Avatar of The Man Emperor


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Current Ay, mariposas, don’t you hold on too tight; both of you know It’s your time to go~
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3 yrs ago
Ay, mariposas, don’t you hold on too tight; both of you know It’s your time to go~
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I hate dice. I refuse to elaborate as to why.
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Name: Doruva Al’Kays-Aoshen (goes by Drayven Arken when shapeshifted)

Age: 96

Species: Kanarusian

Physical Description:

In his original form, Doruva is 10 feet long and five feet tall.

When shapeshifted into a human, he takes on the form of a blond man with golden eyes. He is 5’11”, and has a strong build to reflect the strength he has in his original form.

When turned into the humanoid form of his race, he usually prefers to take on purple scales, retaining the golden eyes that his human form has. He has wings in this form, though it seems that he can’t fly with them.


Important items:
- Omni-Tool
- Diary: Contains his notes. Don't touch it without permission. It's booby trapped.
- Money: Doruva has 500,000 credits, perhaps loaned by the House of Aoshen itself…
- Dragon's Breath Whiskey: If an ordinary human tried to drink it, they would die from alcohol poisoning.

- Stormclaw Gauntlets; a pair of gauntlets each outfitted with three retractable metal claws that crackle with electricity drawn from Doruva's magic. The gauntlets could be launched to act as grappling hooks to grab onto a target within twenty feet. It is highly effective against unarmored enemies.
- Equalizer Submachine Guns: A pair of fully automatic submachine guns (akin to the ancient Uzis of old Terra). They fire bolts of plasma, and their batteries are rechargeable.

Spell List:

Shapeshifting (Change): Doruva can shapeshift into any creature with equal or less mass than his original form. He cannot turn into something that is naturally magical, such as a Kaisoken or Zvevd.

Lightning Spike (World): Doruva can either breath out a stream of lightning (original form), or shoot it out of his hands (humanoid form). The strength and damage of the attack varies from a slight tickle into a destructive blast akin to an actual lightning strike, which scales with energy consumption.

Electromagnetic Pulse Burst (World): Doruva releases an electromagnetic pulse burst in a radius of 20 feet, damaging/disabling electronics within that area.

Lightning Mimicry (World/Change): Turns into a watermelon ball sized ball of electricity for up to five seconds at a time, shocking entities that get too close and avoiding non-magical attacks in that state. In this form, Doruva cannot move, and can be used every two minutes.

Electric Channeling (World): Doruva is able to absorb and harness electricity from outside sources, up to 2 megawatts.

Heart of the Tempest (World): Nurtures a ball of magic over twenty seconds, which upon activation is released into the sky and forms a storm 100 meters in diameter that drenches the area and reduces visibility. This spell is only usable on planetary environments with high levels of humidity. Unusable in any form that is not his original.

Character Traits:
Warrior of House Aoshen:Doruva is a skilled fighter, capable of fighting in any one of the three primary forms he takes. He has spent decades honing his magic, and decades more on his skills.


Short Bio: Doruva hails from the Kanarusian House of Aoshen, the second most powerful of the factions within the Kanarusian Confederacy. He comes from a world of unspoiled natural beauty, at least until looks unto the seas and gazes upon the sprawling floating settlements that his kind had built.

Details are scant, as the Kanarusians had always been a secretive race, even from each other. However, is it known that ever since he started manifesting magic in his twenties, Doruva had been one of the more talented of the Kanarusian sorcerers, honing his magical skills for decades before the war against the Ascendancy. At an age of 60, Doruva was powerful enough to form a swirling storm, a hallmark of magical power for the Sahrkosi, who were well renowned for their mastery over the elements of lightning and water by their neighbours, such as the Five Feldraken Houses and the Kaisoken, who were fellow magical groups. Doruva himself would be a cloistered scholar for most of his life, occasionally inserting himself into the nations of other races with the aid of his shapeshifting in order to gather intelligence for his House. He had gone to numerous places and worlds, seen many deaths and births. He had friends in both low and high places, though only a few know of his true heritage.

