Avatar of The Man Emperor


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Current Ay, mariposas, don’t you hold on too tight; both of you know It’s your time to go~
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3 yrs ago
Ay, mariposas, don’t you hold on too tight; both of you know It’s your time to go~
3 yrs ago
I hate dice. I refuse to elaborate as to why.
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Corvus Helstrom

It had been a year since Khione had brought Corvus Helstrom into Camp Half Blood. At first, he would have found himself in an unfamiliar environment, surrounded by kids he did not know, wielding powers of godly proportions. Or, more properly, demigodly proportions. He was, at first, the quiet Swedish lone wolf that simply hung around the corner. However, as time passed, he would grow to befriend pretty much everyone else in there. At the very least, he knows every one of the other children of the gods, and they know him. The son of Khione, the only guy in the cabin of her glorious divine coldness so far. He would, it seemed, live with a pair of sisters, who were younger than him but were by far taller. Where did he get the short genes anyway? Khione was a goddess, a perfect specimen of humanity if she was human. And his dad was...well, average. A perfect balanced 5'10", just like everything should be. But he literally got the short end of the genetic stick, and was being… let's just say that Isaura and Astrid kind of make fun of him as a big but small brother. That did not make any sense did it? Ah, nevermind. As of now, he was the shortest male in Camp Half-blood, and was a favorite as an armrest for the other guys. Granted, he was fine with it, but it sometimes gets exhausting…

munch. Corvus stuffed a pizza slice into his mouth, devouring half of it in one bite. By now, he'd be known as a devourer of Italian cuisine, liking pasta and stuff like that maybe a little too much. Surprisingly, he doesn't gain any weight; perhaps the metabolism was too fast. Anyways, the cabin had been cleaned a few hours ago, as Corvus was essentially a master of keeping everything clean. He kept everything spotless, even when everyone else caused a titanic mess.

With the final slice in his hand, Corvus got out of the cabin, his right hand being a little greasy from the food. He'd walk a little, his surroundings getting a little colder than normal due to the power he had inherited from Khione. After a few moments of walking around aimlessly, he'd find Greyson, who just got out of the Hades Cabin. Bored, and maybe wanting to have a conversation with someone at this time of the day, Corvus walked up towards Greyson. He had already finished the pizza, but the distinct smell of delicious food wafted out of him. Greyson didn't like the cold, so Corvus turned off the freezing radius he exuded. Just for Greyson.

"Hey, Greyson." Corvus looked up at the other guy, speaking with a noticeable Swedish accent. "How are you…" He then gave Greyson a very warm hug. Why? No particular reason, other than he wanted to. It feels good, after all. Oh, and there's the grease...

Corvus Helstrom, Son of Khione


I'm thinking of a son of Khione... is there a discord for discussing stuff?

Trajan Salazar | Sharpeye

"Ah, well. That would be an honor for us, then." Trajan nodded, taking one of the MRE's and peeling off the plastic cover before digging in with the plastic spoon and fork that always came with these prepackaged meals. Eating the MRE sent him back to the battlefields against the alien coalition, the days when he was known as one of the foremost snipers in the Ascendancy Army. As a sniper, he'd camp in the ruins of a bombed out building in the middle of a city embroiled in fierce conflict between the Ascendancy and the Rauve-Kaisoken Coalition, picking out important targets to the point of forcing the enemy to constantly promote officers to replace the ones that got shot in the head by Trajan and the rest of the sniper brigade that he was part of, the Tiradores De La Muerta; the Sharpshooters of Death. They were feared and hated in equal measure, and he would have stayed in there till the end of the war, until a squad of Star Marines got deployed on the same battlefield. These top secret troops, as their allies has said, were of legendary prowess and destructive potential. They neglected to say that they were kids, however...

Trajan's musing of the long gone past was interrupted by Aveline bracing his shoulder to get her own share of the MREs... before tapping on his wrist, giving him all the information that she had managed to get so far. Responding with a three fold tap of his spoon on the container of the MRE, Trajan made it clear that he received the information loud and clear; the plan was going well, for the most part. At least, for now...
Arcturus Forsythe - Traveler

A bunch of smells filled the air. Mostly that of freshly cooked food, but the odour of body spray also lingered. Someone has been using it too much.

Arcturus Forsythe sat down for dinner, alone. For the last few months, he had been quite the recluse from society. Who could blame him; he just came back from the past, and lost his ability to travel through after fighting a power leecher. He came to the 1950's alone, and came back without anyone in tow. His best friend, Terrence Blackmore, tried to contact him, but Arcturus made it pretty clear that he just wanted to be alone… for the time being, at least.

The soft tunes of his phone's Spotify playlist filtered into his ears as he forked the sausage that he had cooked up; it was supposed to be part of the dinner reunion with Terrence and Leana, but Arcturus had forgotten entirely about his plans for the future, living solely in the present instead. He was making good cash off that online job that his mother had given him, but it was all… boring. None of what was happening so far interested Arcturus very much.

