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Name: Asugan Bugudai

Race: Taghai - A nomadic and tribal people from the frozen tundras of Dagasai. They live mostly on hunting, herding and trading.

Age: 34

Gender: Male

Job: Gunner

Prickskyttegevär 2104
A high powered sniper rifle designed for use in cold environments. It fires high caliber bullets and has an effective range of 3000m

Maschinenpistole 2067
A compact submachine gun for close quarters fighting. It is not very powerful and rather old. But it is extremely reliable. You could drench it in mud and it will still fire.

Sharpshooting - Asugan is an expert marksman able to hit most targets, moving or not, from several kilometers away.

Cold resistance - Being a Taghai, Asugan is extremely resistant to cold. He can survive in temperatures close to absolute zero.

Survival skills - Asugan is an expert tracker and hunter. He can also survive for several months without food, water or sleep without any major drawbacks.

Personality: Despite him being an outlaw he certainly doesn’t act like one. He rarely speaks unless spoken to. And when he speaks he is always polite and respectful. He doesn’t believe in honor and glory so he has no gripes against fleeing battle or fighting dirty. He doesn’t go looking for trouble and prefers to talk or run when things take a turn for the worse.

short bio: Asugan was the eldest son to a chief of one of the many tribes that roam Dagasai. His father was renowned as a great warrior and often went on campaigns and hunting trips. On one of these hunting trips he died. Mauled by a great beast. This happened when Asugan was away on a diplomatic mission to one of the other tribes. When he returned he was expecting to be welcomed as the new chief but his younger brother had taken control of the tribe when Asugan was away. Asugan was imprisoned. But the brother made a mistake in putting Asugan in the same prison as his supporters. Together they instigated a riot and broke out of the prison. Asugan fled from the planet and now roams the galaxy in search for work.

Not bad at all. Though I'd like you, if possible, to specify "Temperatures close to Absolute Zero". Other then that, I like it.
MY apologies for the Double Post, but I feel obliged to update you all on the OOC. It's almost done, certain circumstances led to it taking longer than it was suppose to be. It should be done soon.

Looks good. ^_^
Is this still joinable?

This RP is dead, I'm afraid. However, I am currently doing a revival of it.

Here's the Interest check if you wish to join it.
the problem isnt burnout from too much RPing, its that all 20 RPs im in are either dead, or in the "interview" phase like this one was. i dont mind Slice of Life, i think it shows the talent of the RPers/writers to be able to write in a relative void of action, but also, as you may have noticed, i like playing villains, and even if we're pirates, my character isnt cut out for teams unless they are his crew. i do have other characters who are better suited for following orders, but D'ren isnt one of them.

also i had always intended for D'ren to betray everyone and go off on his own.

I see. Well, that's also understandable. ^_^
Here is my CS


Name: Scrap
Race: Human
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Job: Engineer
Weapons: Different types of gadgets that she builds that can be used as a weapon or defense. Her mechanical arm and leg can shoot out hot steam (mainly used as a last ditch effort) by turning the valves
Mechanical Engineering: She can fix and build prosthetics, gadgets, robots (to some extent) and has some knowledge on other technologies.
Street Fighting: Days within the gang didn’t leave her defenseless, she has some tricks up her sleeve when it comes to melee combat
Resourcefulness: Her fast thinking and street knowledge helps her get out of dangerous situations.

Personality: Mind of her own. Scrap doesn’t do well to authority but does whatever job you give her with little complaint. Opening up and trusting others comes by as a challenge. Trusting herself is all she’s ever known. Growing up in the slums and at the heart of gang violence taught her to be resourceful, but she lacks social skills. Keeps to herself but doesn’t take too kindly to those who are obnoxious or rude. Since she's also very young, she still has much to learn and is still ignorant/oblivious to this new world outside the slums
Bio: An orphaned street rat, at the age of 8, she was forced into the gang: The Junkyard Ravagers. They taught her how to fix and build mechanical prosthetics, since many members lost arms and legs to rival gang fights. Here they called her “Scrap” and it was the first and only name she’s ever had. For a while she could call the junkyards home, but it wouldn’t last. At the age of 12, an explosion at the junkyard set by a rival gang caused her to lose an arm and a leg. But you don’t leave the gang unless you’re dead. They forced her to keep working, expanding her skill set to build them lethal gadgets. She ended up building her own prosthetics since no one else would. From this point on it was when she learned that the junkyard was no home, but a prison. One day a gruesome fight with the rival gang leaves an opportunity to escape. So, after escaping the clutches of the Junkyard Ravagers, she finds herself lost. It isn’t until she stumbles upon a request to join a pirate crew did she jump at the chance to leave the slums behind.

Looking good. ^^

@The Jest I can help if you need me too

Much appreciated, Warborn. But I have a couple friends who happen to be experts in the Genre.
IT seems I shall take a little longer. As the veterans of Kiwiwiwi's version already knows, he only mentioned one planet amidst a galactic empire, so one of my first things is to expand that. Thanks to that same friend of mine that broke the tie, I have an effective way to make star systems for this Galactic Empire.

But the problem is that it'll take a while, WAY too long, if I focus them all at once. So for now, I'm going to just focus on two or three of them, then consider the others a Work in Progress for now.
Name: Vescalla Vonderbutch
(veh-sk-ella Von-der-butch)
Also known As: The metal window
Race:Human with robot parts
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Job: Gunner

Also my profile picture
Personality: Snarky, Bold, She-Knows-what-she-wants-when-she-wants-it, She's scottish basically.
Bio: Parents disowned her when she lost her left arm because they thought she was worthless and they thought she was too ugly without an arm to get a husband, however she did get a husband and she now has a mechanical arm that (in her style) is steampunk themed. HOWEVER, she lost her husband in a elevator accident as well as her right leg. His family gave her enough money to get a mechanical leg in the same fashion as her arm. Then they said they would give her money to get to a high ranking job but she saw the flyer and came here instead. Because she does what she wants.