Things become more interesting at the onset of the war against the Ascendancy. The Ascendancy and the Coalition went to war, unleashing a conflict unlike any other. At first, the Confederacy, being self absorbed, did not join, until several Houses joined with the Coalition out of fear of human encroachment. They would soon endure the consequences, with House Salakar being destroyed by the Ascendancy, every last scion and lord being felled by the human forces. This sparked the rest of the Confederacy to join in with vengeance in mind.

And there comes Doruva Al’Kays Aoshen, a warrior and scholar of House Aoshen. He was sent into war alongside the rest of the Coalition, fighting in several engagements as well as infiltrating the human forces. To his surprise, his last cover operation was thwarted by magical human children, who ended up wiping out most of Doruva’s team. Despite being nearly killed by them, he was intrigued at the ingenuity and lack of ethics that the humans displayed, injecting Kaisoken dust into children of all people.

Doruva survived the war, and after the truce, he’ll return home… only for the Lords of Aoshen to tell him to go to a certain rebellion, and aid them with the blessing of the Confederacy behind him...

Theme Song: Theme
Name: Doruva Al’Kays-Aoshen (goes by Drayven Arken when shapeshifted)

Age: 96

Species: Kanarusian

Physical Description:

In his original form, Doruva is 10 feet long and five feet tall.

When shapeshifted into a human, he takes on the form of a blond man with golden eyes. He is 5’11”, and has a strong build to reflect the strength he has in his original form.

When turned into the humanoid form of his race, he usually prefers to take on purple scales, retaining the golden eyes that his human form has. He has wings in this form, though it seems that he can’t fly with them.


Important items:
- Omni-Tool
- Diary: Contains his notes. Don't touch it without permission. It's booby trapped.
- Money: Doruva has 500,000 credits, perhaps loaned by the House of Aoshen itself…
- Dragon's Breath Whiskey: If an ordinary human tried to drink it, they would die from alcohol poisoning.

- Stormclaw Gauntlets; a pair of gauntlets each outfitted with three retractable metal claws that crackle with electricity drawn from Doruva's magic. The gauntlets could be launched to act as grappling hooks to grab onto a target within twenty feet. It is highly effective against unarmored enemies.
- Equalizer Submachine Guns: A pair of fully automatic submachine guns (akin to the ancient Uzis of old Terra). They fire bolts of plasma, and their batteries are rechargeable.

Spell List:

Shapeshifting (Change): Doruva can shapeshift into any creature with equal or less mass than his original form. He cannot turn into something that is naturally magical, such as a Kaisoken or Zvevd.

Lightning Spike (World): Doruva can either breath out a stream of lightning (original form), or shoot it out of his hands (humanoid form). The strength and damage of the attack varies from a slight tickle into a destructive blast akin to an actual lightning strike, which scales with energy consumption.

Electromagnetic Pulse Burst (World): Doruva releases an electromagnetic pulse burst in a radius of 20 feet, damaging/disabling electronics within that area.

Lightning Mimicry (World/Change): Turns into a watermelon ball sized ball of electricity for up to five seconds at a time, shocking entities that get too close and avoiding non-magical attacks in that state. In this form, Doruva cannot move, and can be used every two minutes.

Electric Channeling (World): Doruva is able to absorb and harness electricity from outside sources, up to 2 megawatts.

Heart of the Tempest (World): Nurtures a ball of magic over twenty seconds, which upon activation is released into the sky and forms a storm 100 meters in diameter that drenches the area and reduces visibility. This spell is only usable on planetary environments with high levels of humidity. Unusable in any form that is not his original.

Character Traits:
Warrior of House Aoshen:Doruva is a skilled fighter, capable of fighting in any one of the three primary forms he takes. He has spent decades honing his magic, and decades more on his skills.


