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zombiechum said
*walks away to sad hulk music* guess I dirt get to partake :(

Now, now. No need to jump to conclusions. Considering her activities, it's possible Paige just hasn't seen it yet.
I was asking if we already HAVE one.

If we don't however, I'll be more then happy to fill that as well. ...And Alpha if I have to.
Drakeonis said
Zedd could still have his control of the Green ranger and the dark ranger.

Technically Rita had control of the Green Ranger, but I see your point.

Drakeonis is right, there's no reason why we can't have two evil rangers. Ninja Storm did it after all.
If you want, go right ahead. ^_^
Can most definitely picture Dark Spectre making an Evil Ranger. ^_^

Speaking of which, ...Did I bring in the Villain TOO soon?

And for the Record, is anyone controlling Zordon? ....Or is the Actual Mentor of the group?
Indeed today seemed like a good day for the students of high school and college, it seemed like a normal day on earth. Little did any of them expect that this day would be the planet's turning point, its day of reckoning.

On the moon, hidden away from any who would observe it from afar, or any of the astronauts of the past, was a beautiful yet errie castle of velvet-colored metal, a giant metal sphere decorating the top. Appearing inside of the palace was a group of monsters, appearing in their own ways. First came black-haired vampyric monkey with the monacle, Baboo, followed by the short blue hobgoblin, Squatt. Next came an old white humanoid terrier like creature wearing a blue headband and the clothes of a weaponsmith, small reading glasses, and having...gentle blue eyes, too gentle a look for this kind of group. Next came the blue gorilla with long black hair in armor of gold, Goldar. Last but not least, from out of a red portal stabbed what appeared to be an old tanned asian woman in a frankly overly decorated dress, wielding a crescent moon staff, An Empress of the United Alliance, Rita Repulsa, daughter of Vile Repulsa of the Alliance's inner circle. With a loud breath of satisfaction and a smile on her face she looked at the planet she was assigned to conquer.

"After 10,000 years, I've returned." Rita said as Finster, with Squat and Baboo's help, gets everything back in order. Everything, fortunately, was as he left it last time he was here, including his Monster Maker machine. Though, the clay he used is a bit dry from the years of neglect.

"Well, as long as I can make some putties at least, I can use them to get some more from the earth below. ...Might not be the best quality of clay in the galaxy down there, but I'll have to make due." Finster thought.

"Finster, stop daydreaming and get your monster-maker online. Goldar, you are leading the first charge." Rita said.

"Yes, My lady." they both said, Squat and Baboo now preparing her magical trink-errm-talismans, for her use. Rita meanwhile, pointed her staff towards the earth, much to Baboo's concern.

"Errm, My lady, It might not be a good idea to announce your prescence here. If there are possible Rangers here, then we have he element of surprise." He said.

"HAH! Zordon's locked in a Time Warp, his best warriors were already turned to space dust by us, if not by their own limited life. Why should I need to hide myself from the pathetic earthlings?" Rita asked.

"Lord Zedd sent you here because of the possibility of Power Rangers." Baboo said.

"And who would give them their powers? Who would make such creatures as Power Rangers, Zordon, at best could communicate to them. He can't help them, he can't interfere, and any of these Rangers that Lord Zedd is so worried about can't possibly be any better then what we raged war against before. So get out of my way!" Rita said. Baboo hesitated, but eventually nodded and stepped away as commanded.

"It's time to conquer Earth!" Rita yelled, as she pointed her staff upwards.

"Come forth lightning, and let all who lays eyes on your wrath, quake in fear of the all-seeing eye of this staff!" She yelled out. Red lightning shot out of the magic staff's crimson orb, place in the middle of its crescent moon shape, shooting outwards into the sky. If the moon was in clear view, the lightning would be seen, and slowly but surely, the Earth would start to quake.

To the students, it would be barely noticeable if noticeable at all, but slowly it will go notice as the quakes go up point-by-point on the Richter scale, until it eventually becomes a full-blown earthquake.
LaXnyd said
...you are a genius

Thank you. ^_^

But it looks like we won't need to, since Drakeonis edited his post to now going to History class.
LaXnyd said
I would post, but nobody went to a history class of any sort so my guy has absolutely nothing to do.

This is probably jumping a shark or two, but your teacher could always substitute for a sick teacher in any of their classes, Chalk the reason up to being short on teachers, possibly because of a bad educational budget.
Well, Bringing Kiotra back would be a good start. Me and Spike has been waiting on Koat, I believe. Since I only have one character, it'd be odd to suddenly make that one character do something else other then what he was doing before this RP's cardiac arrest.
I'll be posting soon as well, I'm more waiting for the Rangers to all post. But if for some reason that wouldn't be the case in the next 24 to 48 hours, I'll post regardless.

I finished the CSes of two major Villains I claim in addition to Dark Spectre.

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