Ah, Luna. Happy to have you back on board. ^_^
"Buddhists believe Gautama Buddha was a man, a great teacher, and--of course--an enlightened being. They follow his teachings, they try to emulate him. They do not consider him a god and they do not worship him. Idolatry is not part of Buddhism"

"Buddhism doesn't fit neatly into either category of religion or philosophy. When people asked Buddha what he was teaching, he said he teaches "the way things are." He said nobody should believe his teachings out of faith, but instead they should examine for themselves to see if they are true or not."

Buddhism is more like a philosophy but instead of using just words and idea to form that philosophy, they meditate on it. When we have arguments about philosophy, in the end of the day nothing changes, our ideas and convictions might be a little more formed but in the end we are the same. In Buddhism they realize that philosophy and try to change through meditation.

Enlightenment and Nirvana are concepts and states of being. If you mean that they can meddle with the spirit of the person meditating to mislead them from the right path then you have a point. But that just makes the way longer, it doesn't change the end of the finish line which remains the same. They can't "change" the concept since it has a definitive definition.

Let's see an example.
"You are trying to get an eagle egg on top of a mountain. You climb and climb but before reaching the top you see a nest with an egg inside it. It is fake, a decoy but you don't know and you think you have reached Nirvana. But the real egg still remains on top of the mountain."

"You catch a glimpse, a vision, a sudden realization of how things truly are but that is just a false sense given by the angels and it still doesn't feel right. Upon more mediation you break through that false sense and catch a glimpse of the true way things are, real enlightenment."

If the definitive definition is derived from thoughts or philosophies of purity, I think you'll find they can change them, or rather, they can make Enlightenment and Nirvana suit their needs.

It sounds to me that enlightenment comes from purity, purity of the mind more than anything. The thing is, your captors are Masters of Purity. Purity of the heart, mind, soul, and purity of the world itself is their domain.

Contrary to my constant comparison to slavery and chains, what happened to the world was a result of nothing more than the taint of desire being completely wiped off of our hearts, achieving whole and complete perfection as a result. That's generally the antagonist's moral ideology on the matter, that the state of the world now is how it should have been upon creation: an untainted world from which all life knows peace, happiness, and prosperity. A way to think of it is to imagine positive energy, Purity made manifest, or "goodwill" if you will, as a radiation, much like Desire was for that cavern. The entire world, nay the universe, is completely enveloped in such radiation.

Essentially speaking, This world has become the Garden of Eden. Again, contrary to how I made it appear to be, this isn't like the Matrix where you take the Red Pill and wake up to see a desolate wasteland in place of the city. By logic of any philosophy that seeks peace, need it be actual or peace of mind, This world IS the end goal they all had in mind, a literal heaven on earth; an absolute peace for the world and the mind. The only problem technically speaking is that this form of Peace is essentially shoved down the world's throat and forcing it to swallow, as oppose to the world and its people "earning" it.

If the focus of meditation is to clear the mind, make it "pure". You'll find the Angels and their leader both have many ways to shape it to their way of thinking, and because of that, they would let it be.

If you feel Nirvana and Enlightenment somehow ascends beyond Purity however, if meditation somehow reaches beyond the concept of purity and desire, and steps into the other foundations of reality itself...somehow, then yes, it goes beyond the jurisdiction of the Angels and is therefore beyond their control. But in that case, the angels and their leader would see such teachings as a threat to their paradise, and completely erase Buddhism from the world the second they learn of it by making the world and possibly the universe never be taught Buddha's philosophy, never practice his teachings, or even simply never teach them about Buddha's existence altogether, pretty much erasing him from memory. Again, whatever free will they have before the awakening is an illusion only serving to amuse them; the Angels can remove that illusion with the snap of their fingers if they felt like it. If they say there is no Buddha, that Buddhism does not exist, the world will believe it and obey.

That being said, however...If you still intend, despite this, to make a buddhist monk, and make him "meditate" to learn the truth through enlightenment...Ok, I DO have an idea of how to make it work, but the downside is that he'll be at a disadvantage compared to everyone else.

@Mercury, I'll have a word with you about your CS a little later. For the most part though, it's good. ^_^
I mean....what's the appeal on becoming a privateer? You're like mercenaries payed by the government. Hell, the Rp's title was "Space Pirates". Why would anyone come here wishing to be a privateer is beyond me...

In the words of Long John Silver from Muppets' Treasure Island:

"Now take Sir Francis Drake, The Spanish all despise him, but to the British, he's a hero, and they idolize him."

This is just my personal opinion, but aside from the fact that Kiwiwiwi basically called this RP Space Pirates, but actually made them Privateers and the others decided to role with it, I think it's because Privateers seem akin to having your cake and eating it too. You get to be a pirate, do all the pirate things that regular Pirates do, but you also have the support, and backing of the Government at your side to do it with...at the cost of basically following orders and likely being mocked/hated by the REAL pirates. As Kessir already pointed out: It's basically like being the Suicide Squad of Sci-fi.

But again, that's just why I think there's appeal.

I'll have to say pirates as well. It just seems like it could be much more fun.

And so we now have a Tie. Fortunately, I was prepared for this occasion: I talked with the looming friend of mine last night and asked him which he would rather be in the RP...

...He said Pirate.

So the Final Score: Privateer 3, Pirate 4.

Pirates win.

I'm making the OOC now, though due to this vote essentially changing up what was originally planned by Kiwiwiwi, the posting of it might take a little while longer. I apologize, and would appreciate your patience. ^_^
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