Short Bio: Doruva hails from the Kanarusian House of Aoshen, the second most powerful of the factions within the Kanarusian Confederacy. He comes from a world of unspoiled natural beauty, at least until looks unto the seas and gazes upon the sprawling floating settlements that his kind had built.

Details are scant, as the Kanarusians had always been a secretive race, even from each other. However, is it known that ever since he started manifesting magic in his twenties, Doruva had been one of the more talented of the Kanarusian sorcerers, honing his magical skills for decades before the war against the Ascendancy. At an age of 60, Doruva was powerful enough to form a swirling storm, a hallmark of magical power for the Sahrkosi, who were well renowned for their mastery over the elements of lightning and water by their neighbours, such as the Five Feldraken Houses and the Kaisoken, who were fellow magical groups. Doruva himself would be a cloistered scholar for most of his life, occasionally inserting himself into the nations of other races with the aid of his shapeshifting in order to gather intelligence for his House. He had gone to numerous places and worlds, seen many deaths and births. He had friends in both low and high places, though only a few know of his true heritage.

Things become more interesting at the onset of the war against the Ascendancy. The Ascendancy and the Coalition went to war, unleashing a conflict unlike any other. At first, the Confederacy, being self absorbed, did not join, until several Houses joined with the Coalition out of fear of human encroachment. They would soon endure the consequences, with House Salakar being destroyed by the Ascendancy, every last scion and lord being felled by the human forces. This sparked the rest of the Confederacy to join in with vengeance in mind.

And there comes Doruva Al’Kays Aoshen, a warrior and scholar of House Aoshen. He was sent into war alongside the rest of the Coalition, fighting in several engagements as well as infiltrating the human forces. To his surprise, his last cover operation was thwarted by magical human children, who ended up wiping out most of Doruva’s team. Despite being nearly killed by them, he was intrigued at the ingenuity and lack of ethics that the humans displayed, injecting Kaisoken dust into children of all people.

Doruva survived the war, and after the truce, he’ll return home… only for the Lords of Aoshen to tell him to go to a certain rebellion, and aid them with the blessing of the Confederacy behind him...

Theme Song: Theme

Finbarr and Narvia

" F-Finny, what are you writing? I-I'm sorry for interrupting your creative process, but I need someone to talk to because I can't stop crying."

”Oh…”, Finbarr looked at her softly, his pen holding hand stopping in its tracks. ”It’s… nothing, just the script of a play that we were going to have when I was first taken away by the agents. I was the one in charge of making everyone’s lines, you see. I never managed to finish it…”

As Narvia went on, Finbarr kept listening, speaking not another word, waiting for her to complete whatever she had to say. It was as if fate had drawn them together in that room… plus she was an object of his conversion with Alan earlier.

” O-Oh yeah, what are you going to do with the 20 million galactic credits that Ashton and Flame gave us? I-I have no idea how to deal with or develop an idea that doesn’t feel like a waste. T-They were sweet in doing that.” Narvia said cutely, sad with tears going down her cheek.

”Well… first things first.” Finbarr dropped the pen and folded his arms over one another, hunching himself on the table as he gave Narvia direct eye contact. ”I’m thinking of buying land, and then investing on a business for stability’s sake. I may not be a marketing genius like those two, but I think I can do it. Somehow. And as for where… maybe I’ll get that plot in one of the sparsely populated colonies. If things go south for us in our quest… I guess I’ll get myself a place in an alien world that would be willing to accept us.”

Sighing, Finbarr continued. ”As for your other question… Happiness is something you find out for yourself. We just find out what… or who makes us happy.”

” A-A Play sounds pretty nice, Finny. If you do finish it I would like to try it.” Narvia said with interest in her eyes while still teary-eyed. Her body language was hurting a bit much.

