Avatar of The Jest


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So we're going to be doing this. I'll set up an Interest check shortly. But if this going to happen, I WILL need for everyone that joins to be active.
I actually know alot. ^^

Oh, but I kid. ...Knowing Kotaro he'd probably invite the character to tea first Mad Hatter style. XD
Well, we can't just Revert time in this RP, and we need more members apparently, so yes. ...But, again, only when/if Spike gives the ok.

And call me just "Jest" ^_^
Wonderful, I'll look forward to support making your character's life a living hell. =D
Well, I do believe I teleported her with everyone else, so...yeah, let's go with the former. ...Don't worry about how to incorporate her becoming Ms. Billy. I'll find a way to take care of that, and take care of her becoming the "6th Ranger" later on. ^^
As I'm discussing with Stryder now, if Spike gives the Ok, I'll be taking the wheel for this Prequel. Spike may have it back when we reach this particular point again.
That was fast. Welcome to the party Soren. I take it you're filling in the missing light role?
10,000 years. Ten Millienias have I been trapped in this pocket of warped time and space. How Rita even acquired such a dreadful trap spell leaves me with dread. ...For 10,000 years, I may as well have been declared dead. I cannot interact with the world around me, simply an observer literally ahead of their time. I still remember all those years ago, when I was able to fight back against the forces of evil alongside my friends and apprentices, my rangers. Now, I can no longer even touch, let alone fight. The only other warrior I could rely on disappearing from my sight.

However, while I may not have the capability to defend this beautiful world from the forces of evil, I can still provide assistance to insure its protection. Thanks to my friend, and assistant, Alpha-5, I have a way to communicate with others, and share my wisdom to these humans, in the hopes that they may defend themselves without me, and no longer worry about it's future.

But I'm afraid that is for the future rather than the present. After all these years the forces of evil has begun to stir once again, and the Sorceress Rita Repulsa has returned. ...But fortunately, she may have provided earth the advantage it needed in her Hubris.

The ultimate test of the will, judgement, and power of mankind, ...is about to begin.

Within the Desert to the east of Angel Grove, lies a fortress like no other, a massive building of stone with a tube right in the middle leading inside. On the outside, it looked like a uniquely designed stone temple and nothing more. On the inside however?

The Inside was a technological masterpiece.

The Command Center was filled with many lights to fill the frankly dark room and computers with built-in monitors all across the front, pillars of neon lights occasionally flashing as they ascend up the circular neon frames. In the front end of the room was a blue tube, empty at the moment. Right in the middle, walking around in a panicked frenzy from the earthquakes, was a small red android with a lightning bolt light on his chest, and a saucer-shaped head with a single red light moving back and forth.

"AYE-YI-YI-YI-YI! It's finally happening, the end of the world, what are we going to do!?" Alpha yelled out in panic. Immediately, the two neon lights charged up electricity and shot lightning at the blue tube in the center, and from it formed a giant bald head of what appeared to be a human.

"Calm yourself Alpha. ...It is not the ende, but I fear it may come if nothing is done. Rita has returned, most likely to finish what she started all those years ago. The quakes of the world was done by her, a battle cry that she hopes would cast fear into the humans' hearts before conquering them." The giant head, Zordon, said.

"But what'll we do!? All of the people we fought alongside are gone!" Alpha said.

"...Fortunately, Rita's arrogance may used to our advantage. The grip of the Dark one spreads far and wide across the universe, and all of our allies are staging their own wars against evil. No one is available to come to us, so we must come to the humans, so that they may defend themselves from Rita with our help." Zordon explained.

"...But, but who? A soldier perhaps?" Alpha asked, worried about this idea.

"Unfortunately no. Soldiers of the world are experienced, polite, and believe to do what they do for the good of the people they care for. I shall not deny that. But they are not trained to fight Rita, nor the forces of darkness behind her. Even if they do, their loyalties lie in their countries and their duties lie in their protection. ...Unfortunately, another factor to consider is that Dark Spectre would need only to manipulate their leaders, and he would have them in his hands. Soldiers may seem like the better option, but there is simply too much risk in involving them. Instead, we need those who have yet to truly know darkness, as they would be less likely to succumb to it. ...Teleport to us as many teenagers in a group as possible." Zordon explained.

