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Current Ay, mariposas, don’t you hold on too tight; both of you know It’s your time to go~
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3 yrs ago
Ay, mariposas, don’t you hold on too tight; both of you know It’s your time to go~
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I hate dice. I refuse to elaborate as to why.
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Nikolay Andreevich Ivushkin

As always, Nikolay had taken a lot of notes, applying just about every color in the rainbow when it came to his highlights on important words and terminology out of all the things that the teacher had taught. He usually wrote his notes in his native Russian Cyrillic, translating his thoughts from English to his mother tongue before jotting them down. He did this on purpose; these were, after all, his personal notes, and he wasn't at all the type that let others copied from his work, as it was his firm belief that everyone should learn independence when it came to studying properly. There weren't a lot of other Russians in the school anyway, and it wasn't like he would actively let them copy either.

Nikolay licked his lips as he looked upon the food that was being served to him in the cafeteria. He wasn't sure what this was called, but it has been the stuff that he has been buying for the last few days that he has been here. It was probably called zinikang... or something. It was much better when rice is added, too.

He bowed to the lady over the counter in an attempt to give his thanks... only for him to remember that this was the Philippines, not China or Korea. The small minority of Koreans in Sakhalin were the only Asians that he had interacted for most of his life, so he kind of assumed that they were all similar... only they weren't at all. Embarassed, he simply managed to say 'salamat po' (thank you), though with a heavily accented tone. He need more practice...

Nikolay proceeded to look for people that he already knew; those he already considered to be somewhat familiar or amicable to him in this school of magical warriors. Thankfully, he found Jiem and Pablo. Together as always...

"Eyo, privet.", Nikolay said to the two. "Do you mind having a third wheel?"
Nikolay Andreevich Ivushkin | The Imperial Fist | You Wot Mate?!

"I can't believe that I'm seeing all of this.", Nikolay grumbled with a low voice as he watched... many things unfold within the classroom. He had arrived in the room, reading a Warhammer 40K novel on his phone beginning from the moment since Henry bolted off with Oscar on his shoulder. They were a fun sight, those two; if Nikolay hadn't known any better, he would have thought that they were a couple. Would be a crack ship if they truly were.

Nikolay watched from the back of the class while obscuring his own face from potential prying eyes, looking at the fight that almost exploded right in there and now. It was those two, Pablo and Jiem, doing public displays of affection with no fear or care of what the other people all around them would think. Now these two were truly together indeed, and although Nikolay wasn't one that agreed with that kind of relationship as per his religious inclinations, he still found them rather entertaining to see, if anything. After all, he too was an affectionate one, though that was usually in private or when he is comfortable with the surroundings. This certainly wasn't the place, what with a Korean Siege Tower and another barrel man being in the room along with literally everyone else.

"I... Err, suggest that you all settle down. It's it's about to be class. And Daehan.", he said to the Siege Tower. "You can just them ask nicely without using your Noble Arm."

He looked back at his book, his face bearing a neutral expression. "Bozhe moi, if someone does something dumb just because of latent homophobia, I'm going to flip..."
Double Post
Nikolay Andreevich Ivushkin | Bloody Hell

"Да, да... Матрица. Я ладно. Хаха... нет. Да, спасибо... прощай.

A certain boy walked on the hallways that led towards the classroom in which the next subject was going to be taught, speaking to his mother on the phone as he went. At first glance, it would be obvious that he wasn't from this country; he was far too fair skinned and maybe too tall at five feet and nine inches. He was Russian, like Malenkov, but those who barely know him would think otherwise. He sometimes spoke with an American dialect, and in other times, he muttered words with the recieved pronunciation of southern England. At other occasions, he sounds Scottish. Either way, this boy derived great pleasure from confusing the other students on his nationality. One could never truly guess until they looked at the name written in the card of his ID: Nikolay Andreevich Ivushkin, a Russian student that came all the way from Sakhalin Island.

Those who knew a bit about him would know that his Noble Arm were a pair of hands made of stark white stone that seemed to absorb all attacks that are thrown against him. Some thus know him as the Fist, but he preferred Rogal Dorn... because, well, his Noble Arms were quite literally called the Imperial Fists.

He kept on walking towards class, either way, as Nikolay was not the type to be late; rather, he preferred to come early to his subjects. In this school, he was at 47th place, and though he wasn't particularly ambitious to raise it, he also wanted to maintain his position. There was something happening in the hallway, though... this girl that was wet all over and covered herself with a towel rushed past him in a hurry. He was guessing that she was a younger one, probably a grade ten or eleven. And... Воже Мой, was that Henry the Giant? He looked like his head was inches from hitting the ceiling, and Nikolay was guessing that he had a lot of trouble trying to fit into the Philippines' public transportation, which was built with much smaller people in mind. Anyways... He figured he could talk with someone before class started. Especially since that girl from earlier was drenched in water.

"Bloody Hell, mate.", he said to both Oscar and Henry with his British accent. "What on earth happened to... her? Did someone use water magic on her as a prank?"

Speaking of which...
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