She listened to Finbarr’s explanation on what he’ll do with the money buying land and being stable. It sounds like a really good idea compared to all the conflicting ideas she had in her mind or how she’s feeling. The alien world if things went south made her feel a bit more scared and start to shake a bit. However, it is thoughtful to stay away from the Ascendancy if things went completely bad for everyone involved.

” U-Um, Finny that is forward-thinking of you to have a backup plan if things go south. I do hope they don’t though.” Narvia said with a bit of tear going down her cheeks. She starts rubbing her arms since she feels a bit cold and wants to warm herself up.

Narvia hears Finbarr’s sigh and what he said to answer her happiness question. She starts to blush slightly because she hadn’t any idea why she would blush like she is. It was a bit embarrassing to hear it from Finny of all people. She slightly sighs since she feels like Finbarr is saying something without saying it but doesn’t know what exactly. ” F-Finny, what are you trying to say exactly? Please? I-I want to know.” Narvia said slightly embarrassed. She couldn’t tell why she’s embarrassed though but does feel like someone has been watching her from afar, doesn’t know who though. It is mostly because she had many other problems to not realize what these feelings mean deep in her heart.

”Well…” Finbarr was now getting the feeling that she was somewhat understanding the very, very subtle implication he was having in those words. ”You really want to know, eh..? Alright…”

Finbarr reached out from across the table, lightly touching her hand with his hand. ”I like you. And yes. I like you that way.”

Quickly, he fell back to his seat. ”Sorry. That must be quite sudden for me to say.”

Narvia had a look of true realization on her face when Finbarr touches her hand lightly with his hand. It made her get even redder and blush heavily in embarrassment, slightly her heartbeat races. She didn’t truly knew until now that Finbarr had a crush on her, ever since they met. ” Aww, that’s sweet of you to like me that way.” Narvia said. Her tears were still flowing but it means he loves her.

It takes her a bit until she decides to continue to speak after him saying sorry. ” Y-You shouldn’t be saying sorry. I-I should be saying sorry for ignoring these feelings in my heart…” Narvia said. It hurts, she tried to keep everyone at a distance, even if she was hurting so much as she is now.

”F-Finny… I like you that way too. It has been hard on me to even figure out these feelings but… I feel like I should stop being afraid of them and move on with my life.” Narvia said still crying. She was stopping running away from her feelings and everything else.

Narvia...” Finbarr responded. ”This is the best day of my life.” He then briskly walked around the table to get to her side. ”What are the odds… haha. Bloody hell.” He then placed his hand on her head, smiling. ”There there. It’s alright. At least we are now honest with each other. And… uh, does this mean… you and me?...”


Narvia blushes heavily with how Finbarr said her name. As well as what he responded afterward from the name, she was so embarrassed. ” I wonder if the super-geniuses knew the odds of this happening?” Narvia asked mostly hinting at Flame and Ashton mostly. She felt his hand on her head and she slightly giggles cutely and smiling in return. ” Yeah, it does mean that. I-I’m your girlfriend… now.” Narvia said cutely and emphasis on girlfriend. It was embarrassing to say but that’s like the first time she had that word on her mind.

” A-And you are m-my boyfriend, Finbarr.” Narvia said embarrassingly when she emphasized boyfriend before Finbarr. She said his full first name over saying his nickname too, which she gave him too.

”We’ll share that plot of land.” Finbarr wrapped his arms around her, slightly pressing his chin on her head. ”Though I think it's too soon to think about that far in the future, eh? We have a war to win, after all. But at the very least… Ashton and Flame are not the only lovebirds in this ship anymore. Eh?”

Narvia hears him say they will share the plot of land and it was cute to say to her. She wraps her arms around her and giggles at him cutely. It makes her happy to be with someone that always had her back. ” Yeah, a bit too far in the future. But it is happy to hear you say it though. Yes, a war that I want to win and to regain my mother and siblings. Hehe, lovebirds have increased by one is always nice when it’s between us.” Narvia said, agreeing with what Finbarr said. She cutely giggles and was happy as a bird in the sky. Always better to be with someone than no one feeling hurt all the time as she has. It was the true cause of her constantly crying in bed trying to fall asleep.

