand as that. After all, all he did was do the most sensical thing he could think of with a magic sword. He then heard that Captain Veros will be his teacher, immediately making him freeze up.

"...Oh dear, looks like it was a good thing to be learning about pain after all." He thought. He heard Axeus mention that he expected him to get this done by the morning, to which he nodded. For a moment, if only a moment, pride entered his thoughts. It was just a matter of learning how to throw properly, right? How hard could that possibly be? He then heard what Axeus said next. He recalled that people believed that apprentices of the dark were treated harsh, but at least his master was kind enough to explain to him the reason for that harshness. He gave a smile as he was dismissed and gave a salute.

"Yes Master. ...I won't let you down!" He said, that gentle smile on his face. He walked over and followed Veros as was told.
"Out of the frying pan...into the fire." He thought as he followed her to the training room. Needless to say, this was rotten luck for him as well. Of all the people he was sure Axeus had under his command, he made his personal trainer the one who clearly hates his guts the moment he stepped on to the planet. That said though, maybe that was the point. Dark Keyblade warriors are warriors above all else, warriors need harsh training to be prepared to fight like Axeus explained, and who is harsher than someone who hates your guts? They entered the Training room and...

"Wow..." He said with a smile of awe on his face. He was not expecting something like this. This place looked absolutely amazing, the sunlight giving a proper shine to it. Everything looked practically clean and new. There was only one thing here he knew nothing about though, those cylinders. Whatever those were they were heavily related to magic, shown by the energy they give out...Charge stations perhaps? No, that doesn't seem right. Before he could think on them any further though, in comes the voice of Veros verifying his name, to which he looks at her and give a quick nod.

"Not another word, Kotaro... You don't need to give her another reason to want to throw that keyblade of hers at you..." He thought. He then listened to her explanation of how Strike Raid works. Seeing it himself, he was quite amazed by the boomerang effect of the keyblade. It didn't occur to him to consider it being able to return to him, if only because boomerangs are bended the way they ae specifically for that purpose while keyblades are completely straight. Still, it's worth a try. He nodded to her as she claims it's his turn. Summoning his keyblade he looked at the dummy.

"A link with my weapon, ...requiring control over it. Got to focus..." He thought. He took a deep breath and sighed. When he was ready, he threw the Keyblade as he did before seeing it spin almost perpetually towards the dummy and indeed cleaving it in two. But now came the hard part as he tried to focus on calling it back to him, extending his hand out towards it, thinking that might help to control it, moving his hand a little to the right he noticed as the Keyblade started to change directions and steer towards the right. Then a little to the left. As he felt he was getting somewhat of the hang of this, he tried to figure out how to call it back to him. As if like a chain he pulled his left hand to his right side, hoping that would pull it back to him. Instead it pulled a hard right causing Paradise Sealed to smack right at a Magic Conductor before dropping to the floor.

"...Uhh...Well, At least I know how to steer it now. Now I just need to have it come back." Kotaro said, somewhat calm, or rather trying to keep calm since it's easy to believe Veros might have temptations to hide his corpse right about now.

"No tolerance for failure...Lets just hope beginner mistakes doesn't count as that." He thought.
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