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Current Ay, mariposas, don’t you hold on too tight; both of you know It’s your time to go~
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Ay, mariposas, don’t you hold on too tight; both of you know It’s your time to go~
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Astrad Lungren

Location: Asgard

"You got to be kidding me."

Astrad gawked at their surroundings, his eyes being seemingly drawn by the flowers. To be fair, they looked beautiful... and smelled very nice too. He almost tumbled over as he hunched down to sniff at their sweet scent, though he quickly stood up after inhaling a fair share of pollen and sneezing. He chose to remain content in silence as Theresa Sparks asked the mystery lady who she was and where they were. But Astrad already had a good guess. It was probably Asgard.

Asgard... this would be absolutely wild if it really was the home planet of the aliens that his Viking ancestors saw coming down from the heavens through the rainbow bridge. But again, Thor and Loki had already made their mark on Earth, and of the two of them, only the latter likes to be worshipped, as evidenced by Loki's unruly behaviour in New York City. Either way, Astrad looked back at Amelia and shrugged, as even though he was a Swede, he wouldn't get any of the Old Norse that the mystery woman was speaking when they arrived.
Nathaniel De Costa

Location: Ellis Island, New York City

Nathaniel stepped out of the portal, hands in his pockets and head held up high. The man squinted at the warm sunlight, as he had been holed up in his house for the last few days due to being unassigned for the time being. He turned towards Captain America as his breach portal closed up behind him, leaving nought but a trace signature of quantum particle energy in its wake. Carefully, he took off the cigarette that he had been smoking, stashing the burnt remnants of the narcotic product into his leather jacket's pocket.

He looked at the assembled group, one by one. There were those members of the famous Avengers; Sam Wilson, Steve Rogers, Clint Barton. Then there was the king of Wakanda, the Black Panther. Nathaniel was surprised that he was here, given that he was a king. Either way, there was this mysterious character with a metal arm, which had a red star on it. There were a bunch of others that he did not recognize. And as far as he could, he and Clint were the only SHIELD agents here... well, former agents, that is. The moment that they had disagreed with the registration of abilities, they had become fugitives. And while Nathaniel had the privilege of having intradimensional travel as a power of his, the rest of them did not. For all it's worth, this will be where the two sides will clash. This place was not exactly somewhere to hide in, after all.

One thing that bothered him, though was that there was a... girl in here. She looked really young. Too young to be in a crossfire. But surely, everyone was here by their own volition?

"Alright Cap.", Nathaniel said to their de facto leader. "If things go really down south, I guess I will portal us out."

A pause. 'We'll always be right behind you, Cap."
Iz dis open?
Eyo. Is this open?
Astrad Lungren

Location: New York City

Astrad hesitated for a bit as Sitwell had just confirmed that he was in a rather... tight situation in the Cube. Deciding to keep it short, he continued. "Uh, right, nevermind, then." For better or for worse, it was best not to distract his superior while in the middle of a firefight, though the coincidences were beginning to pile up. HYDRA was probably attacking the Cube right now, and did so right after the botched attempt at spycraft that was the mission in Levittown. Well...

"If I had to guess, the doors are magically sealed.", Astrad said to Amelia as he held out a hand to her to aid the Aussie woman in getting up from the pavement. I'm also guessing that if the Doctor wasn't worried, we shouldn't be... either.

The Swede's gaze had been averted away from Amelia, drawn by the glowing of Sparky's ring. It was getting brighter by the second, and Astrad had been led to believe that glowing objects probably were going to do something extraordinary in the next. "Any chance that the ring is also magical?", he asked no one in particular. "Oh well..."

Finbarr Callaghan | The Spacetime Breacher

It wasn't long after the whole near altercation with the damned Restarters that their merry troupe had been ushered into the vessel that had been waiting for them all this time. For all intents and purposes, it would serve as their mobile base of operations in their campaign of vengeance against the Ascendancy of Man, that corrupt institution that must be brought down to the ashes of history. It wasn't an all too special ship; it was officially a light freighter, though it was obviously more than just some tug boat cargo ship plowing the void. No. It will be the instrument of revenge!...