"Excellent." Finbarr nodded. "Well, with that out of the way, I think we should get going. I'm full, so I won't be sleeping for a while, yet."

Pouting, he then placed his hands on Narvia's, smirking. "You should get some rest now."

Narvia listens to Finbarr and she has a smile but some tears are still there. She cutely smiles and blushes when Finbarr places his hands on hers. It was what he said that made her realize she should get some more sleep than she had gotten. ” Y-Yeah, I should get some rest, Finbarr. I love this, it feels my heart with happiness, thank you.” Narvia said. Finbarr and her being a couple endears her heart and slowly fixes all those problems in her life, but she isn’t wanting to make a choice for her friends or her family. No one should have to make that decision. ” I hope you have a goodnight, Finbarr. Hehe, this was a wonderful conversation.” Narvia said with a sweet little smile on her face. She slowly gets up from her seat beside Finbarr and happily smiles at him. Her body language and how she moved to leave the mess hall were much better than she entered it. Her morale and her smile were recovered and Narvia waves Finbarr a good rest of his day or whatever it is.

"Scíth go maith mo ghrá." Finbarr then turned towards his own quarters, a smile etched into his face.

"Hah, I wonder what the others will think about this..."

Azariah Kravchenko

The Bone Sea

"Sure about that?...", asked quietly said to the knight who said that they will meet the Queen immediately with a tone of surprise. For such an esteemed monarch, ruling over the greatest city in all of the dead land of Deadwood, she sure didn't mind having an audience with such a scruffy, dirty, and blood stained lot. Either she was fine with facing herself with such a humble group, or she was just in a hurry to get this thing over with.

Or she's really the mad queen everyone says she is.


"... What did you all come here for? Riches, safety... but why? Down there, money is truly worthless when you get down to it."

"Well, Your Majesty...", Azariah respectfully bowed to the queen, though his short height meant that he was just making himself even tinier in the sight of the glorious queen of Exusia. "Money is still of value in the Karlezek Enclaves, the realm which I come from, but I do not intend to return to the lands below, as the Deadwood, save for this flying city of magic and perhaps my homeland, is a cesspool of endless chaos and discord. But if I were to choose between the underground dungeons of my people or this citadel in the sky, I'd rather choose to live in the one that is quite literally detached from the troubles of the world below us. And of course, the riches that were promised would be good, if I were to stay in this flying city."

He neglected to mention that he was trying to avoid responsibility back in his home land... because that would just be an embarassing detail to share. Maybe to one of these new companions to his later on, but the queen didn't need to know that.

It's too much...


Finbarr Callaghan

Alan's eyes were steeled the moment he confirmed Finnbar was still on their side. He stayed silent until the folks he didn't know that were with him took the elevator upwards. As soon as he confirmed they were out of sight, he immediately jumped towards his cells bars to get as close to the other side - and to his friend - as possible, before whispering.

"Any chance you can make some mini-portal or something to get this damn thing off?" Alan simply asked.

Finbarr smirked as Alan asked if he could use a portal of some kind to remove the magic dampening collar that was stopping Alan from simply melting the bars with his own magical abilities. Poor Alan. "Huh, don't be ridiculous.", Finbarr replied, pulling out the unignited hilt of one of his plasma blades out of his black cloak, winking at Alan as he went. "A portal won't cut through that... but this will."

The Timespace magician glanced at the black and gold hilt of his weapon. It had been a while since he had a good look at it; there were writings emblazed on the surface, and the symbol of the Celtic Cross right at the center. On a vertical pattern were these words, "Is é an bua atá againn"... meaning "Vengeance will be ours" in old Irish Gaelic. He was taught the ancient tongue by his parents back in Titan...

