That means 3 Privateers to 2 Pirates. So now @Haze's role is switched around: If he chooses Privateer, Majority rules, and if he chooses Pirate, it's a Tie, and I'll need to break it.
@The Jest Just as you mentioned space pirates I thought of John Silver from treasure planet. My character is heavily inspired from him although his bio and personality are original and believe it or not I always write a new bio for every new character I make. I used the weapons that he also used in the animated movie since it wouldn't feel right to play any other ones, it would lose the feel.
Edit: I vote for Pirates! Stay true to the title of the RP!!!
As someone who LOVED that movie and John Silver in it, I do respect that reasoning. ^_^
@The Jest Gotta go with pirates i think going against the government adds a little more freedom
Alright. @Haze is all that's left. If he chooses Pirates, then that side is what we're going for. If not, then we got ourselves a tie. Of which, I will have to serve as the Tie-breaker.
Appearance: Name: Chef Gold or just Gold Race: Ursid - They are depicted as brute warriors with a big physique said to resemble that of a bear but they are also a cunning people. Brute force is meant more to gain respect and the obedience of others as it is rarely used to achieve one's goals except when you are in war of course. Age: 47 Gender: Male Job: Chef Personality: He is a lot more friendly now after joining the culinary arts. A lot more friendly and cunning. He is convinced that the his fighting days are behind him so he focuses more on being cunning and using ways that don't involve violence, as far as it's possible. Bio: A huge civil war tore his planet apart and with it came the near extinction of his kind when a machine that targeted the planet's core with powerful seismic pulses was created and eventually destroyed the planet. A few other survived. During the war, Cpt. Gold as his troopers called him because of his golden eye, was made infamous for the usage of his torture methods on the radicals during the Ursid Civil War. In the end thought he wasn't able to save anything, the war was lost as the radicals managed to "change" something. Before there was a planet and now...just rubble.
Since then he has been traveling aimlessly until he got into a planet ruled by corruption. There he earned a name in the underground fighting arenas, Golden Eyed Devil. A name and money at that since he never lost a single battle. That changed when he was beaten by an alien creature which had weapons on its person. The rules of the arena allowed no weapons or armor, only hand to hand combat. The alien creature claimed that the blades were part of his body, same as hands and limbs on others. The Golden Eyed Devil wasn't going to back from this either way. During the fight the creature managed to cut his left leg and drop him to the ground. Turning back in hoped to hear the cheers of the crowd it was only greeted by booos but then the cheering went through the roof when The Infamous Devil got up on his one feet and got into fight position, rage adorned his face. Angry for not getting the crowd on it's side, the alien creature charged for the Ursid with an extended scythe. With his right hand he held the creatures wrist so it couldn't use it's blade while with the left hand he used it as a shield to greet the slices of the creature and protect his head. Finally he took the opening and lunged in with his mouth to tear the creatures head clean off. The crows was mad with excitement and adrenaline and the last things he heard before he blacked out was the chanting of his stage name in the planet's home language.
Waking up he was greeted by robotic doctors. They had patched his lost limbs and asked him if he wanted a cybernetic replacement for those. "Only the best this shithole has to offer."
After that he left the fighting business in a sort of epiphany coming from his near death experience. Later he learned that he had a thing for the culinary arts, it relaxed him and made him feel appreciated when others liked his food. But to say the truth, deep down he misses the days of fighting. They're not past yet.
Huh...I must say, I'm impressed you managed to get an CS out like that in such a short time. I dare say it might have been Pre-prepared.
...Which reminds me, now that I think about it, I might need to update that CS. ...Add in a Weapons and abilities part to it. I hope you don't mind adding that into this as well. ^_^
I say government type crime we can be like the suicide squad of space
2 for Privateer, 1 for Pirate, and I and Lurking Shadow aren't voting.
UPDATE: Just added the Weapons and Abilities sections on the CS.
@The Jest I'm interested, I still want to use my original character though, also I'd rather be full blown pirates
Excellent, Truth be told, I wanted you to keep using that character as well. ^_^
In regards to the full-on Pirates thing, Don't we all? ...No seriously, I've been wanting to ask that, but I'm evidently not familiar with the interface of this site to know how to make a poll, assuming I can make one. I've been wanting to know if people wanted to be Pirates or Privateers.