That was, until the whirring hum of a drone; an orb of alien make, hovered right into his apartment. Had he been a little jumpier, Arcturus would have blasted it with his energy projection as soon as he saw it coming. But, now that he was just about done with life, as well as with dinner, he didn't even give it any heed.

Until it spoke.

Or, more properly, replayed it's recorded message. Looking up towards the hologram, Arcturus recognized the talking figure as Viran, an original of the Titans. It seemed that he wanted to reform the Titans…

This was it, Arcturus thought. The moment he was waiting for. Something interesting. Something… to take his mind off the grief. He hadn't been to that old observatory before, so he'd have to drive there... but he will get there, soon enough.

Eleazar Sapohznik

Eleazar had been slated to grill for the party; whether it was because he wanted to, or due to the fact that he was the only one who was extremely good at it so far remains to be seen. He had brought quite a few packs of barbeque and hotdogs for the grilling, as well as a whole box of charcoal as fuel, though the latter had been brought to the party by his younger sister, Alessia. He had to keep a close watch on the finished grilled meats, as the threat of Alessia consuming them as soon as he put them down loomed over them like a sword of Damocles.

For this occasion, Eleazar had a more or less casual attire, wearing a black shirt, a pair of jeans, sneakers, and a green hoodie with the Wings of Freedom crest from Attack on Titan printed on the back. He often says that his spirit Titan is the Jaw Titan, though the reason why remains to be determined by absolutely no one. After all, he was very eccentric and a massive nerd, at least in comparison with the other folks in Rosefell High… or in Liberty, for that matter. For that reason, not a lot of people could relate to him… not that he minds.

The other Rosefellians and the Libertarians soon began to arrive, some of whom he already knew. Jaxtyn, Spike, JJ, Hunter, and Deshawn came in together; it appears that they had formed their own little merry troupe. Then there was Colin and Rico… the latter of whom seemed to be committing another of his antics. "Typical Colin…" Eleazar scoffed as he continued in his grilling business. "Sasageyo, sasageyo, shinzou sasageyo…"

Eleazar then shoved a grilled hotdog into a pair of buns, and handed it towards a grateful girl from Rosefell. It appears that this will be a more or less normal affair. Hopefully no one spikes the punch, or else they're going to get in trouble...

I'll post sometime today.

Raymond Salazar Vanburen

Alexander Karamazov Vanburen

Why did I go with this again?

Alex's thoughts swirled in a spiral brainstorm, going everywhere and nowhere at the same time. Ezra was right; this was a dumb, half assed plan, born out of a wretched subconscious to rip and let rip. He did not even recall any specific tactics or strategems back in the mansion; just the general idea of going in here and catching them off guard... hopefully. Did anyone have a good reason to assume that these cultist morons would not expect the Vanburens, their maid, and two paranormal experts that they paid to help with their stone problem to come after them other than the fact that the cultist morons seemed to lack the basic traits of an intelligent, sentient being? Perhaps Justin did; he was, after all, an expert in the realm of magic. Still, Alex had only decided to go with the rest of the family because he was concerned that doing something stupid without him in would end in an unmitigated disaster. This could just be his younger self speaking and overestimating his own ability to rein in madness (especially the one that was just brimming with absolute insanity... Nisha, was it?)

Raymond, at the same time, was... just going along. He did not have any strong feelings towards one way or another; all that he was concerned about was seeing his half siblings remain unharmed in the process of kicking some wiccan butt. He had always been concerned for everyone else, which surprisingly included Junior. Nisha was just really weird, and Ray gave up trying to tell her to calm down from swinging around the trees like a monkey. It was pointless, it seemed.

Justin didn't have a whole lot of faith in these rich kids, but maybe they'll win by the virtue of the enemy being stupider but again they didn't have to go in blind. He turned towards the Vanburens as he said, "Alright, team, huddle."

Maybe he could motivate these people.

Or maybe he would be interrupted.

"... Why you all look like you're ready to go to war."

"Chyort..." Alex cursed as the skeleton seemingly appeared out of nowhere. Mystical chains came out of thin air as he went into a defensive pose, trying hard not to make his bewilderment obvious. "Who are you?" He would then whisper to the Spectre, asking it the skeleton's identity. After all, the Spectre itself was an Apparition, and maybe it knew a thing or two about the rest of its kind. It was clueless about the Triple Goddess and the Horned God, but seeing as how both it and the skeleton had some resemblance in terms of being something like undead, maybe it knew a thing.

“Are you her ex? Casual hookup?” asked Nisha loudly. These were the important, helpful questions that would crack open this mysterious intruder and spill the beans on his plans. Her smile was smacked from her face as she caught a sharp glance from Ezra. Under her breath, so she would avoid being hit by another piercing stare, she muttered, “You two do a lotta boning?”

"God, you're really weird...", Ray shook his head at Nisha. "You should go back to horny jail..."
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