Finbarr brushed those memories aside, and smiled back at Alan. "Don't worry, friend. It will all be alright... remember this bad boy?", Finbarr asked, waving the hilt at him, though he did so with his back facing the camera that he spotted in the corner of the cellblock.

Finbarr then leaned closer to the cell, whispering, "Just gotta wait for the cyber lady to confirm that she has the thing we needed, then I'm busting you out. Okay?"


Once he had confirmation that Laurey had the Realist and their mission accomplished, Finbarr would ignite the blade, and with one swift motion, slash the bars unto two sets of halves. In that moment, he would also return to his regular appearance; a 5'8", black haired boy with a thing for black clothing. "Here." Finbarr adjusted the length of the blade to that of a knife. "Stand still, I'm taking the bloody thing off!"
Name: Kanarusii/Kanarusians

Status to Humans: The Kanarusii are members of the Alien Coalition, and as such, are considered part of the 'Alien Menace'. They're viewed as enemies of mankind, though the Kanarusii say that they merely defend themselves. On an individual level, the Kanarusii could be friendly to humans that do not provoke them, or they can be relentlessly hostile to the point of attacking humans on sight. One can never be sure.

Life expectancy: 250 solar rotations on average without augmentations; could reach up to 500 years when enhanced through technological or magical ways.

Genders: Male and Female.

Full Description:

Kanarusii are, for the lack of a better description, reminiscent of the dragons of ancient human mythology. They are a reptilian race of quadrapeds, with the front limbs of some subspecies being integrated wings like that of a bat, the others have none at all. Usually, they have a slender, sinewy frame, measuring at 7-12 feet long and 2-4 feet tall excluding the head and wings (if they have those). Kanarusii have sharp, serrated teeth, as they evolved from apex predators in their Homeworld. The entire race is instinctively capable of shapeshifting, though they are incapable of transforming into a different magical race, such as the Kaisoken or Zvevd. They most often shapeshift into a vaguely humanoid version of themselves in order to work tools and machinery.

Though the subspecies of Kanarusii are diverse, they typically fall into one of two groups; winged, or wingless. Flight capable Kanarusii, known as the Feldraken, are often wielders of pyrokinesis and aerokinesis. The wingless ones, known as the Sahrkosi, are typically electrokinetic, and hydrokinetic. They begin manifesting magic at age 20, and it usually takes decades for them to have fine tuned control over their abilities; it is noted that they are most in tune with World Magic. Usually, they're weaker than Star Marines and Kaisoken in terms of power output, but a well trained Kanarusian is still dangerous nonetheless.

Kanarusii live in a variety of environments, which has influenced the divergence of their race into different sub-species. Feldrakens live on the tops of mountains, cliffsides, and volcanoes, while the Sahrkosi inhabit the oceans, rivers, and lakes.


Type of society: The Kanarusians are a loosely united feudal confederation, divided into the Nine Houses that hold power over the systems. The Nine Houses are, respectively, Loken, Astoria, Shtarbane, Fenruss, Karadras, Targon, Aoshen, Zeran, and Vulcaria. The most powerful of the Houses are Vulcaria (a Feldraken House) and Aoshen (a Sahrkosi House), who rule over the two core systems of the Kanarusian Confederacy. Kanarus itself is ruled by the High Lords; the council to which the Houses answer.

Technological advancement: Despite appearances, Kanarusians are technologically advanced due to being uplifted by another alien race two millennia prior to current events, which most often manifests in their cybernetic augmentations; some of them are half mechanical. However, Kanarusians with cybernetics render themselves unable to shapeshift.

Miscellaneous: There are rumours that their shapeshifting allows them to have children with other races, though this has never been proven...