"Teenagers!? ...Aye-yi-yi."Alpha said in distress. He then looks at a monitor and noticed something peculiar.

"Huh...Zordon, we're detecting a Zord signature! There's an active Zord flying around." Alpha said.

"Which one...?" Zordon asked. There's no way for the Zords to activate themselves and no one but those connected to the Morphing Grid would be able to use them.

"I...I don't know, it's moving too fast to get a good clear image. ...Hmm? Zordon, it was flying over a forest in Angel Grove...It flew over a group of Teenagers." Alpha said.

"...'Flying'? ...It's one of the flying Zords? ...Could it be?" Zordon thought.

"What do we do Zordon?" Alpha asked, snapping Zordon out of his train of thought.

"...No, I can't jump to conclusions. It will be revealed in time, but for now I have to focus on situation here and now." He thought. He then looked at Alpha.

"...Attempt a Teleport. Teleport all of them here if it's possible. We don't have much time before Rita begins her invasion." Zordon said.

"Ok then, Zordon. I'm engaging a teleport now." With that, Alpha pushed a few buttons and immediately the Teens in the forest would feel...wierd, for lack of a better word, as they are consumed in a mass of multi-colored energy, as if becoming one with it, and flying against their will into the desert and into the Command Center, right in the Center of the room.
When they were gone however, another one came, practically out of nowhere, leaning his back to the trunk of a tree, in a position where even if he was always there, they wouldn't see him. ...He certainly stuck out though. A Middle-aged man with a beard, goatee, several grey hairs, a calm, yet menacing glare from is sky-blue eyes, and a little smirk on his face while Wearing a black suit that showed professionalism. He turned his head to look behind him, that smirk turning into a smile. He took a deep breath and gave a sigh.

"Hmm...So it seems that the game is at last afoot. ...I'll be sure she gets a good scolding for this, but I might as well give the arrogant Repulsa the benefit of the doubt first. ...Its almost time to play, Zendra. Zordon will come out of hiding and with him shall come his newest breed of warriors. I'd like you to wait for them to arrive to battle and observe them first. ...When I feel we've seen all there is to see from these Rangers, then they will be your toys, for you to do as you wish with them. ...Until then though, there are of course those foolishly impatient members of the Alliance who will try to...corrupt the results. Or are simply attempting to make us known through their own rediculous objectives. ...I speak of course of Divatox and her nature as a Pirate. You may use them for your training whenever you wish, should you feel bored." The man, Michael Tinieblas said to no one in particular. However, in reality he was speaking to Zendra via Telepathy.
"Finster! Are the frontline units ready yet!?" Rita asked as the castle started to get livelier. Surrounding Rita's room and her group were a bunch of white humanoids, all looking like normal in shape, but having faces that appeared to be made horrifically from clay.

"...Why do their faces always look like that? I know I'm getting the facial shape right. Must be because of how dry this clay is." Finster thought as he observed these models of living clay, these...putties, for lack of a better term. He then was quick to turn around and looked towards Rita, as he knows all too well what would happen if he ignored her.

"They're almost done, your majesty. I just need to produce a few more putties, and then about three commanders. It shouldn't take me too long." He responded calmly and politely with a bow.

"...Make it 2, it goes faster that way. Goldar, you'll be going down there as the third! Stage the attack, conquer a city or two to be MY new capital, then spread out and crush everything that stands against us!" Rita commanded, a grin on her face.

"...It shall be done, ...Queen." Goldar said. Needless to say, this was a stupid plan and he knew it, but under his true master's orders, everything this spoiled broad says goes and he must follow them.

"...Oh, M'lord, Why must you torture me with serving this meager excuse for a witch after I've done so much?" He thought.
My apologies for being so late with my post. I've been busy elsewhere. I'll be posting another little event soon enough.
Thank you again, Lady Paige.

Now then, With that taken care of, I'll be making Zordon and Alpha-5's Profiles. But since I am Co-GM, I'll be making the two profiles a 2nd-class priority.

In the meantime, I shall be your Zordon. ^^
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