"Pfffft... limbed Kaisoken... ahahahaha... feck... Why am I laughing... ah, bloody hell."

Taking a brief second from snickering at sight of the second Kaisoken with limbs that he had seen during his entire life, Finbarr straightened himself as he introduced himself. "The name of this git standing in front of ye is Finbarr. Finbarr Callaghan. I be specializing in Timespace magic, especially them portals. I'm from Titan's undercity, and I love getting into them little vents."
Astrad Lungren

Location: New York Sanctum

Astrad coughed up a bit as the Doctor Strange simply kicked the four, no, three of them out into the streets of New York City. He had just closed them door on them right after doing what Sparks here had asked for him to do: to look for her husband, whose name was... Raynor... God of Light and Lies? And the dagger was forged by Eitri of Nidavellir, not to mention was wielded by Frigga, a goddess of Asgard? These were names that he had heard in grade school and from the bedtime stories of his grandparents. Astrad was, after all, Scandinavian, and was no doubt rather familiar with the stories that his people had passed down from generation to generation. Now that Thor himself had come down to be a member of the Avengers, it was clear that the gods that his ancestors worshipped during their days as Vikings were no more than aliens that descended from the skies through the rainbow bridge. Amelia would find him mildly intrigued by the fact that her friend was married to an Asgardian, though not at all shocked or surprised.

"So there's that.", Astrad shrugged whilst pulling out his statphone. "I'm just going to... go and make a call."

Hurriedly, the Swede searched for Agent Sitwell on his contacts, seeking to inform his superior that the mission to capture the twins was botched and that all of Levittown was a festering cesspit filled with HYDRA agents. In a few moments, the phone was ringing; Sitwell better pick this call up...

Astrad looked back at Amelia while the ringtone rang. "Your friend was probably taken to another dimension by the cube she touched. The good doctor said it himself... Mojoverse, was it? Hm. How'd you three ended up together anyway?"
Ray Clayton - Madjick

adjick stood his ground as the knight chopped off the energy whips that he had sent forth against him. Unwilling to give up the fight so soon, Madjick had all the hands switch to a fiery crimson color as the elder knight began his charge. He would not reveal his Duality move, no, not yet. That would serve as a trump card if the bloodied knight refuses to give up the fight. Instead, four of the six hands that he had summoned moved to block the assailant's attack path with focused heat beams; if any of those struck, they would do little actual harm, but rather, they would knock him back a few good meters away. If none met their mark, the other two that were being kept in reserve will fire a withering barrage of hardlight bullets. Madjick had no intention to kill the other, only to bring him in…

Jeremiah Powell - Void Dragon

Whilst Lance had been watching the whole debacle that was happening below with much amusement, something was stirring within the shadows. A reptilian hiss could be heard in the midnight air as a pair of clawed hands materialized from the darkness on the rooftop; a hiss that would be an all too familiar sound to those that had faced the leviathan that stalked the night of Manchester. It was the growl of the Void Dragon; a boogeyman of the dark that sought for prey at midnight, intending to feast upon a hand or two. Or to merely cause fear and mayhem. Either way, as Lance watched the fight, the Void Dragon let out an animalistic scream as it lounged towards her from behind...

Finbarr Callaghan | The Spacetime Breacher

Finbarr sighed when the situation got resolved rather quickly, as this Abaddon person seemed to be very effective with persuading the other Kaisoken. To this end, Mirroshard had been dissuaded from continuing the whole hostage situation by the eloquent arguments of the other being of crystal, and has since went his way to meet with Abaddon. "Well, that's a bloody relief.", Finbarr said as the prospect of tiring himself by summoning a rather large amount of portals in such a small amount of time had been erased. "I would have expended the greatest amount of energy I have ever spent in any time in my entire life if that other plan had been the way that we went!"

Once the situation had been completely resolved, they had been offered a substantial discount on items on the armory, as well as the fact that were was now a whole LOT of candy to go around. Now, there was no need to worry about the money that would be spent to satiate Iris' diabetic compulsions. Finbarr in particular had his eyes for the bombs. "I think we should have a bit of explosives... for me to throw through the portals in case we need it."
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