Azariah Kravchenko

The Bone Sea

"Not today, devil. Not today!" Azariah slashed at one of the Clansmen with his sword, cleanly cutting the man's head off even as he screamed a bellowing shriek of rage at the sight of his comrades getting a chunk of his neck torn off by the furious magishell as if it was having a hearty meal. The miniature magishell, who had slaughtered at least four of the Clansmen since the beginning of the whole scuffle with the band of Boneclansmen, using its blood soaked claws and grinding jaws filled with serrated teeth, jumping into their backs and sides like a little metal devil from hell.

As Hazel's barrier began to form out of her magic, Azariah held out a hand for his little metallic pet to come forward, whispering commands to it in Karlezekian. "Ah, my love, what can I ever do without you and your equally bloodthirsty sister?" Even though the thing didn't even have nerves to feel being touched with, it responded to its master's caressing of its head, as if it could actually feel anything despite being no more than an empty shell animated with magic and given a silent, animalistic sentience.

In yet another display of his... bond with the machine of death and slaughter, he kept speaking to it, even as the circle of flames engulfed their surroundings before they were finally, finally teleported to the floating city of Exusia. "Yes, yes, I know, Blackfang, I'll clean your claws when we're done. Ah- no, you can't eat, you literally can't..."


When the Exusians finally brought the party up to Exusia, Azariah was... amazed. Exusia was far beyond what he had imagined; the only thing he could think of that might equal its current splendor would be the old capital of Gran Karlezen, which had been abandoned by what few inhabitants it still had after the Cataclysm. But... This... It was literally heaven. Karlezek holds were claustrophobic due to being underground, but the glory of Exusia, with all its magic and wealth, was still something greater.

Magic, especially. Azariah looked over at the runes that lined the... street? Magic circle they were in, some which he understood, some which he did not.

The Exusians were still quite adamant about them giving up anything that might be used to harm the Queen... though the Goliath and the Xsus... Ji- whatever the insect was called were probably just as dangerous without weapons. Oh well.

"We did say that we accepted these terms earlier, so it's only fair." No it's not. He let the still bloodstained magishell land on the ground, speaking an incantation that 'put it to sleep'. "Careful with the magishell, folks." Azariah motioned at his walking death pet while locking eyes at at least two of the guards. "It's one of a kind."
Eleazar Nikolavich Diaz-Sapohznik

Eleazar could only chuckle at Christian's succint appreciation of the grilled meats that he and Spike had been cooking up in the party. They were the best grillers in all of Rosefell, and for good reason. "Why, I learned from the best." Eleazar winked in response, sniffing at the barbeque as he did. He was, if anyone knew about it, referring to his father, who was a token dad that liked to grilled in the backyard every week. Those in Rosefell that had been to his house would know the smell of barbeque wafting through the air as his ever so hospitable Pops cooked up a meal for visitors-

"Alessia, bloody hell damn it, you took all the ketchup?" Eleazar sighed, looking over towards his sister, who had a mischievous smirk on her face. Christian had ketchup and mustard and all the other condiments provided, but he hadn't noticed that the bottled he had been using to apply the red tomato paste had suddenly disappeared.

"You got me." Alessia promptly returned the ones she took so stealthily. "I was just borrowing for a moment, though."

Of course you are, you just want to troll me that much...

"Anyway, where were we?" Eleazar flipped a burger patty, letting it simmer over the heat of the grill. Then Cade came over and asked Spike for a burger with, quote, 'everything'. What did he mean, anyway? Was the burgee going to have a patty, hotdog, sausage, and steak all inside?"All kinds of meat or all kinds of condiments or both?" Eleazar simply asked, making a burger for the Liberty guy that Cade just blew smoke on. "Because if that's the case... Spikey here might have a hard time making it, you know, fit."

Grisha Blackmore


Grisha, sadly, was not truly fond of parties; at least not of this variety. For one, drugs, alcohol, and more drugs flowed like rivers from the mountains; were he be caught by his parents mingling with such seemingly unsavory characters, he was in for a long lecture about the dangers of narcotics and alcoholism... which would last up to two hours at a time. And there'd be the two of them, right there, lecturing the same things over and over again...