Pirates, or Privateers? Freedom to be criminals at the cost of making an enemy of the government, or Piracy sponsored by Government backing? Which of these should we be?
Lurking Shadow already made clear that he's neutral in this vote, which is why I'm not asking him.
like before my guy will be a deckhand/boarding. doing something now but should i just post my sheet in char tab now? or do you want to look over before?
Well, I'm intending on pretty much remaking the whole trio (IC/OOC/Character) So that everyone new and old can adjust to the RP properly, and so I can add a few of my personal tweaks to the Backstory. ^_^
That being said, I would like to look over it again, if you don't mind PMing it to me.
For all the new guys/girls expressing their respective interest. You have my thanks. I'll wait for about a day before I make the remade OOC for this RP. ^_^
So, over two weeks ago, a guy by the name of Kiwiwiwi made an RP called "Space Pirates!!!". It was fun for the people to take part in, and for one like myself to read and wanted to join. But then about 10 days ago, for unknown reasons, Kiwiwiwi disappeared, essentially causing the RP to stagnate to a halt and eventually die (Unintentionally, I'm sure.), despite the best efforts of its players.
Not wanting this RP to die like this, I have decided to remake it.
In respect to Kiwiwiwi's original story, I shall copy and paste it here...Slightly modified for the sake of convenience:
In the year 2120, the holy britannian empire has outstretched its arms and has colonized many worlds, you live on the industrial planet "Lancelot prime", breathing carbon dioxide filled air and eating fake food created from soy. On this planet you have found a flyer regarding the pirate/privateer "Captain Kain "Headhunter", you read the contents:
HELP WANTED By the request of the esteemed Cpt K. Headhunter, a crew of under twenty hardy men and women is requested in order to operate the "Stallion" corvette class ship. There are many requirements for living under privateer command, one of which will be to serve as mercenaries for the Holy Britannian empire, combating heretics and naysayers, aliens and the deadly "Karatai". Those of you who deem themselves fit for work aboard the "Stallion", and service to the holy empire, will find Cpt Kain waiting at the Dark matter bar, in city block eight, to evaluate you. HBE
The Britannian seal of approval is stamped at the bottom of the flyer, intrigued and eager to join you make your way to city block eight and find yourself within the shabby confines of the Dark matter bar. outside the window you see the Lancelot station, the ship of Cpt Kain can be seen within.
you sit down at the bar and the robotic bartender rolls down to your stool. "HAIL BRITANNIA. What could I get for you sir/ma'am?" it says in a clunky voice, in the corner of your eye, past the drunk war veteran, you see a shady looking man, below him, on the table, a sign reads: "Cpt K. Headhunter"
Races- Human (self explanatory) Alori (furries) Denar (elfy people) (more can be accepted)
Character sheet
Appearance: (image if possible, it doesn't matter wether it's an anime character, human or even concept art characters) Name: Race: Age: Gender: Job: Weapons: Abilities: Personality: short bio: (it doesn't have to be too long, but in depth characters are fine)
However, there are a few differences in my case.
First and foremost: The Captain will not be "K. Headhunter", Depending on what people decide with the third change, it will either be a character I already made in the past, or a new character designed specifically to take Headhunter's place.
Secondly: The Bar interviews will be an afterthought. Odds are, I'll modify the backstory of this on the OOC to where the Interview already happened, and ask everyone to just make a flashback scene of a shortened version of an individual interview, followed by a present of what they're currently doing on the ship as it makes its way to its first job.
Finally: In Kiwiwiwi's version of the RP, the pirates in question were technically not "Pirates", they were "Privateers", and were essentially doing their piracy under the orders of, and sponsored by, the Holy Britannian Empire. I can understand why one looking to be a Space Pirate in an RP would not find "doing so in the name of *insert government here*" to be very appealing. So, I'm giving you all a choice of whether you still want to be Privateer pirates like Kiwiwiwi intended, or if you want to be actual Space Pirates.