"I'm going to enjoy this." Grisha told this to himself, convincing his stubborn mind to be put on the path of trying to get to know who their new schoolmates are going to be.

Speaking of which... Rosefell... A school for the less fortunate folk of society. Not that he discriminates... It's just that those tended to be where the 'bad apples' collect; nevermind those rich kids in Liberty that don't attend a single class and still pass because their parents are filthy rich. He just hopes that he'll meet some good people now-

Cough. Some scruffy bastard literally just blew smoke on his face. SMOKE. And FACE. In his book of life, those things must never come together under any circumstances. Geisha visibly winced and waved away the smoke with his hand, annoyed at the stench of... what is this? Is this weed smoke or tobacco smoke? Definitely tobacco. Weed was tolerable. This? Absolutely not.

It took everything he had not to go on to tell the guy not to blow smoke on people's faces; for all he knew, this could devolve into a brawl or something, and that is not something good for a get to know party. Instead, he pretended to ignore the smoke that just got blown on his face, and approached the grill, quietly asking for a sausage. Luckily, Christian and Ty were there for him to talk with... and then there were the boys from Rosefell, who were grilling on the grill.

"Hello, Chris. Hello, Ty. And hello to... you. You guys seem to already know each other. Bother to introduce me to this master grillers, Chris, Ty? Mmm?"

Azariah Kravchenko

The Bone Sea

"The little white one is their master! End him!"

In a matter of seconds, the young adventurer had made himself a target as several clansmen shifted their bloodlust towards the boy, throwing bone, stone and bronze-tipped implements alike alike from a greater distance.

Azariah being such a small lad, was a rather difficult target to pinpoint, but in these cramped conditions, the accuracy of the Clansmens' javelins would be somewhat greater than, say, the open field or the desert dunes. He had managed to hear the angry proclamation of the one that looked like a leader of the Clansmen; a rather tall man adorned by numerous bone implements hanging all over his clothes. Azariah would have thought that this person was a shaman or a witch doctor of some kind, but the hatred of the Clansmen towards magic lent that notion little credence. He could be merely a warrior of greater skill than the rest.

Azariah ducked, taking hold of the clansman that his mechanical minion had murderded with such chill precision a few moments earlier, hoisting the wet, bloody corpse as a makeshift human shield to protect himself from the incoming projectiles. These were not steel tipped spears, and as such, would not be so good at penetrating a human body and then another behind it, as they wouldn't be as heavy. It wasn't like these were paragons of forging and smithing anyway; they were crude implements that barbarian tribes in a desert cobbled together. One of the bronze tipped javelins, however, narrowly struck his hand, instead grazing his sleeve to leave a small cut. The wound stung, but he was not in mortal danger; at least not yet. With the attention of the clansmen directed towards him, it won't be long before more of them decide to throw spears at him, and that would a terrible thing, as there weren't so many corpses at hand to use as shields.

The rest of the Bonesclanmen were surrounding her, and she didn't know who was gonna attack first. They probably saw her display of raw strength and are... hesitant. However, it wouldn't be long before they realize that they had the number advantage. The first thing that came to mind was never show any hesitation or fear or else it would be suicide (as she learned from the arena).

Not keen on losing someone he had just met, Azariah threw the magishell towards one of the clansmen, a ball of steel and death careening towards the Clansman like a star crossed meteor. It struck him at the face, a pair of claws quite literally ripping his head into several bloody, still pulsating pieces of brain matter and bone. The slaughtered clansman fell backwards, his head rendered practically nonexistent. It was really gross.

The magishell would, at Azariah's command, spring towards the next clansman, blood stained claws and teeth bared. It was hungry for death and destruction, and the clansmen served as objects of its silent wrath.

"You good?" Azariah drew his sword, though he still winced from the cut in his arm. "By the Maker, how many of them are here?!"

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